~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I have a small belly, its.not.noticeable to.those.who.don't know.me.cause.it.just looks.like i have a gut, but foe me im.already like.bumping.it.on the counter when.im.doing dishes LOL. my belly is usually flush or sunk.in passed my hip bones, its definitely sticking out now. maybe I'll post a picture later :)

i was.way pissed before.i.got.pregnant that my clothes.were too big, cause.it meant i was losing weight but im.glad now.cause even with my little speed bump my pants are.still fitting. dh and i had to go to a Christmas.party last night and my dress still fit! my belly stuck out of it and.was.very tight.in the middle, but.it fit!

the zofran is working great for me, i was able.to.eat two full meals yesterday and only threw up once, yay! I woke up with a raging cold yesterday too though, oh and im 99.98% sure i felt a little baby pop yesterday, im waiting for it to happen again to confirm it but I've been so busy i haven't had time to sit down to notice any feelings!

and last night we got some great news about my husbands upcoming away time, he'll still miss the birth but WILL be back by the time it is 3-4mos old. im so glad cause last we heard they were going to be gone for way longer and he wouldn't be back til after the 6mo mark.
I told everyone at work yesterday by showing them the ultrasound! All but one seemed happy for me! One of them is so bitter in her marriage as she sleeps around on her husband as well, that when I even told her I was engaged she said not to go through with it. But she cant get me down! LOL! I'm still remembering watching my baby bounce around and the tech tell me I have such an active baby! Watching it wave it's arms around everywhere! It just makes me smile every time! I can't wait to see it again in 11 weeks!!! We have our company Christmas party tonight! Going to go for a bit and see how it is as I didn't go last year. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

JJ- i had when people try to put you down just because their LIFES arent going the way they want them too:wacko: it sounds to me like you and ur man are very happy together and that you have yourself a good little life going:).
you know nobody is perfect & nobody life or marrgie is perfect or kids i mean just nothing!!!
and u know we all go threw hard times married or not married but its ashame that people who are miserable and having problems tell u not to get marry because everyone is different but u know what you will NEVER LEARN nothing if you don't personally go threw it yourself!! i mean em i right?!
i think the best lessons are life lessons:) im glad ur not letting none of it mess your good spirits up mama<3:hugs: and i hope u have a really good time at the christmas party tonight hopefully they'll have some YUMMY foods that you can eat up hehe
well i gotta go get DS ready for bowling hope u have a wonderful day as well ALL OF YOU:)

Yeah, people that are miserable tend to try to make others feel the same. I'm hoping their food is good! I heard they are going to have chicken and fish. I hate fish so hopefully the chicken is good! :) Yes me and my man are happy and I couldn't have found a better match for me! Even my mom was like be careful and don't take it for granted! she said don't get upset about no toilet paper left on the roll, or the toothpaste not being squeezed from the bottom (I actually had already said something about that because I have arthritis in my hands and it's hard to squeeze for me.) But now I'm going to try to not sweat the small stuff and make sure I thank him for everything he does because he sure does a heck of a lot around here at times! He has his moments but then I think about what I have to do and I want to make him just as happy as he makes me. :)
aaisrie- im sorry i thought u said it was photoshop i read it wrong lol that was a big belly but i thought it was cute:) and as far as no pain meds go let me let u i could have not done it without anything.
my water was already leaking thats why they kept me of course because i was only 38weeks but anyways when the doctor came to check me he broke the rest of my water without telling me and OMG i was then in the worse pain of my LIFE EVER:wacko: i had told the doctor to please cut him out right now i coulndt take it nemore to please knock me out or something i was in so much freaking PAIN!! but as soon as they gave me the ep i was good i couldnt feel a thing.
like i said i could barely feel the baby coming out<3:hugs:
Thanks everyone! Bleeding is slowing but still heavier than it was before, so a bit bummed. :nope: I wish the bleeding would stop. I feel so exhausted and ill all the time - I keep having variations of feeling like I'm going to puke, to having an awfully sore and dry throat, to being totally dehydrated. I just feel like I want to sleep forever!

Unfortunately, since I'd bled through my clothes my mom had to put them in the washer.. Along with my iphone. :dohh: So I had to borrow my grandmother's wheelchair to hit the mall today so I could get a replacement (it's a LOT of walking, and I'm not supposed to even stand for very long :nope:). I've never been in a wheelchair before and most people are very polite and respectful, but I've noticed a lot of young women were very rude today - one actually let a door slam behind her right in my face! :growlmad: For the most part people held doors open behind them though which was nice.

Stressful stressful day! I need to sleep for a week! :haha: The good thing is, found the hb twice again today and it's getting easier to find it each time we try. :cloud9:
Hi all Quick update - i had another scan on friday - got some pictures will share once i managed to get one on the computer.

This scan dated me as 9+5 on friday which means my current due date is 30th JUNE! :shock: :haha:

Il get my official one at my 12 week scan though
I'm kinda jealous of all this bumps... I just have my usual roll :)
we heard the heartbeat yesterday... it was a beautiful moment. DH is too excited and he keeps putting his hand on my belly at night <3
I too am married to my perfect match. We've been together for 8 years and married for 4 and a half... FINALLY expecting our first babe...
Dreams CAN come true!
I'm kinda jealous of all this bumps... I just have my usual roll :)
we heard the heartbeat yesterday... it was a beautiful moment. DH is too excited and he keeps putting his hand on my belly at night <3
I too am married to my perfect match. We've been together for 8 years and married for 4 and a half... FINALLY expecting our first babe...
Dreams CAN come true!

I also still have my usual roll, no bump. Actually i still have my plenty of bloat on top of my normal roll! I can't wait to start getting a bump!!

Glad you got to hear your baby's heartbeat yesterday!!! It's suck an exciting time to hear it!!!!
Hi all Quick update - i had another scan on friday - got some pictures will share once i managed to get one on the computer.

This scan dated me as 9+5 on friday which means my current due date is 30th JUNE! :shock: :haha:

Il get my official one at my 12 week scan though

Glad to hear you had another good scan! I'm due on June 30th as well:thumbup:
We are definitely funding out if its a boy or girl. Hoping for a boy this tine around. I can't wait to find out.
aaisrie I will put up one of me about 3 days before we had Libby...it's just a belly pic really.


  • belly 9 july 11.jpg
    belly 9 july 11.jpg
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Here's my belly from today :) 9+5wks

like i said, to most it probably doesn't look like anything but to me its the start of a pretty good bump!
Here's my belly from today :) 9+5wks

like i said, to most it probably doesn't look like anything but to me its the start of a pretty good bump!

i think ur bump looks great:thumbup::winkwink:
this is my 9 week bump today. Starting to get something on the big side :


I'm expecting to get pretty large though. This was bubba 3 at 41 weeks


mind you I give birth to baby elephants anyway lol. Look at the size of this brute haha :


I'm a little afraid of how big this one is gonna be actually lol
Omg alicecooper-that is a big baby! how big was he?! my babies have all been in the 6lbs range!
Im so jealous. I just look fatter! Ok so I just ordered a sonoline. I feel so guilty like it's a waste of money if something goes wrong.: (
Omg alicecooper-that is a big baby! how big was he?! my babies have all been in the 6lbs range!

aww bless lol I'd be afraid of holding a 6lber - I'm used to mammoths lol.

He was 11lbs 0.7oz

the other two were a little smaller. DD was 10lbs 10oz and DS1 was 10lbs 1oz

but...I was overweight whilst pg with those three though. I got down to normal BMI before getting pregnant this time, so I don't know if that's going to effect the weight of the baby at all. I think I'd die of shock if I had a normal sized baby though lol. I'd be like "that's not mine...it can't be...mine are much bigger than that" lol
Oh my gosh guys. You're totally freaking me out. My survival instincts kicked in and I forgot what most of pregnancy was like, else I may not have decided to do it again! Those full term pics are reminding me what it was like!! Aiiiiee!! here's my 40+6 picture.. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_iUpWXAzVF0I/S3we-4310KI/AAAAAAAAAN4/Y_huG_PujlU/s320/41%2B1.jpg
Kinda scared to get big all over again. My stretch marks itch just thinking about it.

Morning sickness has been totally kicking my butt today :( it's been bad. Started the morning with my head in the toilet. I had to jump out of the shower to puke... which is obviously fun... at least the door was shut and hubby had the kiddo this time. I just feel wretched. Been in tears at least 3 different times today. oh my gosh... pregnancy.... oi. Hope everyone else had a better day than I did!! I off to have a Once Upon a Time marathon before bed to try and zone out.
Yeah, people that are miserable tend to try to make others feel the same. I'm hoping their food is good! I heard they are going to have chicken and fish. I hate fish so hopefully the chicken is good! Yes me and my man are happy and I couldn't have found a better match for me! Even my mom was like be careful and don't take it for granted! she said don't get upset about no toilet paper left on the roll, or the toothpaste not being squeezed from the bottom (I actually had already said something about that because I have arthritis in my hands and it's hard to squeeze for me.) But now I'm going to try to not sweat the small stuff and make sure I thank him for everything he does because he sure does a heck of a lot around here at times! He has his moments but then I think about what I have to do and I want to make him just as happy as he makes me.

jj-yeah you have to def keep a hold of him! believe it or not i used to pick at dh all the time about little stuff but then realized that the little thing i do probably drive him crazy too lol.
i dont care for fish to much either,if i do eat it's got be the REALLY GOOD EXPS kind and has to be cook just right!!! but i def like chicken better because u cant really go wrong with chicken especially fired chicken lol god im starting to get hungry just talk about it and the sad thing is im actually eating right now:blush: i really hope ur having a good time tonight thou and make sure you lemme know how it turn out kk<3

whig-glad to hear that bleeding is slowing down but really sucks that your still having it:-( i really wish it would go away for you but im so glad that u got the doppler and hopefully that puts your mind at rest! i really started to freak out today that i went and got a pregnancy test,i mean i know it doesnt really tell much but i had a bad dream about taken one and it coming back neg so i just had to take one:wacko: i just really hope i get a scan tuesday or atleast get a paper to go get the scan:wacko: i really need to see my baby bean so bad!! :hugs: best of luck tho whig u got a stronge little bean with u this time

wrigg-cant wait to see them!!!! so happy for u<3:hugs:

hopeful-im right there with you i just got fat im gonna try to take alittle pic thou sinces everyone else is sharing theirs lol just dont get scared everyone
Oh my gosh guys. You're totally freaking me out. My survival instincts kicked in and I forgot what most of pregnancy was like, else I may not have decided to do it again! Those full term pics are reminding me what it was like!! Aiiiiee!! here's my 40+6 picture.. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_iUpWXAzVF0I/S3we-4310KI/AAAAAAAAAN4/Y_huG_PujlU/s320/41%2B1.jpg
Kinda scared to get big all over again. My stretch marks itch just thinking about it.

Morning sickness has been totally kicking my butt today :( it's been bad. Started the morning with my head in the toilet. I had to jump out of the shower to puke... which is obviously fun... at least the door was shut and hubby had the kiddo this time. I just feel wretched. Been in tears at least 3 different times today. oh my gosh... pregnancy.... oi. Hope everyone else had a better day than I did!! I off to have a Once Upon a Time marathon before bed to try and zone out.

ahh don't worry we've got a long way to go before full term again. Sorry to hear you've been so sick. Try nibbling ginger biscuits.

I looove Once Upon a Time :D
Omg alicecooper-that is a big baby! how big was he?! my babies have all been in the 6lbs range!

aww bless lol I'd be afraid of holding a 6lber - I'm used to mammoths lol.

He was 11lbs 0.7oz

the other two were a little smaller. DD was 10lbs 10oz and DS1 was 10lbs 1oz

but...I was overweight whilst pg with those three though. I got down to normal BMI before getting pregnant this time, so I don't know if that's going to effect the weight of the baby at all. I think I'd die of shock if I had a normal sized baby though lol. I'd be like "that's not mine...it can't be...mine are much bigger than that" lol

Golly.. those are some BIG babies!! Mine was 8lb and I thought she was huge! LOL I think she was a couple months old before she was 11lbs. lol.

Ginger biscuits just give me heartburn :(

I'm on season one episode 17... I'm just ready for something to actually happen already!! *laughs*

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