~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I think I feel sick this morning! Trying not to get my hopes up though.
Scan day tomorrow and I'm soo scared! :(
Eta; just puked!!!

Keeping everything crossed for you :flower:!
All I want to do is nap...which is a problem since I just woke up.

My friend is a month ahead of me and said she's feeling great... better every day. That gives me hope.
Mummyclo - Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad you're feeling sick!! It's all good signs! :happydance:

I really really really want to wear my baby as well, and I'm also open to cloth diapers - I just want to try everything and see how we get on with it, you know? I just like the idea of a sling so I can keep baby close and get on about the house with chores and such. And the idea of just stepping out without having to setup a stroller and stuff is really appealing too.

When it comes to cloth diapers, I think someone in my area advertised a service for cleaning and returning them, so OH and I were discussing that if it worked out costing around the same, maybe we'd consider that instead of disposables if it's better for baby? (less chemicals etc?)

Speaking of strollers, has anyone thought about what kind they're thinking about getting?

ilovehim - Sorry you're still feeling rough. :(

Still no real morning sickness for me but I do feel a tiny bit queasy when I wake up sometimes, usually eating fixes it. Could I have maybe passed the stage where you develop morning sickness or can you develop it later on too? :shrug:
I think I feel sick this morning! Trying not to get my hopes up though.
Scan day tomorrow and I'm soo scared! :(
Eta; just puked!!!

hey i hope that all goes well today!! fingers crossed for you as well:)
im with*WHIG* on this one im glad ur sick too it could be a very good sign:thumbup: may god bless you today and be with you all the way<3:hugs:
hey ladies,
im back from running everywhere they need to go this morning & so glad that im finally feeling better:-D but im not gonna lie feeling sick does make me feel alot better just knowing that baby is there,its just crazy because with my son i only got headachs i was NEVER sick!! ANYONE getting headachs?!

Im going to look up the baby wraps everyone is talking about for sure they sound better then the one i have with all the belt buckles & straps!!:) and plus i do like the ideal with baby being so close.
Im hoping to maybe bond better with baby that way as i can not BF due to my Meds:-(
it suck because i tried to BF with my son but i just wasnt getting NO MILK i even tried to PUMP but nothing was coming out:-/ I didn't even LEAK at all?!!? has that ever happen to anyone?!?!

JJs-i really hope ur DS is feeling better today and makes it to school! wouldnt want him missing out on his pizza party:dance:
also i think 143 bumps is very exciting as well i think its great that we all can go threw this together share are u/s pics our bumps and finally our baby pictures:) just think ladies in just a few more months we will all be finding out what we are having naming our babys getting bellys and then our little JOYS will finally be here YAY i can not wait to see all the new little babys and see how many of us stay near our due dates!!!! ive never had nothing like this with my son and i love it i love the support and i think all of you ladies are GREAT and love learning about new things<3
Mummyclo - Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad you're feeling sick!! It's all good signs! :happydance:

I really really really want to wear my baby as well, and I'm also open to cloth diapers - I just want to try everything and see how we get on with it, you know? I just like the idea of a sling so I can keep baby close and get on about the house with chores and such. And the idea of just stepping out without having to setup a stroller and stuff is really appealing too.

When it comes to cloth diapers, I think someone in my area advertised a service for cleaning and returning them, so OH and I were discussing that if it worked out costing around the same, maybe we'd consider that instead of disposables if it's better for baby? (less chemicals etc?)

Speaking of strollers, has anyone thought about what kind they're thinking about getting?

ilovehim - Sorry you're still feeling rough. :(

Still no real morning sickness for me but I do feel a tiny bit queasy when I wake up sometimes, usually eating fixes it. Could I have maybe passed the stage where you develop morning sickness or can you develop it later on too? :shrug:

like i was saying i never had this with my son so maybe this will be my little girl hehe!
it's crazy because my friend had told me i was pregnant even before i got my :bfp: and this morning when i was talking to her she was telling me she thinks its gonna be a girl so fingers crossed she right:)
mmmm let see idk if u can still get morning sickness?!?! maybe u got lucky and it just passed by for you:winkwink:
how ru doing today?!
:( DS came in and told me he has had liquid poo 5 times today. He then said his tummy hurts so I asked him where and I walked with him into the bathroom to take his temperature. It was normal. So I called my mom to see what her thoughts were and she said to give him some 7up or pediasure. My son rarely and I mean very rarely gets sick so I have no idea what to do sometimes and have to ask momma for help. LOL! So I just happened to have a pediasure sample I got from Sam's Club. He took one little sip of it and luckily we were by the toilet. He lost it all. :( I found some 7up in the closet so tried to flatten it a bit and he took a couple drinks and complained his tummy still hurt some. I sat with him on the bathtub edge and he said he was falling asleep so I put a trashcan in his room and told him if he can't make it to the bathroom to use the trash can. He was passed out in his bed in less that 5 mins! I hope he can make it to school tomorrow! He wants to join in on the pizza party for perfect attendance but he has to be there this whole week to qualify!

Awww... I'm sorry your little guy isn't feeling good today. I hope he can make it to his pizza party! Hope your appointment goes well today! I'm shocked to see someone who lives so close to me on here. :eek: I'm outside of Corydon and only about 35 minutes from New Albany! :haha:

I think I feel sick this morning! Trying not to get my hopes up though.
Scan day tomorrow and I'm soo scared! :(
Eta; just puked!!!

Oooh... I hope that's the hormones kicking in with a force... Good luck at your scan tomorrow!

hey everyone,
well its 5am in the morning here:-/been up since 4:30am!! im just not feeling good at all,i mean i gotta get up early any*ways but not this early:-(.
Im so ready for this MS to be OVER WITH!!! I reach 8weeks yesterday "YAY" and was hoping i'd be one of the lucky ones were it stop around then?!!? but i guess that's just not happen for me:wacko:.
However Im really thinking maybe it could be a tummy bug?!?! because now DS don't feel good either! He was throwing up saturday & poop all over himself last night 2's,I feel so sorry for him but he is still bouncing around all over the place.
He LOVES listen to Katey Perry & dancing to her lol and let me tell you he got some good MOVES<3 I just em also hoping he ok to go to school today too because DH back from hunting YAY he came back last night and i just wanna be the baby today.
Get to LAY in bed and be taken care of but if my moo moo got's to stay home then he can snuggle in bed with me and DH can just take care of both of us:)

Well hope everyone has a good day i'll be back shorty<3

I know how you feel ilovehim, I woke up around 2:15am to go pee and I tossed a turned... Finally I got up and read for a while before finally going backto sleep around 5am! These middle of the night insomnia attacks are killing me! :dohh:
Mummyclo - will be thinking of you tomorrow! I really hope everything goes well xx
I was looking at Becco carriers tonight, apparently they front and back wear while being good on the hips and legs, which is always a main priority. Anyone know much about them? Just don't know the pros and cons over ergo, Becco and Boba. Seems like everyone will say something conflicting and I can't decide! I want to use that for my toddler and a front carry for this baby. It seemed like Ergo doesn't have much of a supportive back to it, which I want, but I may have only saw that one style in real life. I wish stores carried a selection of them to see in person

The only differences are slight - difference in straps, waistband etc. I'm not sure if you have them there but we have sling libraries here - in fact I run Sling Library Northern Ireland - where we loan out carriers so you can try them to see what suits - if you look on thebabywearer.com you might find a group local to you, I know there's a Central NYC group but not sure if/when/where it meets.

I think I feel sick this morning! Trying not to get my hopes up though.
Scan day tomorrow and I'm soo scared! :(
Eta; just puked!!!

Never been so happy for someone to puke!!!

As for carriers...I loved my mothercare carrier but found by the time DD was about 5mths old she was waaaay too heavy for me to carry in it. She has always been a bit of a giant baby.

Mothercare carriers like most highstreet carriers are really only comfortable [from what I've heard] for up to about 5-6mo before the wearer finds it uncomfortable but there are plenty of buckle carriers which are suitable from birth, can be used on front, back and hip and ARE ergonomically made to support the baby and wearer in the optimum position for the spine and hips. Check out the Manduca for example :)

I used a moby wrap in the beginning and loved it, and just a few months ago made myself a mei tai wrap. LOVE it!! Its so comfortable I can even wrap up my 5yo that weighs 35lbs up in it, I dont do it often though cause I dont weigh enough for him to not through me over but its he likes to do it on occassion. My 18mo loves to be wrapped, i've been wearing him since we came home from the hospital, its SO much easier to get things done especially when they are big enough to ride on your back. I've not heard of tandem wearing though? how is that achieved?? I hate pushing strollers, and considering my youngest will only be just over 2 when this LO is born it'd be great to carry both!

just be careful of the "crotch dangler" carriers as those can be unhealthy for your baby.

Crotch dangler isn't exactly the nicest term, I tend to call them highstreet carriers or mainstream carriers as it can be offensive to people and put them off babywearing entirely!! Tandem wearing is just wearing 2 kids at once, not a very attractive picture of me but this is my 2 in a wrap each:


Lots of people tandem using different wraps though, like a buckle carrier on back for an older child and then a wrap on front, or mei tai on back and front etc etc so there's lots of options.

I am very intrigued by baby wearing.....i'll definitely be getting a baby bjorn carrier as I love them, was looking after my friends baby recently and wore him all round town in one - very cool. But I am also interested in back carrying when baby is a little older so will get a different style for this. Can't wait !! :)

The baby bjorn are not great carriers for the long term, if it's a buckle carrier you're interested in you'd be better with and ergo or manduca :) They are both very popular buckle carriers and support the baby in the optimum position which means carrying for you will be more comfortable also :)

I'm wanting to wear this baby, having 2 under 2 I really don't think I will get a double stroller! I have one so I can push one wear one.
Does anyone recommend a good wrap or baby wearer?

Depends what kind of carrier you want? There are LOTS of slings, and something for everyone really!! There are Sling Libraries across the Uk where you can go and try carriers and be shown how to use them correctly. I think there are also groups in the USA but I'm unfamiliar with where/what etc.
:( DS came in and told me he has had liquid poo 5 times today. He then said his tummy hurts so I asked him where and I walked with him into the bathroom to take his temperature. It was normal. So I called my mom to see what her thoughts were and she said to give him some 7up or pediasure. My son rarely and I mean very rarely gets sick so I have no idea what to do sometimes and have to ask momma for help. LOL! So I just happened to have a pediasure sample I got from Sam's Club. He took one little sip of it and luckily we were by the toilet. He lost it all. :( I found some 7up in the closet so tried to flatten it a bit and he took a couple drinks and complained his tummy still hurt some. I sat with him on the bathtub edge and he said he was falling asleep so I put a trashcan in his room and told him if he can't make it to the bathroom to use the trash can. He was passed out in his bed in less that 5 mins! I hope he can make it to school tomorrow! He wants to join in on the pizza party for perfect attendance but he has to be there this whole week to qualify!

Awww... I'm sorry your little guy isn't feeling good today. I hope he can make it to his pizza party! Hope your appointment goes well today! I'm shocked to see someone who lives so close to me on here. :eek: I'm outside of Corydon and only about 35 minutes from New Albany! :haha:

I think I feel sick this morning! Trying not to get my hopes up though.
Scan day tomorrow and I'm soo scared! :(
Eta; just puked!!!

Oooh... I hope that's the hormones kicking in with a force... Good luck at your scan tomorrow!

hey everyone,
well its 5am in the morning here:-/been up since 4:30am!! im just not feeling good at all,i mean i gotta get up early any*ways but not this early:-(.
Im so ready for this MS to be OVER WITH!!! I reach 8weeks yesterday "YAY" and was hoping i'd be one of the lucky ones were it stop around then?!!? but i guess that's just not happen for me:wacko:.
However Im really thinking maybe it could be a tummy bug?!?! because now DS don't feel good either! He was throwing up saturday & poop all over himself last night 2's,I feel so sorry for him but he is still bouncing around all over the place.
He LOVES listen to Katey Perry & dancing to her lol and let me tell you he got some good MOVES<3 I just em also hoping he ok to go to school today too because DH back from hunting YAY he came back last night and i just wanna be the baby today.
Get to LAY in bed and be taken care of but if my moo moo got's to stay home then he can snuggle in bed with me and DH can just take care of both of us:)

Well hope everyone has a good day i'll be back shorty<3

I know how you feel ilovehim, I woke up around 2:15am to go pee and I tossed a turned... Finally I got up and read for a while before finally going backto sleep around 5am! These middle of the night insomnia attacks are killing me! :dohh:

yes it sucks i know!! i must wake up a million times to pee or because i just cant sleep:-( its mostly because im feeling sick all of the time..i actually just ate some orange slices and they help alot
Having a panic... the cb digi with conception indicator has been saying 3+ for the last 2 days and I just did one now and it said 2-3....
I was looking at Becco carriers tonight, apparently they front and back wear while being good on the hips and legs, which is always a main priority. Anyone know much about them? Just don't know the pros and cons over ergo, Becco and Boba. Seems like everyone will say something conflicting and I can't decide! I want to use that for my toddler and a front carry for this baby. It seemed like Ergo doesn't have much of a supportive back to it, which I want, but I may have only saw that one style in real life. I wish stores carried a selection of them to see in person

The only differences are slight - difference in straps, waistband etc. I'm not sure if you have them there but we have sling libraries here - in fact I run Sling Library Northern Ireland - where we loan out carriers so you can try them to see what suits - if you look on thebabywearer.com you might find a group local to you, I know there's a Central NYC group but not sure if/when/where it meets.

I think I feel sick this morning! Trying not to get my hopes up though.
Scan day tomorrow and I'm soo scared! :(
Eta; just puked!!!

Never been so happy for someone to puke!!!

As for carriers...I loved my mothercare carrier but found by the time DD was about 5mths old she was waaaay too heavy for me to carry in it. She has always been a bit of a giant baby.

Mothercare carriers like most highstreet carriers are really only comfortable [from what I've heard] for up to about 5-6mo before the wearer finds it uncomfortable but there are plenty of buckle carriers which are suitable from birth, can be used on front, back and hip and ARE ergonomically made to support the baby and wearer in the optimum position for the spine and hips. Check out the Manduca for example :)

I used a moby wrap in the beginning and loved it, and just a few months ago made myself a mei tai wrap. LOVE it!! Its so comfortable I can even wrap up my 5yo that weighs 35lbs up in it, I dont do it often though cause I dont weigh enough for him to not through me over but its he likes to do it on occassion. My 18mo loves to be wrapped, i've been wearing him since we came home from the hospital, its SO much easier to get things done especially when they are big enough to ride on your back. I've not heard of tandem wearing though? how is that achieved?? I hate pushing strollers, and considering my youngest will only be just over 2 when this LO is born it'd be great to carry both!

just be careful of the "crotch dangler" carriers as those can be unhealthy for your baby.

Crotch dangler isn't exactly the nicest term, I tend to call them highstreet carriers or mainstream carriers as it can be offensive to people and put them off babywearing entirely!! Tandem wearing is just wearing 2 kids at once, not a very attractive picture of me but this is my 2 in a wrap each:


Lots of people tandem using different wraps though, like a buckle carrier on back for an older child and then a wrap on front, or mei tai on back and front etc etc so there's lots of options.

I am very intrigued by baby wearing.....i'll definitely be getting a baby bjorn carrier as I love them, was looking after my friends baby recently and wore him all round town in one - very cool. But I am also interested in back carrying when baby is a little older so will get a different style for this. Can't wait !! :)

The baby bjorn are not great carriers for the long term, if it's a buckle carrier you're interested in you'd be better with and ergo or manduca :) They are both very popular buckle carriers and support the baby in the optimum position which means carrying for you will be more comfortable also :)

I'm wanting to wear this baby, having 2 under 2 I really don't think I will get a double stroller! I have one so I can push one wear one.
Does anyone recommend a good wrap or baby wearer?

Depends what kind of carrier you want? There are LOTS of slings, and something for everyone really!! There are Sling Libraries across the Uk where you can go and try carriers and be shown how to use them correctly. I think there are also groups in the USA but I'm unfamiliar with where/what etc.

oh wow lol that looks like alot of extra weight with those two strap on you!! but i think it looks really cool and what cute kids you have:)
i remember i was at walmart once and this ladie had her baby in her POCKET BOOK now that was like WTF
Having a panic... the cb digi with conception indicator has been saying 3+ for the last 2 days and I just did one now and it said 2-3....

Noooo... STOP TESTING!! It can vary so much, on pee dilution, time, how much you've eaten/drank.
It's probably nothing to worry about x
Eta: you've lost so much weight!?
Yes put down the tests!!! I have heard those cb aren't always accurate with the date anyway.
Mummyclo thinking good thoughts for you!
Well my first scan is in an hour. I hope it goes well but I'm scared to death. I was really badly treated by an us tech so I'm deathly afraid of it. My symptoms came back alot so i hope that is good
Yes put down the tests!!! I have heard those cb aren't always accurate with the date anyway.
Mummyclo thinking good thoughts for you!
Well my first scan is in an hour. I hope it goes well but I'm scared to death. I was really badly treated by an us tech so I'm deathly afraid of it. My symptoms came back alot so i hope that is good

Good luck!! Let us know how it goes. Xx
donna& mummyclo- wishing u both the very best of luck with ur scans today please make sure u both update us all asap may god bless both of u and ur beans! fingers crossed that all is well with both of your beans and that ur teachs arent JERKS like mine was:wacko: hopefully u both will have nice u/s pic to show us best of luck ladies! AND I AGREE with both of you *Aaisrie* STOP TESTING!!!!!! i wouldnt trust a digital test to tell me how far along im either,it just doesnt sound right?!?! em i right!!!
you have your scan soon right?! did u set up a date yet???? good luck claim down
Well I have my first scan in 1hr and a half. YAY soo excited to see the little monster. Sadly DH can't come, he has to watch the other two. :( Also not looking forward to REALLY having to Pee while they push on your tummy.
had another scan yesterday, 2 weeks after my last one, i was 7 weeks 6 days and baby is doing brilliantly. Had a strong heartbeat, was moving around which was amazing to see, the women ask if i had had any fizzy as i hadn't she thinks in a few more week i'm going to have one very active baby :)
It moved one time and you could see it's little arms and legs beginning to develop.

It's made everything seem so much more real now, and made all the sickness completely worth it :)

Hi all got my dating scan appointing through today :happydance: 17th Dec at 8:20am and a consultant appointment after.

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