~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

has anyone found anything to help with nausea. i'm on zofran and that gives me gas pains but i'm having a rough time at work!!!

I've not found anything. i got zofran on Friday audit did okay until yesterday. now im pretty seated even while it should be working. i haven't thrown up since Saturday tho.

yeah i haven't thrown up since i've been taking it but i have that constant nauseous feeling that i could throw up but it hasn't come out!
has anyone found anything to help with nausea. i'm on zofran and that gives me gas pains but i'm having a rough time at work!!!

I've not found anything. i got zofran on Friday audit did okay until yesterday. now im pretty seated even while it should be working. i haven't thrown up since Saturday tho.

yeah i haven't thrown up since i've been taking it but i have that constant nauseous feeling that i could throw up but it hasn't come out!

It sucks considering its suppose to be for nausea, not vomiting! its frustrating i really hope the ms goes soon.
Becca - we have an 'air freshener' smell in our house too from the previous owners - just can't shift that smell!! Although I guess it could be worse and smell of poo or dead things or mothballs or something :rofl:

Anyone else not bear the smell of their OH?? My nose is soooo sensitive right now. I puke if my toddler has eaten garlic. I can't open our fridge. I can't have my DH face me in bed, he has to face away. It's ridiculous!
haha sounds just like me! I'm constantly begging OH to go brush his teeth! He's like... huh?! I HATE opening the fridge!! and oh my gosh taking my toddler to the bathroom... I can barely handle being in the bathroom when I have to be there! LOL it's ridiculous!
I had the day basically off MS too!

I was so excited to keep my breakfast and then want a snack when I got to work. And had a whole sandwich for lunch... it had MEAT AND CHEESE! I haven't eaten both of those things in weeks. I forced a bit of chicken down on Saturday... ew. But I've been an involuntary vegetarian for about a week and a half now. Thankfully I was a veg. for 5 years so I know how to get my protein elsewhere.

Tonight I am tempting meat fate again. Breaded cod. I realized I'm cooking a meal that I probably at multiple times a week when I was a kid. Fish, corn, rice. But so far so good.

Funny that someone said garlic is a no go. My good friend says the same thing. But for me it's a saving grace! I inhaled a garlic veggie bean medley that DH made on Sunday (with rice) and then a cesar salad and garlic toast last night for supper. Garlic may just be my most favourite thing!

Crystalized ginger has helped me lots too. I keep it on me at all times and it really comes in handy. I'm so lucky I really don't have horrific MS that keeps me from going to work. I generally feel better by lunch at the latest. Weekends are rough but I think that's because my meals are off and sleeping is different. Who knows.

And losses are something that I've worried over, my sister had 3 in a row ttc #3 and my aunt had 2, one was a still born that she knew was gone, but back then she had to wait it out until labour started, deliver it, name and baptize him and bury him. So though I've not experienced it first hand, I'm acutely aware of it. Gas pains and stretching pains worry me if they go on too long. But I try to keep my stress level down as best I can. I think someone mentioned last week that they had a hard time bonding with the baby. I still feel like that. I don't know if it's because I'm sick and just want to get to the next stage. Or it's still early and I don't want to get my hopes up just yet. But DH and I talk about it but it's still very surreal for us. Maybe when we meet the MW on Friday and get our US sometime after that with a heartbeat we'll grasp that this is really happening. We tried for nearly a year, this was cycle 12. I had actually started getting some tests done to find out why we were taking so long.

And not to be a total debbie downer. I have another completely 180 question for you ladies.

Sure, we've all got MS, and gas, pregnancy brain, and burps and drool and HELLO! exhaustion... but what ELSE have you noticed... The funny, quirky things?

Me, my boobs are GIANT compared to what they were a few weeks ago. And, I've had some pretty sexy dreams...like, if I wasn't so full of gas and exhausted and kinda queasy when I woke up from it... DH wouldn't have a chance to say no! :haha:

wow that's a novel from me. Guess you can tell I'm not responding from my phone for once ;)
I guess it could be worse and smell of poo or dead things or mothballs or something :rofl:

Anyone else not bear the smell of their OH??

Funnily enough, with all three of my previous pregnancies I absolutely LOVED the smell of mothballs. I was seriously considering eating them at one point, it was terrible.

And yep about OH his breath REEKS right now! I don't mind garlic so much though it's onion that is putting me off.

haha sounds just like me! I'm constantly begging OH to go brush his teeth! He's like... huh?!

yup ditto this
When is everyone's next scan and how far along will you be?

Mine is December 26th and I will be 12 weeks 2 days :)

im suppose to get the nt scan, but it has not been booked yet so im not sure when that will be so for now my next scheduled scan is Jan 7, to determine gender :) I'll be exactly 15 wks!

I can't believe we'll be 15 weeks in the first week of January!!!! It doesn't seem that far away but 15 weeks is in the 2nd trimester!!!

Hi Ladies!

Hope you don't mind me joining in the group. I am due July 9th with my first. I was so excited to hear Kate was pregnant. I was obsessed with the wedding now will obsess over the baby. Theirs and mine. Thinking that a Royal Baby shower is an excellent idea.

I have my first US today and I am SO scared. I am scared there will be no baby or no heartbeat. I have no reason to think that except I am 39 and just preparing for the worst. So many ladies struggle to get pregnant at this age so I think to myself, I can't be this lucky. Isn't that horrible? I have not enjoyed being pregnant so far because I am thinking the worst all time. I am usu sally a very calm person....but this is just stressing me out!

Just hoping for good news today so I can calm down and enjoy this process.....Wish me luck!!!!!!!

Welcome to the group Janey!! Hope you had great luck at your scan today!!! July 9th is my birthday!! :)

so just curious have most of you had difficult pregnancies in the past with miscarriages or issues getting pregnant? I just noticed there is a lot of worrisome in this group and i can only assume it's because of previous difficulties

I had a mmc 12 years ago and it is still very raw with me. I remember everything about that day that I started to spot a little bit and they did a transvaginal scan and found no heartbeat. I should have been 8 1/2 weeks and the baby was only showing 6 1/2 weeks. They did a D&C and ever since then I was terrified when I was pregnant with DS and started to spot at 12 weeks. I had to yell at the doc just so he'd give me a scan to make sure everything was ok. This pregnancy thankfully I haven't had any spotting yet and I hope not to. I have been pretty laid back with this one with the exception of the day I was going for my scan because I thought "what if." Thankfully we saw that cute little heartbeat beating away!!

Becca - we have an 'air freshener' smell in our house too from the previous owners - just can't shift that smell!! Although I guess it could be worse and smell of poo or dead things or mothballs or something :rofl:

Anyone else not bear the smell of their OH?? My nose is soooo sensitive right now. I puke if my toddler has eaten garlic. I can't open our fridge. I can't have my DH face me in bed, he has to face away. It's ridiculous!

OH's feet smell horrendous!!! He is like my feet don't stink!! I am like UGH!!!!!!!!! Yes they DO!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I walked in my house tonight all I smelled is pee! Not sure if it's the dog or what but it is nasty! I started washing blankets in case it's them. But it's also raining all afternoon here and it smells like earthworms outside so that might be part of it too. I can't give the dog a bath because he wont' get in the tub without lifting him up and he's 50 lbs so I'm not doing that while pregnant!
I guess it could be worse and smell of poo or dead things or mothballs or something :rofl:

Anyone else not bear the smell of their OH??

Funnily enough, with all three of my previous pregnancies I absolutely LOVED the smell of mothballs. I was seriously considering eating them at one point, it was terrible.

And yep about OH his breath REEKS right now! I don't mind garlic so much though it's onion that is putting me off.

haha sounds just like me! I'm constantly begging OH to go brush his teeth! He's like... huh?!

yup ditto this

I have the same problem with the onion smell! He'll give me a kiss and I'm like UGHH!! Did you eat onions? He said well not for a few hours and I'm like it's still on your breath!!
hello everyone,

so ive decided to come back! as some of you have wrote very nice things and i thank you all so very much, im so glad that all of you think so likely of me it was real nice seeing those things<3
my hormones have indeed been alittle wacky lately and you know ive just been going threw some personal issues as well:-/
also i do know that their is 144bumps ,that not everyone is going to answer back at everything i post or that all of us are going to be super close but that wasnt the reason i had decided to go for some of you who may have thought that!.
you know like i said i think it was just more of my hormones and the things that i was going threw in my home life:wacko: but i know that you all have been very supportive and kind<3 i also think the intro was a good ideal but i also don't think id be able to remember everyone name lol but here my intro:

My name is Nikki 24yrs old Dh is Charles but we all call him Eddie as his middle name is Edward:) he is 28yrs old but will be 29 this month we live in Baltimore Maryland.
We got married Sept 18, 2010 and it was the best day of my life<3 I have 1 DS Eric 5 and 4 stepkids Lil Eddie12 Jordan 10 Shawn 9 Cheyenne 7 they are the best kids ever<3.
Right now Dh is the only one that works as Im in school to become a medical assitance and i can not wait to get it all done and over with!!!!
Me & DH had been ttc for 2 + years and finally got our :bfp: 11days after my ds 5th birthday it was the best gift ever and ummm thats about it:)

Ok so lemme update you guys on everything!!

so i went to the doctors today!!! YAY met one of the new doctors and was hoping she send me for a u/s! she did indeed give me the paper as i told her that this was my first prenatal visit because i dont go to the my dr until next week and well i just em scared something is wrong but me and dh just dont got the money with christmas shopping & bills ect to do a private scan but anyway i WILL NEVER GO SEE HER AGAIN!!! NEVER.
First off she delivers at one of the worst hospitals you could ever go to so that was a big NO!
2nd as soon as i made it to her office i had to throw up so the ladie at the desk when she ask me my info i told her i needed to us the rest room she thought it was to pee and took her time FINALLY I SPOKE UP and said i was gonna puke everywhere if i didnt get let in the back to use the restroom so she finally open the door and show me where it was and when i was about to shut the door she like grab it and kept telling me i needed to leave a smaple which i told her OK a million and one times but i had to PUKE FIRST! finally i got sick on the bathroom floor and she then got all mad and let me close the door ugh stupid stupid stupid LADIE!!!
3rd when i finally seen the doctor she had a midwife with her that she had just hirer and was showing the ropes but i dont like everyone being all up in my business so i ask if i could just see her and her only she was very RUDE about it and told me she wasnt gonna make her leave so i told her i didnt want to be exam then but like i said i just wanted her to send me for a u/s so i could make sure all was well!!!
anyways she gave me the paper for the u/s and as i was leaving another ladie at the desk was really rude to i just told her id call to make another appointment NOT!!!!!!!

GOOD NEWS i got a appointment for a scan on the 11th at 9am nice & early:) i cant wait to make sure baby is all good and i surely hope everything is well and that baby is growing just fine:-/ geeze im so scared but gotta find out one way or another i just duno what im gonna do if something isnt right ugh?!?:-( im gonna try to maybe see if i can get in another place sooner and i really hope the teach i got isnt a MEANIE like the last one but im not going to the same place i went to before I WONT i JUST WONT!!

how is everyone else doing tho?!
When does everyone's 2nd tri start? I just looked it up on pregnology.com and mine starts Christmas Day! :)
ilovehim- im glad you decided to stay! that office sounded like a nightmare i'd never go back!!

i also have been having bizarre dreams and they have people in them that i havent seen in years its so strange!

i will be 2nd trimester January 5th i believe so still a little ways to go!

i got all my christmas wrapping done this evening after a long day of work. i think im gonna go to bed early tonight!
When does everyone's 2nd tri start? I just looked it up on pregnology.com and mine starts Christmas Day! :)

the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!
the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!

I know how you feel, it's like as soon as you see that heart beat then you'll calm down. :hugs:

My second Tri starts January 12. So Just after Ukrainian Christmas, we'll likely tell his mother on UC as a nice surprise for her. Hopefully she'll be here for a February visit so that should be enough time for her to buy all of Kyiv out of baby things right?:dohh:
When does everyone's 2nd tri start? I just looked it up on pregnology.com and mine starts Christmas Day! :)

the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!

Nikki, you can do it! Just think, it is already under a week away and then you will see your sweet, healthy baby again :) The best thing you can do is try to stay positive! I'm sorry your appt didn't go so well...seriously, it's nearly impossible to hold back being sick like that, how could she not know?

I hit 12 weeks on the 23rd, but we'll see if it stays the same after my ultrasound. I'm so excited, tomorrow will be two weeks till we see our little baby!
13wks is the start of second tri. i will be 13 wks on Christmas eve :)

I've felt baby a few times now! very light and very low but exciting :)
Hi everybody! I would like to join. My due date for now is July 23. I have been reading most of everything on here, but wasn't sure when to jump in.

I am 25 and my husband is 29. We have a 9 year old daughter and have been trying for baby #2 for 8 years! I have PCOS and it's been a struggle but it has finally happened. We are so excited but I am also very scared with the high risk for miscarriage. I have been really sick with MS and hope it gets better soon! I am 7 weeks today and I have loved reading about everybody and hope to get to know everyone soon. This is also my first thread to join so bear with me if I don't use all the abbreviations and etc.
Welcome!!! The more the merrier.

As for me.... that whole "I feel awesome" post a few hours ago....yeah not so much. Woke up less than an hour after going to bed cold, then hot. Heartburn galore and then nearly getting sick for good measure. Just when I thought..hey a few good days like today and I'd feel myself again.


And there goes my record for not getting sick at night.

I will be 12 weeks on December 20th.
I can hardly wait to hear how all the new scans went. I love seeing those little first photos. They're always so precious!
Ilovehim thank you for coming back online. We appreciate your comments and stories. Sorry to hear about the troubles with Dr and Sonogram people...I wish they'd train people to have more compassion don't you?
Myra be wary of putting on too much weight! I made that mistake with my first pregnancy...I put on about 20kg and 8 of those were in my first trimester!
So far I have only put on about 600grams with this pregnancy which is not that much thankfully!
I am sure we have nothing to worry about with Kate and Will stealing our thunder. All our babies will be loved and people will go crazy with their cuteness. That is just the effect a baby has.
As for me I just had the car serviced and looks like I am up for another $400 at least in repairs that are well needed...looks like we will be eating 2 minute noodles this Christmas!
1st trimester has gone by so fast! It's crazy so many are starting their 2nd by the end of the month, yay! :) I couldn't resist trying the baking soda gender test after reading about it, mine fizzed like crazy which means a boy - we'll see in a couple weeks if it's right but I have a gut feeling it's a boy too. Anyone else just have a "feeling" about gender?
13wks is the start of second tri. i will be 13 wks on Christmas eve :)

I've felt baby a few times now! very light and very low but exciting :)

Can you feel it this early? I've had a few strange flutterings but I convinced myself it must be gas or something, I thought it was way too early to feel movement.

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