~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

is anyone else already hating being pregnant?

I'm not enjoying it one bit. I never wanted to be pregnant for a fourth time and honestly I'm just feeling thoroughly grumpy about it most of the time.

Having said that, I actually feel better about my own self esteem than I did during my last pregnancy. I had severe pre-natal depression last time. I have never hated myself as much in my life as I did then. This time around I'm grumpy about the pregnancy but I don't feel so awful about my own appearance. I don't LIKE it, but I'm not Quasimodo when I look in the mirror at least, so that's something.
Hyperemesis is basically a severe form of morning sickness. It sucks! I had it with my first born and have it now, though fortunately the meds they have me on seem to be keeping me feeling more normal. I'm grateful I was only hospitalized once! The dr said I looked completely drained when she saw me the first day after being admitted. That's basically what it does to you. And no matter what meds they give you, you keep vomiting even without drinking or eating. I was vomiting stomach bile that kept accruing :(

So I know exactly how you're feeling aaisrie, and I hope you get to feeling better soon!! It's the worst to be that ill.

wow i did not know what that was!!! you know u can find out alot of info on these threads because let me tell u i did not know half of what anything ment like dpo or dh i mean just nothing lol its crazy what ive learn tho!.
anyways but i cant image being that sick,i was sick like that about a year ago but i wasnt pregnant i just could not stop throwing up and i know that was the worst thing ever and i was also in the hospital for about 3days.
i couldnt image being pregnant and having that ugh i feel so sorry for the pregnant ladies on here that are going threw that!

Aaisrie- i really hope you start to feel better soon:hugs:
Either we're a very unlucky bunch of July mummies all suffering with morning sickness - or perhaps it's just us frequent posters being loud about it. *laughs* It's so hard to talk about anything else when it's soo all consuming. I sometimes worry that it's all my friends think I talk about anymore. Of course it's their fault for asking me how I feel in the first place. lol

I've been moving around A LOT today and that actually seems to make it better. Less time to think about it? I'm not sure. It's still there but at least I got a few things done... we were starting to run out of clean clothes over here! Being outside at the parade was nice. :) and success! no puking in public occurred!

Has anyone else constantly been getting a really off taste in their mouth? Feels like I can taste the chemicals in everything. I'm getting sooo frustrated with the food colouring and artificial sweetners in everything! I honestly could not find a pack of gum at the checkout without aspartame in it!! I was so angry. Plus I wanted to buy some strawberry milk and red40 was the 3rd ingredient!!! THRID!! argh!

Oh and I completely agree! Yesterday at Breakfast with Santa I ate 3 clementine oranges. I didn't really want one when I started but by the time I got it in my mouth it was the best thing in the world! I had to keep going back for more. I was peeling my third when a friend asked where I got it. I looked at her, handed her a slice and said, "umm here, have a piece I ate all of them."

we did breakfast with santa today!!! it was so nice i wish we would have got there earlyer!! it was so nice and all you can eat.
They had pancakes sausages the little cut up potatoes and eggs to eat to drink they had oj apple juice 2% milk choc milk pineapple juice and coffee.
They also had pictures with santa crafts alittle dance show that these little girl were doing omg they were so cute really hope this is a girl so i can put her in dance one day:)....lol and they had a beautiful train graden.
It was really really nice, we really had a all out nice time im so glad me and dh woke up because after him keeping me up until 4am well i was wore out lol tmi sorry hehe i let him go have a few drinks with his cusion because it was his birthday and because he never goes out and has a drink!.
I really wish they wouldve have some oranges there i just cant get enough of them im craving them right now them and a hersey candy bar im bout to go get one lol

Sweets have been making me feel sick too- and I usually have such a sweet tooth! I've been wanting plain spaghetti with butter- made some tonight and it was SO good. I went through a couple weeks when all I wanted were those mini oranges- I'd go through 8-10/day plus lots of OJ. That craving has passed and I mostly just want carbs, like the pasta or bagel with butter, and vanilla yogurt.
I've been craving a lot of carbs recently too!! And wow, look at you, almost 11 weeks along! You must be so excited!

mmmmm crabs do sound good girls very good but i dont think there in season right now but when they are they are so0o freaking good and i live in maryland so we got them good crabs im sure the ladys who live down under got the BEST SEA FOOD ever tho
Oh yes I have that awful taste! I gets worse after I brush! Because it tastes yucky with the minty flavor. I'm having a hard enough time brushing as it is! Used my Doppler for the first time. Couldn't find hb but could hear the placenta whooshing! It was really loud!

probably just alittle early but glad to hear you hear the placenta whooshing around i had this really weird freaky dream last night about using a doppler idk it was so freaking werid like WHOA!
is anyone else already hating being pregnant?

I'm not enjoying it one bit. I never wanted to be pregnant for a fourth time and honestly I'm just feeling thoroughly grumpy about it most of the time.

Having said that, I actually feel better about my own self esteem than I did during my last pregnancy. I had severe pre-natal depression last time. I have never hated myself as much in my life as I did then. This time around I'm grumpy about the pregnancy but I don't feel so awful about my own appearance. I don't LIKE it, but I'm not Quasimodo when I look in the mirror at least, so that's something.

i think that is why there is less excitement as we weren't expecting to have another baby. we were just talking about the possibility of maybe adopting later or doing foster care as we didn't want another son and didn't want to go through pregnancy again so it just sucks *giggle* im.glad im.not the only one.though! this was actually the first time where i felt comfortable with my body at my pre baby weight, and now im.going to go through that roller coaster again blah!
is anyone else already hating being pregnant?

I'm not enjoying it one bit. I never wanted to be pregnant for a fourth time and honestly I'm just feeling thoroughly grumpy about it most of the time.

Having said that, I actually feel better about my own self esteem than I did during my last pregnancy. I had severe pre-natal depression last time. I have never hated myself as much in my life as I did then. This time around I'm grumpy about the pregnancy but I don't feel so awful about my own appearance. I don't LIKE it, but I'm not Quasimodo when I look in the mirror at least, so that's something.

i think that is why there is less excitement as we weren't expecting to have another baby. we were just talking about the possibility of maybe adopting later or doing foster care as we didn't want another son and didn't want to go through pregnancy again so it just sucks *giggle* im.glad im.not the only one.though! this was actually the first time where i felt comfortable with my body at my pre baby weight, and now im.going to go through that roller coaster again blah!

I understand my belly is still frumpy from my first pregnancy! I was getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight- I had 5kg to go and then found we were expecting again! :haha: These things happen!

Last night I had a pain in my pelvic area. It was long lasting and still had it this morning. I hope it is just ligaments.

11 weeks down already! Almost through this first trimester! :happydance::happydance:
Hope you ladies are having a good day! First time I've been able to get on today. I'm so tired. Today has been an off day for me. I woke up but couldn't get up. Didn't want to cook or anything but needed to eat. OH asked if I wanted him to make me some sunnyside up eggs. UMM NO!! Not allowed to have them! and frankly don't like them! So I made him go buy me a bacon egg and cheese sandwich from waffle house. LOL!

After I ate I still didn't have any energy so I laid back down and he washed his clothes for work since I hadn't done it yet this morning. He had to be at work at 2pm so he did it all. I even got up to get a shower and he was hoping to join but I wasn't feeling it at all. I got my shower and when I got out I was hoping to feel better but nope of course not! So I ended up falling back asleep for a bit til DS came in and woke me up after OH told him not to. After he went to work I finally pulled myself together to get ready to go grocery shopping.

He needs more work pants as he only has one pair right now and he doesn't put them in there for me to wash enough and he stunk so bad last night. LOL! I couldn't deal with it! So we went to Wal-Mart and got him 2 new pair for Christmas! He has to wear black pants, can't wear just blue jeans. So he will have two new pair from me and DS at Christmas time. (He had another pair but they got ripped about a week or two ago). I still don't feel very well though. My tummy hurts and I feel hot but don't think I have a fever. Not sure why I'm feeling so crappy today. :(
I haven't been sick today!!!! My ketones are still 4+ but I did manage to eat half a bowl of soup and 1/4 piece of lasagne!! Really hoping I can get home tomorrow but they won't let me home until my ketones are down...

oh wow still in the hospital!!!??? i reallyt hope you get well ur ketones go down more so that u can go home:hugs:.
Becca-I've got the weird taste too and its really what sets my nausea off :( cause the taste mixes with my food, yuck!

anyone else onzofran having issue with constipation? im having such an awful time with it I've reduced my doses and have tried what seems like EVERYTHING to get things going and nothing works :/

ive been getting the worst constipation too,i mean like bad i always feel bloated and lol this is tmi but like thursday and friday i just couldnt stop having gas i mean and then when i did finally go it was like ROCKS coming out my BUTT!! sorry but its just been the worse thing ever!! im glad my MS is starting to chill out,im actually hoping its going away.
Hope u feel better!

Citrus is good!! I've been having sparkling waters with essence of lemon it lime ti help with the nausea. I keep reminding myself that it could get worse as I'm only. Almost 7 weeks.
Aa -- sorry hg has hit! Glad you were able to eat a little bit.
All this garlic talk!! Now I want to make some noodles and sprinkle them with garlic salt!
I worked a long day yesterday and did great in terms of keeping the nausea under control. I got home after 11pm (left at 8:15am) and DD was not feeling well. She had an upset tummy/gas. Needless to say none of us got much sleep and she popped awake at 7 am. She is crabby and I am ready to go back to bed.

you know thats crazy u say that citrus is good for nausea because everytime i get my oranges and im not feeling to good i start feeling better asap!
is anyone else already hating being pregnant?

I'm not enjoying it one bit. I never wanted to be pregnant for a fourth time and honestly I'm just feeling thoroughly grumpy about it most of the time.

Having said that, I actually feel better about my own self esteem than I did during my last pregnancy. I had severe pre-natal depression last time. I have never hated myself as much in my life as I did then. This time around I'm grumpy about the pregnancy but I don't feel so awful about my own appearance. I don't LIKE it, but I'm not Quasimodo when I look in the mirror at least, so that's something.

i think that is why there is less excitement as we weren't expecting to have another baby. we were just talking about the possibility of maybe adopting later or doing foster care as we didn't want another son and didn't want to go through pregnancy again so it just sucks *giggle* im.glad im.not the only one.though! this was actually the first time where i felt comfortable with my body at my pre baby weight, and now im.going to go through that roller coaster again blah!

I understand my belly is still frumpy from my first pregnancy! I was getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight- I had 5kg to go and then found we were expecting again! :haha: These things happen!

Last night I had a pain in my pelvic area. It was long lasting and still had it this morning. I hope it is just ligaments.

11 weeks down already! Almost through this first trimester! :happydance::happydance:

i got down to like 3lbs below my pre pregnant weight. i had managed to stay over 100lbs til he was about 14months then it just went and it felt defeating im usually pretty down about my size and am really ucomfoetable with it but finally was okay with it then bam ! lol it always happens like that though!! lol im.so glad the first tri is almost over, my husband is counting down the days! only four weeks left and we get to tell family, we're very anxious about it!!
Ilovehim-yuppie, that's me too! its SO uncomfortable. i got a little relief today but i tried so many different things im not sure what did it. i didn't take my zofran today and didn't throw up, so im hoping that my ms is getting better and staying off the zofran will help get things more regular!

btw laying in a really warm bath and massaging my tummy really helps with the gas!
is anyone else already hating being pregnant?

I'm not enjoying it one bit. I never wanted to be pregnant for a fourth time and honestly I'm just feeling thoroughly grumpy about it most of the time.

Having said that, I actually feel better about my own self esteem than I did during my last pregnancy. I had severe pre-natal depression last time. I have never hated myself as much in my life as I did then. This time around I'm grumpy about the pregnancy but I don't feel so awful about my own appearance. I don't LIKE it, but I'm not Quasimodo when I look in the mirror at least, so that's something.

i think that is why there is less excitement as we weren't expecting to have another baby. we were just talking about the possibility of maybe adopting later or doing foster care as we didn't want another son and didn't want to go through pregnancy again so it just sucks *giggle* im.glad im.not the only one.though! this was actually the first time where i felt comfortable with my body at my pre baby weight, and now im.going to go through that roller coaster again blah!

I understand my belly is still frumpy from my first pregnancy! I was getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight- I had 5kg to go and then found we were expecting again! :haha: These things happen!

Last night I had a pain in my pelvic area. It was long lasting and still had it this morning. I hope it is just ligaments.

11 weeks down already! Almost through this first trimester! :happydance::happydance:

i got down to like 3lbs below my pre pregnant weight. i had managed to stay over 100lbs til he was about 14months then it just went and it felt defeating im usually pretty down about my size and am really ucomfoetable with it but finally was okay with it then bam ! lol it always happens like that though!! lol im.so glad the first tri is almost over, my husband is counting down the days! only four weeks left and we get to tell family, we're very anxious about it!!

Yeah I had managed to lose nearly 5 stone since my last pregnancy and FINALLY was at a comfortable mid-range normal BMI (22 . something or other) and then wham, pregnant. Feels like all my hard work was for nothing.

This was me with my DS2 when he was a couple of weeks old (October 2009)


and this was me September 2012


I really put in so much effort to lose the weight, and now.....

GODAMNIT it aint fair, it really isn't.

I'm sure I'll look at my LO when s/he is born and it'll all be worth it, but at the moment it does feel like a smack in the face really after I lost so much weight.
Aaisrie, I am sorry to hear you are still in the hospital! Hopefully since you were able to hold something down today that you'll be able to leave soon!!

I am loving being pregnant! I couldn't wait til I was finally able to have another child and I'm so thankful to finally have our little munchkin in there! I can't help but enjoy everything about pregnancy and I'm the one people get annoyed with (sorry!) because I think it's so wonderful and would go through it time and time again as long as I'm able to! I did tell OH I'd like to be done by the time I'm 35 and he wants a total of 3 so we'll have to do them basically back to back to back to get the other two! But I'm very much OK with that and I look forward to every one we get to have! I think every bit of pregnancy is beautiful. But that may be because I haven't had HG or even much morning sickness at all.

I think my belly is starting to come out just a little. I mean I still look fat but I feel it getting hard down by my pelvic bone and it seems to me like it's sticking out just a little bit. I can't wait til it starts to really pop!!
Oh they just checked my ketones... STILL 4+ WTF!!!!!!
Here is my "bloat bump" after throwing up for 2 days:
cute bump im gonna take a pic of my and yall can tell me what u think!! aww bless ur heart ur all hook up to the IV poor thing!!!!

Funny everyone's talking about citrus, I've been obsessed with eating cuties for the past 2 wks - they're so good I can't get enough! :)

omg ME TOO!!!!! i cant get enough of them either they are the best thing ever and each one i eat is just as good as the last one i ate hehe i eat like 10 a day<3 and so easy to peal right?!

I completely took advantage of not throwing up yesterday and had a steak...it was delicious! I normally like my steaks pink to red in the middle so I was a little sad at first having it cooked brown but it was still very good. My friend is going on a cruise today and posted a picture of some very delicious looking crab legs on facebook, drool! I'm wondering if my morning sickness is easing up because I normally think of food then throw up...since yesterday I have actually had cravings for things. I even had a dream that my husband made me a huge plate of pancakes and they tasted like heaven! I still feel nauseous but not like I will vomit. :)

Aaisrie, glad you are keeping foods down! I hope your ketones start leveling off soon so you can go home!

ooo amanda a steak sounds so0o freaking good right now!! im so glad to hear that you were able to eat and not puke when u thought about food!
yesterday i think i over did it with the eating because when i was in the shower i just didnt feel so great and sure enough it started coming up.
aww how sweet of ur dh to make ur some pancakes i ate a whole bunch at breakfast with santa mmmm hope ur ms stays away and u keep on feeling better and are able to eat
I think my belly is starting to come out just a little. I mean I still look fat but I feel it getting hard down by my pelvic bone and it seems to me like it's sticking out just a little bit. I can't wait til it starts to really pop!!

I can feel a hard little rise between my hips in the pelvic area, DH can feel it too. So I know something's going on in there ..... just have to wait. I think I'll enjoy pregnancy once I get past this sick stage and see a heartbeat.

I can't wait for 4 more weeks so that I can wear my leggings and tunics that I have planned. I can't wait until I'm comfy and can show it!!!

And Alice... I LOVE that whole look you have from September! what a cute figure you had too! You'll get there again, but maybe an IUD or something after this one's born so you can keep your figure after you get it back ;)
wow i miss one day and had 5 pages to catch up!!!

I'm glad a lot of people's morning sickness is starting to calm down. I wish mine would. I think the zofran is constipating me as well and i only take it once a day so i can't really cut down unless i don't take it!

Today my daughter took pictures with Santa for the first time. She loved every second of it!! I've pretty much been on the couch since Thursday except to take her for her pictures. I have to go back to work tomorrow so i'm hoping i'll feel semi ok. All i have to do is get through tomorrow and half of tuesday and hopefully i can get some time off!!!

my scan is tuesday afternoon and i'm excited to see how baby or babies are doing!!

has anyone else done that baking soda gender test? i did it earlier today and it fizzed a lot which means boy. i hope its right!!!
Alice-omg you have the cutest figure that Sept pic! id be pissed too lol. maybe the fourth kid is the charm for me and I'll keep some weight on and have a cute little.figure it:)

what is the baking soda gender test?
you pee in a cup and pour a little baking soda in it. if it fizzes you'll have a boy if it does nothing you'll have a girl.

clearly its an old wives tale but this test has supposedly been accurate like 75% of the time so odds are a little better!
you pee in a cup and pour a little baking soda in it. if it fizzes you'll have a boy if it does nothing you'll have a girl.

clearly its an old wives tale but this test has supposedly been accurate like 75% of the time so odds are a little better!

i did this one last night lol it came up as fizzing so much you would think i had a frothy beer.. so predicted boy. i wanna try the red cabbage dye test.
I did the baking soda test. Every other test I did said boy, but the baking soda test was the only one that said girl both times I tried it. She's all girl, so maybe there's more merit to that one?
what a crazy night! im so freaking tired so i fell asleep around like 7:30pm well then my dad keeps ringing my phone off the hook along with message after message after message.
well i wake up call him back and he telling me he needs to come dig in my trash he thinks he threw away his script for his meds that the doctor wont rewrite lol so i tell him come over and of course i get out of bed put golves on and help him ugh i swear im so tired im so stressed i dont need this right now i need to tell them soon that im pregnant because then maybe they stop driving me NUTS:wacko:
he found it thank god and well now i realized the kids dont have no clothes clean so now im up doing them while dh sound sleep but he gotta work poor baby<3 he been working himself to the BONE im glad he got to go have some fun last night with the guys and then we had some fun ahhh what life would be like with no KIDS haha?!
So i did the baking soda test. im.saying inconclusive lol it did fizz but not like people described when i googled it. it was just a little bit fizzy and then stopped. which is funny cause the ring test dis the same thing, it went back and forth and then around. maybe.its just too early for me! my husband its convinced its a fourth boy but im holding out. Chinese calendar said boy, but based on it my middle boy should have been female!
I think my ms is finally starting to get better, not been sick for a few days, felt pretty awful thou at times.
I can't wait to start liking food again!! I have gone off so much and I can't really think of anything I want!!!
I too can feel a bit of a bump low down!!

Not long to go now till 12 weeks!!!

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