~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Haha, no sooner had I written that I feel better I started throwing up!!!
Haha, no sooner had I written that I feel better I started throwing up!!!

Awww no! That is a shame. I have only thrown up once this pregnancy so far. That was after eating mexican so maybe it was too much spice for me or maybe I just ate too much? We had satay chicken tonight and I made sure I cooked the chicken really well. I am so overly cautious with food and pregnancy. It was delicious but I am hoping I don't get heartburn later this evening.

I have still got this pain in my pelvis on the right hand side only...it is sooooo annoying. I wonder what it is...I hope it isn't a UTI or anything major.:dohh:

Had a big day today cleaning mostly...the weather was cooler so I had slightly more energy than the days where the heat and humidity just kill me. Felt really productive. Even wrote some Christmas cards for friends.
We had to buy a deoderizer for the car as milk or something spilled and it smells rancid. I was avoiding driving cause I didn't like opening the doors as it just made me feel sick. Gross eh?:blush:
DH got a PS3 so he has been ignoring me completely absorbed with his new toy...and I was bored because the computer wasn't connecting...probably why I got so much cleaning done actually:haha::haha:
I just got back from my scan, and all is good measuring 8w3d :) I was so so nervous after the last time I was pregnant and had a mmc.

I am very happy and relieved :) I can now relax a bit. Got my booking in appointment with midwife Wednesday as well :)
Totally gutted. Greek Dr came to see me this morning and told me I was +1 ketones, that I needed my bp checked lying and standing and another scan to check baby and I could go home. Then he came back and said the nurse hadn't written down this mornings result and my ketones were +3 so I have to have more fluids... Talk about getting my hopes up to dash them...
I just got back from my scan, and all is good measuring 8w3d :) I was so so nervous after the last time I was pregnant and had a mmc.

I am very happy and relieved :) I can now relax a bit. Got my booking in appointment with midwife Wednesday as well :)

fab news :D xx

Totally gutted. Greek Dr came to see me this morning and told me I was +1 ketones, that I needed my bp checked lying and standing and another scan to check baby and I could go home. Then he came back and said the nurse hadn't written down this mornings result and my ketones were +3 so I have to have more fluids... Talk about getting my hopes up to dash them...

oh no :hugs: baby be nice to your mummy she wants to go home!! xx
you pee in a cup and pour a little baking soda in it. if it fizzes you'll have a boy if it does nothing you'll have a girl.

clearly its an old wives tale but this test has supposedly been accurate like 75% of the time so odds are a little better!

i did this one last night lol it came up as fizzing so much you would think i had a frothy beer.. so predicted boy. i wanna try the red cabbage dye test.

what is the red cabbage dye test??
Totally gutted. Greek Dr came to see me this morning and told me I was +1 ketones, that I needed my bp checked lying and standing and another scan to check baby and I could go home. Then he came back and said the nurse hadn't written down this mornings result and my ketones were +3 so I have to have more fluids... Talk about getting my hopes up to dash them...

So sorry!!! I hope you're able to get out of there soon!
you pee in a cup and pour a little baking soda in it. if it fizzes you'll have a boy if it does nothing you'll have a girl.

clearly its an old wives tale but this test has supposedly been accurate like 75% of the time so odds are a little better!

I tried it this morning-- according to this highly scientific test, I'll be having a boy. According to the Chinese gender predictor, depending on which site I use it will be a boy...or it will be a girl... guess that one has to be right one way or another! :winkwink:
Haha, no sooner had I written that I feel better I started throwing up!!!

aww the same thing has happen to me before too! its like we jinx ourselfs when we say oh im feeling better then before we know it we have spoken to soon:wacko: really hope u do feel better soon & it stays like that:winkwink:

I just got back from my scan, and all is good measuring 8w3d :) I was so so nervous after the last time I was pregnant and had a mmc.

I am very happy and relieved :) I can now relax a bit. Got my booking in appointment with midwife Wednesday as well :)

so glad to hear everythin is good with baby:thumbup::happydance: i go see my doctor today and then have my scan yesterday.
Im so nervous because of this dream i had last night but im really hoping that she will try to find the heartbeat with the doppler today and im hoping she will find it<3
If she does it and fines it i will feel so much better according to my last scan i should be 10weeks 1day :wacko:
f not i really thnk i'll be freaking out until my scan tomorrow! so wish me luck and again congrats on ur scan going so well hope ur doctors appt goes great too.
Today i see my obgyn i seen when i was pregnant with my son this will be the first time ive seen her with this pregnancy because i didnt think id be able to get rides to her as dh takes the only car we have to get to work each morning!!
However with my insuranc they got a service that has a van or cab pick you up and take u to the doctors plus home from the doctors,so im so happy i found that out becuse until it starts getting to the end dh probably wont be coming with me because right now we need all the MONEY we can get<3.
Im actually thinking since my MS finally is going away "knock" on "wood" to maybe get something -4days a week no more then 30hours a week!! lol sorry i just keep going on and on and on lol

Totally gutted. Greek Dr came to see me this morning and told me I was +1 ketones, that I needed my bp checked lying and standing and another scan to check baby and I could go home. Then he came back and said the nurse hadn't written down this mornings result and my ketones were +3 so I have to have more fluids... Talk about getting my hopes up to dash them...

aww im so sorry sweetie:hugs: but you know atleast they are taken good care of you and baby at the hospital!! i know its hard not being able to see your DS thou:( its because he is to young right?!
well i really hope u get home soon before the holidays hun and another scan:) sounds great get to see the little moon baby again hehe
Hi all

so who has got there 12 week dating scan coming up? mines at 8:20 am on monday next week :)

anyone else got theres soon?
I think my belly is starting to come out just a little. I mean I still look fat but I feel it getting hard down by my pelvic bone and it seems to me like it's sticking out just a little bit. I can't wait til it starts to really pop!!

I can feel a hard little rise between my hips in the pelvic area, DH can feel it too. So I know something's going on in there ..... just have to wait. I think I'll enjoy pregnancy once I get past this sick stage and see a heartbeat.

I can't wait for 4 more weeks so that I can wear my leggings and tunics that I have planned. I can't wait until I'm comfy and can show it!!!

And Alice... I LOVE that whole look you have from September! what a cute figure you had too! You'll get there again, but maybe an IUD or something after this one's born so you can keep your figure after you get it back ;)

lol that is how i feel too i can see and feel it poping out just alitle but i still feel like i look so fat,not only that but from me starting to get alittle belly PLUS THE BLOAT ive been having my belly is starting to make you see it even with my big tshirts that ive been wearing.
Im so glaf that im not at this stage in pregnancy in the summer because you know it really be just looking like i was getting fat and you know summer is hot snyway so i wear tank tops and try not to look fat in them but i love that it i winter well almost winter but i love that its cold outside and i can walk around with nice big sweat pants big tshirts and big old hoodies i just love feeling nice in my clothes and comfy!

wow i miss one day and had 5 pages to catch up!!!

I'm glad a lot of people's morning sickness is starting to calm down. I wish mine would. I think the zofran is constipating me as well and i only take it once a day so i can't really cut down unless i don't take it!

Today my daughter took pictures with Santa for the first time. She loved every second of it!! I've pretty much been on the couch since Thursday except to take her for her pictures. I have to go back to work tomorrow so i'm hoping i'll feel semi ok. All i have to do is get through tomorrow and half of tuesday and hopefully i can get some time off!!!

my scan is tuesday afternoon and i'm excited to see how baby or babies are doing!!

has anyone else done that baking soda gender test? i did it earlier today and it fizzed a lot which means boy. i hope its right!!!

lol when i went away for a couple of them days i had like 8pages to catch up with it i mean its just great how we all get on here and share everything thats going on wth our pregnancy and our life hehe im so glad i came back i really em because i think having some other people who are pregnant plus due in july well i just love it because i cant really talk to noone else about it.
You know i dont really talk to alot of people as it is and well they got kids but thei not pregnant like me:wacko:
You know i cant ask them if they been bloated or spotting u know just cant do it lol plus ur friend might be ttc or just hate tlaken abour babys haha
aww i took my son to see santa when he was about 2-3months old and got his pictures done with him hehe matter of fact i got it hanging in my living room but you know my ds is 5yrs old now and its just been really nice with him helping do the tree and me helping him write letters to santa but he can actually look in the toy mags they send ut to tell me what he wants and just all of that other stuff it is so great!.
yesterday at breakfest with santa he made him a santa hat plus something for the tree and got his pics done with him:)
he loved it but it went over borad telling santa what he wanted lol so cute thou!
i got a scan tomorrow as well but its in the morning & i made sure i didnt make it for the last place i went to because ill be darn if i was gonna get stuck with that same teach i had last time!!! NO SIR NO SIR NO SIR!!!! eekk im so scared but i know my baby is just fine<3
is this ur first scan!?!? i hope everything goes great for you too
im bout to leave for the doctors i really hope she can find the heart beat wish me luck
I havent even scheduled my nuchal scan, my ob appt is on Wednesday so im sure they'll schedule it then, but to the hospital I am only 10+3 so they'll probably schedule it in a couple Weeks, hopefully they wont do it close to the cut off on their dates cause it'll be to late by my dates (the correct ones :p))
I think my belly is starting to come out just a little. I mean I still look fat but I feel it getting hard down by my pelvic bone and it seems to me like it's sticking out just a little bit. I can't wait til it starts to really pop!!

I can feel a hard little rise between my hips in the pelvic area, DH can feel it too. So I know something's going on in there ..... just have to wait. I think I'll enjoy pregnancy once I get past this sick stage and see a heartbeat.

I can't wait for 4 more weeks so that I can wear my leggings and tunics that I have planned. I can't wait until I'm comfy and can show it!!!

And Alice... I LOVE that whole look you have from September! what a cute figure you had too! You'll get there again, but maybe an IUD or something after this one's born so you can keep your figure after you get it back ;)

lol that is how i feel too i can see and feel it poping out just alitle but i still feel like i look so fat,not only that but from me starting to get alittle belly PLUS THE BLOAT ive been having my belly is starting to make you see it even with my big tshirts that ive been wearing.
Im so glaf that im not at this stage in pregnancy in the summer because you know it really be just looking like i was getting fat and you know summer is hot snyway so i wear tank tops and try not to look fat in them but i love that it i winter well almost winter but i love that its cold outside and i can walk around with nice big sweat pants big tshirts and big old hoodies i just love feeling nice in my clothes and comfy!

wow i miss one day and had 5 pages to catch up!!!

I'm glad a lot of people's morning sickness is starting to calm down. I wish mine would. I think the zofran is constipating me as well and i only take it once a day so i can't really cut down unless i don't take it!

Today my daughter took pictures with Santa for the first time. She loved every second of it!! I've pretty much been on the couch since Thursday except to take her for her pictures. I have to go back to work tomorrow so i'm hoping i'll feel semi ok. All i have to do is get through tomorrow and half of tuesday and hopefully i can get some time off!!!

my scan is tuesday afternoon and i'm excited to see how baby or babies are doing!!

has anyone else done that baking soda gender test? i did it earlier today and it fizzed a lot which means boy. i hope its right!!!

lol when i went away for a couple of them days i had like 8pages to catch up with it i mean its just great how we all get on here and share everything thats going on wth our pregnancy and our life hehe im so glad i came back i really em because i think having some other people who are pregnant plus due in july well i just love it because i cant really talk to noone else about it.
You know i dont really talk to alot of people as it is and well they got kids but thei not pregnant like me:wacko:
You know i cant ask them if they been bloated or spotting u know just cant do it lol plus ur friend might be ttc or just hate tlaken abour babys haha
aww i took my son to see santa when he was about 2-3months old and got his pictures done with him hehe matter of fact i got it hanging in my living room but you know my ds is 5yrs old now and its just been really nice with him helping do the tree and me helping him write letters to santa but he can actually look in the toy mags they send ut to tell me what he wants and just all of that other stuff it is so great!.
yesterday at breakfest with santa he made him a santa hat plus something for the tree and got his pics done with him:)
he loved it but it went over borad telling santa what he wanted lol so cute thou!
i got a scan tomorrow as well but its in the morning & i made sure i didnt make it for the last place i went to because ill be darn if i was gonna get stuck with that same teach i had last time!!! NO SIR NO SIR NO SIR!!!! eekk im so scared but i know my baby is just fine<3
is this ur first scan!?!? i hope everything goes great for you too
im bout to leave for the doctors i really hope she can find the heart beat wish me luck

no it'll be my second scan. i had one two weeks to date my pregnancy and they found two sacs but only one heartbeat and also found a 4cm cyst. so they wanted me to come back to check to see if the cyst is doing anything and to see if i'm having twins or if i lost one of them. so i'll find out tomorrow afternoon!
Hey ladies!

Had my 5th scan today after yet ANOTHER gush of red blood.. :nope: All seems fine although the area of bleed appears "longer" -- but she's saying that could be because blood is still leaking out from that area (I'm still really heavy now).

Got a cute pic where baby appears to be waving.

I'm also measuring ahead at 11w. Is that normal? It's possible I ovulated 2 days earlier but I didn't think I had! :wacko:

I have my next scan next Thursday - my 12w dating scan. :thumbup:


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hey everyone,

just got back from my doctor!! everything went GOOD!! and i know now that im gonna stick with going with her,i wish i would have know bout the cab service that they insurances pays for soon because i would have seen her from day ONE!.
And not only that but she gave me another paper for a scan too lol so tomorrow im gonna go ahead and use the one doctor i seen last week for tomorrow scan and then im gonna wait like 2weeks and use this doctors scan order hehe because after this scan we wont be seeing baby until 18-20weeks, i just cant wait to see my baby tomorrow.
she didnt do the doppler today because she said that 9times out of 10 they cant find the heartbeat with it unti around 12weeks but like i said i got a scan tomorrow at 9am so im so0o ready:dance:!!.
Im so happy that i got to see her,she couldnt believe it has been 5yrs since i had my son ,i tell u one thing if u find a good doctor even if u dont think u can get to that doctor talk to them first or ur insurance compay to see if they can help u get there because you know good doctors are just hard to find,good anything is hard to find!!.
well got to go pick ds up soon so i need a nap i just feel like there is not enough hours in a day anymore i need more sleep<3
I havent even scheduled my nuchal scan, my ob appt is on Wednesday so im sure they'll schedule it then, but to the hospital I am only 10+3 so they'll probably schedule it in a couple Weeks, hopefully they wont do it close to the cut off on their dates cause it'll be to late by my dates (the correct ones :p))

I'm pretty sure the doc said she'd schedule it for me with the hospital but I haven't heard anything back yet... they're using my 10w rather than 10+3w dates that the ultrasound are actually showing and we were pushing it to the new year anyway. Hoping it's not too late for ours as well!

whigfield - They're all estimates! It's possible you ovulated when you think you did but then implantation went really quickly rather than taking the average amount of time. (or something like that!)

Okay so I've got my first pregnancy cold :( boo. My LO was all congested last night and couldn't sleep for snuffling so we let her sleep with us. Woke up this morning sneezing my head off and I think I feel the stupid cough coming on as well... fun. :( Nauseous and ill!
Hey ladies!

Had my 5th scan today after yet ANOTHER gush of red blood.. :nope: All seems fine although the area of bleed appears "longer" -- but she's saying that could be because blood is still leaking out from that area (I'm still really heavy now).

Got a cute pic where baby appears to be waving.

I'm also measuring ahead at 11w. Is that normal? It's possible I ovulated 2 days earlier but I didn't think I had! :wacko:

I have my next scan next Thursday - my 12w dating scan. :thumbup:

wow whig looks great! sorry to hear about the blood again:wacko: it just needs to STOP STUPID stuff but hey atleast u know baby is all well<3:hugs:

you could have o earlier but you know all babys will measure different weather u o 2weeks earlier or not u know baby will come when baby is ready or doctor will have to make baby to come lol hehe my son due date was the 25th of oct and he came on the 14th!!
i cant wait for my scan tomorrow and hopefully i'll have a some good pictures for yall to see and a better teach then before

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