~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

We haven't bought anything, and probably won't til we know gender. we have a few things still from #3 but i sold most of it cause we weren't expecting to have another.
My hormones are awful at the moment, I have been crying for 3 hours :( oh went out for 2 pints came back after 5 hrs drinking wrecked. He's been sick, isn't making any sense. I have left him on the sofa sleeping , feel so so wound up, angry, upset at the mo. wouldn't normally bother me, but today, everytime I go and check on him I burst into tears. Think I'm just really disappointed and scared this is what it will be like forever!? I am going to talk to him tomorrow, but I am probably just being really stupid :( and not sure if my hormones are going nuts?
My hormones are awful at the moment, I have been crying for 3 hours :( oh went out for 2 pints came back after 5 hrs drinking wrecked. He's been sick, isn't making any sense. I have left him on the sofa sleeping , feel so so wound up, angry, upset at the mo. wouldn't normally bother me, but today, everytime I go and check on him I burst into tears. Think I'm just really disappointed and scared this is what it will be like forever!? I am going to talk to him tomorrow, but I am probably just being really stupid :( and not sure if my hormones are going nuts?

No I feel the same way when DH comes home like that. Esp now that I can't drink. I just don't understand how or why he can't just have a few and be done. Its not like he drinks a lot or all the time but when he does its never just one. I made him go to bed last time. Next time he does it I'm sleeping in the spare room and having a chat when he's sober. He's going to be a father and I don't fancy looking after 2 children....esp when one is 37.

Have a chat buy be mindful of your stress level and emotions. Stick to facts and why it upsets you. HUGS
aww Panda :hugs: I'd be distraught over that even if I wasn't hormonal!!! If it helps I was driving to book club the other night and started bawling in the car by myself for no reason whatsoever!

Sue - Are you set on the Baby Bjorn? It's not one of the best ones out there ie. baby's posture, comfort, etc etc. I think maybe their newest model is more ergonomically designed and better for baby but for the same price you could get an awesome Beco or Ergo! and some of them are really pretty!
Thanks for answering, bloody hormones :)

I am feeling calmer

Why he just can't drink in moderation is beyond me? He is up for work in the morning at 5am. I got it in my head that since being pregnant he just wants to be out in the pub. But tbh he isn't like that, he is over the moon with the pregnancy. Think that's what is upsetting, he is a different person after drinking, like everyone I suppose.

Thanks for your support :)
Thanks for answering, bloody hormones :)

I am feeling calmer

Why he just can't drink in moderation is beyond me? He is up for work in the morning at 5am. I got it in my head that since being pregnant he just wants to be out in the pub. But tbh he isn't like that, he is over the moon with the pregnancy. Think that's what is upsetting, he is a different person after drinking, like everyone I suppose.

Thanks for your support :)

oh hun that would really bother me.
We went out clubbing for DH's birthday 5 days after I got my BFP. Normally when we go clubbing (once every 2 months or so) we both get drunk together and dance like loons, but because I couldn't drink, DH only had 1 alcoholic drink. I told him he could have more, even encouraged him to because it was his birthday, but he flat out refused and said it wasn't the same if I couldn't drink too. And then he just had a couple of lemonades and that was it. I didn't admit it to him, but I was really glad he did that. I'd have felt proper left out otherwise.
I'm sorry your DH is being insensitive about this. Maybe sit down and explain how you feel about it. I'm thinking he probably just hasn't realised - men can be a bit oblivious sometimes :hugs:
my boobs have definitely started to grow. Only in the past few days I've noticed they're starting to overfill the cups and are definitely heavier.
Has anyone else bought anything for the baby yet? My husband bought the crib/mattress and swing last night. :) His face was priceless when he came home with it, he was so excited! I'm starting to wonder if he's going to try to set the crib up this weekend lol.

I bought a little lion cub stuffed animal that DD picked out. Every pregnancy I like to have something cuddly at the beginning of the pregnancy that becomes their first toy when they're born. Katie's teddy bear that I had last time now sports a matching tutu that she has and sleeps in her bed with her.

If this is a girl, we'll only need to buy a carrier, a double stroller and a car seat and we'll be set. For a boy, we'll have to start all over though! Katie got everything in pink and princess! (First granddaughter :winkwink: )

Sue - Are you set on the Baby Bjorn? It's not one of the best ones out there ie. baby's posture, comfort, etc etc. I think maybe their newest model is more ergonomically designed and better for baby but for the same price you could get an awesome Beco or Ergo! and some of them are really pretty!

I really want a Beco, I think. I'm thinking of going with a Beco Butterfly style. Anyone have this?

Re: Christmas trees - we got ours last week. We have a tree farm close by that always has beautiful trees. I think this year's is the best yet!

Re:moodiness - I made a meal today that I KNEW already that DH really doesn't like. Yet somehow I expected him to love it this time, even though he's told me every single time I've made it that it's not something he likes. Usually I don't care, as Katie and I really like it so we eat it all. Today I took it personally and got really grumpy with him! Maybe if he's hungry enough from not eating it, he'll pick me up the chicken nuggets I've been craving for two days. :haha:
My hormones are awful at the moment, I have been crying for 3 hours :( oh went out for 2 pints came back after 5 hrs drinking wrecked. He's been sick, isn't making any sense. I have left him on the sofa sleeping , feel so so wound up, angry, upset at the mo. wouldn't normally bother me, but today, everytime I go and check on him I burst into tears. Think I'm just really disappointed and scared this is what it will be like forever!? I am going to talk to him tomorrow, but I am probably just being really stupid :( and not sure if my hormones are going nuts?

I'm so sorry, Panda! I would be upset too, I absolutely don't think you're being stupid. I hope your talk goes well tomorrow! Maybe once you talk to your OH about it he will understand and cut back a bit :)

I am jealous of everyone's Christmas trees! I love decorating for Christmas but we will be out of town this year. We have three cats so I can't imagine they would leave it alone while we are gone (they like to chase up the tree and whatnot). We've tried foil around the tree skirt to scare them from going near it but they just leap onto it instead. We also tried the apple bitter spray, my cat ended up loving the smell of it and constantly licked the skirt and chewed on the bottom of the tree. :dohh: They are really well trained with everything else but for some reason they can't get enough of our tree no matter what we do!

I was SO moody Wednesday...like I didn't know who I was. Work was a bit hectic that night and I was so exhausted and felt ill. When I got home I was just in such a bad mood but I guess I hid it well from my husband. I actually went to bed crying but didn't know why lol. I didn't want to tell him because I knew he'd think he did something but I knew it wasn't him...it was just a weird night. :wacko: The next morning I was so giddy, even though I threw up everything I ate or drank I was just in the best mood. Pregnancy... :haha:
My boobies are like balloons and i'm loving them :haha:

Hubby can look but DEF not touch. I'm so weird, I'm one of those people who psych themselves up so much about the supposed pain that would come from hubs touching them that I give him DEATH STARES if he so much as THINKS of coming near them.

Yet here is little one using them as foot pillow while I'm typing and I'm not even flinching loooool
Hi ladies....unfortunately I have to take myself out of this forum. I found out on the 29th that my baby had no heartbeat. I had a D&C on the 4th. If there is a bright side to all this I did find out (after 4 missed MCs) that the left side of my uterus is undeveloped so if my baby implants on this side it will not survive. So I have a 50/50 chance of success. I am blessed to have 3 kids and that is what gets me through. God Bless you all and I wish you all healthy pregnancies:)
I woke up laughing from a dream yesterday and then started sobbing because DH argued with me....

I worried over nothing! Sickness came back this evening. I almost panic when I feel good and nausea free....then rolling tummy reminds me I should eat when i feel good cause I soon won't!

Greek yogurt is totally saving me. Its sour and full of protein and calcium. I think that's why my stomach is better mid day now.

I ate meat again today. Work catered a meeting so we had Mediterranean yesterday and Somali food today. Soooooo good.
I was disappointed there was no goat today but that was likely too greasy for me anyway. I hope our lunches for Monday and Tuesday are good too. That will be hard. We are all in training and it will be noticed if I run out of the room. Those days have been my hardest....here's hoping I break that trend.

My midwife is wonderful btw. DH has agreed to a home birth after just meeting her once. She was that clear about how that all works. I'm so happy. I hope we are a candidate!!
My boobies are like balloons and i'm loving them :haha:

Hubby can look but DEF not touch. I'm so weird, I'm one of those people who psych themselves up so much about the supposed pain that would come from hubs touching them that I give him DEATH STARES if he so much as THINKS of coming near them.

Yet here is little one using them as foot pillow while I'm typing and I'm not even flinching loooool

lol my DH thought it would be really amusing to squidge my boobs earlier whilst making honking noises :roll:
Hi ladies....unfortunately I have to take myself out of this forum. I found out on the 29th that my baby had no heartbeat. I had a D&C on the 4th. If there is a bright side to all this I did find out (after 4 missed MCs) that the left side of my uterus is undeveloped so if my baby implants on this side it will not survive. So I have a 50/50 chance of success. I am blessed to have 3 kids and that is what gets me through. God Bless you all and I wish you all healthy pregnancies:)

I'm very sorry for your loss x
Hi ladies....unfortunately I have to take myself out of this forum. I found out on the 29th that my baby had no heartbeat. I had a D&C on the 4th. If there is a bright side to all this I did find out (after 4 missed MCs) that the left side of my uterus is undeveloped so if my baby implants on this side it will not survive. So I have a 50/50 chance of success. I am blessed to have 3 kids and that is what gets me through. God Bless you all and I wish you all healthy pregnancies:)

I am so sorry! :hugs: I am glad the doctors were able to find out why this was happening to you, though I know it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time!

Greek yogurt is totally saving me. Its sour and full of protein and calcium. I think that's why my stomach is better mid day now.

I have just learned the wonders of Greek yogurt yesterday! I had never tried it before but heard it was delicious and a good option when pregnant. I've had it twice since yesterday and haven't thrown it up, so that's a good sign :thumbup:
Today has been a good day up until I went to pick DS up from the sitters. He was angry so he decided to tell a lie about the baby sitter and that he no longer wants to be at her house. So then she flat out states she won't have him back anymore because she won't have a kid there that doesn't want to be (which he just said out of spite) and she won't have a kid there that lies so I have to find a new sitter. I talked with him and with her and she finally said for me to wait and that she will take him Monday if I can't find anywhere else for him to go during the weekend. She also said that he could come back if he agrees to her consequences of no tv, no video games, and not computer for a whole week due to his behaviors. All I've done since I picked him up is cry and I don't know what to do to change his attitude. I'm sorry I'm venting but I just don't know what to do anymore. The therapist's aren't helping it seems, and he's acting basically just unruly and I won't beat my kid by any means but I don't know how to get him stop being the way he is and yes I've spanked him but found out that doesn't work for him and nothing I have tried works. This whole weekend he's going to be without any electronics and doing chores but UGH!!! I just don't know what to do anymore. I need it to be time for the baby to be here so once the baby is here I don't have to worry about going back to work and I can watch him myself without having to worry about a sitter. He's been through so many and he keeps getting kicked out which affects my work which affects my pay.

Again, sorry for my rant.

Aaisrie - Hope you feel better and hope your sickness eases up some!!!
Hi ladies....unfortunately I have to take myself out of this forum. I found out on the 29th that my baby had no heartbeat. I had a D&C on the 4th. If there is a bright side to all this I did find out (after 4 missed MCs) that the left side of my uterus is undeveloped so if my baby implants on this side it will not survive. So I have a 50/50 chance of success. I am blessed to have 3 kids and that is what gets me through. God Bless you all and I wish you all healthy pregnancies:)

So sorry to hear of your loss. It's a good thing they found out why you've had your losses but it's hard even if you know you might end up miscarrying anyways. :hugs:
My boobies are like balloons and i'm loving them :haha:

Hubby can look but DEF not touch. I'm so weird, I'm one of those people who psych themselves up so much about the supposed pain that would come from hubs touching them that I give him DEATH STARES if he so much as THINKS of coming near them.

Yet here is little one using them as foot pillow while I'm typing and I'm not even flinching loooool

lol my DH thought it would be really amusing to squidge my boobs earlier whilst making honking noises :roll:

My OH isn't allowed to tough mine! They hurt! And today it was even worse. I was sitting at work and all of a sudden they started throbbing like crazy and felt like they were on fire!
Today has been a good day up until I went to pick DS up from the sitters. He was angry so he decided to tell a lie about the baby sitter and that he no longer wants to be at her house. So then she flat out states she won't have him back anymore because she won't have a kid there that doesn't want to be (which he just said out of spite) and she won't have a kid there that lies so I have to find a new sitter. I talked with him and with her and she finally said for me to wait and that she will take him Monday if I can't find anywhere else for him to go during the weekend. She also said that he could come back if he agrees to her consequences of no tv, no video games, and not computer for a whole week due to his behaviors. All I've done since I picked him up is cry and I don't know what to do to change his attitude. I'm sorry I'm venting but I just don't know what to do anymore. The therapist's aren't helping it seems, and he's acting basically just unruly and I won't beat my kid by any means but I don't know how to get him stop being the way he is and yes I've spanked him but found out that doesn't work for him and nothing I have tried works. This whole weekend he's going to be without any electronics and doing chores but UGH!!! I just don't know what to do anymore. I need it to be time for the baby to be here so once the baby is here I don't have to worry about going back to work and I can watch him myself without having to worry about a sitter. He's been through so many and he keeps getting kicked out which affects my work which affects my pay.

Again, sorry for my rant.

Aaisrie - Hope you feel better and hope your sickness eases up some!!!

So lemme get this straight. The babysitter said she will only babysit your son if you adhere to HER punishment of him?

I'd not be on board with that at all. I realise you're in a bit of a quandary given that you need her to watch your DS, but you're the parent - any punishments should be your decision not hers. I mean yeah, fine, she can set the boundaries and discipline rules whilst she's looking after him, because at that point she's being responsible for him, but when he's at home he's YOUR son, not hers. She had no right to set a punishment for the entire week for him when she isn't going to be there to enforce it.
You are in no way obligated to enforce somebody else's punishment on your child.
Today has been a good day up until I went to pick DS up from the sitters. He was angry so he decided to tell a lie about the baby sitter and that he no longer wants to be at her house. So then she flat out states she won't have him back anymore because she won't have a kid there that doesn't want to be (which he just said out of spite) and she won't have a kid there that lies so I have to find a new sitter. I talked with him and with her and she finally said for me to wait and that she will take him Monday if I can't find anywhere else for him to go during the weekend. She also said that he could come back if he agrees to her consequences of no tv, no video games, and not computer for a whole week due to his behaviors. All I've done since I picked him up is cry and I don't know what to do to change his attitude. I'm sorry I'm venting but I just don't know what to do anymore. The therapist's aren't helping it seems, and he's acting basically just unruly and I won't beat my kid by any means but I don't know how to get him stop being the way he is and yes I've spanked him but found out that doesn't work for him and nothing I have tried works. This whole weekend he's going to be without any electronics and doing chores but UGH!!! I just don't know what to do anymore. I need it to be time for the baby to be here so once the baby is here I don't have to worry about going back to work and I can watch him myself without having to worry about a sitter. He's been through so many and he keeps getting kicked out which affects my work which affects my pay.

Again, sorry for my rant.

Aaisrie - Hope you feel better and hope your sickness eases up some!!!

So lemme get this straight. The babysitter said she will only babysit your son if you adhere to HER punishment of him?

I'd not be on board with that at all. I realise you're in a bit of a quandary given that you need her to watch your DS, but you're the parent - any punishments should be your decision not hers. I mean yeah, fine, she can set the boundaries and discipline rules whilst she's looking after him, because at that point she's being responsible for him, but when he's at home he's YOUR son, not hers. She had no right to set a punishment for the entire week for him when she isn't going to be there to enforce it.
You are in no way obligated to enforce somebody else's punishment on your child.

Oh no, sorry she meant at her house. The no electronics at my house is my punishment to him. That's the one thing he hates is not being able to get on the computer, or play on the xbox, or watch tv. I was the one who originally told her that taking things away from him is the only thing i'd prefer. She said if it were her kid she'd have busted his tail quite well. but I'm not for spanking as it does no good with him. Neither does yelling. I've had my moments! :) But I just don't know what to do because honestly taking things away from him doesn't do anything either because when hes mad he just says he don't care even though I know better. And over the next two days he will constantly ask if he can play on the computer or watch tv to try and get me to give.

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