~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Going to have to read back in the posts to see how everyone is doing. But here is my scan pic from today!!!!!! HB is 171 bpm!!!! It was amazing! Luckily she got a decent pic through my tummy instead of going transvaginal!!! We saw the arm buds and everything! She said I'm 9 weeks even today! WOOHOOO!! The machine gave an EDD of 7/3/2013 but she said we're sticking with 7/4/2013!!!

ultrasound picture looks so great im so jealous!! i really em everyones got actual looking babys and ive got alittle dot:-/ i dont even care about getting another picture i just wish i could see that the baby is growing just fine<3 geeze i got myself so worried right now!! im gonna see about a private one tomorrow or something:blush::wacko: idk im gonna fig out something because im worried to death now but im so very very very happy that yours went so great today:hugs:

Thank you!! I didn't expect a scan for another couple of weeks so I'm so glad I got to see our little bean! My sis said after seeing the pic, wow! That looks bigger than a bean! LOL! Your LO looks like a baby now too! I'm going to look at a private 3D scan later on. I want to be further along and be able to see babies facial features and what not. But I'm not supposed to go back I don't think until 20 weeks according to the tech. She was really good! I even thanked her for being so good and answering all my questions. She chuckled and said not a problem. I said no you don't understand. I said I have heard horrible things about techs on this forum I'm on. She was like how awful!! Every time I asked her a question she was like just a moment I'm getting to that! She explained everything she was doing from looking at the ovaries to make sure of no cysts and the uterus itself and then the baby and the heartbeat. Let us hear it twice. :)

JJs mum Hey our babies are due the same day! I guess cause my scan was yesterday and Australia is ahead in the timezone it seems that they put your due date the same as mine even though it is already Friday afternoon here.

Becca - totally agree about the bacteria. Seems so personal too almost an invasion of my body with the transvaginal scan. However my uterus is back to front so it's the ONLY way they can get a good look up til when the baby is bigger and my uterus is sitting higher.

Got my best friends baby shower next weekend- I am organizing the whole thing with games, decorations, the works! It is lady bug themed. Hopefully it wont be a stinking hot day and everyone will have a nice time. So far I have had about 6 RSVP's saying they are def. coming along but 18 invites went out so rude when people don't RSVP...makes it very hard to cater for food and drink etc
We also have my DH's Christmas party in the evening. Am worried about the smoke and alcohol too.
Hey I really like the idea of the gender revealing! Must check it out for future note. DH refused to pick a name until we know the gender.

On a side note- my Morning/Everytime of the day sickness seems less dramatic the last few days. Hope that means a good thing and not a bad thing!
I have to make a Dr appointment tomorrow to get my blood test results from yesterday.
Finally got around to wrapping up some Christmas gifts for the nieces and nephews...so difficult with a toddler who loves scissors and paper!

Libbysmum, that's so awesome how the time change is!! See you had yours yesterday according to you which was Thursday. It's Thursday night right now for me! It's so cool how we can be due on the same day but your day will be here before mine will be! LOL! It's so neat!

I have my Christmas party on Saturday evening! We have a lot of drinking that will be going on there as well and I'm glad I'm taking my scan pic in and showing it to the girls at work so they don't expect me to be doing any form of drinking! :) Hope your morning sickness is going to stay less that what it was! :hugs:
Aais- I'm due the 29th so in right there at the end of the month too!! I have my first ultrasound on Dec 4 since I'm pregnant straight from a MC.
All I want ti eat is spicy food and olives! I bought 2 jars of different olives tonight and have had quite a bit.

I'm a working mom. Some weeks I work 20hrs but I have an hour commute. Other weeks I have more business since I am also self employed outside of my normal job. So some weeks I work 60 hrs. I probably won't work as much after baby is born but I will definitely go back ti work. Being a sahm isn't an option for me. Plus I'm a county employee so I have lots if sick and vacation time and retirement too.
We have a for sure girl name, its a name i've had picked out for a few years now! If its a boy the name is up to my husband, and he has picked out a first and middle name so far, but im not sure how set in he is on it! Im mildly indifferent to the name he chose, but he didnt like our last sons first name (he picked middle, i picked first) and still let me name him so I figure I can deal LOL

We are definitely finding out the gender to our baby, we've never waited, and never wanted to! We start shopping as soon as we know gender :)

HA! Guess I can share the names LOL sorry didnt think about it

our girl name is Wilhelmina Evelyn, its my great grandmothers and his great grandmothers names. I was very close to my Gramma Mina, she taught me to speak dutch when I was very young! cant speak a bit of it now, but my mom said it was funny to listen to us talk cause I was so small when she taught me.

Our boy's name(so far) is Elliot Moseley, My husband has had the name Moseley picked out since we were in highschool. We had picked the name Zane Moseley for our first son but switched his name towards the end of pregnancy to something that reflected my husbands family (he has a certain set of initials that have been passed down since the 1700's, since we were unsure if we'd have more children we didnt want to end that with my husband) he decided against Zane by the time we hit our second son, but he tried to name our third son Moseley but I didnt think it had a good ring with his first name (Finnigan) So hes been just WAITING to name a baby Moseley. and Elliot is something he recently came up with :)

LOL those are long explanations
I love your vintage theme!
My parents called us
Katherine (Kath for short), Elizabeth (Bess or Beth for short), Timothy (family name) and Andrew (But ended up being called by his second name, Dominic)

I work with kids and the cutest little boy is Vincent. Such a darling and a joy to teach :) Those sound like great choices!

We're going with Lila Beatrice (girl) or Oliver Nathanial (Boy)
Both are subject to change but we've also mulled over them for years as have been ttc for 2 years <3

i've heard you get worse morning sickness when pregnany with girls than boys but i never had it with my DD and this time i have it bad. makes me wonder if its a boy because this pregnancy is already so different!!

is anyone planning on being surprised on gender or do you want to find out? i dont think i could wait until the baby is here to know!

From what I've seen, with most people it's just that every baby is different instead of one gender doing one thing and another gender doing another. Last time I was terribly sick with DD, but not bad now. I'm not thinking it's a boy though (though I'm not thinking girl either - so far I'm just focused on healthy baby, and trying to not assume what they may be. I'd love to keep an open mind and be totally surprised!)

We'll be finding out if we can though. Our house is covered in pink! If we do have a boy, we'll need clothing that isn't all dresses and ruffles, and blankets that aren't all pink! lol. If we do have a boy and a girl, I'd love a surprise baby after.

tlh97990 - we're definitely finding out!!

SugarBeth - oh my.... we have a boy's name but we're sooo divided on girl's names. we had one till 27 weeks last time and then Mark woke up one morning and said, "I'm not feeling it." and we had to change!! argh! we're not even going to talk about names until after the gender scan... the less conflict the better! *laughs*

I know, we're a bit unconventional! LOL. I hate the pressure of finding that perfect name in just a few months, so we think about it for a few years and make sure it's something we'll love for a long time. This time was pretty easy, we're using the same boy name as last time, and we have a theme set that already determined the girl middle name to be Rose. DH came to me one day and asked if we could do Elizabeth for our next girl. We mulled it over for a while until I agreed.

Recently I told him that I've adored the name Vincent for many years, and he agreed that he really liked it too, so that'll be boy #2's name. DH wants girl #3's middle name to be Ariel, and I'd like the first name to probably be Charlotte. (I love the vintage feel of our names - Katherine, Elizabeth, Charlotte, William and Vincent) We want a large family, so there's lots of names to think up!

we have also had our names pick out forever too!!! lol what the heck i'll share them

Girl*-Amelie Hope Widener <- i really love this name
Boy*-Payton Domingo Widener<- the middle name is for his best friend that passed away a few years ago..this name might change but i dont think the middle name will

Hey I really love the name hope that is so pretty!
Domingo- how cool! That is so original! I love it!:thumbup:

I like the name Sienna for a girl and Byron for a boy but it shall remain nameless til around 18-20wks[/QUOTE]

i also knew his friend domingo before he passed away too :cry: its so sad he died from Over Does and he was only 21yrs old its so sad how many people die so young especially from drugs:cry:.
over the past 6yrs or so ive had around 7-8friends die from Oding you think you know everytime someone die they'd get the clue they need to stop but i know its not that easy! i know that the only way you can stop is if you really want it because all the help in the world will not help unless u really want it.
it is very sad thou very sad:cry:
i really like ur names too :) i like how u spell byron too its cute

Going to have to read back in the posts to see how everyone is doing. But here is my scan pic from today!!!!!! HB is 171 bpm!!!! It was amazing! Luckily she got a decent pic through my tummy instead of going transvaginal!!! We saw the arm buds and everything! She said I'm 9 weeks even today! WOOHOOO!! The machine gave an EDD of 7/3/2013 but she said we're sticking with 7/4/2013!!!

ultrasound picture looks so great im so jealous!! i really em everyones got actual looking babys and ive got alittle dot:-/ i dont even care about getting another picture i just wish i could see that the baby is growing just fine<3 geeze i got myself so worried right now!! im gonna see about a private one tomorrow or something:blush::wacko: idk im gonna fig out something because im worried to death now but im so very very very happy that yours went so great today:hugs:

Thank you!! I didn't expect a scan for another couple of weeks so I'm so glad I got to see our little bean! My sis said after seeing the pic, wow! That looks bigger than a bean! LOL! Your LO looks like a baby now too! I'm going to look at a private 3D scan later on. I want to be further along and be able to see babies facial features and what not. But I'm not supposed to go back I don't think until 20 weeks according to the tech. She was really good! I even thanked her for being so good and answering all my questions. She chuckled and said not a problem. I said no you don't understand. I said I have heard horrible things about techs on this forum I'm on. She was like how awful!! Every time I asked her a question she was like just a moment I'm getting to that! She explained everything she was doing from looking at the ovaries to make sure of no cysts and the uterus itself and then the baby and the heartbeat. Let us hear it twice. :)

JJs mum Hey our babies are due the same day! I guess cause my scan was yesterday and Australia is ahead in the timezone it seems that they put your due date the same as mine even though it is already Friday afternoon here.

Becca - totally agree about the bacteria. Seems so personal too almost an invasion of my body with the transvaginal scan. However my uterus is back to front so it's the ONLY way they can get a good look up til when the baby is bigger and my uterus is sitting higher.

Got my best friends baby shower next weekend- I am organizing the whole thing with games, decorations, the works! It is lady bug themed. Hopefully it wont be a stinking hot day and everyone will have a nice time. So far I have had about 6 RSVP's saying they are def. coming along but 18 invites went out so rude when people don't RSVP...makes it very hard to cater for food and drink etc
We also have my DH's Christmas party in the evening. Am worried about the smoke and alcohol too.
Hey I really like the idea of the gender revealing! Must check it out for future note. DH refused to pick a name until we know the gender.

On a side note- my Morning/Everytime of the day sickness seems less dramatic the last few days. Hope that means a good thing and not a bad thing!
I have to make a Dr appointment tomorrow to get my blood test results from yesterday.
Finally got around to wrapping up some Christmas gifts for the nieces and nephews...so difficult with a toddler who loves scissors and paper!

Libbysmum, that's so awesome how the time change is!! See you had yours yesterday according to you which was Thursday. It's Thursday night right now for me! It's so cool how we can be due on the same day but your day will be here before mine will be! LOL! It's so neat!

I have my Christmas party on Saturday evening! We have a lot of drinking that will be going on there as well and I'm glad I'm taking my scan pic in and showing it to the girls at work so they don't expect me to be doing any form of drinking! :) Hope your morning sickness is going to stay less that what it was! :hugs:

i know i shouldnt be sweating it but im just so scared and even know my doctor said everything was fine when i called the other day it just still scares me!!! im so glad u had such a great teach because my teach just has me so wacked out i mean what a BIT*H sorry for the words ladies lol but i just still cant get over how RUDE SHE WAS but its almost 12am i gotta wake up at 5:30am which is crazy because i wake up earlyer then that good night all going to sleep and good whatever it everywhere else lol to the rest of u<3:hugs:
Hey ladies so tired but I can't sleep... At work feels like I have to use the washroom every 5 minutes... Hope no one has caught on yet.
I know I got to go shopping cause we are down to the bare essentials in the pantry but I dread taking the little one out in this humidity! Plus if I buy food I don't actually feel like cooking any of it.
Really considering online shopping for groceries SOON!
Looked into the cloth nappy pick up service- It is a bit expensive if you ask me - what do you all think?
20 nappies $29.50
30 nappies $32.50
40 nappies $36.00
50 nappies $38.50
60 nappies $42.00
70 nappies $43.50
Additional 10&#8217;s $3.50
Pick up only $17.50
I think it would be cheaper and easier to DIY eh??
I phoned the EPU this morning because I wasn't happy with the way the MW spoke to me last night lol.

They have said they don't give anti d injections before 12 weeks and the amount I said it was she thinks it was most likely from the outside rather than from the baby.
Hey girls!!
I had my anti natal appointment today and saw little bean :happydance: everything was perfect with bub :):):)
Me on the other hand everything was not perfect. He asked what sort of delivery I would like and I said a natural and he went through my health and history and said 'you will have to have a c-section at 38 weeks, we can't even induce you cause it would be too dangerous. But if you go into labour before 38 weeks you can go naturally but most likely not' sucks!!!
I also have very low vitamin D, and high blood pressure again. He said I will need to eventually go blood pressure tablets and bs didn't like how my levels were after my over night shift at work, he wants me to monitor them closely and if I notice them becoming bad then I have to stop those shifts. My next scan is in 4 weeks for the 12 week scan but will be around 13 weeks cause we are away on holidays. It's on the 3rd of january and then I will see him again on the 9th of January!
Libbysmum - OMG that is expensive. I'd definitely just do it myself.

All the ladies who had scans, congrats!! :happydance:

All these names are so pretty and awesome sounding, too! We've had our names picked out since TTC..

Hunter James for a boy
Madeline Sue for a girl :D
Hey girls!!
I had my anti natal appointment today and saw little bean :happydance: everything was perfect with bub :):):)
Me on the other hand everything was not perfect. He asked what sort of delivery I would like and I said a natural and he went through my health and history and said 'you will have to have a c-section at 38 weeks, we can't even induce you cause it would be too dangerous. But if you go into labour before 38 weeks you can go naturally but most likely not' sucks!!!
I also have very low vitamin D, and high blood pressure again. He said I will need to eventually go blood pressure tablets and bs didn't like how my levels were after my over night shift at work, he wants me to monitor them closely and if I notice them becoming bad then I have to stop those shifts. My next scan is in 4 weeks for the 12 week scan but will be around 13 weeks cause we are away on holidays. It's on the 3rd of january and then I will see him again on the 9th of January!

Sorry to hear. :nope: At least they are keeping an eye on you!
loving all the new scan pics!!!:happydance:

well my sickness has started now, strangely i feel better once ive been sick, its beats feeling sick all day.:sick:
taking all this as a good sign. ive finally stopped spotting now. :thumbup:

i dnt really have any cravings yet, just gone off a lot of food.

i feel so guilty being signed off work, sure people are saying 'she is only pregnant!' behind my back, its such a busy time at school as well with xmas play and stuff coming up. but i am glad of the break, all i want to do is sleep!!!:sleep:
Whoohoo!!! Amazing scans ladies. Our beans are all so stinking cute!!!

9 weeks today!!! I hope you all have a great day. I've got work, and my LO's ballet recital this evening. She's going by her dad after that for the weekend and I don't have to work. I'm dreaming of spending the weekend in bed. Sleep is my BFF at the moment.
maratobe- why do they have to do a csection at 38 weeks? if you don't mind me asking! that's rough having an ideal birth and your doctor telling you its not possible. I'm sure its for reasons that are in the best interest of you and your baby though!!

Do most of you have to go somewhere other than your doctor's office for your scans? i've noticed a lot of appointments for scan and was curious.
i lived in a different city when i had my daughter and i'd have to have my doctor schedule an ultrasound at the nearby hospital every time i had a scan. This time i went in for my first appointment and kind of expected the same thing but the doctor just wheeled the ultrasound machine in the room with her and did it right then and there. I think that'll be nice down the road!!!
I know I got to go shopping cause we are down to the bare essentials in the pantry but I dread taking the little one out in this humidity! Plus if I buy food I don't actually feel like cooking any of it.
Really considering online shopping for groceries SOON!
Looked into the cloth nappy pick up service- It is a bit expensive if you ask me - what do you all think?
20 nappies $29.50
30 nappies $32.50
40 nappies $36.00
50 nappies $38.50
60 nappies $42.00
70 nappies $43.50
Additional 10’s $3.50
Pick up only $17.50
I think it would be cheaper and easier to DIY eh??

that does sound alittle costly lib i think im just gonna stick with my pampers/huggies or luvz ::the luvz happen to be the cheapest & actually work REALLY REALLY GOOD:: they also come in newborns <3 not only that but washing all of them im just not gonna have the time and plus i think in the end its gonna cost more having to buy way more detergent on top of the detergent gotta make sure its baby safe " i always used *ALL* for babys<3 works great & price is GREAT plus the water bill is going to be SHY HIGH so i think on that note i'll pass!!!

i do online shopping sometimes lib its great!! everything sale they have at the store u can get online at most of the stores then everything is always nice & fresh because of course they have someone go around the store and pick of your iteams just for you!!
when i worked at a grocerie store i actually did online orders alot! and i only picked out what i would buy for my house!you know the freshes fruits good meats i just think of what i would want to buy to feed my family to pick out for other people<3

id def look into it i do think its great especially when you have the LO and can't get nothing DONE lol good luck:hugs:

Hey girls!!
I had my anti natal appointment today and saw little bean :happydance: everything was perfect with bub :):):)
Me on the other hand everything was not perfect. He asked what sort of delivery I would like and I said a natural and he went through my health and history and said 'you will have to have a c-section at 38 weeks, we can't even induce you cause it would be too dangerous. But if you go into labour before 38 weeks you can go naturally but most likely not' sucks!!!
I also have very low vitamin D, and high blood pressure again. He said I will need to eventually go blood pressure tablets and bs didn't like how my levels were after my over night shift at work, he wants me to monitor them closely and if I notice them becoming bad then I have to stop those shifts. My next scan is in 4 weeks for the 12 week scan but will be around 13 weeks cause we are away on holidays. It's on the 3rd of january and then I will see him again on the 9th of January!

so glad baby is good:thumbup: however im so sorry your not doing so good:wacko: i really wish you the best with your health:hugs:
ive also have had some issues with my blood pressure but believe it or not ever since i got pregnant it has been fine:winkwink: crazy right?!
i really hope i get another scan soon i remember her saying i would go more because of the meds im on but then when i called to ask if everything was ok with my u/s the girl over the phone said i wouldnt get another scan until i was 18-20weeks which is CRAZY im not gonna wait that long but ive been looking into some other doctors to check them out i actually switch my doctor at the office i was seeing my midwife at just didnt care for her AT ALLLLLL!!!! then i made a appointment with the very first obgyn that i ever saw in my life that took care of me when i was pregnant with DS who also took care of my sister while she was pregnant and is taken care of her pregnany right now and also alot of other people i know has seen her so i realllllyy like her but im just not sure if im gonna be able to make it to my appointments cause she so far but i also got a appointment with this one doctor who has good feed back and i go and see him on the 4th lol is that crazy?!?! i just wanna find a obgyn or midwife that is close and that i LIKE that i feel safe with taken care of me and my baby.

well ill be praying that your health gets better and that ur doctor will change his mind about the c-section but the main thing is he just wants to make sure u and baby come out safe and i want u guys to be safe too:hugs:

Libbysmum - OMG that is expensive. I'd definitely just do it myself.

All the ladies who had scans, congrats!! :happydance:

All these names are so pretty and awesome sounding, too! We've had our names picked out since TTC..

Hunter James for a boy
Madeline Sue for a girl :D

i love the name madeline i was actually thinking about it:) but i really like the name amelie hope:winkwink: we actually were gonna go with the name hope as a first but lol i got a cat name hope so i thought that be kinda werid lol but im not gonna let that mess up me not using it at all heck its not like i name the cat my mother did <3 you remember the cartoon madeline?! with all the little girls and they said we love our bread we love our butter but most of all we love each other hehe:flower:

and i like hunter james too but his sister actually had alittle boy 2yrs ago and name him hunter
maratobe- why do they have to do a csection at 38 weeks? if you don't mind me asking! that's rough having an ideal birth and your doctor telling you its not possible. I'm sure its for reasons that are in the best interest of you and your baby though!!

Do most of you have to go somewhere other than your doctor's office for your scans? i've noticed a lot of appointments for scan and was curious.
i lived in a different city when i had my daughter and i'd have to have my doctor schedule an ultrasound at the nearby hospital every time i had a scan. This time i went in for my first appointment and kind of expected the same thing but the doctor just wheeled the ultrasound machine in the room with her and did it right then and there. I think that'll be nice down the road!!!

i have to go somewhere else for my scan it really sucks and im hoping to maybe find a doctor that does them in the office.

what my doctor does is they give you a paper & it has a big list of all the places that you can go too and they get you in pretty darn fast like if my doctor gave me the paper mon i could most likely get something for tuesday and if not tues then def wed for sure but it just be so much easier to have them do it right there:blush:
To the ladies in the USA... This is my first pregnancy, so I'm a little lost on some things:

Do most OBs give ultrasounds at the 12 week mark...? I have my 12 week appointment on December 18th, but I don't know if I'll be getting a scan or if it will just be a regular appointment.

My sister is 3 months ahead of me and is due at the beginning of April... She has had scans at 6, 10, 15, 20, and 22... She is not a high risk, it's just something her doctor (and her awesome insurance) provides. :wacko:

On a side note, I do not have insurance and am considered pre-Medicaid... Will that affect whether or not I am given a scan? Also, I denied all the extra, optional tests that come at 12 weeks.
To the ladies in the USA... This is my first pregnancy, so I'm a little lost on some things:

Do most OBs give ultrasounds at the 12 week mark...? I have my 12 week appointment on December 18th, but I don't know if I'll be getting a scan or if it will just be a regular appointment.

My sister is 3 months ahead of me and is due at the beginning of April... She has had scans at 6, 10, 15, 20, and 22... She is not a high risk, it's just something her doctor (and her awesome insurance) provides. :wacko:

On a side note, I do not have insurance and am considered pre-Medicaid... Will that affect whether or not I am given a scan? Also, I denied all the extra, optional tests that come at 12 weeks.

I think it depends on what medicaid will cover. Most people I've known have insurance that covers 2 ultrasounds (maybe more for complications/risk). My doctor had me schedule an early ultrasound for week 8 to measure the baby and check the heart beat. I don't know much else since this is my first too! I'm not even sure how to find out how many my insurance covers!!
To the ladies in the USA... This is my first pregnancy, so I'm a little lost on some things:

Do most OBs give ultrasounds at the 12 week mark...? I have my 12 week appointment on December 18th, but I don't know if I'll be getting a scan or if it will just be a regular appointment.

My sister is 3 months ahead of me and is due at the beginning of April... She has had scans at 6, 10, 15, 20, and 22... She is not a high risk, it's just something her doctor (and her awesome insurance) provides. :wacko:

On a side note, I do not have insurance and am considered pre-Medicaid... Will that affect whether or not I am given a scan? Also, I denied all the extra, optional tests that come at 12 weeks.

In the US they normally do a dating scan around 8 weeks and then your next one is between 18-20 weeks. There IS a 12 week scan but only if you've agreed to do the testing. 12 weeks is when they do the Nuchal translucency screening.

Wow she sure got a lot of scans!!
With my first pregnancy I had one at 8 weeks, one at 12 weeks for testing (I only did it for the scan), one at 13 weeks because the tech couldn't get a measurement (wink wink lol), I had my 20 week and a paid one at 29 weeks. I also had 2 ultra sounds near the end due to huge jump in fungal height and the 40 week ultrasound to check fluid levels as I was going overdue

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