~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

does anyone else have little ones at home and are working too?

I work 9-10hours day and go home to my 13month old daughter. I feel like I'm running on fumes!!! I don't see it getting any easier either!

Yes me! It's hard isn't it. I have a 15 month old and after a days work you just want to put your feet up. Im sooo exhausted at the moment, being pregnant and having a toddler is hard! Especially one that isn't sleeping particularly well at the moment.

What are you going to do when number 2 comes along. Will you go back to work? im undecided yet.
Evening ladies!!! I had to speak to a different GP today about my medication and he ended up referring me to the EPU!! SO I have a scan for next wednesday which is kinda freaking me out because I'll only be 6+4 so what happens if I don't see a heartbeat? Why did they book me in so early??
How is everyone else??

dont freak out when i had went to the hospital like 2weeks ago even know the teach was a BEEP and wouldnt let me see nothing the doctor came in and told me that baby measure 6weeks and had a heartbeat:) then when i went for my scan baby measure 6w 2? 3? d and had nice good heart beat just try to relax! i know i kinda freak out when i was around 5ish weeks and only seen a sac and heard nothing but you know that just means doctor will send u back asap for another scan!! good luck with you

ive been feeling really sick its really driving me nuts because im the biggest baby when it comes to being sick!! and it last just about all day long:-(
plus the dr ive been seeing didnt call in no more zofran and when i called again i just decided to change her 100% but i was gonna do that anyway because on the 10th i go see my obgyn that i seen with my son then i go the 14th to see the new obgyn.
im just not sure if im gonna be able to keep making it all the way out to see the ob im seeing on the 10th!! i just wanna be happy and feel right with my ob because the one i was seeing i just wasnt feeling her at ALLLLLLL

how ru feeling?

Anybody else having an issue with their sciatica nerve?? I've got a pain in my butt and it's so annoying! :( my pregnancy app says it's fairly common though.

sue ive been having the same thing going on! everytime i go to get up i can barely walk sometimes because of how much it hurts.
what sucks even more is i already have other back problems on top of all that :-( blah:growlmad:

becca- good luck at your scan sweetie:hugs:
I read that the more babies you have the lower they tend to sit because your muscles are not the same and that can cause problems with nerves down there. My first sat right under my boobies as I remember resting my coffee cup on her like a tray table hahahaa. It sounds very uncomfortable. Have you tried any massage to see if it helps? I prop my feet up every chance I get because I worry about getting Edema like I had with my first pregnancy. I was swollen up so bad I looked like that fat girl on Shallow Hal.
Thanks ladies! I had no idea so many of you (and other women) felt the same way.. I've been feeling so guilty for feeling this way because this is the furthest we've come in a pregnancy so far, and I feel like I'm just "wasting" it if that makes sense. :dohh: It's reassuring though, even though I wish none of us had to feel this way!

The EPU said they will scan me again if I have any more scares, but I don't want to lie and get one to need one the following week for real, if that makes sense? :dohh: Failing that I could order another one privately but I'm scared I'm becoming addicted to it. :haha:

Bring on 12/13 weeks.... NOW! :blush:
I'm feeling really low at the moment.. :nope:

Because I've been bleeding for over 5 weeks now and my body has been on constant "alert", I am finding it impossible to bond with my baby. I feel like I can't bond because I'm waiting for it to die. :nope: It's getting to the point where I wish it would be over already, that the longer it goes on the worse it's going to be... I just feel like I can't see a positive outcome. I spend most of my time trying to sleep because when I'm awake I feel like I don't want to go on and that I can't bare anymore. :cry: I've spent hours looking at miscarriage support sites, planned what we'll do when it eventually "happens".. It's like all I'm envisioning is having to lose the baby and preparing myself for it - even though every scan has gone "well"... I don't know what to do. :wacko: I just wish the bleeding would stop so I could try and be a little more positive. :nope:

I'm so sorry you are feeling like this :( I also haven't been able to even think about bonding with baby, since I'm so terrified that I'll lose this baby too (M/C at 18 weeks this summer). I'm trying to stay positive, but I just can't go through what we did last time, I don't know how I'd be able to take it. I know it doesn't help, but just know that you aren't the only one....:hugs:
Anybody else having an issue with their sciatica nerve?? I've got a pain in my butt and it's so annoying! :( my pregnancy app says it's fairly common though.

*raises hand* My husband probably thinks I'm crazy lol, now I can tell him I'm not! At least when it comes to this :haha:

Whig, I'm so sorry you feel this way. This is my first pregnancy and I haven't had any complications so honestly the thought of miscarriage hardly even crosses my mind. My mom has gone through several though and told me how hard it was to not worry. Had I gone through anything like that I'm sure it would be completely different and that is totally understandable. I hope that the bleeding stops soon so you feel better, there are a lot of ladies here pulling for you and your family! :hugs:
Evening ladies!!! I had to speak to a different GP today about my medication and he ended up referring me to the EPU!! SO I have a scan for next wednesday which is kinda freaking me out because I'll only be 6+4 so what happens if I don't see a heartbeat? Why did they book me in so early??
How is everyone else??

I had a scan yesterday and my doctor measured me at 6wks 3 days. I was able to see the heartbeat. We didn't try to listen to it but I could see it so i'm sure you'll be able to!! good luck!!!

For all those craving milkshakes...keep it up because it is good for the baby to get extra calcium. It helps them grow good enamel on their teeth. My sister has issues with her two girls teeth because she didn't get enough calcium while pregnant. The poor girls have had root canals etc and the oldest one is only 7 years old.
Congrats Alana on your scan...very precious!!
Aaisre with my 2nd pregnancy we had a scan at 6wks and 3 days and they saw a heartbeat. Good luck with your scan xo
With my first pregnancy we didnt get any scans til I was 17wks. I had not felt the baby moving at all but when we had the scan the sonographer was like HOLY COW THIS BABY IS SO ACTIVE! It was so nice to hear cause I hadn't experienced any moving at all. The sonographer said it was more than likely because my placenter was at the front so each time she moved I just had punches and kicks in my placenta and it took the brunt of all the moving so I wasn't feeling her. Later when I was over 20wks I couldn't stop feeling her kick and punch and wiggle all around. Was so obvious I wondered how I had missed earlier movements!
Becky- I too end up with our DD in our bed! Was up 3 times last night with her. I really don't want her in our bed especially now the weather is warmer she just makes me all clammy and sweaty.

the extra calcium is good but you have to be careful. i drank a lot of milk when i was pregnant with my daughter and after i had her i ended up becoming lactose intolerant because i had so much lactose during pregnancy and then stopped drinking it as much that my body quit making lactase so now i can't have milk products without getting sick :(

does anyone else have little ones at home and are working too?

I work 9-10hours day and go home to my 13month old daughter. I feel like I'm running on fumes!!! I don't see it getting any easier either!

Yes me! It's hard isn't it. I have a 15 month old and after a days work you just want to put your feet up. Im sooo exhausted at the moment, being pregnant and having a toddler is hard! Especially one that isn't sleeping particularly well at the moment.

What are you going to do when number 2 comes along. Will you go back to work? im undecided yet.

i'm lucky and my daughter has always been a great sleeper but i'm still exhausted!!!
i'm not sure if i'm going to go back yet. I don't want to but we have to figure out if we need the extra income or can make it without it. I may try to look for something closer to home though
Hey ladies! Feeling MUCH better today as I found baby's heartrate on the doppler! It averaged around 170bpm. Feel really reassured today! :happydance:
whigfield i just noticed your sig. Is the pregnancy you have now twins and you lost one or have you previously lost twins?

My doctor said she could see two sacs on the ultrasound at 6wks 3days, but only one heartbeat. She said she was pretty confident there was only one baby but i have to go check on Dec 11th to make sure.
Hey ladies! Feeling MUCH better today as I found baby's heartrate on the doppler! It averaged around 170bpm. Feel really reassured today! :happydance:

YAY WHIG!!!!!!! im so happy for you:dance::dance: i wanna go pick up a doppler myself where did u get yours?!:flower:
whigfield i just noticed your sig. Is the pregnancy you have now twins and you lost one or have you previously lost twins?

My doctor said she could see two sacs on the ultrasound at 6wks 3days, but only one heartbeat. She said she was pretty confident there was only one baby but i have to go check on Dec 11th to make sure.

They think it was identical twins, we saw two fetal poles but only one heartbeat at my 6w scan, and by my 8w scan the other twin they think had been absorbed because they couldn't find it. :flower:

We were holding onto the hope that because it was early we were really lucky to even see one heartbeat and were hoping that by the next scan we'd see both, but, it wasn't to be! However 2 sacs (non-identical?) are definitely less dangerous and it might be that one is just measuring a little behind and will catch up by your next scan? :thumbup:
wow ladies

we are really starting to move up there:) especially us that have due at the beggin of july:) we are all blue berrys or raspberrys or even green olives.

i really cant believe in just 2-3more weeks most of us will be moving into our 12weeks and i believe when u hit the 12week mark it moves you into the 2nd tri right?! im alittle unsure as its been awhile since ive been pregnant!!.

Alot of us should also be able to hear babys heartbeart on the doppler soon too:dance:
*WHIG* is 9weeks 1day & found her babys i think that is such great news and By the time I go to the doctors, I they should be able to pick up my babys on the doppler:) YAY but i was thinking about maybe renting one or picking one up myself<3
*ANYONE* else have a doppler or thinking about picking one up?!?!?
have any ideals which one would be the best to get???? i know babys r us sell them,i think i might go on the site and check out the prices but i know some site rent good ones so idk im gonna check that out too and i will be sure to share whatever i can find out:hugs:

OMG LADIES!!!!!!!!

im watching the news and they just charge this guy with killing his 7 WEEK OLD!!!
and then u know they actually put them in Protective Custody ( that is were they are put on lock up in there own ceil and cant go around none of the other inmates) which personally i think they shouldnt be on PC so that the other inmates CAN KILL THEM for what they have done sorry it just really hurts me so bad to hear about a poor child that cant help them selfs at all with these SICK SICK SICK ADULTS:cry: may god bless the little 7week old who couldnt live a nice life<3
Hey ladies! Feeling MUCH better today as I found baby's heartrate on the doppler! It averaged around 170bpm. Feel really reassured today! :happydance:

YAY WHIG!!!!!!! im so happy for you:dance::dance: i wanna go pick up a doppler myself where did u get yours?!:flower:

Thanks! :happydance:

My mom actually picked it up for us as an early christmas present (she knows how we've struggled with TTC, previous losses etc.. and is just as excited/nervous as us) but it's the Sonoline B Fetal Doppler, and she got it from Amazon. I've seen them second hand on eBay too!
whigfield i just noticed your sig. Is the pregnancy you have now twins and you lost one or have you previously lost twins?

My doctor said she could see two sacs on the ultrasound at 6wks 3days, but only one heartbeat. She said she was pretty confident there was only one baby but i have to go check on Dec 11th to make sure.

They think it was identical twins, we saw two fetal poles but only one heartbeat at my 6w scan, and by my 8w scan the other twin they think had been absorbed because they couldn't find it. :flower:

We were holding onto the hope that because it was early we were really lucky to even see one heartbeat and were hoping that by the next scan we'd see both, but, it wasn't to be! However 2 sacs (non-identical?) are definitely less dangerous and it might be that one is just measuring a little behind and will catch up by your next scan? :thumbup:

i hope that is the case for you whig but as you know with twins one is almost always smaller then the other!! so hopefully that is all thats going on and lets hope they find the other heartbeat:) you know ive heard of cases were some woman didnt even know they were having 2 until it was time to give BIRTH!!!! crazy to think that can happen right?! good luck:hugs:
@ilovehim Argh I know, it feels like it's moving soooo slow but then I look round and see us all at 8 and 9 weeks and it's like.. WTF??? :haha: I just want us to shift up to 2nd trimester now so we can all let out a sigh of relief (and then start worrying about the next bunch of crap :haha:)

I found the heartbeat after 4 days of searching and I think not finding it contributed to my down mood, to be honest. I know realistically it's highly unlikely to hear anything even at this stage (they recommend 12 weeks onwards) but it was so downhearting. So just want to pre-warn any ladies who haven't tried it yet that if you're predisposed to disappointment and anxiety like I am, maybe wait a little bit longer!!!

However, I found the heartbeat by positioning it just above my pubic bone and a little off to the right. I also pointed the wand downwards, as if I was pointing down at my coochie. :haha: I had to press quite hard too (I'm not the thinnest of ladies...)

Stories like that make me so, so mad though. :growlmad: All the people out there absolutely desperate for a child and unable to have them, who would be such great parents.. And here we have an asshole MURDERING his own CHILD??? Evil doesn't even come close and I hope they lock away the key!!! :growlmad:
I'm still only 5 weeks 5 days!!! I don't even get to 6w until Saturday. Soooo far behind you guys :(
Hi ladies :wave:
Can i join you?
I've been over in the June Mommas thread but had a scan yesterday that put my offical due date at July 2nd :)
Yay welcome!! :happydance:

Aww Aais, I'm sorry! 6w is soooo close though! :flower:
Hey ladies! Feeling MUCH better today as I found baby's heartrate on the doppler! It averaged around 170bpm. Feel really reassured today! :happydance:

YAY WHIG!!!!!!! im so happy for you:dance::dance: i wanna go pick up a doppler myself where did u get yours?!:flower:

Thanks! :happydance:

My mom actually picked it up for us as an early christmas present (she knows how we've struggled with TTC, previous losses etc.. and is just as excited/nervous as us) but it's the Sonoline B Fetal Doppler, and she got it from Amazon. I've seen them second hand on eBay too!

aww how sweet of her:) i wish my mom was more understanding and his mom dont like me which is crazy because before we got together we were soooooo close!! and then when we started to dated she hated it and when we got married i thought she ws gonna DIE lol but she still came to the wedding as DH is her only boy:wacko: but oh well i dont even care she should be happy as long as her only son is happy!!!
anyway im gonna check them out on amazon myself i know amazon also sells new and used as well:) cant wait:hugs:
Hi ladies :wave:
Can i join you?
I've been over in the June Mommas thread but had a scan yesterday that put my offical due date at July 2nd :)

OF COURSE YOU CAN JOIN WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!! i was over with the june mummies for alittle while too cause according to my LMP my due date was JUNE 28th 2013 but when i went for my scan it show my due date as july 8th!!!
congrats and welcome welcome welcome:hugs:

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