~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Welcome back ilovehim!! :hugs::hugs: So glad to see you back. :happydance:

I've reached 10 weeks today and confirmed a h/b once again with the doppler this morning. Bleeding has been a bit heavier :( but I keep getting really full bladders and I think the weight of it might be contributing to pushing more blood down. :shrug: Either way, I'm 10 weeks, heartrate was nice and fast (165bpm) and I read somewhere that the risk of miscarriage was really really low now. Not to say that it won't happen, but, I feel like some of the anxiety on my shoulders is beginning to lift. :flower:
I'm so releived to hear about the drop in risk of miscarriage after a heartbeat has been seen.
I have been ttc for 5 years and had a MC in september

i also em so happy to hear that the risk has drop for miscarriges too because when i went to the hospital the one day they did a u/s and even tho the stupid teach didnt tell me nothing,alittle a
after they took me to my room the doctor came in and told us that our baby had a heartbeat!
just hoping i'll have a good teach when i go tuesday<3
also so sorry to hear about ur m/c they are SAD! congrats that u finally did it i was a lttcer myself also!!! we did it:happydance:

yay 9 weeks!!!


i am so bloated and uncomfy thou, still got sore boobs tho not as bad. Feel sick on and off worse in afternoon and night time, even feel sick in bed!!!
not actually being sick as much now, just gaging a lot. :sick:

i think i would start worrying if i started to feel better, thou i know i will start to feel better soon.

thinking of buying a doppler 2mora, any one had any success with them this early??? my hubby doesnt want me to buy one, he says it will just cause me more worry
:xmas9: feeling christmassy today and i put our tree up!

YaY congrats on becoming 9weeks!! did u see that your baby has moved up on ur chart also!!:) YAY

im feeling the same way as you are bloated uncomfy boobs are sore but not to bad sick o and off! really hope u feel better<3

i also wanted to get a doppler myself too but idk i dont want not finding the heartbeat and start freaking out! so i think im gonna wait until i hear it in the doctor office<3

i love christmas:) i cant wait until we get our tree :xmas9: we get a real one so we get ours the 2nd 3rd week of december so it wont die right away and MMMMMM a real tree makes the house smell soooooo good and christmassy i love it

Hi Ladies,

Hade my first US yesterday and all is well. Baby's heart was beating away and measures 8 weeks and 6 days. They are keeping my due date the same July 9. What a miracle. There were so many reason why this pregnancy should not be which is why I was so scared. I feel much better now knowing the bambina is alive and growing. I think this just became real for me :flower:

I feel so bad for all you ladies with sickness. I am not sick at all. Have no cravings or foods to avoid. Obviously that may change but for now, I am counting my blessings. For what is matters, it should be gone soon for you all so hang in there.

yay so glad ur u/s went so well<3 so happy for you:thumbup::flower:
and u are so lucky you have been feeling good and havent had no sickness i ddint have no sickness with my son so im hoping this is just a sign that this is are little girl<3 yay
My son is intact, I'd never circumcise unless there was a medical reason to. It actually causes MORE infections, the foreskin actually keeps infection out. Plus I'd never subject my son to that...
Ilovehim-im extremely thin, a whopping 94 lbs right now. this is also my fourth child. That's also why my husband can feel the kicks so early, cause i am so skinny. its gross, really. when i lay flat my pelvis protrudes out. the heaviest I've ever weighed was 137 and that was the day i gave birth to my 3rd.

im lost aaisrie, did someone.say something about circumcision?
My son is intact, I'd never circumcise unless there was a medical reason to. It actually causes MORE infections, the foreskin actually keeps infection out. Plus I'd never subject my son to that...

I'm with Aaisrie, I've read there's really no valid medical reason to do it any more. And if you're religiously doing it that's different.

DH wasn't done and though I wouldn't have suggested it, he put his foot down immediately and said it WILL NOT be done if we have a boy.

They actually don't pay for it with our provincial health care, so if you want to have it done, it's an out of pocket expense. So that goes to show how unnecessary it is for most boys. (granted, some men need it later in life... but again that's case by case).
When does everyone's 2nd tri start? I just looked it up on pregnology.com and mine starts Christmas Day! :)

Different websites say different things, some say the 2nd trimester starts at 12 weeks, some say 13 weeks, and some say 14 weeks....I don't know what to go by????:dohh:
Lots I'd like to reply to but I'm on my phone at the moment and I'm going to be lame and just ask for some advice please. All night I kept waking up. (which is super annoying because my LOt actually slept through for the first time ever!) it's this jittery feeling like you've had too much coffee ya know? Combine that with the queasy and I'm a mess! Do you think it's low blood sugar..... Or low blood pressure... Do I call the doc or just ride it out? I've had some breakfast and I'm feeling a little better but not much. I don't know anything about regulating blood sugar!!

I get the leg jumpy's at night...drives me insane....I've had it throughout every pregnancy though....no clue what causes it
My name is Amanda :) It is normal to worry, I do sometimes also even though this is my first. My mom has.had several miscarriages, it is definitely nerve-wracking. However, I have been SO sick lol, it stinks when I'm at work but it is reassuring. Nikki, don't we have the same due date right now? July 8th? :)

I have also lost weight since my drs appt 2 weeks ago. I would guess between 3-5 lbs. I am hoping that the sickness is gone, or at least a lot better by Christmas so I can have some good holiday food! I missed out on Thanksgiving :p

I have felt some movement also, last week (8 weeks)...I wasn't gassy and it was really low and I could barely feel it. I just happened to be lying down resting. I haven't felt anything since. I am really starting to want a doppler now though! I think it would be really sweet to let my little brother hear the heartbeat when we visit for Christmas (I'd be 12.5 weeks, so maybe?).
My son is intact, I'd never circumcise unless there was a medical reason to. It actually causes MORE infections, the foreskin actually keeps infection out. Plus I'd never subject my son to that...

When I found out I was having a boy, I just assumed we'd have him circumcised, b/c his father is, and his father really wanted him to be. However, once I started doing the research, I knew I could never do that to him. We also have to pay for it here in BC, and where I live, within a 6 hour drive, there are only 2 doctor's that still do it. It was an easy choice for me, but to each, his own:)
I've had the worst week of pregnancy, in any of my 4 pregnancies, this past week. Thursdays are the start of a new week for me in this pregnancy. So last Thursday, I felt how I've been feeling pretty much all along. Bloated, tender breasts, nauseous, tired, etc. By Friday, every single symptom was gone, all of a sudden, all at once. I started to freak out, but I know that symptoms can come and go, and I had an appointment for the next Friday for a scan. So I rode it out Friday and Saturday...but by Sunday, I was starting to panic, and was so scared, and tearful. I went to the hospital, where they did some bloodwork, but could not fit me in for a scan as they were all backed up. After many hours, they told me to go home and that they'd call me in the morning with an appointment for a scan. So off I went. I waited until 11:30, then I called them. They still could not fit me in, so hopefully the next day. I decided to go to a different hospital, only to have the exact same results. Finally, on Tuesday, I get a call from the 2nd hospital that they can fit me in, and to come on down. So we rushed down, drinking water as we went. Apparently, I didn't drink it fast enough, because my bladder wasn't full enough...even though I had to pee like crazy, so they had to do a transvaginal ultrasound. The tech is taking pictures, and is totally silent. I'm lying waiting for her to say "I'm sorry, but your baby is gone", I'm having de ja vue from my last miscarriage (at 18 weeks, but baby measured 14 weeks). I'm screaming at her in my head to just say it, I'm so positive that it's bad news. When she non-chalantly says "Baby's heartbeat is 161"....I was so happy, but still wanted to throttle her for making me wait so long, when she knew exactly why I was there. But holy crap, what relief....I kept asking if she was sure, and then she showed me. I saw with my own eyes that my Little Peanut's heart was beating away, furiously, and fell in love. They let my OH come in and see it too. ( They left him out waiting in the hallway while they did the initial measurements etc.) Baby is also measuring right on. I can't tell you what a relief it was. I'm sure I'll have other freak outs during this pregnancy, but I just SO want my rainbow baby....OH! That reminds me....we saw 2 full rainbows, and even 2 side by side half rainbows on the 45 minute drive to the ultrasound....I think it was good luck:)

Tomorrow is 9 weeks, and I'll be an olive <3

Dec 27th is 12 weeks for me
Jan 3rd is 13 weeks
Jan 10th is 14 weeks....so whichever one of those signals the 2nd trimester, I'm ready for it!

Oh, and a little bit of nausea came back last night....never been so thankful to feel pukey!

Sorry for the novel....
My son is intact, I'd never circumcise unless there was a medical reason to. It actually causes MORE infections, the foreskin actually keeps infection out. Plus I'd never subject my son to that...

were we talking about this? :haha: i haven't really given it much thought. I'm in the U.S. and it is routinely done. I think more boys get circumsized than not around here. My husband and I haven't talked about it and I'm sure we won't until we hear if we are having a boy.

Lots I'd like to reply to but I'm on my phone at the moment and I'm going to be lame and just ask for some advice please. All night I kept waking up. (which is super annoying because my LOt actually slept through for the first time ever!) it's this jittery feeling like you've had too much coffee ya know? Combine that with the queasy and I'm a mess! Do you think it's low blood sugar..... Or low blood pressure... Do I call the doc or just ride it out? I've had some breakfast and I'm feeling a little better but not much. I don't know anything about regulating blood sugar!!

I get the leg jumpy's at night...drives me insane....I've had it throughout every pregnancy though....no clue what causes it

my legs did that with my daughter and they have been doing it now. it drives me crazy because nothing helps!! i try propping them up, massaging, nothing helps!

My name is Amanda :) It is normal to worry, I do sometimes also even though this is my first. My mom has.had several miscarriages, it is definitely nerve-wracking. However, I have been SO sick lol, it stinks when I'm at work but it is reassuring. Nikki, don't we have the same due date right now? July 8th? :)

I have also lost weight since my drs appt 2 weeks ago. I would guess between 3-5 lbs. I am hoping that the sickness is gone, or at least a lot better by Christmas so I can have some good holiday food! I missed out on Thanksgiving :p

I have felt some movement also, last week (8 weeks)...I wasn't gassy and it was really low and I could barely feel it. I just happened to be lying down resting. I haven't felt anything since. I am really starting to want a doppler now though! I think it would be really sweet to let my little brother hear the heartbeat when we visit for Christmas (I'd be 12.5 weeks, so maybe?).

i also missed out on eating on Thanksgiving!! Everything smelled terrible and I just wanted to throw up. I took a home pregnancy test that evening and got the nice "pregnant" on the digital test and it all made sense!
Read the drmomma blog, there's lots of posts on it and she's in the US it's less routinely done there now than it used to be. We wouldn't circ a girl so why a boy?? My husband is circ because of medical problems but he'd never get our son done unless there was reason
Oh and I was responding to the post before mine it was mentioned!
I don't think about circ'ing until we have a boy. DH wants it done and for personal reasons I'd like it done as well, but at the same time I hate the idea of it actually happening to my little baby. Instead of figuring it out, I'm just waiting until we land on a boy. Everyone is pretty sure this one is also a girl (I never have any gender feelings) so no reason for me to figure out what we'll do yet.
i think thats a big fear of mine for having a boy is the whole circ thing. makes me wanna just stick with my girls :haha:
Read the drmomma blog, there's lots of posts on it and she's in the US it's less routinely done there now than it used to be. We wouldn't circ a girl so why a boy?? My husband is circ because of medical problems but he'd never get our son done unless there was reason

I totally agree, and hubby is of the same mindset.
I have a boy and no way would I circumcise unless it was medically needed.

But it's personal choice, and I can see why for religious reasons etc.
oh GOD I just stepped on the scales this morning. 9 stone 13lbs 2oz

I was 9 stone 7lbs 6oz at the beginning of this pregnancy, and I'm only 9 and a half weeks! I'm gaining weight far more quickly than recommended.

I need to curb these milkshake cravings I really do!

You guys and your milkshake talk!!! I just HAD to get one on the way home form playgroup today.... a butterfinger one just to make sure I was getting that extra oomph of sugar laden calories... LOL
oneandtwo - Thanks... now another question. What's a good middle of night blood sugar regulating food? :)

myra - okay, so nuts and raisins... except I hate most nuts.. and my worst vomiting episode was when I woke up one morning and ate a small bowl of raisins.... I've got a pretty bad aversion to them now. :( I wonder if I can find some nitrate free beef jerky... would that work?

Aaisrie - it's amazing the different feelings different nationalities have on the matter! I grew up in America just thinking it's was the done thing. Then spent most of my adult years in the UK where I realized.. No... it's NOT the done thing.... so strange!! I'd leave the final decision up to my husband since I feel he'd have more to go on making a decision! lol but I'm definitely leaning towards medically unnecessary and no these days. ps. Hi Moonbaby!! :)

dove830 - I've heard that's really common, restless leg syndrome, apparently iron really helps with it!! you should try that! ooh so glad baby is doing well!!! My ms went away for all of an hour yesterday and I started feeling crampy at the same time. I think it's mostly because the nausea just mutes so many of my other symptoms that it was just stretching pains and I was freaking. Of course the nausea came back, horrible heart burn and jittery all night. yup I'm sure baby is still good. lol

Breadsticks - oh I really want to be feeling better by Christmas too!! Thanksgiving was such a bust. I spent a large chunk upside down in my father's recliner watching the parade and then took a 2 hour nap after lunch. :(

tlh97990 - like I said to dove, try some iron! :)
Aww thanks beccamichelle!! :) can't believe I'm getting another scan in 2 weeks as well, that was a shock!!

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