~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Kes, I am so very sorry for your loss! Lots of hugs to you and your family during this time! :hugs:

thank amanda :) that is easy to remember i know alot of amanda lol!
yes we have the same due date:winkwink:but idk if thats gonna change or not on tuesday but will see! i have also lost weight myself from sickness but i dont think its such a bad thing for me as maybe a few pounds loss is a good thing!!!:blush: i picked up my zofram from the pharmacy today and im so happy i got it because witout it i wouldnt be able to MOVE!!.
it really sucks about the doctors but i just know monday that i will be more then happy with the doctor who took care of me with my first pregnancy she is the BEST in my EYES!:flower:.
Aww i think it be great to let him hear the heartbeat too:) that be so sweet how old is he?! also so sorry to hear about the m/c your mom has had!
my mom lost my brother he was a still birth :cry: and what is crazy is i had my DS on the 14th of oct and she lost my brother on the 18th of oct but in 86 and it just happen to be at the same hospital that i gave birth to my son at crazy isnt it?! of course the hospital has come a LONG LONG WAY from when she had my brother there because when i had my DS they did a wonderful JOB great staff and nurse ect<3

I am thinking about talking to my dr about getting Zofran. I can keep some foods down in the evenings but usually everything comes back up in the mornings/middle of the night. I have been eating WAY less because of it, I try to eat regardless but it is hard when you have things to do since I throw up more the more I eat. We will be visiting family over Christmas and they are about 6-7 hours away so I wouldn't mind having something for the trip ;)

My little brother was born when I was in high school, so he is like my own kid to me :) We are very close, he turns 11 this month and I just can't believe it! He is probably the biggest reason why I wanted to have this baby so badly lol. I remember helping take care of him when he was little and for a while I took all online classes in college so I could stay home with him. He's the coolest little man I know and I can't wait for him to step into that uncle role with our child :) He already is really, he calls me all the time now and wants to talk about how the baby is developing (he LOVES science so he just eats it up!) and what he wants to do when the baby is born.

Thank you! My mom was describing one of her miscarriages to me and we both started bawling. It is so sad! She lost the baby at about 4 months :( I can't imagine going through something like that, your poor mom! I'm so sorry she had to go through that, and you too, it is sad when I think about how I would have a couple more siblings :( That is crazy how their birthdays are so close! My husband's birthday is 10/13, October birthdays are pretty awesome!

As for the "getting the tough questions out of the way" lol...

Circumcision: Undecided...Husband and I have talked a bit about it but haven't really come to a decision, we'd like to do more research on it.

Breastfeeding...Yep! As long as it all works out I definitely want to breastfeed at the very least the first 6 months, preferably longer.

Vaccinations...Also yes!

Cosleeping...No, I would prefer not to. I would like to keep the bed for just me and my husband. Also, I know a lot of you have said that when you have your child you sleep differently but until I see that for myself I would be worried...I am a a kicker/flopper/puncher/etc! So is my husband lol. Just last night he nearly hit me in the face twice because he rolled over in his sleep and his arm went flying :p

Diapers...Probably disposable. I am not opposed to trying cloth but I am terrible about doing laundry...I should probably play to my strengths here lol :thumbup:

I don't remember if there was anything else.

As for me, last night was pretty rough. I just felt so sick and exhausted and emotional. Luckily, I feel a bit better today. This morning not so much, but now that I'm done with work I can relax a bit and get in my daily nap lol. I just have to say, I am so darn grateful for my husband! He has been incredible through this, he has taken care of literally everything around the house in addition to working full time. I have not had to cook once if he is home. He's been so patient with my moods too lol, poor guy has to deal with me laughing one second and crying the next.
Angel baby 12/5/12:angel:

I am so sorry to hear this, thinking of you during this difficult time x x

I feel the same way after work. Not really crampy just sore in my abdomen.

Speaking of my wonderful job they are now taking away drinking water except on break. And if you don't get enough credit cards and replacement plans you will be called out at morning meetings and made an example of. It's really a joke no one even wants to work there anymore.

What?? they even let KIDS have water bottles on their desks these days. Is it even LEGAL for them to tell you that you can't have water unless on a break??

Agree. I don't think this is Legal... Do you have a fair work person or union member you can talk to?:nope: I know my DH is having issues at his work because 90% of the week he gets no break which is Illegal if you work more than 4 hours you are suppose to get a break and he works well over that.:dohh:

ya some of us are questioning if it's legal. There are no protections in this country for workers. What's worse is supposedly people called corporate to complain. Now how sad is that! Who would complain about workers drinking water??!!

Thats terrible! I'm not sure what's worse, people complaining about employees drinking water or a company who takes such a stupid complaint seriously. It certainly doesnt sound legal so I hope you get this sorted out.
Ilovehim-ya i couldn't imagine losing a baby into the second and.third.trimester, or even.full term. i have a friend who.lost her first child at 24wks she found out at her gender scan that her baby.girl had passed. Then her second pregnancy ended in early miscarriage and her third pregnancy went to term. the most beautiful baby boy id ever seen. she lost him when he was 9 days old. i just count imagine that pain. its been 7 months and i cry every time i see his picture. i could never ever recover from the lose of a child. its my biggest fear as a mother and the biggest reason i never leave my kids!

omg how awful :cry:
ooh ouch i had the flu jab this afternoon, my arm is getting increasingly more achey every minute :dohh:
So sorry Kez. :hugs:

Oooo there have been a few more topics of conversation since I last replied!

Co-sleeping - Not for me. I'm too much of a rough sleeper, and I also want the baby sleeping in their own bed, in own room by 2 months old......and keep it that way for ever!

Nappies - Disposables all the way here! I have enough clothes that last me 4-6 weeks without doing any washing because I am just so damn lazy at it, and cloth diapers just wouldn't work for me.

Baptism - No.

Baby wearing - Will be doing a certain amount, getting baby bjorn carrier. But mainly baby will be in car seat on chassis until 7-12 months, then into parent facing pram.

Baby Led Weaning - yes probably. I will be making all baby food from scratch which will mainly be whizzed up versions of my own food and then let baby decide what they do or don't like from what I have made.

Hope everyone is well - I have had a day off from vomiting! But my nipples are stinging so bad today :(
I feel the same way after work. Not really crampy just sore in my abdomen.

Speaking of my wonderful job they are now taking away drinking water except on break. And if you don't get enough credit cards and replacement plans you will be called out at morning meetings and made an example of. It's really a joke no one even wants to work there anymore.

What?? they even let KIDS have water bottles on their desks these days. Is it even LEGAL for them to tell you that you can't have water unless on a break??

Agree. I don't think this is Legal... Do you have a fair work person or union member you can talk to?:nope: I know my DH is having issues at his work because 90% of the week he gets no break which is Illegal if you work more than 4 hours you are suppose to get a break and he works well over that.:dohh:

ya some of us are questioning if it's legal. There are no protections in this country for workers. What's worse is supposedly people called corporate to complain. Now how sad is that! Who would complain about workers drinking water??!!

wow that is very sad!! that people have to call corporated about that!,you know they should also call about how they call your name out infront of everyone if you dont make the mark or whatever they do.
that is a joke,ha that makes me so sick how people are being so darn rude to other people for no reason at all!! you know look at how these teachs & doctors have been teaching some of us?! and they dont look at it as we pay there darn checkes they get because if humans didnt get sick then people who work in the medical field wouldnt be able to get paid,why because they help us so we feel better,so our health is better.
I bet you they dont look at it that way at all i know where im from there are alot of people here who get free insurace i mean its crazys
Vomitting started last night at midnight. =(
It was so rough that my stomach muscles and my throat were sore all night from it.
Ugh, last pregnancy the vomitting lasted for six months. I'm really, really hoping it doesn't happen like that this time, but it's following the same pattern. I was at least hoping to get through Christmas without needing to throw up at everything.
I never intended to co-sleep thought it was unsafe blah blah blah but oh my word when you have a baby all that goes out the window. I wouldn't have had any sleep otherwise. We slept on the sofa sitting upright for 4 weeks and then went into the bed ... Same position as described before, kind of laying on my arm out to the side. Was so easy to breastfeed in that position also!
He then went into a cot pushed up to the bed at 6 months and into his own room at 8 months all went really smoothly and he sleeps 12 hours most nights! Phew. He won't sleep with me anymore, fidgets too much :cry:
Will do the same again this time.

Do any of you intend your children to share rooms? How does it go? Mine will as we have no choice, even if this ones a girl, they will have to share for a few years. Do they wake each other up? :wacko:
Won't be an issue straight away as this LO will cosleep for several months.
I never intended to co-sleep thought it was unsafe blah blah blah but oh my word when you have a baby all that goes out the window. I wouldn't have had any sleep otherwise. We slept on the sofa sitting upright for 4 weeks and then went into the bed ... Same position as described before, kind of laying on my arm out to the side. Was so easy to breastfeed in that position also!
He then went into a cot pushed up to the bed at 6 months and into his own room at 8 months all went really smoothly and he sleeps 12 hours most nights! Phew. He won't sleep with me anymore, fidgets too much :cry:
Will do the same again this time.

Do any of you intend your children to share rooms? How does it go? Mine will as we have no choice, even if this ones a girl, they will have to share for a few years. Do they wake each other up? :wacko:
Won't be an issue straight away as this LO will cosleep for several months.

This baby will eventually share a room with DD while they're young. Hopefully it'll help them sleep in their own room when they're not alone. If it's a girl, then they'll stay sharing a room through part of childhood. If it's a boy, he'll eventually get his own room. We have two children's rooms, one will be a princessy girly room and the other a very boy room. Currenly our attic is our living room, but as the kids get older, we plan to convert it into bedrooms to give more space to them.
Do any of you intend your children to share rooms? How does it go? Mine will as we have no choice, even if this ones a girl, they will have to share for a few years. Do they wake each other up? :wacko:
Won't be an issue straight away as this LO will cosleep for several months.

We have a 3 bedroomed house, and this is baby number 4 lol. So yep there's a lorra sharing going on here.

In our old house, Jason our youngest was still in our room in his cot (we moved when he was 9 months old), so the other two technically had their own rooms, but often they liked to share anyway and they slept fine.

Then when we moved house, for the first 9 months or so, until Jason was about 18 months old, he was still in our room, and Lydia and Alex had their own rooms.

When Jason was a year and a half though we moved him out of our room and into the smallest room (which Alex had previously been using). He's 3 now and this is his room by himself.

The eldest two got moved into the bigger room (Lydia's room) together. At this point Lydia was 5 and Alex was three, and this is the way they still sleep. They share bunks. Lydia (now aged 7) is on top, and Alex (now aged 5) is at the bottom.

When the new baby comes along it will be a question of whether or not it's a boy or a girl as to what we decide to do.

S/he will be in our room until a year and a half anyway (Lydia was 22 months when she moved out of our room, and Alex and Jason were about 18 months, so I can't see it being any different this time round).

After that...if it's a girl, she will have to eventually share with Lydia in the bigger room I suppose, with Lydia at the top and the little one at the bottom. It's a big age gap though - Lydia will be 9 and the little one will be 18 months. I'm not entirely sure it's going to work so well. I'll have to see how it pans out.

Alex and Jason are only 25 months apart in age so that's not a problem. They'll be sharing bunks in the smallest room.

Either that, or Lydia will continue to share with Alex for another couple of years (they have the smallest age gap between them - only 22 months - and they are used to sharing a room), and the little girl would go in with Jason, but I'd have to see how Lydia and Alex feel at that point sharing with a sibling of the opposite gender. Honestly I can't see them being that bothered, but maybe by the time Lydia is about 14 she might not feel so great about sharing with her 12 year old brother. I'll have to play it by ear and see what works best.

If, however, the new baby is a boy, I'm thinking I'm going to have to buy something like this for the bigger room :


because the room isn't big enough for a single AND bunks together, that would take up the entire room.

And then I guess Lydia would be in the smallest room on her own.

and if it turns out to be twins I'm gonna move out myself and let DH deal with it all lmao!

edited to add : oh and to answer your question, Lydia and Alex chatter for about half an hour when they first go to bed, but then with enough telling of "GO TO SLEEP!" from me and DH, they stop and they go to sleep, and no they don't usually wake each other up (even though Lydia is like an elephant getting out of that top bunk to go to the toilet, Alex usually sleeps right through it).
Kath I used to share with my older brother when I was a baby until my sister came along then I shared a room with her. We shared a room until I was 17 then she moved out to do hairdressing but we get along quite well. If you think of all the families that live in a one bedroom or a caravan and they all survive I am sure they will too.
It is pouring rain right now here. Got to take hubby to work soon so we will all no doubt end up drenched. I really want to move out of this place before we have the next baby. I really want a place that doesn't have stairs, and an automatic garage door would rate high on my list of wants.
Baptism: I didn't cover this in my last post but we had our daughter dedicated...it is a bit like baptism but not as formal ie no godparents etc. It is basically saying publically that we want to raise her with good morals and values and getting the church to pray for us as her parents that we do a good job etc. It was nice and she still got to wear a pretty dress and got a certificate and a cute kids prayer book and kids bible. We invited some of our close friends to come along and watch and they had supper with us later on in the day. We chose to do this rather than baptise because we want her to make that faith decision herself when she is old enough if she chooses to.
Thank you, that's great to hear that its worked for others..There is already bunk beds and a cot in jacks room so enough room. I feel better about I now. I guess it will only become an issue maybe when they're older!

Alicecooper is at a bunk bed for 3? Looks really good! I could have more kids!! :winkwink: I thought 2 was my limit! :haha:
Alicecooper is at a bunk bed for 3? Looks really good! I could have more kids!! :winkwink: I thought 2 was my limit! :haha:

yeah :)


they do funny shaped bunks for 3 as well

Friends of ours converted their garage into a bedroom for their eldest kids- that seemed to work for them.
We are building an office in the garden so that LO can have the office as a room! (We need an office as my DH works from home).

Loving the three level bunk beds though :thumbup:
Kez, so sorry for your loss :hugs:

SB - oh no sickness started? noooo...
I am a bit concerned as when I jumped on the scales I found I have lost weight. Unless the scale is out of whack. It concerns me because I lost weight with my mc and am worrying now that something isn't right. Am not having cramping or anything so probably shouldnt worry so much...trying to stay calm!
I never intended to co-sleep thought it was unsafe blah blah blah but oh my word when you have a baby all that goes out the window. I wouldn't have had any sleep otherwise. We slept on the sofa sitting upright for 4 weeks and then went into the bed ... Same position as described before, kind of laying on my arm out to the side. Was so easy to breastfeed in that position also!
He then went into a cot pushed up to the bed at 6 months and into his own room at 8 months all went really smoothly and he sleeps 12 hours most nights! Phew. He won't sleep with me anymore, fidgets too much :cry:
Will do the same again this time.

Do any of you intend your children to share rooms? How does it go? Mine will as we have no choice, even if this ones a girl, they will have to share for a few years. Do they wake each other up? :wacko:
Won't be an issue straight away as this LO will cosleep for several months.

my two older boys have slept together since.the younger one.was 15mos. they share a bed (by choice, as there.are.two.beds.in their room) theyes do not wake.each other usually, but on.occasion one will wake the other to talk we hear them laughing and talking in the morning, its wonderful they are 5 and 7 now. our youngest is 19mos and will be going.into their room.as.well as soon as we build their new beds. he hates being separate from them as it is, he sleeps with us at night. we have a 4 bedroom house and thy will always share LOL we have tried separating the two before but it didn't work, they wound up in one another bedrooms anyway so we are all happy with the arrangement. if we happen to have a fourth boy they will probably all still share but they'll be moving to a bigger room in the house. if w#4 is a girl she'll have her own.room.

we were both raised always sharing a room and see no reason why a child needs their own room especially as a younger one. we may re-evaluate when our oldest hits puberty and maybe has issues with privacy etc.

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