~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Welcome back ilovehim!! So glad you decided to come back!!! :hugs: Sorry you're having such bad luck with doctors!! They really need a bedside manner!

As for circ'ing I will be if we have a boy. I did with DS and they did it the day after he was born and he doesn't remember a thing. My nephew on the other hand, my sis had him circ'ed and they waited til he was like a year or two old. I wouldn't do it if it had to wait that long.

I do plan on breastfeeding as long as our LO latches on! I was able to for 10 weeks only with DS as he wouldn't latch on and I pumped for as long as I could.

I do plan on vaccines.
are we gonna talk about breastfeeding and vaccines next? LOL

LOL, isn't that why pregnancy is nine months long? So we can chat about decisions like this? :haha:

Obviously I'll be breastfeeding, as I'm still breastfeeding #1 for 17 months so far. Hoping to not tandem nurse, but not closed off to it either. Just wish my nipples didn't feel like they were falling off right now! Praying that goes away soon.

We do delayed vax here. We get most of them (though in the hospital we skip the eye ointment, extra vitamin k shot, and the hep b. We wait until baby is over a month old until we start sticking them with things, and keep them mostly home for that first month to keep them safe and healthy.

Becca - I LOVE pinterest!

Just realized! All 4 of our babies will be so close with their birthdays!

How neat!!

Very surprised at all the Cosleepers. We cosleep, but we don't tell anyone IRL as everyone thinks they know better. We follow all the safety rules. It goes against all my mommy instincts to put a newborn baby that was inside of me into a crib separated from me. Couldn't do it last time, know I won't this time.

Our current set up is transitioning my 17 month old. We sidecarred the three wall crib to our bed. She LOVES having her own bed and crawls right into it at bedtime. Once she's staying in there all night (she comes out to night feed or because she misses her mommy cuddles) then we'll work on a toddler bed. The goal is to have her in a toddler bed when this baby comes, even if it's still in our little bedroom. We're making up her own bedroom now, we'll see if that makes a difference.

We don't do ear piercing for babies at all. We do baptize.
I cosleeped with my DS. I couldn't have him away from me! I had a bassinet right beside the bed but I kept bringing him straight to bed with me. People would get on me if I told them so I kept it to myself as well. When I moved in with my mom when DS was 6 weeks old he still slept right there beside me the whole time. I finally started putting him in his crib as he got older. But even though he's now almost 9, he'd rather sleep in the same room as me because we have for so long. But of course we can't as me and OH share a room now and DS had to learn he has to share mommy. It's been just him and me for so long that when OH came into our lives it changed a bit for him.
Congrats A- on your scan...hope all goes well for you again in 2 weeks!
As for co-sleeping I think it can be dangerous and annoying especially when they get bigger and more wiggly. We had our DD in a bassinet next to the bed until she was 3months old. Then she grew too big for the bassinet so we shifted her to the room next to us in a cot. Since 10 months she has been in and out of our bed because of a messed up sleep routine while we were overseas on vacations and hasn't settled for a full nights sleep since we got back. I would much prefer her to be in her own bed and so would DH.
If we have a boy we will more than likely get him circumcised. They are not brutal like the old days and I see it as more of a hygiene factor. My brotherinlaw is one of 5 boys and he knows how grotty boys can be. My little brother was never cut and he suffered throughout childhood with infections so that just settled it for me.
Yes, we will be getting vaccinations as it is free and if the baby has bad reactions to these obviously we will re-assess our decision.
Nappies- we will mostly use cloth but will use the odd disposable nappy here and there.
I used a carrier mostly while my DD was small enough but the one I currently have I probably wouldn't use again because she just got too heavy for me to carry.
We have a really light weight stroller and she loves it cause she can look around at the world and it has a good carry basket underneath that I love cause I can throw in wipes, spare clothes, sippy cup etc for her and it saves me having to carry an extra bag.
Very surprised at all the Cosleepers. We cosleep, but we don't tell anyone IRL as everyone thinks they know better. We follow all the safety rules. It goes against all my mommy instincts to put a newborn baby that was inside of me into a crib separated from me. Couldn't do it last time, know I won't this time.

With our first baby we didn't co-sleep, we thought it might be dangerous and we wanted to follow all the "guidelines" for safety to the letter.

It was an absolute nightmare. Because she didn't want to sleep unless she was in our arms, every time we put her in her cot she would bounce straight awake again, and ended up completely nocturnal - I really do mean totally nocturnal. She would sleep all during the day and yet she wanted to be awake all night.

This lasted until she was 9 months old at which point we literally had to force her to turn her days and nights around by playing with her and keeping her awake as long as possible in the morning (when she used to try and drop off) in the hope that it would force her bodyclock forward a bit, and then push it forward a bit further a few days later, and so on.
We were so upside down and jet lagged we didn't know what we were doing. I remember eating breakfast at 7pm one day, and dinner at 6am another day, it was mental.

We did get her right eventually but it was insanity whilst it lasted.

So with babies 2 and 3 I co-slept with them and OMG it was a million times better. All babies wake in the night for a feed, granted, but compared to what it had been like with Lydia I would take that sort of thing ANY day!

I always lie in a position whereby I'm on my side facing the baby, and my lower arm goes up onto the pillow and over the top of the baby's head, sort of making an arc over the top (if that makes sense). It makes it physically impossible for me to roll onto my front and squash the baby, because I would end up breaking my arm in the process!
Sort of like the position of this guy's arm (the one holding the glove) - imagine the baby is in that gap and that the hand itself is not curled in
Very surprised at all the Cosleepers. We cosleep, but we don't tell anyone IRL as everyone thinks they know better. We follow all the safety rules. It goes against all my mommy instincts to put a newborn baby that was inside of me into a crib separated from me. Couldn't do it last time, know I won't this time.

With our first baby we didn't co-sleep, we thought it might be dangerous and we wanted to follow all the "guidelines" for safety to the letter.

It was an absolute nightmare. Because she didn't want to sleep unless she was in our arms, every tine we put her in her cot she would bounce straight awake again, and ended up completely nocturnal - I really do mean totally nocturnal. She wouldn't sleep at all during the day and yet she wanted to be awake all night.

This lasted until she was 9 months old at which point we literally had to force her to turn her days and nights around by playing with her and keeping her awake as long as possible in the morning (when she used to try and drop off) in the hope that it would force her bodyclock forward a bit, and then push it forward a bit further a few days later, and so on.
We were so upside down and jet lagged we didn't know what we were doing. I remember eating breakfast at 7pm one day, and dinner at 6am another day, it was mental.

We did get her right eventually but it was insanity whilst it lasted.

So with babies 2 and 3 I co-slept with them and OMG it was a million times better. All babies wake in the night for a feed, granted, but compared to what it had been like with Lydia I would take that sort of thing ANY day!

I always lie in a position whereby I'm on my side facing the baby, and my lower arm goes up onto the pillow and over the top of the baby's head, sort of making an arc over the top (if that makes sense). It makes it physically impossible for me to roll onto my front and squash the baby, because I would end up breaking my arm in the process!
Sort of like the position of this guy's arm (the one holding the glove) - imagine the baby is in that gap and that the hand itself is not curled in

I slept with my arm straight out so like you it was physically impossible for me to roll over. I am such a light sleeper that it wasn't difficult at all and I woke at any squirm or anything.
Such a stressful day today! Work was a pain and so much drama around there it's not even worth going anymore! I literally hate my job and I don't think I've ever hated a job before! Maybe disliked but never hated! My back ended up hurting and having stomach cramps. Trying to take it easy tonight but DS started stressing me out because he didn't want to eat mac n cheese & peas mixed together. He wanted them separate and I wasn't going to make them separate. So all he did was constantly complain about eating them and how I ruined his dinner and it's all my fault. I'm like look, eat it or don't. I don't care at this point! You starve or eat! plain and simple. I think it's now bed time. I have to get my tummy to stop cramping. I'm hoping it's just stretching and growing at this point. It feels like a cramp then a heat wave come on after it in that area.
when my daughter was born i slept on the couch holding her for 3 or 4 weeks then she slept in her crib in her own room. we moved when she was 2 months old and we still had her sleep in her own room in her crib which is upstairs and our room is on the main floor. we have a video monitor so i can turn the camera on anytime to see her. but this has worked for us. she has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old so to each their own. me and OH both move a lot in our sleep and i personally didn't want to have to wean my daughter off sleeping with us just to get her into her own bed then trying to transition her to her own room. we are going to have to move her room when the baby comes so her and the baby will share a bathroom instead of having the baby share a bathroom with the guest bedroom. right now my daughter is only one and has a bathroom in her room so she will be moving to the jack and jill rooms so guests can have their own bathroom when they stay with us
We co sleep too :) we.tried *not* with the first but it was a nightmare and i down do "baby training" so it fit our family best to co sleep. they've all been out by two, our youngest is on his way out now but we're building some beds first, since the baby can climb out of his pack and play we think it'll be best for him to transition into his own bed with his brothers. my husbands whole family thinks im a hippy lol we really work towards doing what feels right to us instead of what someone tells us to do. so far that's led us to delayed, selective vaccination, baby wearing, cloth diaperin, breast feeding, baby led weaning, and letting the babies guide us to what works.we don't use schedules on infants. we learn about them and adjust accordingly ;),
Oh oh oh we don't spank/hit/slap/punish our children either. that's another fun topic! Haha
I feel the same way after work. Not really crampy just sore in my abdomen.

Speaking of my wonderful job they are now taking away drinking water except on break. And if you don't get enough credit cards and replacement plans you will be called out at morning meetings and made an example of. It's really a joke no one even wants to work there anymore.
We coslept as well. She's just in the past month really moved into her own room for the entire night properly!

We had no intention to, but she wouldn't sleep anywhere else. We tried the snuggle nest and no luck. She would fall asleep after nursing but if I moved her at all she was wide awake and angry again. I tried leaning over the snuggle nest and nursing her but she could tell the difference. After about 2 weeks of fighting it and accidentally falling asleep next to her I realized I needed to accept that this was going to happen and that I should figure out how to do it safely. No pillows, she was ontop of my blanket. Snuggle next was still between her and daddy. It was perfect and we all FINALLY got some sleep. I was just so aware of her, I never slept that deeply and I'd wake up with aching shoulders from having not moved for hours, but at least I was sleeping! Roll on 2 years.. lol would never have worked without a king sized bed!

After a couple months we had a cot bed pushed up to our bed and that was HER space. I'd roll over into the crib to nurse and then back out again. It was nice to be able to move again at night and know she was safe. I think we'll start with the cot bed plan this time. Co sleeping was perfect for us and her, but every baby is different and if this next one is happy with some personal space then I'll be okay with that too. :)
I feel the same way after work. Not really crampy just sore in my abdomen.

Speaking of my wonderful job they are now taking away drinking water except on break. And if you don't get enough credit cards and replacement plans you will be called out at morning meetings and made an example of. It's really a joke no one even wants to work there anymore.

What?? they even let KIDS have water bottles on their desks these days. Is it even LEGAL for them to tell you that you can't have water unless on a break??
I also tried to "not" cosleep because of all the bad hype from the media. But I ended up following my mommy instincts, researching how to do it safely, and it really helped with bonding and enjoying my baby. I was never sleep deprived, I never had a problem with her going to sleep and nursing all night. I also do as above and sleep on my side with my arm out - it's such a comfortable position and wouldn't allow me to roll over. I'm also quite a light sleeper ever since having her (before then I would literally sleep through a fire alarm right above my head I was such a heavy sleeper!) Being a mommy changes so much!

The transitioning really isn't a problem either, but it may just be my attitude towards it. I like to take things slowly, I don't expect her to understand overnight that this new schedule and new bed is now expected of her. Instead, I do it by weeks. She loves having her own bed, but also misses mommy cuddles sometimes. I'm okay with that, because I love to cuddle her at nighttime too and miss it when she's in her crib instead. I love what Dr. Sears and Dr. Jay Gordon have to say about cosleeping, I looked to them for the guidelines of safe cosleeping and gentle sleep training and they're wonderful.
I feel the same way after work. Not really crampy just sore in my abdomen.

Speaking of my wonderful job they are now taking away drinking water except on break. And if you don't get enough credit cards and replacement plans you will be called out at morning meetings and made an example of. It's really a joke no one even wants to work there anymore.

What?? they even let KIDS have water bottles on their desks these days. Is it even LEGAL for them to tell you that you can't have water unless on a break??

Agree. I don't think this is Legal... Do you have a fair work person or union member you can talk to?:nope: I know my DH is having issues at his work because 90% of the week he gets no break which is Illegal if you work more than 4 hours you are suppose to get a break and he works well over that.:dohh:
I also tried to "not" cosleep because of all the bad hype from the media. But I ended up following my mommy instincts, researching how to do it safely, and it really helped with bonding and enjoying my baby. I was never sleep deprived, I never had a problem with her going to sleep and nursing all night. I also do as above and sleep on my side with my arm out - it's such a comfortable position and wouldn't allow me to roll over. I'm also quite a light sleeper ever since having her (before then I would literally sleep through a fire alarm right above my head I was such a heavy sleeper!) Being a mommy changes so much!

The transitioning really isn't a problem either, but it may just be my attitude towards it. I like to take things slowly, I don't expect her to understand overnight that this new schedule and new bed is now expected of her. Instead, I do it by weeks. She loves having her own bed, but also misses mommy cuddles sometimes. I'm okay with that, because I love to cuddle her at nighttime too and miss it when she's in her crib instead. I love what Dr. Sears and Dr. Jay Gordon have to say about cosleeping, I looked to them for the guidelines of safe cosleeping and gentle sleep training and they're wonderful.

I read alot of Dr. Sears when mine was born and it made me feel better about the decisions I was already making. Things that just felt right. I love sleeping with my daughter now but since she's almost 3 we've been trying to encourage her to stay in her own bed now. (That not to say I don't wind up in her bed often! lol we gave her a queen size bed for a reason! I was tired of trying to sleep in her cot bed!) My hubby's main reason is that he thinks we're going to wind up co-sleeping again and she needs to be well and truly out before the baby comes and that does make sense. I can sleep safely with a baby, but a 3 year old doesn't have the same awareness.

Oh who said Baby Led Weaning? (sorry I'm feeling too lazy to go back and find you!!) but that worked SOOOO well for us. Our daughter loved it and so did we. We'd set her in the bumbo with the tray in the middle of the table during dinner and she's alway get whatever we were having. Really made me change the way I cooked! Less salt etc! It was so messy but I wouldn't have changed it for anything. She'd have those Plum pouches if we were out and about occasionally but we never bought any store baby food. Her attitude towards food now is amazing. She's willing to try everything. She knows that if she happily tries it and then doesn't like it we won't force her to eat it, but she LOVES tomatoes and broccoli most veggies actually. Eats pork chops and tacos and well everything! She may not have slept through the night till recently but food aversions have never been a struggle. :)
I also tried to "not" cosleep because of all the bad hype from the media. But I ended up following my mommy instincts, researching how to do it safely, and it really helped with bonding and enjoying my baby. I was never sleep deprived, I never had a problem with her going to sleep and nursing all night. I also do as above and sleep on my side with my arm out - it's such a comfortable position and wouldn't allow me to roll over. I'm also quite a light sleeper ever since having her (before then I would literally sleep through a fire alarm right above my head I was such a heavy sleeper!) Being a mommy changes so much!

The transitioning really isn't a problem either, but it may just be my attitude towards it. I like to take things slowly, I don't expect her to understand overnight that this new schedule and new bed is now expected of her. Instead, I do it by weeks. She loves having her own bed, but also misses mommy cuddles sometimes. I'm okay with that, because I love to cuddle her at nighttime too and miss it when she's in her crib instead. I love what Dr. Sears and Dr. Jay Gordon have to say about cosleeping, I looked to them for the guidelines of safe cosleeping and gentle sleep training and they're wonderful.

I read alot of Dr. Sears when mine was born and it made me feel better about the decisions I was already making. Things that just felt right. I love sleeping with my daughter now but since she's almost 3 we've been trying to encourage her to stay in her own bed now. (That not to say I don't wind up in her bed often! lol we gave her a queen size bed for a reason! I was tired of trying to sleep in her cot bed!) My hubby's main reason is that he thinks we're going to wind up co-sleeping again and she needs to be well and truly out before the baby comes and that does make sense. I can sleep safely with a baby, but a 3 year old doesn't have the same awareness.

Oh who said Baby Led Weaning? (sorry I'm feeling too lazy to go back and find you!!) but that worked SOOOO well for us. Our daughter loved it and so did we. We'd set her in the bumbo with the tray in the middle of the table during dinner and she's alway get whatever we were having. Really made me change the way I cooked! Less salt etc! It was so messy but I wouldn't have changed it for anything. She'd have those Plum pouches if we were out and about occasionally but we never bought any store baby food. Her attitude towards food now is amazing. She's willing to try everything. She knows that if she happily tries it and then doesn't like it we won't force her to eat it, but she LOVES tomatoes and broccoli most veggies actually. Eats pork chops and tacos and well everything! She may not have slept through the night till recently but food aversions have never been a struggle. :)

That's the reason why I'm transitioning DD now. I know this baby will be coslept with as I know that's what my mommy instincts feel is right, so I'm trying to move her now. Hoping to have her in a toddler bed by the time baby comes, but if not, at least steadily in her crib.

We also Baby Lead Weaned for introducing foods. DD hated purees anyway, so we skipped them and waited until she was 8-9 months old and just gave her table food. It worked great and it was easy. Definitely planning on sticking with this method. She wants to try everything all the time, she's not a picky eater at all. When we went on a cruise earlier this year, there were buffets and she'd beg to try EVERYTHING! When we came home, she assumed that the grocery store was also a buffet and asked me for everything she saw. :haha:
Welcome back ilovehim!! :hugs::hugs: So glad to see you back. :happydance:

I've reached 10 weeks today and confirmed a h/b once again with the doppler this morning. Bleeding has been a bit heavier :( but I keep getting really full bladders and I think the weight of it might be contributing to pushing more blood down. :shrug: Either way, I'm 10 weeks, heartrate was nice and fast (165bpm) and I read somewhere that the risk of miscarriage was really really low now. Not to say that it won't happen, but, I feel like some of the anxiety on my shoulders is beginning to lift. :flower:

thanks whig glad to be back!!
YAY so happy you have reach 10weeks<3 and that ur doppler is working good for you:thumbup: i just know ur gonna be holding a nice healthy baby in july!!

Ilovehim-im extremely thin, a whopping 94 lbs right now. this is also my fourth child. That's also why my husband can feel the kicks so early, cause i am so skinny. its gross, really. when i lay flat my pelvis protrudes out. the heaviest I've ever weighed was 137 and that was the day i gave birth to my 3rd.

im lost aaisrie, did someone.say something about circumcision?

you are very thin but i dont think its gross! all of us are different and if there wasnt different people out there then we'd all be the same & boring!
god made us all are own you know,like i dont even want to share my weight because im a COW! but you know DH loves me just the way im and wouldnt change me for the world & my kids love me thats all that matters<3

My name is Amanda :) It is normal to worry, I do sometimes also even though this is my first. My mom has.had several miscarriages, it is definitely nerve-wracking. However, I have been SO sick lol, it stinks when I'm at work but it is reassuring. Nikki, don't we have the same due date right now? July 8th? :)

I have also lost weight since my drs appt 2 weeks ago. I would guess between 3-5 lbs. I am hoping that the sickness is gone, or at least a lot better by Christmas so I can have some good holiday food! I missed out on Thanksgiving :p

I have felt some movement also, last week (8 weeks)...I wasn't gassy and it was really low and I could barely feel it. I just happened to be lying down resting. I haven't felt anything since. I am really starting to want a doppler now though! I think it would be really sweet to let my little brother hear the heartbeat when we visit for Christmas (I'd be 12.5 weeks, so maybe?).

thank amanda :) that is easy to remember i know alot of amanda lol!
yes we have the same due date:winkwink:but idk if thats gonna change or not on tuesday but will see! i have also lost weight myself from sickness but i dont think its such a bad thing for me as maybe a few pounds loss is a good thing!!!:blush: i picked up my zofram from the pharmacy today and im so happy i got it because witout it i wouldnt be able to MOVE!!.
it really sucks about the doctors but i just know monday that i will be more then happy with the doctor who took care of me with my first pregnancy she is the BEST in my EYES!:flower:.
Aww i think it be great to let him hear the heartbeat too:) that be so sweet how old is he?! also so sorry to hear about the m/c your mom has had!
my mom lost my brother he was a still birth :cry: and what is crazy is i had my DS on the 14th of oct and she lost my brother on the 18th of oct but in 86 and it just happen to be at the same hospital that i gave birth to my son at crazy isnt it?! of course the hospital has come a LONG LONG WAY from when she had my brother there because when i had my DS they did a wonderful JOB great staff and nurse ect<3

as for everyone who doesnt want to go threw with circumcision you know that is totally up to you!! we all do things differently:wacko: but as for me i had it done with my DS it was cover by insurance doctor did it right at the hospital the very next day and you know i much rather have it done now then a few years down the road something happen like it did to my hubby and him have to go threw it:wacko: at a older age!!

i'll just do it like the rest of the ladys did!!!

breastfeeding- would love to do it but idk with the meds im on if i'll be able to do it!!
baptist- YES!!!! had my son baptist at a few months old as i was at that age<3

Vaccs- YES!!! had them all with my son & everything was JUST GREAT WITH HIM

WELL its' been a long long WAY TO LONG stressful day as soon as DH gets home with my PIZZA im gonna go to bed night ladies!
Sugar - that's awesome. I feel like I had so many food issues growing up and I really don't want to pass any of that on to my daughter. My husband and I don't really like fish so we're very conscious of ordering fish for her if it's on the kids menu when we go out just so she can try it if she wants and knows that just because we're not eating it, there's nothing wrong with it.

Good luck with transitioning! For us it was a lot like weaning... we'd push and push and then relent and it was obvious when she was ready because it just clicked.

hahaha! Just read your ticker message for today... I scrubbed all the toilets last week because I was like... OMG BLUCK!!!! not somewhere I wanted to have my head!
ilovehim - mmm pizza. Sorry. all someone has to do is mention pizza and I get weak. ENJOY!!! right now I'm just trying to build up the willpower to drag myself out of bed and brush my teeth so I can go to sleep! Glad you got your zofran refill!

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