~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Wow! I've never made it to 40 weeks so I'm wondering how far I'll go with this one.
With DD I delivered at 38+6 weeks and DS I delivered at 37+0 weeks.
ilovehim - i've found it's always the case on these kind of forums that everyone feels like they're being ignored! there's just so much going on that it's hard for us to reply to each and every person. I've actually thought that people reply to you most. :) You should stick around. We'd miss you.

I'm Becca, my little girl is almost 3 and I've been married 11 years :) I'm British and American. I have both citizenships. Anything else you could ever want to know about me you'll find at my blog for which there's a link at the bottom of the page. Haven't updated it much recently cause I've been busy feeling sorry for myself! lol I hate morning sickness!!!! It's driving me batty!

I'm off to convince my hubby to take a shower since we're supposed to be going Christmas tree shopping today.
Maybe the front page can be updated with our actual names beside our user names to help us!! I'm very bad at remembering names and it's worse since I'm pregnant!!

I'm Cindy and I'm 32. OH (Corey) is 24, DS (JJ) will turn 9 at the end of January.

Wow, so OH has been very moody today! He's been just a pain! So I was talking with him and he said he hasn't been but like I told him earlier I couldn't even bare to look at him because everything I was doing was wrong. So I kept my head down and just made breakfast for him and left it at that. Apparently he had asked his mom what his blood type was and she said she thinks O- and asked why he wanted to know. He said I was curious. So he had set a text up that said "Mom, Cindy is 9 weeks pregnant." He hadn't hit send yet. I'm like sweetie you need to do it when you are ready to do it. He said no I have to be the one to hit the send button. I refused so he finally deleted it and sent that message to his stepdad instead. He said he's afraid she's going to disown him because she told him he better not ever have a kid until he's in his 30's because he won't be able to do anything ever again if he does. I started to tear up and said you know what? I said I had my son at 23 and I wouldn't change that for the world!!! What didn't I get to do? I didnt get to party all I wanted because I was a mom but that isnt that important. I started school after I had my son. I have done so much wonderful things since I've had my son. I said I never lived my life until after I had my son and I've been able to do so many things and they are all with him! He has been my entire world up until you joined it as well! There is nothing like having a child and knowing what fun you get to do because of that little one! They bring the fun out in you! Even if I have my moments when DS annoys me. But that's part of it! I said if I have to go back and do it all over, I would do it the exact same way! I said if your mom feels that she didnt get to have a life because you were born when she was 23/24 then that's her opinion only. She had a daughter when she was 18 and gave her up. But she can't get mad at her son for having his own life and having a child! He will have a life as a loving devoted dad and husband to a family that loves him to death!

Sorry for the rant. I just can't understand why a mom would be that way. My mom wasn't excited for us the first day but the next day she was excellent! I don't want him to regret our child because of his mother.
Caro-no one around has guessed at all! but we don't live near any family so we've been able to keep it quiet, my boys haven't even noticed!! lol we're waiting til the new year to tell everyone :)

btw that is amazing that you did a home birth! with my last, i was very interested in doing a home birth but there were ZERO midwife willing to travel to my location to deliver me :( we're in the same situation this time too.

aw thanks hun, that's such a shame there's no midwifes willing to assist :(, it was the most amazing experience!

i just wanted to say good bye and good luck to everyone!! no i didnt lose the baby or nothing bad is going on with me but i just feel like a out cast here so im just gonna go on my way H&H 9months everyone maybe i'll pop in here and there to see how everyone is doing.

have a great day!

:hugs: I agree with the other ladies, don't leave! its deffo hard to reply to each person and sometimes it might seem like you're missed. I deffo have been reading everything you've put, just not always replied, sorry!

i'll not stand a chance of remembering everyones names!! lol. Only just got to grips with the april group i was in with alex a few mths back :). and that grp has really shrunk now to only about 15 or so ladies (people didn't come back on bnb after having bubbas etc :(). But anyways, I'm Caro, from the UK, married for 5yrs and have a son already called Alex, oh and i'm 28, 29in feb :D xx
Myra is my nickname but thats what most people call me so it feels very familiar when I'm called Myra on here :) My OH and I live in Boston and we're both 39. This will be our first. I've moved around he states a bit growing up and he's from the UK. We're both teachers.

I've told my family (parents and sibs) and they are all SO excited for us. I've told 3 friends at work but we're waiting to tell our boss (we work together) until after our next scan at 12 weeks. I can't wait to tell, esp because it will make dressing for work easier. I keep waiting for students to notice and ask, but I'm sure my belly is really only noticeable if you know...I
So ladies let's get to know everyone.

I'm Meg, my OH is Joshua, my Princess Peanut is Kailee. I'm divorced. Live in Wisconsin. Orignally from Washington state. My mom and I are really close, as long as I don't upset her. She doesn't know I'm pregnant again, as I know she will fly off the handle. So I'm waiting until after the holidays to tell her, so they aren't ruined. My dad is deceased (he died when I was 14), I have a huge extended family (42 cousins). I haven't been posting on here a bunch but I do read. It goes faster, as looking at the computer screen tends to make my MS act up. I'll be 26 in January and my OH is already 26. As you can tell from my ticker my DD will be 7 a few weeks before this bean arrives (God willing!!).

Maybe we should work on getting to know our groupmates better!

42 cousins?! Holy mackerel! I thought I had a lot with 14 cousins! Wowzers!

Okay umm....me....I'm Nat (not alice...I'm just a fan of Alice Cooper). I'm nearly 29 (birthday is 20th December and I'm not looking forward to it this year because a) money is so tight and b) it'll be the last of my twenties!)

I live with DH Phil who is 36. We've been together 11 and a half years, and married 7 and a half. Then there's our three kiddos (see tickers in my sig).

I love rock music, reading, writing (just written a novel which my DH is currently laying out in indesign so that I can self-publish it), watching a wide variety of TV series, and food....I think I love food far far too much actually lol.

I'm Catholic, I was born in France (my dad is French) but moved to the UK when I was 3 (my mam was born in the UK but both her parents were Polish - they came to England after WWII). I have dual nationality (French/British).

In terms of family, I'm an only child though I have a step-brother but I barely know him and very rarely see him.

I have a little dog. She's a Lhasa Apso cross Papillon called Fluffy and she's 16 months old. She's very sweet.

I think that's about it really. This is us lot on holiday in Spain this year (in September)

and this is the canine
Maybe the front page can be updated with our actual names beside our user names to help us!! I'm very bad at remembering names and it's worse since I'm pregnant!!

I'm Cindy and I'm 32. OH (Corey) is 24, DS (JJ) will turn 9 at the end of January.

Wow, so OH has been very moody today! He's been just a pain! So I was talking with him and he said he hasn't been but like I told him earlier I couldn't even bare to look at him because everything I was doing was wrong. So I kept my head down and just made breakfast for him and left it at that. Apparently he had asked his mom what his blood type was and she said she thinks O- and asked why he wanted to know. He said I was curious. So he had set a text up that said "Mom, Cindy is 9 weeks pregnant." He hadn't hit send yet. I'm like sweetie you need to do it when you are ready to do it. He said no I have to be the one to hit the send button. I refused so he finally deleted it and sent that message to his stepdad instead. He said he's afraid she's going to disown him because she told him he better not ever have a kid until he's in his 30's because he won't be able to do anything ever again if he does. I started to tear up and said you know what? I said I had my son at 23 and I wouldn't change that for the world!!! What didn't I get to do? I didnt get to party all I wanted because I was a mom but that isnt that important. I started school after I had my son. I have done so much wonderful things since I've had my son. I said I never lived my life until after I had my son and I've been able to do so many things and they are all with him! He has been my entire world up until you joined it as well! There is nothing like having a child and knowing what fun you get to do because of that little one! They bring the fun out in you! Even if I have my moments when DS annoys me. But that's part of it! I said if I have to go back and do it all over, I would do it the exact same way! I said if your mom feels that she didnt get to have a life because you were born when she was 23/24 then that's her opinion only. She had a daughter when she was 18 and gave her up. But she can't get mad at her son for having his own life and having a child! He will have a life as a loving devoted dad and husband to a family that loves him to death!

Sorry for the rant. I just can't understand why a mom would be that way. My mom wasn't excited for us the first day but the next day she was excellent! I don't want him to regret our child because of his mother.

ahh that sucks. I guess this is probably something you and your OH are having trouble seeing eye-to-eye on maybe because it's something you've done already (had a child) whereas he's just starting out and maybe feels new and nervous about the whole thing. He needs to understand though that he's not a child any more, and his mother needs to understand that too.

I had my first at 21 and I really felt too young at the time, and I thought my parents would think the same, but oddly enough they didn't, they thought it was fine.

Having a child in ones early 20s is perfectly acceptable. There is no reason your OH ought to have waited until he was in his 30s and his mum just needs to accept it. And tbh your OH needs to grow some balls and just tell her that ;)

I'm sure things will be fine though, he's probably just nervous, and really his mother will come around to the idea of it all when she finds out, I'm sure. She'll have no choice lol.
Hello :)

I am Gemma, 25 and I have Oliver who is 2 and nearly 9 months. I am due on the 25th July and this will be our last baby, we only want two, unless this is twins which is highly doubtful
I've told him myself that he needs to cut the umbilical cord from his mother and become a man. He is planning on the joining the Army next year so I know that will help him grow up some. Another thing is when they station him he will no longer be beside his mom constantly and he'll have to get used to the fact. He stated earlier she likes to be the dictator and won't even allow his little brother who is almost 17 to get his drivers license yet because she wants to be there for his every move. Even their grandma says they have soft hands because she babies them so much and won't make men out of them. LOL! He is very excited to have our little one. He loves my son as his own and he very much looks forward to being a dad himself. He's just scare of his own mother and that she'll disown him. Basically like she did his sister when she was born and gave her up. Luckily her mother took her and raised her as her own and so my OH still gets to talk to and see her but she has nothing to do with her mother just like their mom has nothing to do with her. It's all about her and what she wants. She wasn't happy when we got engaged and I know she's not going to be happy about this. But we are his family as well and as long as he's happy then I'm happy.
my name is Tara and I'm 23 my husband is Randy and he is 33. We have a daughter that turned 1 November 2nd and her Name is Madelyn. this baby was not planned but we're def. excited!!
Hey Everyone,
I'm not so cool with my name being online but everyone calls me T so feel free, but Tsyhanochka is just fine too. That's the Ukrainian nickname DH gave me after seeing all my long flowy skirts. It means gypsy girl in Ukrainian, and there's a folk song that he'll sing sometimes to me which is now one of my favourites. I'm Canadian, like 8 generations Canadian, and DH is Ukrainian and only been here for 10 years.

We have a little dog named Molly, she's a shihtzu-toy poodle mix.

I'm nervous about how my family will take the news, more so because we aren't religious and they will expect us to baptize the baby which we won't be doing. Also, my mom is one of the least tactful people I know... so she could either be super happy about things or snotty about me never coming home to visit. I won't hold my breath for well wishes that's for sure. When I called to tell her we had eloped, I didn't expect an awesome response but I got 'Is he even Catholic?'. We've been together for over 3 years, she's met him twice... and she asks now... just had to find something to be cranky about. *sigh*

Anyway that's us.

Back to my sofa and duvet, MS seems to get me most on the weekends... so sick this morning!
My name is Laura, hubby is Steve and we live in Lincolnshire. :wave: (Please don't worry about using my first name though - whig is fine.)

We don't have any children (yet!) but we have... 2 dogs, 2 cats, tropical fish and a few fancy mice. :haha: We're very much dog people and joke that our child is going to grow up with their own personal zoo at hand. :haha:

We're both gadget geeks and seeing as I've been forced to rest for this pregnancy so far I've been taking advantage of my Samsung Note tablet. :cloud9: However, my excuse is that I'm self-employed and I'm a work-from-home computer programmer so it comes with the territory! Hubby however is just male and works in the Royal Air Force. :thumbup:

My family are over the moon about the news as they know how long we were trying and the miscarriages we faced. OH's family are in two places - his dad lives up in Scotland and his mum lives in our hometown, and they both can be.. Difficult. :dohh: We *think* they are basically happy for us though!

We would like 2-3 children but obviously we're going to see how we go with one right now.. :haha: If it turns out we can only end up having one (this is a clomid pregnancy) then we'll be so grateful for that. OH can't wait to be a daddy and it makes my heart swell just thinking about it! :cloud9: I am really scared about having a baby even though we want it so much, it feels like such a massive responsibility and I'm terrified I'll do everything wrong. :dohh: But then I remember that you see some people who don't even seem qualified to raise a plant breeze through raising their kids so hopefully we'll pick it up! :haha:

We plan to homeschool (I was homeschooled and when I did eventually have to go to school due to my mum's work commitments I was lightning years ahead of the other kids), breastfeed (if we can), and generally be open about everything else. Neither of us are religious and we won't get our baby christened, but we have a good support network of friends and I'm sure we'll appoint some "god"parents anyway. :haha:

No idea what else to say, so leave it there.

Hi everyone! :happydance: :haha:
My name is Laura, hubby is Steve and we live in Lincolnshire. :wave: (Please don't worry about using my first name though - whig is fine.)

We don't have any children (yet!) but we have... 2 dogs, 2 cats, tropical fish and a few fancy mice. :haha: We're very much dog people and joke that our child is going to grow up with their own personal zoo at hand. :haha:

We're both gadget geeks and seeing as I've been forced to rest for this pregnancy so far I've been taking advantage of my Samsung Note tablet. :cloud9: However, my excuse is that I'm self-employed and I'm a work-from-home computer programmer so it comes with the territory! Hubby however is just male and works in the Royal Air Force. :thumbup:

My family are over the moon about the news as they know how long we were trying and the miscarriages we faced. OH's family are in two places - his dad lives up in Scotland and his mum lives in our hometown, and they both can be.. Difficult. :dohh: We *think* they are basically happy for us though!

We would like 2-3 children but obviously we're going to see how we go with one right now.. :haha: If it turns out we can only end up having one (this is a clomid pregnancy) then we'll be so grateful for that. OH can't wait to be a daddy and it makes my heart swell just thinking about it! :cloud9: I am really scared about having a baby even though we want it so much, it feels like such a massive responsibility and I'm terrified I'll do everything wrong. :dohh: But then I remember that you see some people who don't even seem qualified to raise a plant breeze through raising their kids so hopefully we'll pick it up! :haha:

We plan to homeschool (I was homeschooled and when I did eventually have to go to school due to my mum's work commitments I was lightning years ahead of the other kids), breastfeed (if we can), and generally be open about everything else. Neither of us are religious and we won't get our baby christened, but we have a good support network of friends and I'm sure we'll appoint some "god"parents anyway. :haha:

No idea what else to say, so leave it there.

Hi everyone! :happydance: :haha:

You will be completely surprised how much will come naturally to you once your little one is in your arms! You will have questions but you'll figure out the questions. :) You'll be a great mommy!!
Loving everyone's bumps! I turned 7 weeks today, here's me heavily bloating:

As for my introduction, my name is Jill., I mostly go by SB on here though and that's fine, and I'm 24. I've been married for three years to my husband Bill, and we have a 17 month old litte girl named Katie Belle that I'm a stay at home mommy to. We have three dogs, a Bernese Mountain Dog named Sophie, a Cairn Terrier named Bandit, and a Golden Retriever named Danny.

I'm currently still breastfeeding my little girl, she's become an addict since I got pregnant. In total, we'd love 4-6 kids, and we're extremely excited to add on to our family. We also plan to homeschool our children. I was homeschooled and DH wishes he was as he had to go outside of public school to get most of his education. I'm excited to start Katie next year on preschool lessons.

I run a small online business selling crochet character hats, I love to crochet and sew. I like hands on hobbies.

That's all I can think of. Oh, and to update on my scan, baby looked good. Too early to hear a heartbeat, which I didn't like (I'd rather wait until 8-9 weeks for a scan, but I couldn't be choosey!) and everything else looks good, so that's a relief! Morning sickness is really picking up now.
I am Emily (36) my hubby is Greg (34) and our daughter is Liberty (16mths)
I am Australian, He is from the USA. We were married in 2010 and got pregnant within a few months of being married. Our daughter was born here in Australia, we plan to have this one here too. I can get her citizenship by registering her birth with the US Government but haven't done this yet.
Becca I would be interested to know about your citizenship process. Did it take a long time/expense? My hubby has become a permanent resident here.
I'm Katie :) I'm 26 and my hubs in 24 he will be 25 in jan. we've been together for 8 years married 3, we are originally from Iowa but moved to Illinois-chicagoland for his job. we tried to get pregnant for almost 2 years. we have a cat, she hates other people, so we are nervous for when the baby comes.
i'm a hairstylist and work at a beauty supply store. i like movies, music, tattoos, art, old cars, animals, shopping, cards, games, laughing, and crafts....

we haven't told anyone except my boss, we are telling everyone at christmas!
OOOO I've been MIA all day Xmas shopping - but I love that we are doing intros.

I'm Sue (as if you didn't guess already!!) and I am 24. My former partner (and FOB) is 35, and unfortunately we are now not together due to his lies. We don't talk at all any more and he isn't a part of our lives.

I live by myself well with my Bunny!) in rural Shropshire, and have a few friends near by. I'm a Food Scientist by trade and absolutely love my job - in fact the thought of giving it up for 7 months slightly scares me haha.

This is my first baby, and much much wanted baby - at least on my part anyway - and I have an amazing supportive family of Mum, Dad, 2 sisters, Grandpa, Aunties & Cousins. I'm very blessed.
Whig- I thought about homeschooling too. My brother's kids get homeschooled but next year my sisterinlaw has to work so they are going to do it via correspondence and the little one is going to a public school down the road from their house.
I am sure I could teach my kids what they need to know because teaching is my other career besides motherhood and wife stuff. But my daughter is very social and I don't want it to harm her socially. I hope that I can be organised enough for it or she will end up in a school of some form...private or public? will cross that bridge if we get to it!
I just bought a doppler!! :) yaya, looking forward to receiving it and seeing if I can hear my munchkin! x

I'm eve, my DH and I got married on Nov 10th this year. We already have 2 children, Saraya is nearly 4 and Atticus is coming 18 months. We had a number of early losses trying for Atticus and started trying for baby3 at the start of this year only to put it on the back burner when we were trying to do wedding stuff and miraculously got pregnant the week of the wedding!!
We have an outside cat called Dr Sweets and live in a rented cottage on a dairy farm in Northern Ireland :) both DH and I are 30 :)

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