~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Hi Ladies!

Hope you don't mind me joining in the group. I am due July 9th with my first. I was so excited to hear Kate was pregnant. I was obsessed with the wedding now will obsess over the baby. Theirs and mine. Thinking that a Royal Baby shower is an excellent idea.

I have my first US today and I am SO scared. I am scared there will be no baby or no heartbeat. I have no reason to think that except I am 39 and just preparing for the worst. So many ladies struggle to get pregnant at this age so I think to myself, I can't be this lucky. Isn't that horrible? I have not enjoyed being pregnant so far because I am thinking the worst all time. I am usu sally a very calm person....but this is just stressing me out!

Just hoping for good news today so I can calm down and enjoy this process.....Wish me luck!!!!!!!

Hello and welcome .. How did your US go? Hope all is well. We all have the same fears! Good luck x
I've had early losses trying for DS and this baby, when pregnant with DS I had a huge bleed and also went into preterm labour (which they stopped) and had hyperemesis gravidarum the whole 9 months. Also suffered with anxiety and agoraphobia.
so just curious have most of you had difficult pregnancies in the past with miscarriages or issues getting pregnant? I just noticed there is a lot of worrisome in this group and i can only assume it's because of previous difficulties

I had a mmc before my LO, before that I was totally naive and thought everything would go hunky dory. Now I fret all the time especially as with none of my pregnancies I've practically had no symptoms!
so just curious have most of you had difficult pregnancies in the past with miscarriages or issues getting pregnant? I just noticed there is a lot of worrisome in this group and i can only assume it's because of previous difficulties

I'll be honest here, this is my fourth pregnancy and I've never had a miscarriage, nor any bleeding, or any major complications in pregnancy aside from in labour with baby 2 as he had the cord around his neck.

I've also not really had major problems conceiving. Baby 1 was an oops baby. Baby 2 we TTCed for 8 months to conceive. Baby 3 was NTNP, and Baby 4 (this one) is an oops baby.

So I've never worried about anything to tell you the truth. I think I'm far too laid back in terms of not worrying about things going wrong in pregnancy. Maybe that's a good thing I don't know, or maybe I'm just naive and ought to be more concerned about things. I dunno.

I feel almost guilty to be honest having few issues and worries when some ladies have so many problems and worries :( I wish I could give some good mojo to every single person.
Alice I'm so incredibly jealous!!! Although I'm really happy for you that you can relax while pregnant!!
happy birthday hopefulhoney!!

junemummy hope its nothing hun, brown blood is old blood so fx'ed bubs is safe in there!

i'm lucky enough to be similar to alicecooper, fairly relaxed in pregnancy, but it's likely as i've been very lucky and experience no losses, DS was concieved after 6mths and this one 3, but kinda the 1st month properly ttc. Feel very lucky :)

ooh my midwife texted today to tell me all my bloods have come back normal so that's fab! had to have the rubella booster after DS as i had no immunity with him but didn't find out until i was 12wks pregnant so had been at risk all that time :dohh:
It makes much more sense now though! I feel like i would be a wreck if i had some of the difficulties you ladies have had!!

My first was a complete accident. Me and OH had been together for a little less than a year when i found out i was pregnant with her. We ended up getting married a couple months after she was born. This pregnancy wasn't planned either. We weren't wanting another baby until Madelyn was out of diapers, but god has his own plan i suppose.

i'm like you alice and feel bad sometimes that i have been lucky and got pregnant twice not planning on it! i couldn't imagine trying to conceive and having problems!
I conceived DD after 3mo ttc and a really rough time coming off birth control. In September we had an oops and found out we were expecting. It didnt seem right and was slow going then we experienced an early MC. We were excited and decided to try again though originally we weren't planning to have another for a while. We were very lucky to get our bfp only 3 weeks 2 days after our MC. I try to not panic and every now and then it hits me but I feel good this time.
sam did you get a scan today!? or is it not time where you are yet!?

pink flowers :hugs: ms is nasty :( xx
I had it bad with Oliver but I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad this time.

I have my first mw appt tomorrow x
I had a mc at 6 weeks in September. So now it's kinda constantly in my head.. although I must say it's hard to think about anything like that when you're sick all the time. I just keep telling myself as long as I feel rotten the baby is probably doing spectacular.

We were at the playground today and a couple of my friends who know were comparing me to Kate - I think they were really only thinking about it because I was in the UK for the past 10 years so I'm essentially the resident brit. I had to explain that being sicks a couple times a day is nothing compared to HG! Feel so bad for her! but at least we know she's going to be taken care of to the nines and you KNOW that she doesn't have to come home and make dinner or scrub the floors! :) Royalty does have its perks!

Been eating CONSTANTLY today and I must admit it does help. Also being able to open the windows in the house has helped too. I don't know what it is about the smell of my house but I HATE IT!! The lady who lived her before us was really into seasonal decorating and potporri (sp?) and candles. She must have used a scent that has prevaded the house that I don't agree with and can't get rid of.

My little one actually fell asleep in the car on the way home today! Gymnastics followed by a couple hours at the playground and then lunch out with friends really wiped her! So I've left her in the car in the garage (it's the perfect temp for that and since I can see her from the kitchen I'm catching up on my BnB! and downing a bag of mini vanilla wafers!) Gonna have to get her up soon or she won't go to bed tonight.

The only really good part about being so sick at the beginning is that I haven't put on any weight yet and since I'm already 20-30 overweight that's a great thing!

I've told my family all I want for Christmas is a quality rocking chair/glider and a MAID!!!! :D What's on everyone else's wishlist?
I think it's normal for mommies to worry, especially mommies with kids already. I remember that I worried last time about MC, but now having my daughter and knowing and experiencing what a huge blessing comes from pregnancy, I find myself worrying more. Before I could only imagine a baby and didn't understand how profound it was to have my own. Now that I understand, it's a bit scary to know how much is at stake.

I was very blessed with my last pregnancy. While I was very sick and vomitted every day of six or seven months, it was a healthy pregnancy with no complications. But, I think I'm always worried of something going wrong. I contribute it to having cancer a few years ago. You just never know when something will blindside you, so it makes me paranoid all the time about everything that's important.

Becca - I would love maid! lol. I think that would be the best thing ever for pregnancy.
Hi ladies! I'm so happy to say my little bean is healthy and perfect! It was even moving around a bit in there :) I do have a subchorionic hematoma which accounts for the spotting and cramping. I'm going in on Friday for a followup to insure its going away and not getting worse. Thank you all for your positive thoughts!!!
Hope everyone is doing - sorry for those suffering with morning sickness. Ive had today off from morning sickness - thank god. Im sure it'll pop back up soon though!

Going to see the midwife tomorrow for my 'Booking In' appointment - I have absolutely no idea what that means, or what to expect!
Alice I'm so incredibly jealous!!! Although I'm really happy for you that you can relax while pregnant!!

thank you. Though the really ironic thing is that I didn't want this pregnancy in the first place, and am still not happy about it (though obviously it goes without saying that I wouldn't want anything to happen to the baby, that would be awful).

Perhaps all you ladies who are feeling worried will relax a little more once you're into 2nd tri. I do hope so. Worrying all the time is so stressful, I know, I've had more than my fair share of other worries through the years - not about pregnancies but about many other things.

*hugs to you all*
has anyone found anything to help with nausea. i'm on zofran and that gives me gas pains but i'm having a rough time at work!!!

I've not found anything. i got zofran on Friday audit did okay until yesterday. now im pretty seated even while it should be working. i haven't thrown up since Saturday tho.
so just curious have most of you had difficult pregnancies in the past with miscarriages or issues getting pregnant? I just noticed there is a lot of worrisome in this group and i can only assume it's because of previous difficulties

Im not particularly worried about this pregnancy, but i guess I've gotten used to the negative thoughts i have during pregnancy.

my first pregnancy ended in an early miscarriage.my first pregnancy that resulted in a live birth was difficult i was admitted at 22wks in early labor. i got the steroids and the gavememeds to stop the contractions they prepared me to losehim. It was determined i was basically in prodromal labor. regular frequent contractions that didn't go away but were not causing cervical change. was put onstrict bedress medication until 35wks after being off meds i dilated from nothing to a 4within days.they thought he'd come before 36wks. i ended up being induced, doc said the meds messed up my bbody. my labor was bad he had decels about 2/3's through labor. well to not make it totally long story not as long my epi wore offabout 30min before i was ready to push.they lost his heart rate and said he hd to come out now and he wasn't coming out fast enough with my pushing,a nurse got on my bed pushed my stomach and forced him out.he was born withthe cord around his neck and right arm.he was basically dead. blue wouldn't breathe his apgar was a 2. he was taken from me and i didn't see him til 5hrs after he was born. he didn't get to room with us in the hospital he was in the nicu for 3 days. i had a third degree vaginal tear because of the force of the nurse pushing him out. it was a horrendous.

i experienced another miscarriage when my first was 9mos i was 8wks along. my second sons pregnancy was the same as my first son only i was put on strict redress starting at 17wks.

i had four early miscarriages between our second and third. though my third sons pregnancy wasn't as bad as the first two. It took 18mos to have a viable pregnancy that resulted in baby #3. our current pregnancy was not planned, and as long as things keep going well it will be our only "non rainbow" baby. so i have some reservations with this one cause Italy never been this "easy" for us to conceive but im relatively calm about it. i think its cause we weren't wanting a 4th so we weren't waiting and hoping for a pregnancy. we are actually quite a bit overwhelmed with it just cause of timing.

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