~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Oneandtwo- When I vomit my entire face decides to leak.. I cry, there's snot flowing from my nose and then of course the grossness itself. UGH!! So undignified!

When Mark gets home with my doctor's notes I'll tell you what the dosage on the b6 and unisom was....

Our gender scan isn't till 18 weeks so that'll be roughly February 4th. So far away!

Yup, me too! I always shut and lock the door so my hubby cant follow me in or try to "check on me", he doesnt need to see that! HA!

and thank you! It'd be nice to find something that would work, i miss eating :(

The nurse just called me back and said she was going to talk to the doctor about getting me a prescription for something. they close in like 15 minutes so i'll be shocked if I hear back tonight!

ETA: just kidding! they already called back and I can pick up a prescription for zofran tomorrow, hope it works. Im so nervous about it making me sleepy!
donna- my feet have been killing me tooo! ive been wearing my nike sandles around or you know what i go to school for medical assitances and wear them nurses shoes the crocks omg they are WONDERFULL!!!!!!!! and u also can wear them to work too.

thats so sweet that dh is making you dinner! mine is on call all this week and he's the only one that is working right now because i take care of the kids and go to school:)

i normally fill up the bath and sit on the side and soak my feet that way i can make the water as hot as i can stand it with out worrying about hurting baby by soaking my whole body mm that sounds like a good ideal actually

good luck donna hope ur feeties feel better<3

oneandtwo- lol ur friend sound like mine! she keeps telling me that its a lil girl because she getting me ready for all the crazyness when she gets here but i know when she gets here if its a she that she will be the BEST THING EVER:)
i just got this feeling its a girl and u know i had the same feeling with my son i kept saying i know its a boy i know its a boy well i got that same feeling but i know its a girl i know its a girl:) i even got the perfect name picked out too which i will share with everyone as soon as im sure im having a lil girl hehe

becca- YAY ur little bean looks GREAT I CAN NOT WAIT to go for another one im so jealous<3
SugarBeth - I know!! My hubby ordered onion rings the other night and I ate half of his. I didn't know how much I wanted them until I tasted one. They were just so crunchy and perfect. I actually commented that the restaurant had amazing ketchup. Mark just looked at me funny and said, "I think that might just be your pregnancy tastebuds hun." but oh my gosh... the ketchup was perfect as were the onion rings!

Warning - Your U/s might be transvaginal since your so early... I'm 8 weeks and mine was! *shudders*

Unfortunately, it definitely is a trasvaginal. I've been through it enough with my medical history though that it stopped really bothering me and I'm just used to them now. I'm just really focused on getting to see that pea sized baby!

Pregnancy tastebuds are THE BEST! Last time, I was too sick for six months to really enjoy them. By the time I stopped being sick, I was always full of heartburn or feeling so bloated. But this time, it's amazing. Everything taste so great! Even things I normally never would eat before taste good. Loving this part!

My 6 wk scan was transvaginal but my 8 wks was the usual external ultrasound and we were able to see baby fine. I guess diff offices have different practices.
SugarBeth - I know!! My hubby ordered onion rings the other night and I ate half of his. I didn't know how much I wanted them until I tasted one. They were just so crunchy and perfect. I actually commented that the restaurant had amazing ketchup. Mark just looked at me funny and said, "I think that might just be your pregnancy tastebuds hun." but oh my gosh... the ketchup was perfect as were the onion rings!

Warning - Your U/s might be transvaginal since your so early... I'm 8 weeks and mine was! *shudders*

Unfortunately, it definitely is a trasvaginal. I've been through it enough with my medical history though that it stopped really bothering me and I'm just used to them now. I'm just really focused on getting to see that pea sized baby!

Pregnancy tastebuds are THE BEST! Last time, I was too sick for six months to really enjoy them. By the time I stopped being sick, I was always full of heartburn or feeling so bloated. But this time, it's amazing. Everything taste so great! Even things I normally never would eat before taste good. Loving this part!

My 6 wk scan was transvaginal but my 8 wks was the usual external ultrasound and we were able to see baby fine. I guess diff offices have different practices.

Pretty sure mine will be transvaginal tomorrow. Was really uncomfortable last time, last tech was so rough I actually cried out (which she ignored) and left me sore the whole day and night. Praying she is off and someone else is in instead!!
I know early yet, but has anyone started picking out names, or are like us and already have set names? We always pick while ttc, it's so much less stressful than trying to figure it out during pregnancy to me. (Obviously ous is in the siggy!) We actually started trying to name our baby after this one - our boy name is pretty set, and we're pretty sure we have our girl name too. I love planning ahead! lol
Going to have to read back in the posts to see how everyone is doing. But here is my scan pic from today!!!!!! HB is 171 bpm!!!! It was amazing! Luckily she got a decent pic through my tummy instead of going transvaginal!!! We saw the arm buds and everything! She said I'm 9 weeks even today! WOOHOOO!! The machine gave an EDD of 7/3/2013 but she said we're sticking with 7/4/2013!!!


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i'm on zofran and it doesn't make me sleepy. Well i dont think at least i'm tired all the time but i dont think its because of the zofran lol

i've heard you get worse morning sickness when pregnany with girls than boys but i never had it with my DD and this time i have it bad. makes me wonder if its a boy because this pregnancy is already so different!!

is anyone planning on being surprised on gender or do you want to find out? i dont think i could wait until the baby is here to know!
Pretty sure mine will be transvaginal tomorrow. Was really uncomfortable last time, last tech was so rough I actually cried out (which she ignored) and left me sore the whole day and night. Praying she is off and someone else is in instead!!

My appointment was with the same doctor who did the scan after my miscarriage. So at least I knew what was coming! Thought it was kinda neat that in this practice the Doctor's themselves do the scans after the nurses do your history and bloodwork etc. She was really kind and seemed genuinely excited. Kept saying how she was so happy to be doing this after the circumstances of last time. She even mentioned that she thought it was the same room! LOL I thought that was kinda weird. I was totally not paying attention last time.

Myra - I'd gotten my hopes up that it was going to be an abdominal one. So many people had said their 8 week scan was and the one or two friends I mentioned it to said their's had been too. Then one of the first things the nurse says when I get in today was, 'and the doctor will finish with an ultrasound. it will be transvaginal.' then of course I had to think about that for the next 2 hours until it was time. All went well though and no more internal exams until 36 weeks! (which in itself I find odd because the very first internal I had in the UK was when I was a week late and they did a membrane sweep!)
tlh97990 - we're definitely finding out!!

JJsmom - you lucky duck! congrats on the good scan!

SugarBeth - oh my.... we have a boy's name but we're sooo divided on girl's names. we had one till 27 weeks last time and then Mark woke up one morning and said, "I'm not feeling it." and we had to change!! argh! we're not even going to talk about names until after the gender scan... the less conflict the better! *laughs*
Pretty sure mine will be transvaginal tomorrow. Was really uncomfortable last time, last tech was so rough I actually cried out (which she ignored) and left me sore the whole day and night. Praying she is off and someone else is in instead!!

My appointment was with the same doctor who did the scan after my miscarriage. So at least I knew what was coming! Thought it was kinda neat that i this practice the Doctor's themselves do the scans after the nurses do your history and bloodwork etc. She was really kind and seemed genuinely excited. Kept saying how she was so happy to be doing this after the circumstances of last time. She even mentioned that she thought it was the same room! LOL I thought that was kinda weird. I was totally not paying attention last time.

Myra - I'd gotten my hopes up that it was going to be an abdominal one. So many people had said their 8 week scan was and the one or two friends I mentioned it to said their's had been too. Then one of the first things the nurse says when I get in today was, 'and the doctor will finish with an ultrasound. it will be transvaginal.' then of course I had to think about that for the next 2 hours until it was time. All went well though and no more internal exams until 36 weeks! (which in itself I find odd because the very first internal I had in the UK was when I was a week late and they did a membrane sweep!)

I was a nurse (paediatrics) in the UK, and I can honesty say they are so much keener to be elbow deep in your lady parts here! I've chosen a minimal intervention midwife at our hospital rather than an ob so they don't do their own ultrasounds. They don't do internals until labour, for which I am very grateful!
For my first scan they did both. We could see everything fine with the abdominal but I guess the vaginal shows more detail. I'm always scared it will hurt baby. Too many stories of mmc after scans.

I can't wear crocs or sandals where I work! Plus it's way too cold! I think it was 16 degrees when I left yesterday!
i've heard you get worse morning sickness when pregnany with girls than boys but i never had it with my DD and this time i have it bad. makes me wonder if its a boy because this pregnancy is already so different!!

is anyone planning on being surprised on gender or do you want to find out? i dont think i could wait until the baby is here to know!

From what I've seen, with most people it's just that every baby is different instead of one gender doing one thing and another gender doing another. Last time I was terribly sick with DD, but not bad now. I'm not thinking it's a boy though (though I'm not thinking girl either - so far I'm just focused on healthy baby, and trying to not assume what they may be. I'd love to keep an open mind and be totally surprised!)

We'll be finding out if we can though. Our house is covered in pink! If we do have a boy, we'll need clothing that isn't all dresses and ruffles, and blankets that aren't all pink! lol. If we do have a boy and a girl, I'd love a surprise baby after.

tlh97990 - we're definitely finding out!!

SugarBeth - oh my.... we have a boy's name but we're sooo divided on girl's names. we had one till 27 weeks last time and then Mark woke up one morning and said, "I'm not feeling it." and we had to change!! argh! we're not even going to talk about names until after the gender scan... the less conflict the better! *laughs*

I know, we're a bit unconventional! LOL. I hate the pressure of finding that perfect name in just a few months, so we think about it for a few years and make sure it's something we'll love for a long time. This time was pretty easy, we're using the same boy name as last time, and we have a theme set that already determined the girl middle name to be Rose. DH came to me one day and asked if we could do Elizabeth for our next girl. We mulled it over for a while until I agreed.

Recently I told him that I've adored the name Vincent for many years, and he agreed that he really liked it too, so that'll be boy #2's name. DH wants girl #3's middle name to be Ariel, and I'd like the first name to probably be Charlotte. (I love the vintage feel of our names - Katherine, Elizabeth, Charlotte, William and Vincent) We want a large family, so there's lots of names to think up!
I know early yet, but has anyone started picking out names, or are like us and already have set names? We always pick while ttc, it's so much less stressful than trying to figure it out during pregnancy to me. (Obviously ous is in the siggy!) We actually started trying to name our baby after this one - our boy name is pretty set, and we're pretty sure we have our girl name too. I love planning ahead! lol

We have had names picked out since before TTC :) We are definitely planners also! For a boy we are set on Jonathan Michael and for a girl Aisling Meara.

I am just loving all of your scans! It is getting me very excited for ours, just three more weeks lol!
I know early yet, but has anyone started picking out names, or are like us and already have set names? We always pick while ttc, it's so much less stressful than trying to figure it out during pregnancy to me. (Obviously ous is in the siggy!) We actually started trying to name our baby after this one - our boy name is pretty set, and we're pretty sure we have our girl name too. I love planning ahead! lol

We have had names picked out since before TTC :) We are definitely planners also! For a boy we are set on Jonathan Michael and for a girl Aisling Meara.

I am just loving all of your scans! It is getting me very excited for ours, just three more weeks lol!

Yay! I feel less crazy! I feel so stressfree already knowing the names are decided and just waiting to see which one this baby falls into. :cloud9:

Donna Noble - I adore your screen name/picture btw. Just had to say it! I love Doctor Who.
For my first scan they did both. We could see everything fine with the abdominal but I guess the vaginal shows more detail. I'm always scared it will hurt baby. Too many stories of mmc after scans.

Oh my gosh! Now you've freaked me out!

I don't understand internals at all.. just seems like added opportunities to introduce bacteria...
I know early yet, but has anyone started picking out names, or are like us and already have set names? We always pick while ttc, it's so much less stressful than trying to figure it out during pregnancy to me. (Obviously ous is in the siggy!) We actually started trying to name our baby after this one - our boy name is pretty set, and we're pretty sure we have our girl name too. I love planning ahead! lol

We have had names picked out since before TTC :) We are definitely planners also! For a boy we are set on Jonathan Michael and for a girl Aisling Meara.

I am just loving all of your scans! It is getting me very excited for ours, just three more weeks lol!

Yay! I feel less crazy! I feel so stressfree already knowing the names are decided and just waiting to see which one this baby falls into. :cloud9:

Donna Noble - I adore your screen name/picture btw. Just had to say it! I love Doctor Who.

I agree! It is very relaxing to already have an idea for names. Especially when there is so much to do, this is our first and there is so much to pick out! :haha:
Breadsticks - I'd have one by now but my husband keeps vetoing EVERYTHING! at least the middle name is sorted. We'll be sticking with MacKenzie.
Going to have to read back in the posts to see how everyone is doing. But here is my scan pic from today!!!!!! HB is 171 bpm!!!! It was amazing! Luckily she got a decent pic through my tummy instead of going transvaginal!!! We saw the arm buds and everything! She said I'm 9 weeks even today! WOOHOOO!! The machine gave an EDD of 7/3/2013 but she said we're sticking with 7/4/2013!!!

ultrasound picture looks so great im so jealous!! i really em everyones got actual looking babys and ive got alittle dot:-/ i dont even care about getting another picture i just wish i could see that the baby is growing just fine<3 geeze i got myself so worried right now!! im gonna see about a private one tomorrow or something:blush::wacko: idk im gonna fig out something because im worried to death now but im so very very very happy that yours went so great today:hugs:

For my first scan they did both. We could see everything fine with the abdominal but I guess the vaginal shows more detail. I'm always scared it will hurt baby. Too many stories of mmc after scans.

I can't wear crocs or sandals where I work! Plus it's way too cold! I think it was 16 degrees when I left yesterday!

aww donna so sorry your scans havent always brought you the best luck but so glad everything is all well with u now!!! i know with the vaginal scans they can see your ovrias better i belive that is why they do them.

also they have crocs they have backs to them now that arent are open but i understand where ur coming from because when i have worked in the pass i couldnt wear no open toes or nothing like that:-/ you know what i got these doctor stolls that were GREAT!!!!! i think i spell that right lol yeah its getting real cold where i live also so i know what cha mean what do u do for work if u dont mind me asking?!
I know early yet, but has anyone started picking out names, or are like us and already have set names? We always pick while ttc, it's so much less stressful than trying to figure it out during pregnancy to me. (Obviously ous is in the siggy!) We actually started trying to name our baby after this one - our boy name is pretty set, and we're pretty sure we have our girl name too. I love planning ahead! lol

We have had names picked out since before TTC :) We are definitely planners also! For a boy we are set on Jonathan Michael and for a girl Aisling Meara.

I am just loving all of your scans! It is getting me very excited for ours, just three more weeks lol!

we have also had our names pick out forever too!!! lol what the heck i'll share them

Girl*-Amelie Hope Widener <- i really love this name
Boy*-Payton Domingo Widener<- the middle name is for his best friend that passed away a few years ago..this name might change but i dont think the middle name will
JJs mum Hey our babies are due the same day! I guess cause my scan was yesterday and Australia is ahead in the timezone it seems that they put your due date the same as mine even though it is already Friday afternoon here.

Becca - totally agree about the bacteria. Seems so personal too almost an invasion of my body with the transvaginal scan. However my uterus is back to front so it's the ONLY way they can get a good look up til when the baby is bigger and my uterus is sitting higher.

Got my best friends baby shower next weekend- I am organizing the whole thing with games, decorations, the works! It is lady bug themed. Hopefully it wont be a stinking hot day and everyone will have a nice time. So far I have had about 6 RSVP's saying they are def. coming along but 18 invites went out so rude when people don't RSVP...makes it very hard to cater for food and drink etc
We also have my DH's Christmas party in the evening. Am worried about the smoke and alcohol too.
Hey I really like the idea of the gender revealing! Must check it out for future note. DH refused to pick a name until we know the gender.

On a side note- my Morning/Everytime of the day sickness seems less dramatic the last few days. Hope that means a good thing and not a bad thing!
I have to make a Dr appointment tomorrow to get my blood test results from yesterday.
Finally got around to wrapping up some Christmas gifts for the nieces and nephews...so difficult with a toddler who loves scissors and paper!

we have also had our names pick out forever too!!! lol what the heck i'll share them

Girl*-Amelie Hope Widener <- i really love this name
Boy*-Payton Domingo Widener<- the middle name is for his best friend that passed away a few years ago..this name might change but i dont think the middle name will[/QUOTE]

Hey I really love the name hope that is so pretty!
Domingo- how cool! That is so original! I love it!:thumbup:

I like the name Sienna for a girl and Byron for a boy but it shall remain nameless til around 18-20wks

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