~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

very sorry to hear about godess and mummyclo's losses. Makes me cry thinking about it. I was an emotional wreck last night with DH working and being so scared about this little one not making it. It just brings all the memories of the last loss to the surface. DH turns out could have come home early at 8pm but chose to stay to close on of the warehouses...I was so upset at him when he finally got home at 9pm and said "I thought I would get priority over a dumb warehouse!"
This morning he made it up to me by letting me get an extra hour in bed while he took care of the DD.
wow what a day ladies what a DAY!!!!! so my mom & dad took me & DS to the dentist because Dh had to get some fill ins and my mom said if he was good she'd take him to chuck E cheese! we got to the dentist at 2:15 and didnt get seen until around almost 4pm then my mom had to come to her house and get some stuff so about 5pm we finally headed to chuck e cheese which im so glad wasnt packed full of kids because them kids can get pretty WILD there "ugh" my mom went way over what she should have spent in there then ontop of that he didnt have enough tickets to get what he wanted so my mom was going to put the money towards it but she realized it wasnt worth it so then she tell him oh well go to toys r us which really PO me off because christmas is right around the corner well she stay in the car while me and my dad spent 1 1/2 in toys r us:cry: my feet hurt so bad i was so tried and i couldnt call DH because he is on call all this week so he was still working!!!
everything my son wanted we had already got him everything,i mean idk why she wants to keep buying him all this stuff like she buying his LOVE from him:-( its starting to make me so mad but idk what to do nemore.

HOWEVER!!!! i do got good NEWS i called my doctors office up just because i got scared about there being something wrong with my u/s i had last week well she said everything was GOOD GOOD GOOD YAY they said im just early that was it but heartbeat and all was good so im happy about that:)

god- im so very very sorri about ur lost:hugs: may god bless you and your family<3

jjsmom- thanks sweetie ive never personally been threw one myself but i have lost people that ive been very close too and i just can't image losing my own child:cry: my heart really goes out to all of you whom had to go threw that.
its so sad that you get the :bfp: that some has been waiting a life time for or they get a :bfp: after going threw losing baby after baby and then they have to lose another baby:cry:!!
i know when i started to spot i got so freaking scared,i mean idk what i would have done after us lttc for 2+ years and then having to lose the baby would just of killed me:-(
its so sad but i do believe that god does have a special plan for everyone<3
you know i was watching this tv show about this couple who has went threw ivf after ivf m/c after m/c and so much more and they winded up adopting well doing something like that where they had someone else carry their baby but i mean it was so great seeing how happy they still were and that was such a blessing because there are so many people out their who cant afford none of it i thank god every single day for the blessing he gave me<3 and i hope he sending more blessing to others
Sorry for the angel babies. Hugs as there are no words that fix it. Take time to heal.

My ms has really hit this week...getting sick 3 days in a row.

Aversions are smelly dishes and greasy foods. Nothing fried or oily or cheesy appeals to me. I'm trying to snack on veggies and fruit.

Oh and our dog threw up this morning so that triggered me.
Off to bed I'm sleepy.
Sorry for the angel babies. Hugs as there are no words that fix it. Take time to heal.

My ms has really hit this week...getting sick 3 days in a row.

Aversions are smelly dishes and greasy foods. Nothing fried or oily or cheesy appeals to me. I'm trying to snack on veggies and fruit.

Oh and our dog threw up this morning so that triggered me.
Off to bed I'm sleepy.

Rest up and try not to overdo things.

Update: Been to the Doctors. He sent me off for a blood test for the hcg levels and ordered a form for a scan this afternoon. fingers crossed and lots of prayers please that all is ok there.:hugs: DH is going to come with me for support which I am so thankful for.
Sorry for the angel babies. Hugs as there are no words that fix it. Take time to heal.

My ms has really hit this week...getting sick 3 days in a row.

Aversions are smelly dishes and greasy foods. Nothing fried or oily or cheesy appeals to me. I'm trying to snack on veggies and fruit.

Oh and our dog threw up this morning so that triggered me.
Off to bed I'm sleepy.

Rest up and try not to overdo things.

Update: Been to the Doctors. He sent me off for a blood test for the hcg levels and ordered a form for a scan this afternoon. fingers crossed and lots of prayers please that all is ok there.:hugs: DH is going to come with me for support which I am so thankful for.

Sending you prayers and positive thoughts. Try to stay calm, I know it's so hard. x
Hey all, I've mostly been lurking when the screen doesn't make me want to vomit!

I'm sorry for the recent losses.

Had my first actual OB appointment today at 8+4. She told me I had a nice big uterus:blush: and then she's like...yeah you probably didn't want to hear that. She's a hoot!!!:haha:

She tried listening for bean's HB on the doppler but warned me it might not be possible as my uterus is still behind my pelvic bone, and of course after 20 minutes of searching it just didn't happen. I understand it's normal to not hear it on doppler that early, but I cried anyway. We've decided not to do multiple ultrasounds to monitor, as with it being early yet there is nothing we can do it if we lose the bean. I'm still crying now over not being able to hear it. After 7 miscarriages and one healthy Princess, I'm just a little over terrified of losing another one. Trying not to stress though (hence the banning of myself from more ultrasounds). I did agree to going in for a heartbeat check at 10 weeks though. It'll be a bit after that because OH wants to go with, and we had to wait for one of his days off to schedule. He doesn't really have any vacation time right now, as his grandmother just passed at the end of September and he took vacation out of state to spend her last week with her and deal with funeral matters and all of that not so fun stuff.
the OB took pity on me though, and I have my lovely zofran and even lovelier heart burn meds, now hopefully it will be easier to keep my progesterone and prenatals down. Trying not to worry, yet the 11th can't get here soon enough. I might sneak in earlier if I just can't handle it. OH said he would understand. I'm just trying to respect his wishes as it's his baby to.
Had an Ultrasound today- measured at 9wks so my new, new due date is now 3rd of July...I wonder what it will be next scan?
Still no clue on where the bleeding is coming from but saw a nice sized bean and a healthy heart 174bpm. Measuring at 2.28cm so getting bigger and bigger. Such a relief.:flower:
Try to add a picture.


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aww that's fab news ,ibbysmum!!

goddess so sorry hun :hugs::cry:

mvosse sorry they couldn't hear LO#s hb but like you say that'd be early to find it! in the uk they don't even try and listen in until 16wks! xx
so sorry for all the recent losses xx

as for me, I'm craving milkshake like a lunatic at the moment. Only time I've ever craved milkshake this much was when I was pg with DD so maybe this one is a girl.
It is 45*26*28mm dnt really know if that's big or small. I've stopped bleeding bright red, it's just brown yucky stuff. Glad midwife advised me not to work for a bit now. All I've done today is sleep!!!

I think that's still pretty small in the scheme of things! I've heard of some women having massive 8-10cm ones and everything being fine. Mine is 20x13x23mm and it's doing the exact same thing right now too - brown stringy gunk. :dohh: Did they advise you to be on pelvic rest?

no they didnt advise anything like that, midwife just said as long as it wasnt mega heavy or with pains then its fine. She just advised with my history of previous miscarriages to rest and as i have an active job (infant teacher) i should get signed off till the end of term.
scan picture 7 weeks 3days


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So sorry goddess. :hugs: :nope:

no they didnt advise anything like that, midwife just said as long as it wasnt mega heavy or with pains then its fine. She just advised with my history of previous miscarriages to rest and as i have an active job (infant teacher) i should get signed off till the end of term.

That sounds good to me! I've basically been told - no sex, no lifting, no standing for too long and definitely no exercise. I notice the more I put my feet up the better the bleeding is. :thumbup:

Cute scan too!
I'm feeling really low at the moment.. :nope:

Because I've been bleeding for over 5 weeks now and my body has been on constant "alert", I am finding it impossible to bond with my baby. I feel like I can't bond because I'm waiting for it to die. :nope: It's getting to the point where I wish it would be over already, that the longer it goes on the worse it's going to be... I just feel like I can't see a positive outcome. I spend most of my time trying to sleep because when I'm awake I feel like I don't want to go on and that I can't bare anymore. :cry: I've spent hours looking at miscarriage support sites, planned what we'll do when it eventually "happens".. It's like all I'm envisioning is having to lose the baby and preparing myself for it - even though every scan has gone "well"... I don't know what to do. :wacko: I just wish the bleeding would stop so I could try and be a little more positive. :nope:
I'm feeling really low at the moment.. :nope:

Because I've been bleeding for over 5 weeks now and my body has been on constant "alert", I am finding it impossible to bond with my baby. I feel like I can't bond because I'm waiting for it to die. :nope: It's getting to the point where I wish it would be over already, that the longer it goes on the worse it's going to be... I just feel like I can't see a positive outcome. I spend most of my time trying to sleep because when I'm awake I feel like I don't want to go on and that I can't bare anymore. :cry: I've spent hours looking at miscarriage support sites, planned what we'll do when it eventually "happens".. It's like all I'm envisioning is having to lose the baby and preparing myself for it - even though every scan has gone "well"... I don't know what to do. :wacko: I just wish the bleeding would stop so I could try and be a little more positive. :nope:

aww whig<3:hugs: i understand were you are coming from because you have been bleeding for so long but you know you have had all of them scans that shows that your baby is just fine "thank god"!!:winkwink:
i wouldnt worry about losing the baby and i think that you know it would be safe to bond<3
im not gonna lie i feel the same way sometimes too like i know ive only spot here and there but just because it took so long to get pregnant im just scared to death something wrong will happen:-(
i know you wish the bleeding would stop so that you could just rest better!!
my bestfriend thought she was still getting her normal period when she really was pregnant, she didnt even take a test till she was like 5-6months and that because she kept feeling something moving in her belly but she just couldnt believe that she was because she was bleeding bad clots and all but now she has a very happy and healthy 15month old:happydance:
please please please feel FREE TO PM me anytime if u need some extra support im always here to listen if u need a good listener im always here to talk if u need a good talker im here for anything you need<3
i know this is ur first baby so your extra scared but just try to relax and when u wake up in the morning put ur hands on ur belly and rub it and talk to ur lil bean say hello lil bean mommie is here for you and loves u very much! tell ur lil bean that its your lil trooper and that your gonna make it threw this and be the best DARN MOMMY EVER:hugs: just try to be around as much positive people as possible!! stay away from all the neg people and stay away from the m/c threads too the less u think about it the better ok sweetie hope u can start bonding soon and i really hope this bleeding stop for you soon!!
you know that u should get a dopplar that way when u hit around 10plus weeks u will be able to pick up the heartbeat and then every time ur feeling down in the dumps like somethings wrong pull that bad boy out and just listen to that wonderful tiny heartbeat<3
scan picture 7 weeks 3days

thank u for sharing ur scan picture it looks great:)<3

Hey all, I've mostly been lurking when the screen doesn't make me want to vomit!

I'm sorry for the recent losses.

Had my first actual OB appointment today at 8+4. She told me I had a nice big uterus:blush: and then she's like...yeah you probably didn't want to hear that. She's a hoot!!!:haha:

She tried listening for bean's HB on the doppler but warned me it might not be possible as my uterus is still behind my pelvic bone, and of course after 20 minutes of searching it just didn't happen. I understand it's normal to not hear it on doppler that early, but I cried anyway. We've decided not to do multiple ultrasounds to monitor, as with it being early yet there is nothing we can do it if we lose the bean. I'm still crying now over not being able to hear it. After 7 miscarriages and one healthy Princess, I'm just a little over terrified of losing another one. Trying not to stress though (hence the banning of myself from more ultrasounds). I did agree to going in for a heartbeat check at 10 weeks though. It'll be a bit after that because OH wants to go with, and we had to wait for one of his days off to schedule. He doesn't really have any vacation time right now, as his grandmother just passed at the end of September and he took vacation out of state to spend her last week with her and deal with funeral matters and all of that not so fun stuff.
the OB took pity on me though, and I have my lovely zofran and even lovelier heart burn meds, now hopefully it will be easier to keep my progesterone and prenatals down. Trying not to worry, yet the 11th can't get here soon enough. I might sneak in earlier if I just can't handle it. OH said he would understand. I'm just trying to respect his wishes as it's his baby to.

aww im so very sorry for the loses that you have had in the pass but my prays are with you that this will be your lucky baby #2:hugs:
it sounds like all is going well as far as your appointment goes,i know you got worried because she couldnt find heartbeat with dopplar but they normally cant until around 10plus weeks so try to just relax as much as you possibly can sweetie<3
thats good that your dr gave u some meds to help ya:winkwink: im also on zofran because without it i just can not keep nething down im so thankful for it because id probably wouldve ended uo in the hospital by now so good thing its working but my thought and prays are with you and i hope all goes and best of luck when u go get ur scan:):hugs:

Had an Ultrasound today- measured at 9wks so my new, new due date is now 3rd of July...I wonder what it will be next scan?
Still no clue on where the bleeding is coming from but saw a nice sized bean and a healthy heart 174bpm. Measuring at 2.28cm so getting bigger and bigger. Such a relief.:flower:
Try to add a picture.

wow 9weeks that is soo cool im alittle jealous lol but im not to far behind as my due date is july 8th but let hope that baby is growing in my belly i think i might go for a private scan just cause im worried!!
but im sure baby will be caughting up as all baby are different sizes!!! so happy that all is well for you:winkwink::thumbup::happydance: good luck

so sorry for all the recent losses xx

as for me, I'm craving milkshake like a lunatic at the moment. Only time I've ever craved milkshake this much was when I was pg with DD so maybe this one is a girl.

ive been craving milkshakes and ice cream as well mmm god just thinking about one is making me so hungry right now but everywhere is still serving breakfest!!! im really hoping this one is alittle girl since i already have a boy and dh said he wanted to have alittle girl too i mean he already got 2girls but he loves having girls because he like having daddys lil girls:)
((Whig)) that must be awful to feel that way. I have had a hard time bonding as well due to fear of mc. Now they said I have a very small sch so I am in terrible fear again of mc
All the new scans are beautiful <3

people on subsequent pregnancies...when did your ms start easing up? i didn't have it too bad with my sons and do believe it was completely gone by 15wks. im.dying for this phase to be over with! i read the placenta starts taking over this week or next!

also when did you feel previous LO's?! im so excited that i am getting close to being able to feel. i felt my last son at 9 1/2wks. started feeling regularly by 10 1/2 wks and my husband felt kicks with all three by 15wks. im hoping to feel the little popping feeling soon!!

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