~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Well, my ms took a turn for the worse today, the sea bands arent preventing the vomiting anymore and I have kept down no food since last night (I have been able to drink) My throat is so raw, *tmi* i've been spitting up blood after I vomit, it HURTS! I called the nurse line but they said it could take up to 72 hrs for a return call so im guessing I wont hear back until monday since they are closed weekends? I feel awful and just want to curl up but have SO much going on this weekend. Dont know how i will get through it all. Tomorrow is my husbands command christmas party just thinking about the smell of the alcohol and smoke on people makes me want to puke. I hope I can get through the night!

I feel so bad, my shar pei has a lot of skin issues and STINKs and I cant handle it right now :( he's an indoor dog, he cant be left outside. I bathed him yesterday but today his smell is overwhelming i've put him in the laundry room so I dont have to smell him. Its not his fault, but i cant help it and i swear my carpet smells like him. AAGGAHH im going crazy. i applaud you all who have done this multiple times, i've never had illness like this with my boys and cant imagine I would have ever had more after going through this. its awful :(
oh oneandtwo that's horrible! I completely understand though... I hate feeding my cat... the smell is so overpowering, but since starving her would be wrong I have to hold my breath, but then if she doesn't finish it I feel like curling over!

The seabands never worked for me, just made me even more aware of my nausea.. and hurt!

Way to give me hope for the B6! LOL I'm about to head out the store to get some but now you've scared me! They suggested taking it with unisom which is a sleep aid... but I was like.. "say what?" you want the pregnant lady with a toddler to take a sleeping pill? I'd be out for the count!!

I know it won't help much but I found that when the vomiting wouldn't stop, eating things like peanut butter and jelly with chocolate milk helped because they weren't as acidic when they came back up. It was almost like throwing up pudding... and be sure to chew everything really well because those chunks.. *shakes* they don't even bear thinking about. But yeah hopefully thick smooth stuff will be easier on your throat coming back up. So sorry you've got it so rough. :hugs: My vomiting spree hit it's peak around 13 weeks last time... so I've still got most of that to look forward to. If I find anything that works I'll be sure to let you know!

ps. I bet you're having a girl ;)
Anyone thinking about doing a gender reveal party?
DH and I were talking last night and we think we want to be surprised along with our guests at our gender reveal party. Maybe have the ultrasound tech seal the sex in an envelope and give it to the cake baker to dye the cake pink or blue and when we cut into it at the party it'll reveal if we're having a boy or girl! We could also play some fun games with it too! I think it's a different way to celebrate the baby rather than the typical baby shower, but we'll still register so if anyone wants to buy a gift they can and bring it to the party.
Pink flowers I would ring and ask, I have negative blood too and when I bled I had to have the anti d, she said at anytime I bleed I've got to get it so best to get checked out. Hope everything is ok :hugs:

I'm getting the sonoline b fetal Doppler too, going to wait nearer 10 weeks so I don't drive myself crazy with it :haha:
I had one with my last pregnancy and really put my mind at rest. Especially as I used to listen to baby most mornings and before my midwife appt I would have a listen because she could never find it! If I hadn't checked in the morning myself I would have been worried sick!
Hello everyone. I just got a surprise :bfp: this morning. I went to my fertility clinic for my day 3 scan and found out I was jut having some spotting and I'm actually 6w3 days.
I had a miscarriage and D&C on September 20th so this is really quick for me. My due date Is July 22nd!

wow!!! what a big surprise:) so happy for you congrats:hugs: hope u have a H&H9 months and welcome!
Anyone thinking about doing a gender reveal party?
DH and I were talking last night and we think we want to be surprised along with our guests at our gender reveal party. Maybe have the ultrasound tech seal the sex in an envelope and give it to the cake baker to dye the cake pink or blue and when we cut into it at the party it'll reveal if we're having a boy or girl! We could also play some fun games with it too! I think it's a different way to celebrate the baby rather than the typical baby shower, but we'll still register so if anyone wants to buy a gift they can and bring it to the party.

wow junemomma i never thought about having a party like that but it sounds like a really cute ideal:) but i cant keep nothing to myself lol and i surely wont be able to hold out until a party to know what we are having.
i will go crazy especially because im really hoping this is my little girl and i know DH cant keep nothing to himself either lol but if u do have the party take lots of pictures and tell me how it goes because it sounds like such a cute ideal it really does:thumbup::thumbup::winkwink:

Had my appointment this morning guys! I thinkI peed at least 3 times while I was there! Once for the sample, once before the ultrasound because they pumped me full of water because my sample indicated I was a little dehydrated and then again after because it was transvaginal and that's a lot of pressure on the bladder! lol

They took like 9 vials of blood, seriously thought I might pass out!

Nurse recommended I pick up some B6 for the nausea and try that, then the doc came in and said if that didn't work they'd happily call in a script for Zofran for me.

The scan was perfect! Tiny little blob! Measuring 8 weeks and 6 days but they're leaving my official date at 8w3day because that's what the first day of my last period indicates.. I'm positive I ovulated early this time though so I'm happy baby is measuring ahead or I'd be worried. :) Heartbeat was 176

Hubby took the scan pics into the office today. So eager to show the guys I guess. LOL He said he'd scan them and email them over to me as soon as he gets there so hopefully I'll get an email from him soon and can share.

My next appointment was supposed to be the 27th but our insurance changes over on the 1st of the year so we asked if we could push it a bit.

Congrats Tonya!

lol Junemomma - I'm excited to go anywhere that they'll feed me!

congrats becca so glad to hear that everything went so well:) i cant wait to go for my next scan!!! i actually got a appointment wed the 4th with a new obgyn so hopefully he will send me for a scan:) im so eager to see how much my lil bean is now and i just wanna be sure that everything is OK.
idk why im freaking out ,maybe cause everyone else is freaking out its starting to make me freak out?!? ugh
i tried to find some places around here that does private scans but the cheapiest one i found is like $200 and dh said that we just dont have it because of christmas and bills are coming up:-/ ugh maybe ill go to the ER idk maybe ill just wait till the 4th because this will be my 1st time seeing him and what i'll do is just tell him i dont remember my lmp so he'll have to send me:wacko::wacko: cant wait to see ur u/s pics:hugs:

ladies, I don't know what is going on. I went to the toilet earlier and had the smallest streak of blood but have now convinced my self it is the end of it all.

aww pink just try to relax:hugs:

Hi ladies!! Just stopping by to check in. I haven't bought a Doppler and I don't think I will. We got a cheapie one with the last pregnancy and it caused so many concerns when I couldn't find the heart beat. It's just more stress than it's worth. But so glad to hear you were able to find it Whig!!!
I'm going to a friends baby shower on Saturday. She's due in January with a little girl! :) so sweet! It's been a while since I've been to one. Is it bad that I'm honestly just looking forward to the food and cake?!? Lol

lol i dont think its bad at all looking forward to the yummy foods you actually sound like me my son was invitied to a party this weekend and i think the only reaso im gonna go is because of the food lol

well ladies ive been up since 5am and now i needs NAP AND BAD!! im falling asleep typing ttyl<3
spoke to a mw at the epu i think it was she said as it was one tiny streak and i also told her after it happened it felt like I had scratched down there she said i might have caused it with the loo paper :haha: :blush: as I have no cramping or anything she isn't worried.

Went to the loo again and there wasn't anything so I feel a bit better x
Seabands never really helped much. They'd cut down on the sickness for me, but wouldn't get rid of it. By the time I started throwing up last time, I just ditched the bands!

I'm daily getting worse MS. It's not as bad as last time, but it's still no fun! I'm so exhausted all the time lately as well, I feel so out of it. I don't feel awake, but I know I'm not lucky enough to be sleeping! lol

I thought of doing a gender reveal party because Pinterest has such cool ideas for it, but it seems like a lot of work and I'm just not good at going all out while pregnant. It would be fun to have a baby celebration, but at least right now I can't imagine mustering up the energy to do it!

Today I discovered that onion rings are the best thing ever. I craved them all day yesterday, and today I was too sick to cook breakfast or lunch so DH ran out and got me onion rings and a sandwich. I was instantly feeling better and they were SO AMAZING! I couldn't get over how good fast food onion rings tasted, they were never so great before! One of the upsides to pregnancy!

Tomorrow is my ultrasound! SUper excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait to see baby so I can relax!
Anyone thinking about doing a gender reveal party?
DH and I were talking last night and we think we want to be surprised along with our guests at our gender reveal party. Maybe have the ultrasound tech seal the sex in an envelope and give it to the cake baker to dye the cake pink or blue and when we cut into it at the party it'll reveal if we're having a boy or girl! We could also play some fun games with it too! I think it's a different way to celebrate the baby rather than the typical baby shower, but we'll still register so if anyone wants to buy a gift they can and bring it to the party.

wow junemomma i never thought about having a party like that but it sounds like a really cute ideal:) but i cant keep nothing to myself lol and i surely wont be able to hold out until a party to know what we are having.
i will go crazy especially because im really hoping this is my little girl and i know DH cant keep nothing to himself either lol but if u do have the party take lots of pictures and tell me how it goes because it sounds like such a cute ideal it really does:thumbup::thumbup::winkwink:

Had my appointment this morning guys! I thinkI peed at least 3 times while I was there! Once for the sample, once before the ultrasound because they pumped me full of water because my sample indicated I was a little dehydrated and then again after because it was transvaginal and that's a lot of pressure on the bladder! lol

They took like 9 vials of blood, seriously thought I might pass out!

Nurse recommended I pick up some B6 for the nausea and try that, then the doc came in and said if that didn't work they'd happily call in a script for Zofran for me.

The scan was perfect! Tiny little blob! Measuring 8 weeks and 6 days but they're leaving my official date at 8w3day because that's what the first day of my last period indicates.. I'm positive I ovulated early this time though so I'm happy baby is measuring ahead or I'd be worried. :) Heartbeat was 176

Hubby took the scan pics into the office today. So eager to show the guys I guess. LOL He said he'd scan them and email them over to me as soon as he gets there so hopefully I'll get an email from him soon and can share.

My next appointment was supposed to be the 27th but our insurance changes over on the 1st of the year so we asked if we could push it a bit.

Congrats Tonya!

lol Junemomma - I'm excited to go anywhere that they'll feed me!

congrats becca so glad to hear that everything went so well:) i cant wait to go for my next scan!!! i actually got a appointment wed the 4th with a new obgyn so hopefully he will send me for a scan:) im so eager to see how much my lil bean is now and i just wanna be sure that everything is OK.
idk why im freaking out ,maybe cause everyone else is freaking out its starting to make me freak out?!? ugh
i tried to find some places around here that does private scans but the cheapiest one i found is like $200 and dh said that we just dont have it because of christmas and bills are coming up:-/ ugh maybe ill go to the ER idk maybe ill just wait till the 4th because this will be my 1st time seeing him and what i'll do is just tell him i dont remember my lmp so he'll have to send me:wacko::wacko: cant wait to see ur u/s pics:hugs:

ladies, I don't know what is going on. I went to the toilet earlier and had the smallest streak of blood but have now convinced my self it is the end of it all.

aww pink just try to relax:hugs:

Hi ladies!! Just stopping by to check in. I haven't bought a Doppler and I don't think I will. We got a cheapie one with the last pregnancy and it caused so many concerns when I couldn't find the heart beat. It's just more stress than it's worth. But so glad to hear you were able to find it Whig!!!
I'm going to a friends baby shower on Saturday. She's due in January with a little girl! :) so sweet! It's been a while since I've been to one. Is it bad that I'm honestly just looking forward to the food and cake?!? Lol

lol i dont think its bad at all looking forward to the yummy foods you actually sound like me my son was invitied to a party this weekend and i think the only reaso im gonna go is because of the food lol

well ladies ive been up since 5am and now i needs NAP AND BAD!! im falling asleep typing ttyl<3

Yes I will definitely be posting my ideas and getting ideas from you ladies :) and will post some pictures afterward. Along with our gender reveal :)
Seabands never really helped much. They'd cut down on the sickness for me, but wouldn't get rid of it. By the time I started throwing up last time, I just ditched the bands!

I'm daily getting worse MS. It's not as bad as last time, but it's still no fun! I'm so exhausted all the time lately as well, I feel so out of it. I don't feel awake, but I know I'm not lucky enough to be sleeping! lol

I thought of doing a gender reveal party because Pinterest has such cool ideas for it, but it seems like a lot of work and I'm just not good at going all out while pregnant. It would be fun to have a baby celebration, but at least right now I can't imagine mustering up the energy to do it!

Today I discovered that onion rings are the best thing ever. I craved them all day yesterday, and today I was too sick to cook breakfast or lunch so DH ran out and got me onion rings and a sandwich. I was instantly feeling better and they were SO AMAZING! I couldn't get over how good fast food onion rings tasted, they were never so great before! One of the upsides to pregnancy!

Tomorrow is my ultrasound! SUper excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait to see baby so I can relax!
Onion rings sound yummy! I've been craving sausage gravy and biscuits with hash rounds. And for dinner I just bought a rotisserie chicken, red potato salad, lays ruffle potato chips, Mac n cheese, and Hawaiian rolls! Which are the bomb! I'm craving the potato salad and chips mostly. But the rest is sounding really yummy too! I'm in love with publix chicken!!!! Wonderful grocery store here and they make THE BEST chicken ever!!!
What's everyone else craving today?
Seabands never really helped much. They'd cut down on the sickness for me, but wouldn't get rid of it. By the time I started throwing up last time, I just ditched the bands!

I'm daily getting worse MS. It's not as bad as last time, but it's still no fun! I'm so exhausted all the time lately as well, I feel so out of it. I don't feel awake, but I know I'm not lucky enough to be sleeping! lol

I thought of doing a gender reveal party because Pinterest has such cool ideas for it, but it seems like a lot of work and I'm just not good at going all out while pregnant. It would be fun to have a baby celebration, but at least right now I can't imagine mustering up the energy to do it!

Today I discovered that onion rings are the best thing ever. I craved them all day yesterday, and today I was too sick to cook breakfast or lunch so DH ran out and got me onion rings and a sandwich. I was instantly feeling better and they were SO AMAZING! I couldn't get over how good fast food onion rings tasted, they were never so great before! One of the upsides to pregnancy!

Tomorrow is my ultrasound! SUper excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait to see baby so I can relax!
Onion rings sound yummy! I've been craving sausage gravy and biscuits with hash rounds. And for dinner I just bought a rotisserie chicken, red potato salad, lays ruffle potato chips, Mac n cheese, and Hawaiian rolls! Which are the bomb! I'm craving the potato salad and chips mostly. But the rest is sounding really yummy too! I'm in love with publix chicken!!!! Wonderful grocery store here and they make THE BEST chicken ever!!!
What's everyone else craving today?

I've just made some chicken noodles soup. All I could think that I wanted so have made a batch big enough to last me a week! Off red meat, only want chicken, hate the smell of it cooking though. So strange! Completely off coffee, I miss it so much but it just tastes awful. x
SugarBeth - I know!! My hubby ordered onion rings the other night and I ate half of his. I didn't know how much I wanted them until I tasted one. They were just so crunchy and perfect. I actually commented that the restaurant had amazing ketchup. Mark just looked at me funny and said, "I think that might just be your pregnancy tastebuds hun." but oh my gosh... the ketchup was perfect as were the onion rings!

Warning - Your U/s might be transvaginal since your so early... I'm 8 weeks and mine was! *shudders*

Junemomma - I grew up in Florida.. I do miss Publix! a gender reveal... hmm that sounds like a good idea! My mom couldn't come to Scotland for my baby shower last time so she wants to throw me one this time but I know a lot people aren't keen to have a baby shower for a 2nd time mom. Maybe having a gender reveal would be a good compromise to play games, eat food and get presents but also allows hubby and some of his friends to come too!

Pink - I hope it was just a scratch! or a hemorrhoid or something like that! lol I'm not sure I've ever wished a hemorrhoid on anyone before... :shock:

ilovehim - you're so silly! I'm off to edit my scan pic down to size so I can share. :)
Lalalo- I decided to stop coffee today too! It has been tasting bad for about a week or so now, but I kept thinking it just wasn't fixed right...today I finally admitted that it tastes terrible-so bitter!

It's also been in the last week that my sense of smell has really kicked in...even the usually wonderful smell of fresh bread gave me a headache- had to put the groceries in the trunk so I wouldn't have to smell it..
SugarBeth - I know!! My hubby ordered onion rings the other night and I ate half of his. I didn't know how much I wanted them until I tasted one. They were just so crunchy and perfect. I actually commented that the restaurant had amazing ketchup. Mark just looked at me funny and said, "I think that might just be your pregnancy tastebuds hun." but oh my gosh... the ketchup was perfect as were the onion rings!

Warning - Your U/s might be transvaginal since your so early... I'm 8 weeks and mine was! *shudders*

Unfortunately, it definitely is a trasvaginal. I've been through it enough with my medical history though that it stopped really bothering me and I'm just used to them now. I'm just really focused on getting to see that pea sized baby!

Pregnancy tastebuds are THE BEST! Last time, I was too sick for six months to really enjoy them. By the time I stopped being sick, I was always full of heartburn or feeling so bloated. But this time, it's amazing. Everything taste so great! Even things I normally never would eat before taste good. Loving this part!
Well, my ms took a turn for the worse today, the sea bands arent preventing the vomiting anymore and I have kept down no food since last night (I have been able to drink) My throat is so raw, *tmi* i've been spitting up blood after I vomit, it HURTS! I called the nurse line but they said it could take up to 72 hrs for a return call so im guessing I wont hear back until monday since they are closed weekends? I feel awful and just want to curl up but have SO much going on this weekend. Dont know how i will get through it all. Tomorrow is my husbands command christmas party just thinking about the smell of the alcohol and smoke on people makes me want to puke. I hope I can get through the night!

I feel so bad, my shar pei has a lot of skin issues and STINKs and I cant handle it right now :( he's an indoor dog, he cant be left outside. I bathed him yesterday but today his smell is overwhelming i've put him in the laundry room so I dont have to smell him. Its not his fault, but i cant help it and i swear my carpet smells like him. AAGGAHH im going crazy. i applaud you all who have done this multiple times, i've never had illness like this with my boys and cant imagine I would have ever had more after going through this. its awful :(

aww so sorri to hear that you have been so sick!! i have been feeling the same way too,some days are better then others but im just so tired of from the sec i wake up that i can barely even pee without throwing up:-(.

i know this is *TMI* but ive had to grab the trash can as i pee because im scared if i dont pee first that when im throwing up i'll wind up peeing myself,as ive done it before:blush:!!!
Of course DH thinks its so funny when it happens but he makes up for it by washing me up lol:wacko: lol i really wish men could see what we go threw but at the same time i dont think they could handle a period or child birth "ya know what i mean"?!?!

have you ask your doctor about maybe giving you some *ZOFRAN* i know it has been doing wonders for me:thumbup: i don't really like the ideal of taken anything but i tell you one thing if it wasnt for the *ZOFRAN* i would not be able to get threw a day at all:wacko:

I really hope you feel better soon:hugs:

Seabands never really helped much. They'd cut down on the sickness for me, but wouldn't get rid of it. By the time I started throwing up last time, I just ditched the bands!

I'm daily getting worse MS. It's not as bad as last time, but it's still no fun! I'm so exhausted all the time lately as well, I feel so out of it. I don't feel awake, but I know I'm not lucky enough to be sleeping! lol

I thought of doing a gender reveal party because Pinterest has such cool ideas for it, but it seems like a lot of work and I'm just not good at going all out while pregnant. It would be fun to have a baby celebration, but at least right now I can't imagine mustering up the energy to do it!

Today I discovered that onion rings are the best thing ever. I craved them all day yesterday, and today I was too sick to cook breakfast or lunch so DH ran out and got me onion rings and a sandwich. I was instantly feeling better and they were SO AMAZING! I couldn't get over how good fast food onion rings tasted, they were never so great before! One of the upsides to pregnancy!

Tomorrow is my ultrasound! SUper excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait to see baby so I can relax!

omg beth ONION RINGS SOUND SO0o00oooooo freaking YUMMY!!!! ive been craving CEREAL mmm DH picked me up a whole bunch today he got cheerios which i think im gonna make me a bowl right now mmm just thinking about it is making me hungry! oh and he got me some *LIFE* cereal too the Cinnamon kind mmm i love the healther cereals even before i got pregnant i always have and its good too because it will help with my weight!!!!.

not only that but it will make up for the MILKSHAKES ive been hogging down lol i just cant get enough!! we went to this place call *ANNES* and they make thee best milk shakes i got a CHERRY one mmm so0o good there is even bites of cherrys in there that are small enough to go up the straw:thumbup:

they also sell food longs there and omg they are the best around,they have been around for years and years and years i love em darnit now i want ONE:cry: lol

best of luck to you with you scan<3:hugs:
SugarBeth - I know!! My hubby ordered onion rings the other night and I ate half of his. I didn't know how much I wanted them until I tasted one. They were just so crunchy and perfect. I actually commented that the restaurant had amazing ketchup. Mark just looked at me funny and said, "I think that might just be your pregnancy tastebuds hun." but oh my gosh... the ketchup was perfect as were the onion rings!

Warning - Your U/s might be transvaginal since your so early... I'm 8 weeks and mine was! *shudders*

Junemomma - I grew up in Florida.. I do miss Publix! a gender reveal... hmm that sounds like a good idea! My mom couldn't come to Scotland for my baby shower last time so she wants to throw me one this time but I know a lot people aren't keen to have a baby shower for a 2nd time mom. Maybe having a gender reveal would be a good compromise to play games, eat food and get presents but also allows hubby and some of his friends to come too!

Pink - I hope it was just a scratch! or a hemorrhoid or something like that! lol I'm not sure I've ever wished a hemorrhoid on anyone before... :shock:

ilovehim - you're so silly! I'm off to edit my scan pic down to size so I can share. :)

lol thanks becca!! can't wait to see YOUR LIL BEANO:)
SugarBeth - I know!! My hubby ordered onion rings the other night and I ate half of his. I didn't know how much I wanted them until I tasted one. They were just so crunchy and perfect. I actually commented that the restaurant had amazing ketchup. Mark just looked at me funny and said, "I think that might just be your pregnancy tastebuds hun." but oh my gosh... the ketchup was perfect as were the onion rings!

Warning - Your U/s might be transvaginal since your so early... I'm 8 weeks and mine was! *shudders*

Unfortunately, it definitely is a trasvaginal. I've been through it enough with my medical history though that it stopped really bothering me and I'm just used to them now. I'm just really focused on getting to see that pea sized baby!

Pregnancy tastebuds are THE BEST! Last time, I was too sick for six months to really enjoy them. By the time I stopped being sick, I was always full of heartburn or feeling so bloated. But this time, it's amazing. Everything taste so great! Even things I normally never would eat before taste good. Loving this part!

lol beth my last scan baby measure 6w 2d so idk bout a PEA SIZED maybe lol a DOT SIZE:) haha but you know what i know you will be as happy with your dot as i was omg i want another scan so bad i freaking out here UGH!!!!!!
Ugh im miserable tonight but my wonderful dh is making supper. does anyone else's feet hurt? Mine hurt so much after work. I think I need better shoes
SugarBeth - golly... I don't know.. a few things have tasted better... but so many things keep tasting like fish that it's freaking me out! lol probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't hate fish!

ilovehim - I want cereal sooo much but every time I eat it I find myself running to the loo!!! ugh!! some combination of the milk and the cereal I think... tummy queasy just thinking about it.. oh wait... my tummy is always queasy, nevermind. hahaha

gosh... if we had a johnny rockets around here I think I might have to live off milkshakes... if only they were healthy! guess I could try making the 'double the milk' shake from the What to Expect When You're Expecting book.

Noble - no feet pain here yet.. make sure you get them elevated!!

and now for the little dino bump

The halo above the baby is the yolk sac. nom nom lol
oh oneandtwo that's horrible! I completely understand though... I hate feeding my cat... the smell is so overpowering, but since starving her would be wrong I have to hold my breath, but then if she doesn't finish it I feel like curling over!

The seabands never worked for me, just made me even more aware of my nausea.. and hurt!

Way to give me hope for the B6! LOL I'm about to head out the store to get some but now you've scared me! They suggested taking it with unisom which is a sleep aid... but I was like.. "say what?" you want the pregnant lady with a toddler to take a sleeping pill? I'd be out for the count!!

I know it won't help much but I found that when the vomiting wouldn't stop, eating things like peanut butter and jelly with chocolate milk helped because they weren't as acidic when they came back up. It was almost like throwing up pudding... and be sure to chew everything really well because those chunks.. *shakes* they don't even bear thinking about. But yeah hopefully thick smooth stuff will be easier on your throat coming back up. So sorry you've got it so rough. :hugs: My vomiting spree hit it's peak around 13 weeks last time... so I've still got most of that to look forward to. If I find anything that works I'll be sure to let you know!

ps. I bet you're having a girl ;)

*giggle* I hope its a girl, it would make a lot more sense why this time it is so awful! My friend keeps making fun of me, just saying its my body making sure I remember how horrible pregnancy is so i dont get pregnant again after this LOL

yes, the chunks are awful :( You know what else is awful? shredded wheat! Oh my lordy that is the worst. I've been trying to eat things that im not going to regret throwing up, so far so good. I slipped up at drank orange juice though, that HURTS!

My friend also told me you have to give the b6 time to build up in your system for it to be truly effective, so i may try taking it right before bed. Unisom really helps? I've not heard that one, but I couldnt take it anyway I would fall into a coma probably with a sleep aide on top of exhaustion.

Seabands never really helped much. They'd cut down on the sickness for me, but wouldn't get rid of it. By the time I started throwing up last time, I just ditched the bands!

I'm daily getting worse MS. It's not as bad as last time, but it's still no fun! I'm so exhausted all the time lately as well, I feel so out of it. I don't feel awake, but I know I'm not lucky enough to be sleeping! lol

I thought of doing a gender reveal party because Pinterest has such cool ideas for it, but it seems like a lot of work and I'm just not good at going all out while pregnant. It would be fun to have a baby celebration, but at least right now I can't imagine mustering up the energy to do it!

Today I discovered that onion rings are the best thing ever. I craved them all day yesterday, and today I was too sick to cook breakfast or lunch so DH ran out and got me onion rings and a sandwich. I was instantly feeling better and they were SO AMAZING! I couldn't get over how good fast food onion rings tasted, they were never so great before! One of the upsides to pregnancy!

Tomorrow is my ultrasound! SUper excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait to see baby so I can relax!

The seabands were helping very well, but even with tightening them by putting elastic bands on top they just hurt, really bad! But im too scared to take them off, im afraid my nausea/vomiting will be even worse. sparkling water helped me a tiny bit but now im afraid of the carbonation today! Everything is making me just gag :/

We arent doing a gender reveal party, cause we live nowhere near our families and close friends. So we are going to send out announcements that announce the pregnancy and gender at the same time :) i've found some cute ideas and kind of thought up my own card, gonna make them up when the boys are on christmas vacation and just add the wording when we find out boy or girl! I am counting down the DAYS till we find out, im so anxious. I've already got our elective gender scan scheduled for the first week of january :happydance:

Well, my ms took a turn for the worse today, the sea bands arent preventing the vomiting anymore and I have kept down no food since last night (I have been able to drink) My throat is so raw, *tmi* i've been spitting up blood after I vomit, it HURTS! I called the nurse line but they said it could take up to 72 hrs for a return call so im guessing I wont hear back until monday since they are closed weekends? I feel awful and just want to curl up but have SO much going on this weekend. Dont know how i will get through it all. Tomorrow is my husbands command christmas party just thinking about the smell of the alcohol and smoke on people makes me want to puke. I hope I can get through the night!

I feel so bad, my shar pei has a lot of skin issues and STINKs and I cant handle it right now :( he's an indoor dog, he cant be left outside. I bathed him yesterday but today his smell is overwhelming i've put him in the laundry room so I dont have to smell him. Its not his fault, but i cant help it and i swear my carpet smells like him. AAGGAHH im going crazy. i applaud you all who have done this multiple times, i've never had illness like this with my boys and cant imagine I would have ever had more after going through this. its awful :(

aww so sorri to hear that you have been so sick!! i have been feeling the same way too,some days are better then others but im just so tired of from the sec i wake up that i can barely even pee without throwing up:-(.

i know this is *TMI* but ive had to grab the trash can as i pee because im scared if i dont pee first that when im throwing up i'll wind up peeing myself,as ive done it before:blush:!!!
Of course DH thinks its so funny when it happens but he makes up for it by washing me up lol:wacko: lol i really wish men could see what we go threw but at the same time i dont think they could handle a period or child birth "ya know what i mean"?!?!

have you ask your doctor about maybe giving you some *ZOFRAN* i know it has been doing wonders for me:thumbup: i don't really like the ideal of taken anything but i tell you one thing if it wasnt for the *ZOFRAN* i would not be able to get threw a day at all:wacko:

I really hope you feel better soon:hugs:

Thanks! and i've done the same, trying not to gag while I use the bathroom or trying not to pee myself when i am vomiting. What an experience, I tell ya.

I tried calling the nurse line today to see what I needed to do but i never got a call back, im going to try and call again tomorrow and see, I really dont think I can take this til my next appt which is not til the 12th (how crazy is that, 12/12/12!!) I've never been medicated during early pregnancy for morning sickness. The only time I had anything was when they gave me morphine shots and phenegran shots together when they were trying to stop early labor. and that KNOCKED me out, it was awful, i really couldnt handle the drowsiness with all my fellas here depending on me, im scared that the zofran will make me too sleepy! even if im only sitting on my ass all day now, at least I am aware of everything, usually :)
Oneandtwo- When I vomit my entire face decides to leak.. I cry, there's snot flowing from my nose and then of course the grossness itself. UGH!! So undignified!

When Mark gets home with my doctor's notes I'll tell you what the dosage on the b6 and unisom was....

Our gender scan isn't till 18 weeks so that'll be roughly February 4th. So far away!

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