~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

JJsmom - I'm sorry you're having problems with your kid ... I've always said I have no idea what I'm going to do when my sweet little toddler grows up to be a 13 year old girl?!?!?!!? aaaieee!! (sorry I'm no help!)

tsyhanochka - "I was disappointed there was no goat today" LOL!! I have to say, this might be the most random and funniest thing I've heard in ages.

Hopin4rnbow - I'm so sorry - but I'm glad you found out what was happening! It's always a bit of a relief to know something. :hugs:
ilovehim - we're headed out for our tree this weekend. I guess we're lucking that we're in North Carolina and not to far from the mountains because there are a million tree lots and they continuously get delivery's in from the mountain. We're actually thinking about heading out to a choose and cut your own place. Depends on if I'm up to it I guess! We haven't put up any lights yet. Normally it's my job to encourage hubby till he does it and right now I'm just too busy with trying not to die!

how bizarre.... my daughter is playing ball with the cat.... the cat is actually chasing the ball every time she throws it....

wow becca that really sounds nice:) i would love to pick a tree out and have them cut it right there it be really neat!!:thumbup:
as for the lights i do them myself but DH had to get on the ladder this year but if i wasnt preggers id be getting up there lol i love doing the lights,especially since we dont got a apartment anymore like we had a few years ago<3 i'll post some pics later u all can tell me what u think:) i think it looks really good hehe i think we need one of them REALLY big ladders thou so we can do the ROOF haha

how bizarre.... my daughter is playing ball with the cat.... the cat is actually chasing the ball every time she throws it....

One of my cats plays fetch, he loves it lol. He will bring the ball to me or my husband and meow at us till we throw it. Silly!

Sorry to all the ladies with morning sickness! I am the same way, I just try to think about how it's all worth it in the end :) Lately I've been throwing up every morning and then sometimes in the middle of the night. I am eating so little now but I'm trying not to worry too much and just eat what I can. My husband brought home applesauce and fruit cups (the ones that aren't full of that sugary syrup), as well as greek yogurt, so I have something that I don't have to cook when I'm home alone. I try to eat one of those every few hours if I can. There are some days though that I don't eat anything until like 4PM or later, I feel terrible but those are the days that I throw up water/gatorade and the thought of food makes me throw up even when I haven't eaten :( I'm really hoping that I'm getting near the end of it, my morning sickness started at exactly 6 weeks so I'm going on a month of it now.

Has anyone else bought anything for the baby yet? My husband bought the crib/mattress and swing last night. :) His face was priceless when he came home with it, he was so excited! I'm starting to wonder if he's going to try to set the crib up this weekend lol.

aww how sweet of ur hubby :)! we wont be buying nething until we know what we are having either! because if im having a girl i want nothing but purples pinks all girlie stuff flowers ribbions bows cupcakes :)
the only thing i have left of my son is his highchair he NEVER USED! i mean the only thing it needs is to be wash off from sitting in my mothers basement for so long,its not really girly or boyish so i will def be using that! now as for the other stuff i got rid of years ago:wacko:
even if i have another boy tho i still want different stuff then what i had with my son because alot has changed since 2007 but they have some great 2nd hand stores with some great stuff in it so will def be looking around there! the only things i want new are a stoller carseat crib & crib mattress
My hormones are awful at the moment, I have been crying for 3 hours :( oh went out for 2 pints came back after 5 hrs drinking wrecked. He's been sick, isn't making any sense. I have left him on the sofa sleeping , feel so so wound up, angry, upset at the mo. wouldn't normally bother me, but today, everytime I go and check on him I burst into tears. Think I'm just really disappointed and scared this is what it will be like forever!? I am going to talk to him tomorrow, but I am probably just being really stupid :( and not sure if my hormones are going nuts?

aww i can see were ur coming from! and i think its a very good ideal that you'd have a talk with him so that he doesnt think its ok for him to keep o doing it!! wish u the best of luck and just try to be positive and not cry sweetie i know its so hard not to because everything just makes u want to cry when ur pregnant:hugs:
Has anyone else bought anything for the baby yet? My husband bought the crib/mattress and swing last night. :) His face was priceless when he came home with it, he was so excited! I'm starting to wonder if he's going to try to set the crib up this weekend lol.

I bought a little lion cub stuffed animal that DD picked out. Every pregnancy I like to have something cuddly at the beginning of the pregnancy that becomes their first toy when they're born. Katie's teddy bear that I had last time now sports a matching tutu that she has and sleeps in her bed with her.

If this is a girl, we'll only need to buy a carrier, a double stroller and a car seat and we'll be set. For a boy, we'll have to start all over though! Katie got everything in pink and princess! (First granddaughter :winkwink: )

Sue - Are you set on the Baby Bjorn? It's not one of the best ones out there ie. baby's posture, comfort, etc etc. I think maybe their newest model is more ergonomically designed and better for baby but for the same price you could get an awesome Beco or Ergo! and some of them are really pretty!

I really want a Beco, I think. I'm thinking of going with a Beco Butterfly style. Anyone have this?

Re: Christmas trees - we got ours last week. We have a tree farm close by that always has beautiful trees. I think this year's is the best yet!

Re:moodiness - I made a meal today that I KNEW already that DH really doesn't like. Yet somehow I expected him to love it this time, even though he's told me every single time I've made it that it's not something he likes. Usually I don't care, as Katie and I really like it so we eat it all. Today I took it personally and got really grumpy with him! Maybe if he's hungry enough from not eating it, he'll pick me up the chicken nuggets I've been craving for two days. :haha:

i really think the stuff animal ideal is so cute! my son was also the first grandchild and great grandchild so we were set but i didnt think id ever need his stuff again lol and then when i got with my DH and we started ttc and baby talking he told me that he buy me nething i want hehe what a great dh i love him so much<3
tsyhanochka - "I was disappointed there was no goat today" LOL!! I have to say, this might be the most random and funniest thing I've heard in ages.

I guess reading it out of context does make it rather random.
im so tired i cant even believe that im even up this late again!! im so glad my dad is going to stay the night because dh just got off work and i cant keep my eyes open nomore and of course all the kids are sleep expect for my son! i can not wait for dh to put this trampoline together this weekend so maybe his bounce himself to sleep everyday and EARLY!!!!!!!

well goodnight everyone got to get up AGAIN early tomorrow i cant wait until sunday i turn 10weeks:) YAY double DIGs and dont have to wake up early at ALL<3
I really want a Manducca baby carrier- I have read such nice reviews about it. Or a boba carrier...they look neat! I am thinking of making myself a few Mai-tai carriers out of some pretty fabrics if I get the time to sit down at the sewing machine!
Got to go pick up DH so we can be home in time for grandma to come babysit DD so we can go the work xmas party.

This is my pinterest page
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. I am very happy today as I finally have a scan date! Fri 21 December, so will have it just before Christmas!

Had my office party last night which was fun though it seems odd to be up and about at 6 in the morning with no hangover.

Hey there July mommies! My name is Nicole and I'm due July 24th with Baby #2! When I was pregnant with my daughter, two friends at work were both pregnant with me, we were all 1 month apart! This time, I'm at it alone so I am really looking forward to chatting with you all and sharing this experience :).

Congratulations, hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months :)

I'm sitting crying my eyes out.... the vomiting has started, as I suspected it would. 6+6 :( My ketones are already at +2... I so don't know if I can cope with this for another 9mo :(

Sorry to hear that, hope it doesnt last long this time.

how bizarre.... my daughter is playing ball with the cat.... the cat is actually chasing the ball every time she throws it....

Has anyone else bought anything for the baby yet? My husband bought the crib/mattress and swing last night. :) His face was priceless when he came home with it, he was so excited! I'm starting to wonder if he's going to try to set the crib up this weekend lol.

Havent bought anything yet, I think mainly because it still doesnt really feel that I am having a baby. I have looked at somethings on line and seen a few things I like. Going to mothercare later as I need to get some support tights so that might change! Will have to try and restrain myself, and hubby.

my boobs have definitely started to grow. Only in the past few days I've noticed they're starting to overfill the cups and are definitely heavier.

I seem to have gone up from a DD to a F cup in the space of a week! I was assuming that as I was already quite large, they wouldnt grow much but appears I was wrong. I still find it quite hard to believe. I hope they dont get much bigger or I am going to feel like a porn star! Hubby is pretty pleased though :haha:

Hi ladies....unfortunately I have to take myself out of this forum. I found out on the 29th that my baby had no heartbeat. I had a D&C on the 4th. If there is a bright side to all this I did find out (after 4 missed MCs) that the left side of my uterus is undeveloped so if my baby implants on this side it will not survive. So I have a 50/50 chance of success. I am blessed to have 3 kids and that is what gets me through. God Bless you all and I wish you all healthy pregnancies:)

I am so sorry to hear this, wishing you all the best for the future. :hugs:

Today has been a good day up until I went to pick DS up from the sitters. He was angry so he decided to tell a lie about the baby sitter and that he no longer wants to be at her house. So then she flat out states she won't have him back anymore because she won't have a kid there that doesn't want to be (which he just said out of spite) and she won't have a kid there that lies so I have to find a new sitter. I talked with him and with her and she finally said for me to wait and that she will take him Monday if I can't find anywhere else for him to go during the weekend. She also said that he could come back if he agrees to her consequences of no tv, no video games, and not computer for a whole week due to his behaviors. All I've done since I picked him up is cry and I don't know what to do to change his attitude. I'm sorry I'm venting but I just don't know what to do anymore. The therapist's aren't helping it seems, and he's acting basically just unruly and I won't beat my kid by any means but I don't know how to get him stop being the way he is and yes I've spanked him but found out that doesn't work for him and nothing I have tried works. This whole weekend he's going to be without any electronics and doing chores but UGH!!! I just don't know what to do anymore. I need it to be time for the baby to be here so once the baby is here I don't have to worry about going back to work and I can watch him myself without having to worry about a sitter. He's been through so many and he keeps getting kicked out which affects my work which affects my pay.

Again, sorry for my rant.

Aaisrie - Hope you feel better and hope your sickness eases up some!!!

Sorry to hear things have been tough. I dont have much advice, but just wanted to offer sympathy and hope that this gets resolved

im so tired i cant even believe that im even up this late again!! im so glad my dad is going to stay the night because dh just got off work and i cant keep my eyes open nomore and of course all the kids are sleep expect for my son! i can not wait for dh to put this trampoline together this weekend so maybe his bounce himself to sleep everyday and EARLY!!!!!!!

well goodnight everyone got to get up AGAIN early tomorrow i cant wait until sunday i turn 10weeks:) YAY double DIGs and dont have to wake up early at ALL<3

Congrats on getting to 10 weeks, hope you are able to catch up on your sleep.
well its around 6am and of course im UP!!!! while everyone else is snoring their BUTTS OFF and i know when i come back i wont be able to go back to sleep neither because around 9 i got to wake DS up to get him ready for his bowling!!!:).
you know this is his first thing that ive sign him up for because by the time id go to sign him up for something else it be to LATE:-( but when baseball comes around this year im going to be ONPOINT! anyways thou lol like i was saying i Love watching him bowl and he is getting so0o good,his highest score was 111 hehe of course they have the bumpers but im hoping maybe next season he wont need the bumpers<3
last week they handed out patches he got 2!! which alot of kids DIDNT and that made me so proud that he has come so far,plus i didnt know that they get shirts too until the lady ask me what size last week hehe its so cheap too its only $6 every saturday for a hour and it started back in sept and last until MAY! they get big trophys shirts patches we have partys...matter fact we will probably talk about who bring what for christmas party:) and the most important thing is he loves it and has made so many new friends hehe well ive got to go be back later<3

have a good weekend ladies
Thank you for your support ladies! I'm feeling much better after me and DS talked last night then we wrapped a couple presents. :) He is still grounded from all electronics this weekend but at least we can do things together that don't involve TV and we can have fun making candy!! sorry again for my venting last night. I just had to get it out! :)
Thank you for your support ladies! I'm feeling much better after me and DS talked last night then we wrapped a couple presents. :) He is still grounded from all electronics this weekend but at least we can do things together that don't involve TV and we can have fun making candy!! sorry again for my venting last night. I just had to get it out! :)

hey sweetie,
havent got to really read over everything yet but i read some of whats going on! im so sorry to hear that you were having problems,you know ive been having problems with my DS too and its really been getting to me how he has been acting like he gives me a bunch of crap everyday when its time to get ready for school and then when i pick him up he always wants a friend to come over or to go look at toys or something!
i busted out in tears the other day because it just got to be to much,i really wish DH didnt have to work so much because the kids listen to him<3

anywho im so glad that everything is going better and that you all have found some cool stuff to do this weekend! i went to the craft store the other day and got some great christmas crafts for under a buck! i mean its great ,we even got some gingerbread houses that you make out of foam pieces and not the actually candy hehe we put together alittle foam angel last night because he loves angels and i love it too maybe u could hit the craft store up and find some more things sweetie<3 stay stronge and dont be sorry about VENTING that is what we all are here for support:hugs::hugs:
is anyone starting to notices there bellys poping out yet?!
ive noticed mine starting to pop out some hehe its even starting to pop out even when im wearing really big clothes<3but im kinda just feeling alittle fat instead of pregnant lol i mean i know when i start hitting 16 + weeks that ill start feeling better because then i'll really start to look pregnant,maybe since this is my 2nd one around 14weeks! i wish i was thinner so you could notice right away lol!!

im feeling so crappy this morning i got a headach , i feel like im gonna barf all over the place "ugh" i just know this baby is alittle girl i just got this feeling!
i just took some tylenol and zofran so hopefully it will stop soon because i got to sit at a hot bowling ally for a hour with ds
is anyone starting to notices there bellys poping out yet?!
ive noticed mine starting to pop out some hehe its even starting to pop out even when im wearing really big clothes<3but im kinda just feeling alittle fat instead of pregnant lol i mean i know when i start hitting 16 + weeks that ill start feeling better because then i'll really start to look pregnant,maybe since this is my 2nd one around 14weeks! i wish i was thinner so you could notice right away lol!!

im feeling so crappy this morning i got a headach , i feel like im gonna barf all over the place "ugh" i just know this baby is alittle girl i just got this feeling!
i just took some tylenol and zofran so hopefully it will stop soon because i got to sit at a hot bowling ally for a hour with ds

Yeah my bump sticks out


sorry to hear you're feeling crappy :( hope it passes
is anyone starting to notices there bellys poping out yet?!
ive noticed mine starting to pop out some hehe its even starting to pop out even when im wearing really big clothes<3but im kinda just feeling alittle fat instead of pregnant lol i mean i know when i start hitting 16 + weeks that ill start feeling better because then i'll really start to look pregnant,maybe since this is my 2nd one around 14weeks! i wish i was thinner so you could notice right away lol!!

im feeling so crappy this morning i got a headach , i feel like im gonna barf all over the place "ugh" i just know this baby is alittle girl i just got this feeling!
i just took some tylenol and zofran so hopefully it will stop soon because i got to sit at a hot bowling ally for a hour with ds

Hope you feel better soon!! Thank you for your kind words! :) We plan on getting into the craft store and getting some things for him to make. We make candy every year for family and a few friends. I make thin mint cookies and some peppermint/pretzel/white chocolate goody treats. I love this time of year!!!

My belly hasn't started to pop out yet. I wish it has but I do keep rubbing it. LOL! One of my coworkers asked if my tummy was hard yet and I said no. But she's just waiting to get her hands on it and I said if you put your hands on it prepared to get your hand smacked! I hate having my tummy touched all the time by other ppl other than family. And she always has her hands on pregnant bellies no matter what stage they are in and I won't go for it.
I'm getting a belly too, but right now, I also just feel like I'm starting to look fat versus pregnant...I feel like its more obvious in the maternity top in the 2nd pic....I'm looking forward to actually looking pregnant


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Today is a rough day. Feeling a little off today :( just not feeling well. And to top it off my grandmother whose been staying with me has started arguing with me again today...I've noticed when I'm under excess stress I'm feeling like crap.
Afternoon ladies! I'm in hospital, the vomiting started yesterday morning and didn't stop, admitted this morning. Definitely got hyperemesis again. Had some IV zofran and I'm on my 2nd bag of fluids. The dr scanned me too and baby is fine.
Afternoon ladies! I'm in hospital, the vomiting started yesterday morning and didn't stop, admitted this morning. Definitely got hyperemesis again. Had some IV zofran and I'm on my 2nd bag of fluids. The dr scanned me too and baby is fine.

I'm so sorry that you've had to go into hospital, how awful for you, but I'm glad you're getting some meds and fluids and I hope that you are feeling better soon xxx

Glad baby is ok x
Afternoon ladies! I'm in hospital, the vomiting started yesterday morning and didn't stop, admitted this morning. Definitely got hyperemesis again. Had some IV zofran and I'm on my 2nd bag of fluids. The dr scanned me too and baby is fine.

Was sad to see this on FB today. Hope things get better! :hugs:

AFM, I think pregnancy is really effecting my brain now. Tried to get cereal for breakfast this morning, and ended up trying to microwave it. :wacko:

Anyone else think that these weeks are going by sooooo slowly? Maybe because I've been taking it easy and not doing much, but holy cow, it feels like every week is a month long. Finally 8 weeks tomorrow, feels like I should be further than that by now!
Yea was hoping I'd be in the 20% to not get it, weird to think that this time 2 years ago I wasn't too bad, my first admission with Atticus was 15th December!! Hopefully get sorted a lot faster and be able to function better!!
I really want a Manducca baby carrier- I have read such nice reviews about it. Or a boba carrier...they look neat! I am thinking of making myself a few Mai-tai carriers out of some pretty fabrics if I get the time to sit down at the sewing machine!
Got to go pick up DH so we can be home in time for grandma to come babysit DD so we can go the work xmas party.

This is my pinterest page

i'm following you on pinterest now!!!

is anyone starting to notices there bellys poping out yet?!
ive noticed mine starting to pop out some hehe its even starting to pop out even when im wearing really big clothes<3but im kinda just feeling alittle fat instead of pregnant lol i mean i know when i start hitting 16 + weeks that ill start feeling better because then i'll really start to look pregnant,maybe since this is my 2nd one around 14weeks! i wish i was thinner so you could notice right away lol!!

im feeling so crappy this morning i got a headach , i feel like im gonna barf all over the place "ugh" i just know this baby is alittle girl i just got this feeling!
i just took some tylenol and zofran so hopefully it will stop soon because i got to sit at a hot bowling ally for a hour with ds

Hope you feel better soon!! Thank you for your kind words! :) We plan on getting into the craft store and getting some things for him to make. We make candy every year for family and a few friends. I make thin mint cookies and some peppermint/pretzel/white chocolate goody treats. I love this time of year!!!

My belly hasn't started to pop out yet. I wish it has but I do keep rubbing it. LOL! One of my coworkers asked if my tummy was hard yet and I said no. But she's just waiting to get her hands on it and I said if you put your hands on it prepared to get your hand smacked! I hate having my tummy touched all the time by other ppl other than family. And she always has her hands on pregnant bellies no matter what stage they are in and I won't go for it.

i hate when people try to pregnant women's bellies!! i think it is so rude. thankfully with my daughter no one tried because they knew how i felt about it so i will make sure i make it clear this time around too! ive noticed a little bit of a pooch in my belly but im not showing too much i'm thinking im gonna pop a lot earlier than last time though!

Afternoon ladies! I'm in hospital, the vomiting started yesterday morning and didn't stop, admitted this morning. Definitely got hyperemesis again. Had some IV zofran and I'm on my 2nd bag of fluids. The dr scanned me too and baby is fine.

glad to hear baby is ok! good luck and i hope you get to go home soon!!

Afternoon ladies! I'm in hospital, the vomiting started yesterday morning and didn't stop, admitted this morning. Definitely got hyperemesis again. Had some IV zofran and I'm on my 2nd bag of fluids. The dr scanned me too and baby is fine.

Was sad to see this on FB today. Hope things get better! :hugs:

AFM, I think pregnancy is really effecting my brain now. Tried to get cereal for breakfast this morning, and ended up trying to microwave it. :wacko:

Anyone else think that these weeks are going by sooooo slowly? Maybe because I've been taking it easy and not doing much, but holy cow, it feels like every week is a month long. Finally 8 weeks tomorrow, feels like I should be further than that by now!

i agree!! i'm 8 weeks today and i feel like i should be further along than that by now!

i have a scan on tuesday and i'm really excited!! im thinking i'm going to have to take a leave of absence from work because of this whole being sick all the time!

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