Hey guys just popping on here for some advice. Has anyone had bad cramping (not the same as period a little sorer like you have an upset stomach but dont) and been really gassy about 10dpo and then got a bfp?
These were exactly my symptoms actually, at one point it woke me up in the night with cramps.I don't really cramp much anymore though.
Hey guys just popping on here for some advice. Has anyone had bad cramping (not the same as period a little sorer like you have an upset stomach but dont) and been really gassy about 10dpo and then got a bfp?
These were exactly my symptoms actually, at one point it woke me up in the night with cramps.I don't really cramp much anymore though.
When did you get your BFP, were you sure AF was going to show and she just didnt? And congratualtions![]()
Hey guys just popping on here for some advice. Has anyone had bad cramping (not the same as period a little sorer like you have an upset stomach but dont) and been really gassy about 10dpo and then got a bfp?
These were exactly my symptoms actually, at one point it woke me up in the night with cramps.I don't really cramp much anymore though.
When did you get your BFP, were you sure AF was going to show and she just didnt? And congratualtions![]()
I got the faintest of BFPs at 12dpo, and another faint one at 13dpo (but you didn't have to squint to see this.. It was just really light!) I was *convinced* AF was going to show but felt a little curious as I was expecting a 13-14 day LP and was getting this cramping around 9-10dpo. I also got spotting on 13 & 14 dpo after getting BFPs and was convinced that would be it (also passed 2 clots).. However after that it tailed off and I didn't have anymore until today (but only twice so far). I am however a really stressy person and worry all the time and I have been known to spot when I get REALLY stressed.. So I'm hoping this is just normal for me.
You can checkout my chart here: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/31f19e
How many DPO are you?![]()
I am 12DPO today. I haven't had many symptoms at all this month however saturday was weird. I was at my boyfriend's dad's and was sitting on the sofa and was getting really sore craps in my stomch and twice when I was there i had to go pee so I have been peeing a lot more. The pains made me think i needed to go to the toilet as I was expecting to have an upset tummy but nothing so they were different to af cramping. Then last night in bed I had some cramping just very mild but it made me think af is on it's way.
Praying af stays away and I can test![]()
You must be so excited, I can't wait until I can come on here and say I am pregnant.
That sounds really promising! I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope to see you join us in this thread!![]()
Does anyone know how to work out the due date. I did an online calculator that said 7th July I just wondered if that was right. The first day of my last period was 30th September x
Does anyone know how to work out the due date. I did an online calculator that said 7th July I just wondered if that was right. The first day of my last period was 30th September x
Does anyone know how to work out the due date. I did an online calculator that said 7th July I just wondered if that was right. The first day of my last period was 30th September x