~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Whig-i have a friend who went through something very similar, had an sch and bled her entire pregnancy she had a very hard time bonding and was always scared they were going to lose him, but you know what? he came out happy and healthy at 39+ weeks. keep your chin up girl i do believe these bleeds are not entirely un common and either resolve or you bleed your whole pregnancy but baby is healthy. i really think everything will be okay with you. don't stress too much, its not good for you! id try to focus on the good thoughts as much as possible *hugs*
oneandtwo- i think i was around 13-14 weeks when i felt my bean fluttering inside with my first pregnancy and i think kicking around 16plus weeks u see i got lil bit extra weight on me so i think my extra fat gets in the way lol
All the new scans are beautiful <3

people on subsequent pregnancies...when did your ms start easing up? i didn't have it too bad with my sons and do believe it was completely gone by 15wks. im.dying for this phase to be over with! i read the placenta starts taking over this week or next!

also when did you feel previous LO's?! im so excited that i am getting close to being able to feel. i felt my last son at 9 1/2wks. started feeling regularly by 10 1/2 wks and my husband felt kicks with all three by 15wks. im hoping to feel the little popping feeling soon!!

I was never sick with my daughter but now i'm only 6 and a half weeks and i'm sick ALL THE TIME!!! i'm hoping it eases up soon!

I remember feeling my daughter at like 12 weeks fluttering and more defined movements at 15 or 16 weeks!
Only 2 more days til my viability u/s. I really hate that word but I'm trying to use it to stay reasonable about the possible outcomes. Having real trouble sleeping the last few weeks. I don't work so not nearly so tired as everyone else, but it means I have crap sleep most nights, wake up feeling sick. Anyone else a bit insomniac?! Nausea still hanging around, being sick once per day. Had horrible heartburn yesterday too. Rant over, hoping all this is a good sign for my scan! x
people on subsequent pregnancies...when did your ms start easing up? i didn't have it too bad with my sons and do believe it was completely gone by 15wks. im.dying for this phase to be over with! i read the placenta starts taking over this week or next!

also when did you feel previous LO's?! im so excited that i am getting close to being able to feel. i felt my last son at 9 1/2wks. started feeling regularly by 10 1/2 wks and my husband felt kicks with all three by 15wks. im hoping to feel the little popping feeling soon!!

My ms stopped around 22 weeks... disheartening I know! First felt the baby around 14 weeks. It was a like a swooshing feeling. Like there was an eel in my belly.
I'm feeling really low at the moment.. :nope:

Because I've been bleeding for over 5 weeks now and my body has been on constant "alert", I am finding it impossible to bond with my baby. I feel like I can't bond because I'm waiting for it to die. :nope: It's getting to the point where I wish it would be over already, that the longer it goes on the worse it's going to be... I just feel like I can't see a positive outcome. I spend most of my time trying to sleep because when I'm awake I feel like I don't want to go on and that I can't bare anymore. :cry: I've spent hours looking at miscarriage support sites, planned what we'll do when it eventually "happens".. It's like all I'm envisioning is having to lose the baby and preparing myself for it - even though every scan has gone "well"... I don't know what to do. :wacko: I just wish the bleeding would stop so I could try and be a little more positive. :nope:

I know exactly how you feel. I've done the miscarriage research, made decisions about a d &c, all these other horrible things I never dreamed I would have to think about. It's soul destroying, and I have spent a lot of time crying. I can't bond at all. I just refer to this as 'the pregnancy' I can't think of the B word or say the B word at all, as if somehow losing a pregnancy will be easier.

If you want a vent, please just send me a message. I really do understand. x
Only 2 more days til my viability u/s. I really hate that word but I'm trying to use it to stay reasonable about the possible outcomes. Having real trouble sleeping the last few weeks. I don't work so not nearly so tired as everyone else, but it means I have crap sleep most nights, wake up feeling sick. Anyone else a bit insomniac?! Nausea still hanging around, being sick once per day. Had horrible heartburn yesterday too. Rant over, hoping all this is a good sign for my scan! x

My scan is tomorrow! Very nervous too! I haven't been sleeping well either but I haven't slept well in the past 2 years! LOL my little one still gets up at least once a night most nights. She winds up in our room or me in her most nights and we're really trying to correct that before the pregnancy progresses much further! So hard saying no at 4am though! :( I hate the waking up feeling sick feeling... I wake up at 3 think I feel fine and then a few seconds later I'm hit with the nausea!
Awwww Whig I'm so sorry you're feeling low. It's completely understandable. Just try and remember that lovely little flickering heart you've seen on the screen. Can you get any more scans before the 12 week mark? To put your mind at rest again xxx
I'm feeling really low at the moment.. :nope:

Because I've been bleeding for over 5 weeks now and my body has been on constant "alert", I am finding it impossible to bond with my baby. I feel like I can't bond because I'm waiting for it to die. :nope: It's getting to the point where I wish it would be over already, that the longer it goes on the worse it's going to be... I just feel like I can't see a positive outcome. I spend most of my time trying to sleep because when I'm awake I feel like I don't want to go on and that I can't bare anymore. :cry: I've spent hours looking at miscarriage support sites, planned what we'll do when it eventually "happens".. It's like all I'm envisioning is having to lose the baby and preparing myself for it - even though every scan has gone "well"... I don't know what to do. :wacko: I just wish the bleeding would stop so I could try and be a little more positive. :nope:

I know exactly how you feel. I've done the miscarriage research, made decisions about a d &c, all these other horrible things I never dreamed I would have to think about. It's soul destroying, and I have spent a lot of time crying. I can't bond at all. I just refer to this as 'the pregnancy' I can't think of the B word or say the B word at all, as if somehow losing a pregnancy will be easier.

If you want a vent, please just send me a message. I really do understand. x
so sorry for all the recent losses xx

as for me, I'm craving milkshake like a lunatic at the moment. Only time I've ever craved milkshake this much was when I was pg with DD so maybe this one is a girl.

I've also been craving milkshakes like crazy! Dh keeps running out and buying them for me, along with oreos. Yum!

All the new scans are beautiful <3

people on subsequent pregnancies...when did your ms start easing up? i didn't have it too bad with my sons and do believe it was completely gone by 15wks. im.dying for this phase to be over with! i read the placenta starts taking over this week or next!

also when did you feel previous LO's?! im so excited that i am getting close to being able to feel. i felt my last son at 9 1/2wks. started feeling regularly by 10 1/2 wks and my husband felt kicks with all three by 15wks. im hoping to feel the little popping feeling soon!!

Last time, I had MS from 3w,6d to somewhere in my 6th month! It was horrible. I couldn't go out of a room without bringing a bucket with me. I couldn't get in a car for more than two minutes without throwing up. It was the worst. So far, I'm only mildly queasy, but it's steadily getting worse every day so who knows.

With DD, I didn't feel her until 18 weeks, but I had my placenta in the front, so I had to wait until she got big and strong enough to feel her through that. Once I felt her though, there were no small flutters - she was immediately kicking her feet out of my stomach and making my belly into really weird shapes! I look back at the pictures I took when she'd straighten her foot out at the top of my stomach, or would roll in a ball, and it makes me a bit ill. lol, she was a crazy baby!
does anyone else have little ones at home and are working too?

I work 9-10hours day and go home to my 13month old daughter. I feel like I'm running on fumes!!! I don't see it getting any easier either!
Evening ladies!!! I had to speak to a different GP today about my medication and he ended up referring me to the EPU!! SO I have a scan for next wednesday which is kinda freaking me out because I'll only be 6+4 so what happens if I don't see a heartbeat? Why did they book me in so early??
How is everyone else??
hi ladies, hope you've all had good days?!

my ms didn't let up last time until 20 wks and i didn't feel him kick until 17wks! by now with DS I was very sick so i'm praying this baby is going to let me off lightly!!

aaisrie that's good they've referred you to the epu! i think you'll prob see a hb by then, but it might be a tiny bit too early but you'll still get to see other developments :) xx
Evening ladies!!! I had to speak to a different GP today about my medication and he ended up referring me to the EPU!! SO I have a scan for next wednesday which is kinda freaking me out because I'll only be 6+4 so what happens if I don't see a heartbeat? Why did they book me in so early??
How is everyone else??

Its okay if there is no heartbeat, with my last son our first scan we didnt see anything but a yolk sac and the aminiotic sac at 5w3d but it measured right on time. at 7w3d there he was with a hb.

Im sure you'll see a heartbeat at 6w4d, but you might not be able to hear it! I wouldnt worry too much ( I know, I know) if you dont hear a heartbeat especially if everything is growing correctly. Good luck to you!
Evening ladies!!! I had to speak to a different GP today about my medication and he ended up referring me to the EPU!! SO I have a scan for next wednesday which is kinda freaking me out because I'll only be 6+4 so what happens if I don't see a heartbeat? Why did they book me in so early??
How is everyone else??

My scan was at 6+1 (I thought I was 5days further on than that) and I could see a flutter, but it was slow at 97bpm. Told me they don't expect a strong heartbeat til 6.5weeks. Think you'll see it though it might not be quite so strong as you'd want, but don't panic. We've had a rotten week worrying about it but our midwife is 'fairly confident' it will all be ok. I'm sure you will be too! x
Whigfield, I totally understand how you feel. I had a mmc with my first pregnancy, was totally oblivious that the baby had died 4/5 weeks previously, I felt robbed and it hit me hard.

My second pregnancy I didn't get excited at all, I was waiting for it to go wrong, even right up to he birth I was convinced it would all go wrong! But here I have a lovely 15 month baby boy!
This time again I'm trying not to get excited. I don't feel pregnant, I have hardly any symptoms apart from lack of period so again I'm holding my breathe and not getting too attached. I think once you've had a loss pregnancy is never the same again, no excited feeling.
My friend announced her pregnancy straight away before a scan and I kept thinking oh dear what about when it goes wrong but it didn't.
I think we all need to keep positive and help each other along on this thread :hugs: :hugs:
For all those craving milkshakes...keep it up because it is good for the baby to get extra calcium. It helps them grow good enamel on their teeth. My sister has issues with her two girls teeth because she didn't get enough calcium while pregnant. The poor girls have had root canals etc and the oldest one is only 7 years old.
Congrats Alana on your scan...very precious!!
Aaisre with my 2nd pregnancy we had a scan at 6wks and 3 days and they saw a heartbeat. Good luck with your scan xo
With my first pregnancy we didnt get any scans til I was 17wks. I had not felt the baby moving at all but when we had the scan the sonographer was like HOLY COW THIS BABY IS SO ACTIVE! It was so nice to hear cause I hadn't experienced any moving at all. The sonographer said it was more than likely because my placenter was at the front so each time she moved I just had punches and kicks in my placenta and it took the brunt of all the moving so I wasn't feeling her. Later when I was over 20wks I couldn't stop feeling her kick and punch and wiggle all around. Was so obvious I wondered how I had missed earlier movements!
Becky- I too end up with our DD in our bed! Was up 3 times last night with her. I really don't want her in our bed especially now the weather is warmer she just makes me all clammy and sweaty.
libbysmum its so weird hearing you talk of warm weather, its freezing here today! going for a warm bath to warm up in a mo :haha:
Anybody else having an issue with their sciatica nerve?? I've got a pain in my butt and it's so annoying! :( my pregnancy app says it's fairly common though.
Becky- I too end up with our DD in our bed! Was up 3 times last night with her. I really don't want her in our bed especially now the weather is warmer she just makes me all clammy and sweaty.

I was laying in her bed around 4am last night waiting for her to conk out proper so I could head back to my room. She moved a tiny bit and I turned my head to see her scooching towards me with her sleepy eyes open and the biggest smile on her face. She hugged me around the neck and went straight back to sleep. It was sooooo heartwarming it was so easy to see how I'd gotten myself in this situation. She was just so happy to see that I was still there.

I've just finished tying a dozen micky mouse figure things to her little ponies... toddlers request the strangest things.

No vomiting yet today... just the urge to... ugh. So hard feeling this way and still trying to be there for your little one.

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