~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

It sits pretty low down in the pelvic region until about 12 wks boy how exciting to feel movements this early...you must be so happy! I too assumed anything I felt was gas.
Anyone have very little or totally different symptoms then previous pregnancies?
I'm 12 weeks on December 16....so close now!
oh GOD I just stepped on the scales this morning. 9 stone 13lbs 2oz

I was 9 stone 7lbs 6oz at the beginning of this pregnancy, and I'm only 9 and a half weeks! I'm gaining weight far more quickly than recommended.

I need to curb these milkshake cravings I really do!
Hello Ladies :)

I need some advice RE work. My boss says I have to give her a letter which I will take down to her today after I have had my MW appt. But I was just looking at this https://www.gov.uk/working-when-pregnant-your-rights

I am a carer and I do domestic calls which include using bleach, toilet cleaners well all cleaning stuff. I have a call tomorrow which I will have to carry bags of washing down stairs to a laundry and back again. It also says I can't work the long hours anymore... ie 13 hour shifts.

My boss is pissed of I am pregnant anyway so I am worried about telling her, would you think printing that off and highlighting the stuff and giving it to her with the letter?
Moonbaby is alive!!! Measuring small, which I expected because of my long cycles and saraya and Atticus were the same. Saw a heartbeat and she's bringing me back in 2 weeks for a follow up scan!!
When does everyone's 2nd tri start? I just looked it up on pregnology.com and mine starts Christmas Day! :)

the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!

I know its hard not to worry...part of being human, I suppose! At this point in our pregnancies, while it is still possible for something to go wrong, the statistics are in our favor- I read that the possibility of m/c has dropped to about 5%. :hugs:
Myra the risk of m/c drops to 10% once a HB has been seen so even though I'm only 6+4 my m/c risk is now only 10%!
I'm so releived to hear about the drop in risk of miscarriage after a heartbeat has been seen.
I have been ttc for 5 years and had a MC in september
Oneandtwo, what a horrific birth. I bet you were so scared. I can't imagine a midwife pushing your tummy to push him out! Woah!

I will be 12 weeks the week between Christmas and new year! :happydance:
actually the best data shows that the mc at 8/40 with a hb of greater than 140 is less than 1% and by 12/40 less than 0.1% so girls we are almost there!! I saw my little bean today.. hr 171 and wiggling like you wouldn't believe!!
yay 9 weeks!!!


i am so bloated and uncomfy thou, still got sore boobs tho not as bad. Feel sick on and off worse in afternoon and night time, even feel sick in bed!!!
not actually being sick as much now, just gaging a lot. :sick:

i think i would start worrying if i started to feel better, thou i know i will start to feel better soon.

thinking of buying a doppler 2mora, any one had any success with them this early??? my hubby doesnt want me to buy one, he says it will just cause me more worry
:xmas9: feeling christmassy today and i put our tree up!
Lots I'd like to reply to but I'm on my phone at the moment and I'm going to be lame and just ask for some advice please. All night I kept waking up. (which is super annoying because my LOt actually slept through for the first time ever!) it's this jittery feeling like you've had too much coffee ya know? Combine that with the queasy and I'm a mess! Do you think it's low blood sugar..... Or low blood pressure... Do I call the doc or just ride it out? I've had some breakfast and I'm feeling a little better but not much. I don't know anything about regulating blood sugar!!
13wks is the start of second tri. i will be 13 wks on Christmas eve :)

I've felt baby a few times now! very light and very low but exciting :)

Can you feel it this early? I've had a few strange flutterings but I convinced myself it must be gas or something, I thought it was way too early to feel movement.

They are moving already so yea you can feel it! i felt it around 9 1/2 weeks with my third son. i have a few friends who have had 10 kids and 7 kids and said the more kids they had the earlier they felt it. Usually earliest is 9-10wks babies start moving at 8wks but are still pretty small then (well they are still small but bigger than 8wks). my last ob told me it is very possible to feel them this early. its not often, and im not feeling it daily but when im very calm and in the right position i can feel it :)
It sits pretty low down in the pelvic region until about 12 wks boy how exciting to feel movements this early...you must be so happy! I too assumed anything I felt was gas.

Yes extremely very low, the movement is below the pubic bone, really. i can't touch my belly wear the movement is cause its so low. if its down in your pubic area its most likely baby :) it feels to me like a cricket in my down stairs almost LOL

with all but my first baby,.my husband has been able to feel kicks at the 15wk mark :)

Anyone have very little or totally different symptoms then previous pregnancies?

this pregnancy has been extremely different then my previous three viable pregnancies. way more nausea, im not gaining weight as well as i did the last times (only .2lbs) and im getting headaches, i didn't get headaches before.

Oneandtwo, what a horrific birth. I bet you were so scared. I can't imagine a midwife pushing your tummy to push him out! Woah!

I will be 12 weeks the week between Christmas and new year! :happydance:

it was awful. she wasn't a midwife, they don't allow midwives in the hospital i delivered him at. she was an oldworn out registered nurse and was fired shortly after, she did it on her own accord, without the doctors consent. when she pushed him they think it cinched off hiatus cord and that's why he was unresponsive. my husband grabbed her and i screamed at her to get off me. it was violent and awful and embarrassing, there were.students and the nicu team in there.:( i had had an episotomy before she did that and the tearing occurred in a different place i was basically filleted. it was the worst ever, i thought he was dead, my husband came into the recovery room after being with the baby in the nicu and he was crying, i went hysterical and started screaming that he was dead i was totally freaked out and on edge. he didn't breath on his own til the day we got discharged. the nicu staff was awful to me cause they thought i was 15 smh everything about that experience was awful. i caught them feeding him a bottle ( i.was ebf him i said no bottles no pacified) and freaked out. i was ready to take him and leave, that was the day we were discharged.

Lots I'd like to reply to but I'm on my phone at the moment and I'm going to be lame and just ask for some advice please. All night I kept waking up. (which is super annoying because my LOt actually slept through for the first time ever!) it's this jittery feeling like you've had too much coffee ya know? Combine that with the queasy and I'm a mess! Do you think it's low blood sugar..... Or low blood pressure... Do I call the doc or just ride it out? I've had some breakfast and I'm feeling a little better but not much. I don't know anything about regulating blood sugar!!

sounds like blood sugar to me. You need to make sure you are eating, i have to get up in the night (even outside of pregnancy) to eat or i wake up a mess in the mornings, keep a snack by your bed!
Hi Ladies,

Hade my first US yesterday and all is well. Baby's heart was beating away and measures 8 weeks and 6 days. They are keeping my due date the same July 9. What a miracle. There were so many reason why this pregnancy should not be which is why I was so scared. I feel much better now knowing the bambina is alive and growing. I think this just became real for me :flower:

I feel so bad for all you ladies with sickness. I am not sick at all. Have no cravings or foods to avoid. Obviously that may change but for now, I am counting my blessings. For what is matters, it should be gone soon for you all so hang in there.
Lots I'd like to reply to but I'm on my phone at the moment and I'm going to be lame and just ask for some advice please. All night I kept waking up. (which is super annoying because my LOt actually slept through for the first time ever!) it's this jittery feeling like you've had too much coffee ya know? Combine that with the queasy and I'm a mess! Do you think it's low blood sugar..... Or low blood pressure... Do I call the doc or just ride it out? I've had some breakfast and I'm feeling a little better but not much. I don't know anything about regulating blood sugar!!

I do have blood sugar issues - and for me, the best way to regulate them is to eat small, regular meals/snacks every 2-3 hours. You should make sure that the meals/snacks have protein. Whole grains are better too; though while pregnant I've lost my taste for whole wheat breads etc.

For when I wake up at night- if I'm hungry, I can't go back to sleep, so I have some nuts/raisin mix on my night stand...that way I don't wake myself up too much by getting out of bed and going to the kitchen. I have a small handful and then I am able to go back to sleep.
ilovehim- im glad you decided to stay! that office sounded like a nightmare i'd never go back!!

i also have been having bizarre dreams and they have people in them that i havent seen in years its so strange!

i will be 2nd trimester January 5th i believe so still a little ways to go!

i got all my christmas wrapping done this evening after a long day of work. i think im gonna go to bed early tonight!

thank you so much im really glad i came back too!!:) and No i will not be going back to that OFFICE EVER AGAIN!!.
The real reason i even made the appointment thou was because i wanted to try to get another scan , without having to go to the hospital! I just em scared something is wrong?! even know i have no reason too be:wacko:
Jan 5th will be here before you know it :thumbup: hehe
I really need to start my christmas wrapping! I've got ALOT to wrap and i mean ALOT! i still gotta get my mom & dad something and also my nephew, it's really sad that i gotta give the gift to my mom to give to my nephew thou because if my sister knew it came from me she'd tell my mother she doesnt want it:cry: like when he was first born i got him a really nice baby blanket and a nice little hat and few other old and ends:winkwink:
My mom was telling me a few months after i got it for him that my sister was telling her MOM NATE loves that blanket you got him , he sleeps with it every night and carrys it everywhere so that MADE me feel REALLY GOOD:thumbup: but i just wish she'd let me see him:cry: it hurts me so bad that she is doing this and in the end she is only hurting him:cry: she has took that baby from the whole family even my grandmother who won't be around much longer its so sad because alot of kids wont even know there great grandkids:cry:
not only that but she is pregnant too and due in april or may and it just really sucks u know that we can't share this special time together but idk ive tried my best to reach out with her :cry: its her NO GOOD HUSBAND:cry: hopefully he will be in JAIL SOON

the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!

I know how you feel, it's like as soon as you see that heart beat then you'll calm down. :hugs:

My second Tri starts January 12. So Just after Ukrainian Christmas, we'll likely tell his mother on UC as a nice surprise for her. Hopefully she'll be here for a February visit so that should be enough time for her to buy all of Kyiv out of baby things right?:dohh:

Yes as soon as i see the heartbeat & baby should be moving around some now too i'll feel so much better!.
I just keep seeing alot of people signatures and it saying 10weeks but measure 6weeks and im just scare thats gonna happen to me:cry:
Even know ive never had no history of m/c or nothing like that but im trying to keep the faith and believe that all will be OK!
I go see my Obgyn that took care of me with my son and i think im gonna wind up sticking with her because i just feel good with her & know she is good:thumbup:
She did a wonderful job when delivering my son,you know she cut me alittle bit because she didnt want him to wind up ripping me! she sew me back up real fast and even did my DS little ding ding:blush:lol
Anyone else with boys or if they have a boy not going to cicurmcis?!
I did with my son and i think i made the right choice because you know the extra skin can cause infections or the skin can even grow over the hole:wacko:
i was so scared when they brought my little man back with her little moomoo cut but it heal real fast & wasnt hard at all to take care of:thumbup:
TMI* my dh mom didnt get him cicurmcis when he was a baby and he had problems! so he had to wind up getting it done at 12yrs old i believe and said that they didnt put him to sleep or nohing eeeekkkk that doesnt sound like it feel so good at 12yrs old

When does everyone's 2nd tri start? I just looked it up on pregnology.com and mine starts Christmas Day! :)

the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!

Nikki, you can do it! Just think, it is already under a week away and then you will see your sweet, healthy baby again :) The best thing you can do is try to stay positive! I'm sorry your appt didn't go so well...seriously, it's nearly impossible to hold back being sick like that, how could she not know?

I hit 12 weeks on the 23rd, but we'll see if it stays the same after my ultrasound. I'm so excited, tomorrow will be two weeks till we see our little baby!
aww thanks:) you even call me by my real name!! forgive me but i totally forgot your:-( i feel bad for not remembering but i can barely remember my own sometimes:-( but i promise if u tell me now i will remember for sure because i dont have all the crap i did on me when i first join this group things have been trying to go alittle better for me you know?! but im trying to say positive but idk seeing some people freak out sometimes in these threads well it makes me freaky out about the same thing they are?!?!
i have no clue have they didint know i had to throw up i mean i look sick ,like u could look at me and tell i dint feel good and they just didnt see that "dummies"
I also turn 12 weeks on the 23rd:) YAY due date could possibly change tho qhwn i go tuesday! im thinking about calling up to see if i can get in for a u/s sooner<3
i really wanna ask DH to go but he took off for the first one and it sucks so bad they wouldnt even let him come in the back:-/ the ladie said because she had to do it vaginally i like thinking to myself like REALLY he the father of my child and my husband he has seen my who ha more then enought you know:wacko:

13wks is the start of second tri. i will be 13 wks on Christmas eve :)

I've felt baby a few times now! very light and very low but exciting :)
thanks i wasnt sure if it was 12 or 13 well since that so i will be 13weeks on december 30th ,right before the NEW YEAR!.
it is so wonderful that we are starting to all get up there and most of us will be moving into the 2nd tri and then about a week or 2 the rest should be starting to catch up to us:thumbup:

Really You can already feel the baby?! you must be really thin?! or which child is this for you because i heard the more children u have the sooner u can feel the baby!!!:)
I can't wait to feel thew baby move<3

Hi everybody! I would like to join. My due date for now is July 23. I have been reading most of everything on here, but wasn't sure when to jump in.

I am 25 and my husband is 29. We have a 9 year old daughter and have been trying for baby #2 for 8 years! I have PCOS and it's been a struggle but it has finally happened. We are so excited but I am also very scared with the high risk for miscarriage. I have been really sick with MS and hope it gets better soon! I am 7 weeks today and I have loved reading about everybody and hope to get to know everyone soon. This is also my first thread to join so bear with me if I don't use all the abbreviations and etc.

Hello there!!
first let me say welcome & H&H 9months!!!
Wow 8yrs that is crazy so you guys have been TTC not to long after you had your daughter?!?! im so very happy for you<3 we are also around the same age i'll be 25 in march and dh will be turning 29 the 16th of this month:)
Let me tell you alittle about me:)
My name is Nikki my Dh is Eddie im from the USA in Baltimore Maryland live here all my life<3
I have 1 son of my own who is 5yrs old & i have 4 stepkids Lil Eddie Jordan Shawn & Cheyenne i love them all so much:)
Me & Dh have been TTC for 2+years with this baby,I actually got my :bfp: 11days after my son 5th birthday:thumbup: let me tell u it was a wonderful gift to us! its just crazy because after getting a :bfn: on our 2nd yr anniversary i just couldnt take the heartbreak anymore of getting nothing but :bfn: so me & hubby had said we would go see a fertiliy specialiest but we were gonna wait until after i finishen school so that i could help out some with the cost because it just cost so much:wacko:
However thou the month that i didnt use nothing no opks no charting no temping no preseed i mean nothing we finally got our :bfp: YAY so flipping happy:happydance: really em wishing the best for you<3

I will be 12 weeks on December 20th.
I can hardly wait to hear how all the new scans went. I love seeing those little first photos. They're always so precious!
Ilovehim thank you for coming back online. We appreciate your comments and stories. Sorry to hear about the troubles with Dr and Sonogram people...I wish they'd train people to have more compassion don't you?
Myra be wary of putting on too much weight! I made that mistake with my first pregnancy...I put on about 20kg and 8 of those were in my first trimester!
So far I have only put on about 600grams with this pregnancy which is not that much thankfully!
I am sure we have nothing to worry about with Kate and Will stealing our thunder. All our babies will be loved and people will go crazy with their cuteness. That is just the effect a baby has.
As for me I just had the car serviced and looks like I am up for another $400 at least in repairs that are well needed...looks like we will be eating 2 minute noodles this Christmas!

thank you so much<3 im so glad to be back & you all have gave me the warmest welcome back :hugs:
i know it so sad how ive been treated,it really is:cry: i do wish they would be train better, you know if you dont want to work with people dont get a freaking job around them duhhhhhh i swear its like then dont freaking work with them!!!,
Im so glad i'll be seeing the doctor i seen with my ds because ive been seeing her even before i got pregnant with him!! she has been my obgyn since i was a teenager and her office staff is so sweet & she is so sweet and so good when it comes to babys and everything else, i mean every female issues ive ever had ive always went to her for it.
Like i used to get cyst alot so she make sure i had the right treatmets i mean just everything
Anyone have very little or totally different symptoms then previous pregnancies?

Hello Ladies :)

I need some advice RE work. My boss says I have to give her a letter which I will take down to her today after I have had my MW appt. But I was just looking at this https://www.gov.uk/working-when-pregnant-your-rights

I am a carer and I do domestic calls which include using bleach, toilet cleaners well all cleaning stuff. I have a call tomorrow which I will have to carry bags of washing down stairs to a laundry and back again. It also says I can't work the long hours anymore... ie 13 hour shifts.

My boss is pissed of I am pregnant anyway so I am worried about telling her, would you think printing that off and highlighting the stuff and giving it to her with the letter?

Moonbaby is alive!!! Measuring small, which I expected because of my long cycles and saraya and Atticus were the same. Saw a heartbeat and she's bringing me back in 2 weeks for a follow up scan!!
ilovehim- im glad you decided to stay! that office sounded like a nightmare i'd never go back!!

i also have been having bizarre dreams and they have people in them that i havent seen in years its so strange!

i will be 2nd trimester January 5th i believe so still a little ways to go!

i got all my christmas wrapping done this evening after a long day of work. i think im gonna go to bed early tonight!

thank you so much im really glad i came back too!!:) and No i will not be going back to that OFFICE EVER AGAIN!!.
The real reason i even made the appointment thou was because i wanted to try to get another scan , without having to go to the hospital! I just em scared something is wrong?! even know i have no reason too be:wacko:
Jan 5th will be here before you know it :thumbup: hehe
I really need to start my christmas wrapping! I've got ALOT to wrap and i mean ALOT! i still gotta get my mom & dad something and also my nephew, it's really sad that i gotta give the gift to my mom to give to my nephew thou because if my sister knew it came from me she'd tell my mother she doesnt want it:cry: like when he was first born i got him a really nice baby blanket and a nice little hat and few other old and ends:winkwink:
My mom was telling me a few months after i got it for him that my sister was telling her MOM NATE loves that blanket you got him , he sleeps with it every night and carrys it everywhere so that MADE me feel REALLY GOOD:thumbup: but i just wish she'd let me see him:cry: it hurts me so bad that she is doing this and in the end she is only hurting him:cry: she has took that baby from the whole family even my grandmother who won't be around much longer its so sad because alot of kids wont even know there great grandkids:cry:
not only that but she is pregnant too and due in april or may and it just really sucks u know that we can't share this special time together but idk ive tried my best to reach out with her :cry: its her NO GOOD HUSBAND:cry: hopefully he will be in JAIL SOON

the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!

I know how you feel, it's like as soon as you see that heart beat then you'll calm down. :hugs:

My second Tri starts January 12. So Just after Ukrainian Christmas, we'll likely tell his mother on UC as a nice surprise for her. Hopefully she'll be here for a February visit so that should be enough time for her to buy all of Kyiv out of baby things right?:dohh:

Yes as soon as i see the heartbeat & baby should be moving around some now too i'll feel so much better!.
I just keep seeing alot of people signatures and it saying 10weeks but measure 6weeks and im just scare thats gonna happen to me:cry:
Even know ive never had no history of m/c or nothing like that but im trying to keep the faith and believe that all will be OK!
I go see my Obgyn that took care of me with my son and i think im gonna wind up sticking with her because i just feel good with her & know she is good:thumbup:
She did a wonderful job when delivering my son,you know she cut me alittle bit because she didnt want him to wind up ripping me! she sew me back up real fast and even did my DS little ding ding:blush:lol
Anyone else with boys or if they have a boy not going to cicurmcis?!
I did with my son and i think i made the right choice because you know the extra skin can cause infections or the skin can even grow over the hole:wacko:
i was so scared when they brought my little man back with her little moomoo cut but it heal real fast & wasnt hard at all to take care of:thumbup:
TMI* my dh mom didnt get him cicurmcis when he was a baby and he had problems! so he had to wind up getting it done at 12yrs old i believe and said that they didnt put him to sleep or nohing eeeekkkk that doesnt sound like it feel so good at 12yrs old

When does everyone's 2nd tri start? I just looked it up on pregnology.com and mine starts Christmas Day! :)

the 2nd tri starts at 12weeks right?! well i turn 12weeks on the 23rd of december!however i go for another scan on tuesday the 11th at 9am! so that could very well change for me but im still scared that im not even gonna make it that far i just feel like something is gonna be wrong ugh maybe im just freaking out thou maybe everything is fine with me and dh baby?!

Nikki, you can do it! Just think, it is already under a week away and then you will see your sweet, healthy baby again :) The best thing you can do is try to stay positive! I'm sorry your appt didn't go so well...seriously, it's nearly impossible to hold back being sick like that, how could she not know?

I hit 12 weeks on the 23rd, but we'll see if it stays the same after my ultrasound. I'm so excited, tomorrow will be two weeks till we see our little baby!
aww thanks:) you even call me by my real name!! forgive me but i totally forgot your:-( i feel bad for not remembering but i can barely remember my own sometimes:-( but i promise if u tell me now i will remember for sure because i dont have all the crap i did on me when i first join this group things have been trying to go alittle better for me you know?! but im trying to say positive but idk seeing some people freak out sometimes in these threads well it makes me freaky out about the same thing they are?!?!
i have no clue have they didint know i had to throw up i mean i look sick ,like u could look at me and tell i dint feel good and they just didnt see that "dummies"
I also turn 12 weeks on the 23rd:) YAY due date could possibly change tho qhwn i go tuesday! im thinking about calling up to see if i can get in for a u/s sooner<3
i really wanna ask DH to go but he took off for the first one and it sucks so bad they wouldnt even let him come in the back:-/ the ladie said because she had to do it vaginally i like thinking to myself like REALLY he the father of my child and my husband he has seen my who ha more then enought you know:wacko:

13wks is the start of second tri. i will be 13 wks on Christmas eve :)

I've felt baby a few times now! very light and very low but exciting :)
thanks i wasnt sure if it was 12 or 13 well since that so i will be 13weeks on december 30th ,right before the NEW YEAR!.
it is so wonderful that we are starting to all get up there and most of us will be moving into the 2nd tri and then about a week or 2 the rest should be starting to catch up to us:thumbup:

Really You can already feel the baby?! you must be really thin?! or which child is this for you because i heard the more children u have the sooner u can feel the baby!!!:)
I can't wait to feel thew baby move<3

Hi everybody! I would like to join. My due date for now is July 23. I have been reading most of everything on here, but wasn't sure when to jump in.

I am 25 and my husband is 29. We have a 9 year old daughter and have been trying for baby #2 for 8 years! I have PCOS and it's been a struggle but it has finally happened. We are so excited but I am also very scared with the high risk for miscarriage. I have been really sick with MS and hope it gets better soon! I am 7 weeks today and I have loved reading about everybody and hope to get to know everyone soon. This is also my first thread to join so bear with me if I don't use all the abbreviations and etc.

Hello there!!
first let me say welcome & H&H 9months!!!
Wow 8yrs that is crazy so you guys have been TTC not to long after you had your daughter?!?! im so very happy for you<3 we are also around the same age i'll be 25 in march and dh will be turning 29 the 16th of this month:)
Let me tell you alittle about me:)
My name is Nikki my Dh is Eddie im from the USA in Baltimore Maryland live here all my life<3
I have 1 son of my own who is 5yrs old & i have 4 stepkids Lil Eddie Jordan Shawn & Cheyenne i love them all so much:)
Me & Dh have been TTC for 2+years with this baby,I actually got my :bfp: 11days after my son 5th birthday:thumbup: let me tell u it was a wonderful gift to us! its just crazy because after getting a :bfn: on our 2nd yr anniversary i just couldnt take the heartbreak anymore of getting nothing but :bfn: so me & hubby had said we would go see a fertiliy specialiest but we were gonna wait until after i finishen school so that i could help out some with the cost because it just cost so much:wacko:
However thou the month that i didnt use nothing no opks no charting no temping no preseed i mean nothing we finally got our :bfp: YAY so flipping happy:happydance: really em wishing the best for you<3

I will be 12 weeks on December 20th.
I can hardly wait to hear how all the new scans went. I love seeing those little first photos. They're always so precious!
Ilovehim thank you for coming back online. We appreciate your comments and stories. Sorry to hear about the troubles with Dr and Sonogram people...I wish they'd train people to have more compassion don't you?
Myra be wary of putting on too much weight! I made that mistake with my first pregnancy...I put on about 20kg and 8 of those were in my first trimester!
So far I have only put on about 600grams with this pregnancy which is not that much thankfully!
I am sure we have nothing to worry about with Kate and Will stealing our thunder. All our babies will be loved and people will go crazy with their cuteness. That is just the effect a baby has.
As for me I just had the car serviced and looks like I am up for another $400 at least in repairs that are well needed...looks like we will be eating 2 minute noodles this Christmas!

thank you so much<3 im so glad to be back & you all have gave me the warmest welcome back :hugs:
i know it so sad how ive been treated,it really is:cry: i do wish they would be train better, you know if you dont want to work with people dont get a freaking job around them duhhhhhh i swear its like then dont freaking work with them!!!,
Im so glad i'll be seeing the doctor i seen with my ds because ive been seeing her even before i got pregnant with him!! she has been my obgyn since i was a teenager and her office staff is so sweet & she is so sweet and so good when it comes to babys and everything else, i mean every female issues ive ever had ive always went to her for it.
Like i used to get cyst alot so she make sure i had the right treatmets i mean just everything espeically pregnancy!!!
Anyone have very little or totally different symptoms then previous pregnancies?

i totally have been having different symptoms alls i had with ds is headachs but this baby ive been having bad MS the worse ive been alot more tired then i ever was with him and just so much more but the main thing is MS that has been kicking my BUTT!!! i really think im having alittle girl eekk i so want alittle girl so bad and i have a good feeling abour it

Hello Ladies :)

I need some advice RE work. My boss says I have to give her a letter which I will take down to her today after I have had my MW appt. But I was just looking at this https://www.gov.uk/working-when-pregnant-your-rights

I am a carer and I do domestic calls which include using bleach, toilet cleaners well all cleaning stuff. I have a call tomorrow which I will have to carry bags of washing down stairs to a laundry and back again. It also says I can't work the long hours anymore... ie 13 hour shifts.

My boss is pissed of I am pregnant anyway so I am worried about telling her, would you think printing that off and highlighting the stuff and giving it to her with the letter?

wow sounds like your BOSS IS A BBBBBBBBBB!!!!! you know i would print it out and let her see it but on the other hand im scared that she might try to fire you then because you know you'd have to prove that she fire you because you were pregnant! but i surely hope that she wouldnt do that too you especially around the holidays.
Maybe she just alittle mad because you guys have been busy and she just really was looking forward to having u wei! good luck<3

Moonbaby is alive!!! Measuring small, which I expected because of my long cycles and saraya and Atticus were the same. Saw a heartbeat and she's bringing me back in 2 weeks for a follow up scan!!

YAY!!!!! moonbaby looks GREAT<3:happydance:

also ladies sorri if this post 2s i wasnt done writting and some how clikc on submit reply
this pregnancy is completely different than my last. i gained weight steadily from the beginning with my last and was never sick. with this one ive been sick a lot and actually lost 4 lbs (probably from being sick)

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