~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

im so tired right now i need a nap but everytime i lay down my phone rings or something wakes me up like having to pee "ugh" its driving me nuts lol i sometimes wish this was my first pregnancy so that i wouldnt have to worry about any others sleep all day long not have to worry about nothing:) ahhh to take a shower without someone knocking to use the bathroom would be so nice?! em i right those of u with kids already?!!?

donna- so glad ur bean is doing great<3

becca- ds made it to school today & is feeling so much better:) my dad actually called wanting to pick him up from school so i thought to myself SUREEEEE why not lol because once this baby comes idk when im gonna be able to get a break again.
Also im feeling so much better i ment to call my dr to see if she could call me in some more zofran because idk what id do witout it it has help me get threw days and not wind up in the hospital but will see how i feel tomorrow because i do think that maybe just maybe the MS is starting to die down some i pray to god fingers crossed!!!

lala- hope all is ok! make sure ur resting up lots and lots and also dont go off the boobs as well as *becca* mine are sore as heck one day and then not so sore or not sore at all the next pregnancy can be very confusing i never had nothing with my son just headachs.

sue- feel better:hugs:
There's a whole babywearing picture thread on here:

im so beat and its only 7:56pm lol but i did wake up early today plus went to bed early last night!! my body hurts so bad but of course dh just got home from work he ate got some lol sorri tmi and feel right asleep work boots and all on haha poor baby i was a good wifey and took them off<3
i gotta wait for my home made sweet potatoes to get done before i can go to bed *YUMMY* howver they arent for me they are for my friend she didnt have much of a thanks giving and is in kind've a pickle so since we got lots of turkey ham & other stuff left over im gonna fix her up some food in some tubbies but we ate up all the sweet potatoes and they are her fav so i told her id make some:) im such a good friend i know haha
Ilovehim- that's really sweet of you!

Today was a good day. No sickness, not much exhaustion, making amazing smelling pork chops right now and getting DD to bed.

Btw, whats everyone's names? Maybe we can use names as we get closed through pregnancy instead of just screen names. Or did that already happen? Seeing how many pages there already are, I'm late to this!
:( DS came in and told me he has had liquid poo 5 times today. He then said his tummy hurts so I asked him where and I walked with him into the bathroom to take his temperature. It was normal. So I called my mom to see what her thoughts were and she said to give him some 7up or pediasure. My son rarely and I mean very rarely gets sick so I have no idea what to do sometimes and have to ask momma for help. LOL! So I just happened to have a pediasure sample I got from Sam's Club. He took one little sip of it and luckily we were by the toilet. He lost it all. :( I found some 7up in the closet so tried to flatten it a bit and he took a couple drinks and complained his tummy still hurt some. I sat with him on the bathtub edge and he said he was falling asleep so I put a trashcan in his room and told him if he can't make it to the bathroom to use the trash can. He was passed out in his bed in less that 5 mins! I hope he can make it to school tomorrow! He wants to join in on the pizza party for perfect attendance but he has to be there this whole week to qualify!

Awww... I'm sorry your little guy isn't feeling good today. I hope he can make it to his pizza party! Hope your appointment goes well today! I'm shocked to see someone who lives so close to me on here. :eek: I'm outside of Corydon and only about 35 minutes from New Albany! :haha:

I think I feel sick this morning! Trying not to get my hopes up though.
Scan day tomorrow and I'm soo scared! :(
Eta; just puked!!!

Oooh... I hope that's the hormones kicking in with a force... Good luck at your scan tomorrow!

hey everyone,
well its 5am in the morning here:-/been up since 4:30am!! im just not feeling good at all,i mean i gotta get up early any*ways but not this early:-(.
Im so ready for this MS to be OVER WITH!!! I reach 8weeks yesterday "YAY" and was hoping i'd be one of the lucky ones were it stop around then?!!? but i guess that's just not happen for me:wacko:.
However Im really thinking maybe it could be a tummy bug?!?! because now DS don't feel good either! He was throwing up saturday & poop all over himself last night 2's,I feel so sorry for him but he is still bouncing around all over the place.
He LOVES listen to Katey Perry & dancing to her lol and let me tell you he got some good MOVES<3 I just em also hoping he ok to go to school today too because DH back from hunting YAY he came back last night and i just wanna be the baby today.
Get to LAY in bed and be taken care of but if my moo moo got's to stay home then he can snuggle in bed with me and DH can just take care of both of us:)

Well hope everyone has a good day i'll be back shorty<3

I know how you feel ilovehim, I woke up around 2:15am to go pee and I tossed a turned... Finally I got up and read for a while before finally going backto sleep around 5am! These middle of the night insomnia attacks are killing me! :dohh:

Nennakay, That is so exciting to know someone close!!! My OH is from up around Palmyra! I know that's not too far from Corydon as we used to go to the movies up there!

Hi ladies, sorry for my lag in updating this thread. I've decided, after much thought, to take a small break from BnB. I'll still stalk occationally but for the most part, I'm going to take a step back.

Would anyone be willing to take over this thread for me, and continue to update it? If so please PM me and I will contact the mods to see what we can do. Thank you so much, in advance. :friends:

Lovn, please take care of yourself!! I really hope you get your sticky bean soon and I know a few ladies expressed interest in updating the thread so you can heal with your family. :hugs:
Doc appt went well today! I had to talk to the social worker first, then the nurse practitioner did the exam and ordered my scan and lab work. They are going to test my sugar levels from the last few months somehow with my bloodwork. Sugar levels today were normal so that's great! Blood pressure was borderline. So...I have to purchase a cuff which I wanted to anyways and record my blood pressure twice a day at different times and bring it back in 2 weeks so they can decide if I need to be put on meds or not. So I go in on Thursday for my scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think I'd get one until a few more weeks but she said they can't hear the heartbeat yet because it's too early but she'll send me for a scan sometime this week so you can see it! Oh I can't wait!

I had to tell my boss today that I was pregnant because the note the lady gave me said I was there for a WIC appt which I wasn't. She was just the WIC lady and no one else was up front. So I had to explain to her that I was at my doc appt and the lady for some reason wrote WIC appt. She was like wow....of course asking if we were happy and what not. She asked if it was a secret and I told her yes until we can get our scan to verify everything is good! Even though I feel like it is. :) The nurse practitioner asked if my breasts were tender and I said yes very tender and OH agreed. LOL! She said good, that just means your hormone levels are good and what not. I saw the dietitian last and she was really good. She was happy that I have an aversion to sweets now. She told me what I needed to eat more of and I needed to eat 5-6 times a day. Told me I needed to eat more grains and to eat crackers with cheese and all that. It was a lot of stuff she wants me to eat and I'm not hungry! Oh, and I have low iron so she gave me supplements for that and have to fill a prescription.
Still feeling nauseated most days...hope it settles down in 2nd trimester.
I had a terrible time with heartburn with my first pregnancy. Hope I don't have to go through that again.:nope:

oh gosh... I remember the heartburn!! as soon as my nausea let up the heartburn kicked in. The stuff the gp prescribed actually made me gag and want to throw up! So that wasn't much help! I would wait with baited breath by the mailbox for the maalox my mom would mail me from America! At least I'm in America this time and can easily acquire it!

ilovehim - So glad he's feeling better!! I've always been anti-meds during pregnancy but this is so rough that I'll probably ask the OB about zofran when I have my appointment on Thursday. Something to get me through the day!

Aaisri - I'm in that thread! ... somewhere! lol

Sugar - yaay for a good day! My name is... erm... Becca. lol

JJsmom - sounds like a great in depth appointment!
hello again everyone, been away for a few days as this week is really rough. Still just waiting for our next scan on friday to find out what is going on. Have read everything from us being *relatively* low risk for miscarriage to it being 80% certain we will have one. It's so much to try and process, especially now husband is back at work and I'm home alone all day. My boobs are far less sore than they were (although it has not gone) but I definitely am now experiencing a good dollop of nausea along with the reflux that has plagued me since the day my period was due.

So hard to know what to do with myself whilst we wait for friday. would give anything to have my next scan sooner! so glad everyone else is having good experiences.

The boobs aren't a great indicator. Mine can ache one day and feel mostly fine the next! One day one side hurts more than the other.

I hope everything is okay! Friday feels an eternity away I'm sure!

*whispers* one if my blobs has gotten quite a bit bigger than the other. Hahahahaha. It was a wee bit bigger to start with but it's ramped up a bit now! Holding off buying new bras til both sides are too small rather than just one! lol!!
becca- im the same way!
however with my son i had to take tylenol because i was having the worst of the worst headachs/migraines but that is all that i took with my son!!
i didnt want to take anything with this baby but ive just had the worst MS ever it seems like alls i ever do is have my head in the trash can or toilet ewwww
so you havent been feeling to well either?! it does suck not feeling good and taken care of ur LO

sugarbeth-thanks i try to do as much as i can for people unless they stab me in the BACK! and even when that happens i still seem to have a big heart i just care so much:)
maybe sometimes alittle to much:-/ i got some really nice toys for the toys to tot drive we have so that kids who arent gonna have a christmas will DS even told me to put some of his toys santa got him in there i thought it was so sweet:) my little angel with horns lol btw my name is Nikki that is my real name so plz no calling me nicole is u do use my name lol i actually tried to bring that up once but idk what happen but it be nice to try again

JJ- im so glad to hear that your appointment went well today:) YAY and that u go for ur scan so0o soon try to ask for a picture to share:dance: i really want another scan!!
i think i my dr gonna send me for one on the 10th well give me the paper to book it but they have openings like the very nexts day its not hard getting a scan asap here at ALL! YAY
i think what im gonna do since im seeing my obgyn that took care of me with my son but i havent seen yet because i didnt know that my insurance would have a van pick me up & take me to my appointments:) is im gonna tell her that i couldnt get my info from the doctor that i was seeing and that i havent been for a u/s yet:) i think that sound like a good ideal just incase she doesnt wanna do another one or maybe what i'll do is go see her on the 10th & then go see the dr ive been seeing on the 13th just wanna be sure that the dr that took care of me with my son is still on point with everything inculding my meds that im on idk im just gonna tell her everything see what she says and then make up my mind from there?!?!? im so confused right now i mean i know she gonna say something about my weight like she did last time and i was only 10pds over what they say ur suppost to weigh for my height i was 185 and i was suppost to be 175 big deal!!!! but im like 20pds over weight from that now and the new doctor hasnt said nething to me about my weight and personally that just makes me feel alot better!!
u know i know what i gotta do as far as my weight goes and u know ive cut out all soda from my life for the past couple of years,however i have been drinking ginger ale because it really helping with MS ugh idk im to tried to think right now im about to turn my sweet potatoes off & hop in bed next to DH its so cold in the house tonight and idky i got the heat on...this house just never gets warm but he's like a big ol teddy bear lol he surely is hairy like one haha i think u could braid his chest hair lmao sorry tmi i just think its funni how hairy he gets for when he goes hunting<3 well goodnight all the ladies going to bed good morning to all the ladies just waking up or good afternoon to all those that might be afternoon i get mixed up with different times zone too
I'm soooo nervous :cry:
I'm up at 4.30am :( DS still sleep and my cat is head butting and licking me..... Think she can tell I'm nervous!?
Donna - so glad your scan went well.
Hope everyone else is good x
more spotting today and feeling wrecked. DD wants to run about but I banished her to the playpen...not sure how long she will last without having a breakdown. Husband is working late tonight so I will be home alone with her all day/evening....baagh!
Had a bit of brownish discharge tonight which has me worried, no cramps or anything and only there when I wipe. Is this normal or something to be freaked out about?
abagail - it is common in the fact many women get it but bleeding isnt exactly normal as in sometimes it means there could be a problem or clot somewhere best to go see a doctor if it continues...most doctors wont do much except say rest and don't lift heavy things.
Some good doctors may take blood pressure, order a blood test to check your hormones to make sure theyre rising nicely or a scan so that you can be assured the baby is ok.
Thanks Libbysmum, I'm seeing my widwife on Wed. so hopefully it doesn't get any worse before then.
Good to know Abagail...we lost our 2nd pregnancy in August. It was what they call a missed miscarriage. They found no heartbeat after the Dr sent me for a scan at 11wks and 3 days and the embryo only measured at 7wks. It was horrible thinking we thought it was alive and well for almost 5wks and the entire time it was dead and gone. Horribly heartbreaking. Definately go to the doctor if it get's heavier or you have cramping or bad headaches or other strange symptoms. For me I had no idea other that the spotting and some weight loss so it came as quite a shock. Later on we had bad cramping- really bad like contractions and the baby passed out of me. That is why I am scared every time I see a tiny bit of blood cause I don't want to have to go through all that again! Take care- put feet up and maybe avoid Sex for a week or two as that can cause spotting to occur.
Mummyclo, big hugs :hugs: what time is your appointment? Hope it's early so you can get it over.

And the poster who had their scan the day after their birthday what a fab late birthday present!! (Sorry cant remember your username).

Has anyone else not told their parents yet? I haven't and I find it really hard, I live with them aswell but we really want to wait until the first scan. Not sure how they're going to take it! :wacko: they love jack to bits but I think they will feel like they have to move out if I have another or how they will like living with a screaming newborn baby, oh well I'm sure we will sort it!
I've told my parents, sisters, aunties, cousins and grandad!

Also 3 friends, and my boss :)

I've already had one scan, which I paid for privately so I know my little bubs is all ok but on 21st Dec I will get my official due date so will announce to the world then! :)
OH hasn't told his parents yet or anyone in his family. I have told my family and my boss. I told him he has until 12 weeks to tell. But we have the scan coming up so I know we'll be able to see our LO and pray there is a heartbeat and see when I'm really due! nurse practitioner said July 2nd based on LMP but my cycles are longer and I know exactly when I ovulated. So I'm sticking with my date for right now until the scans show otherwise! Of course that could change from the 8 week mark to the 12 week mark (if they scan me again then) and even 20 weeks. I'm off to work early ladies as I missed 4 hrs of work and need to make as much of that time up that I can!!! Have a great day everyone!!

mummyclo, good luck at your scan today!! I hope you get a great pic of your little one and see the heart beating like crazy!!!! :hugs:
hey every one, cant belive how many posts there are to catch up on!!

well i have had a really stressful weekend; went down to london on friday to watch Robbie Williams at the 02, which was fab!!! was ment to have a sight seeing day on saturday, but that turned out to be different hospitals. I started bleeding really heavily and passing clots. I was convinced i was losing it. Any way St Thomas's scanned me and to my surprize it was still there with a strong heart beat!! they did find an area of bleeding behind the baby. i saw my midwife yesterday and she wants me to be signed of work untill the end of the school term (3 weeks) as i am still bleeding on and off.

i will upload a scan picture later, i am still in shock that baby is still there.
The heartbeat is 158 bpm, i read some where that anything after 140bpm points to it being a girl.

My date for my proper scan is 31st Dec, seems ages off!!

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