~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I have a question. The hospital where i live has a bad reputation of people not surviving in emergencies. My doc considers me high risk since im overweight & i will be 34 when i deliver by c-section. (had a c-section with my first & the hospital does not support vbac). Anyways, i trust my doctor & had slight complications with my first but everything turned out fine after. My doc said if i want a vbac i would have to go to the next hospital which is over an hour away. Im concerned because if i have complications there is not much hope for me at my current hospital, but at the hospital an hour away they are fully capable to handle any any emergency situation with very successful survival rates. Im thinking about asking my doc what she thinks. I wish she could come with me to the other hospial but she says she cannot. Am i being paranoid?? They have a great delivery &maternity ward, but the rest of the hospital sucks & even the doctors there send their family out of own if they need to go to the ER or hospital....

Wow that is a very difficult situation! My thoughts are if your doc is great and knows what she's doing then you can stick with her. But if she happens to be out of town or on vacation or whatever, and you have a different doc it could be harder for you. Seems for peace of mind it would be great to go to the hospital you know would be able to accommodate you as well if there was an emergency, hopefully there won't be! This would have to be your personal decision and though it might be a difficult one, you have to do what is right for you and baby! Have you discussed this with your DH? What are his thoughts?

Thanks for your response, I know I have to decide when it comes. I'm thinking if I have the baby on the scheduled c-section date, I will be fine because my doc I trust will be there. I'm thinking if baby comes early & doc is on vacation then I will drive to the next hospital . My husband is terrified. He want to go out of town if there is an emergency. I pray everything goes well. I am overweight, but very healthy. I guess Im one of the lucky/unlucky ones when it comes to weight. Lol. I see a dietician & she loves how I eat & wants my to accept the way I am but just try to lose a little, I agree, after baby. Sorry, off topic..haha!

It's just kinda nerve racking to have a new hospital that cannot be trusted :(

I know how you feel. I'm overweight too but they told me they want to see me gain between 10 and 20 pounds. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down even more! I now have lost 3.5 lbs which I know isn't a lot but they tell me they don't want to see me lose at this point. So we'll see what happens. It's just hard with not being able to eat meat and I feel more nauseous now than I have the first 12 weeks! And I tell you I'm eating a lot!! I'm chowing on the veggies and fruits! LOL! We got a huge container of cuties today because we keep getting the small ones and my son eats them all before I can get any. Today I broke into this one first. HAHA! He looked at me and he's like hey! Those are mine! it was so delicious!!

I couldn't imagine not having a good hospital locally and the thought that if there is an emergency that things might not turn out well at a HOSPITAL! They should be trusted!!!
Hi peeps! I'm due 21st July with our first. Exciting but also terrifying!

Congrats!!! I agree! But, I can't wait to feel the baby move :)

34 is not that old...I was 34 when I had my 1st. Have you considered getting a doula as a support? I hear good things about them. I can't afford one but not sure on your circumstances. I would feel uncomfortable knowning the stats at the hospital. I am glad I am in ignorant bliss.:wacko:

We all slept late today after the drama of Yesterday-even DD! Then we rushed around like mad hens today so we could get DH to work on time.
I have my Doc appointment today...still no word from hospital will be telling the Dr what I think about that today guaranteed! If they are this bad with communication with their patients then I don't know how I feel about my "care" with them.:dohh: May have the baby at home and be done with it...lol :haha:
Still stuck in hospital hoping to God I get out tomorrow... I DO NOT want to be in here for New Years.... I've got my 7th bag of fluids up so something's gotta give right?!

Lucky number 7 Aaisrie!!!!

Hope you are home for NYE too. Rest easy.

Thanks ladies!! Am now on bag 8 BUT my ketones are coming down!!!!!
Still stuck in hospital hoping to God I get out tomorrow... I DO NOT want to be in here for New Years.... I've got my 7th bag of fluids up so something's gotta give right?!

Lucky number 7 Aaisrie!!!!

Hope you are home for NYE too. Rest easy.

Thanks ladies!! Am now on bag 8 BUT my ketones are coming down!!!!!

So glad to hear they are going down Eve!!! So hope you're out of there for New Years Eve!!!!
I have a question. The hospital where i live has a bad reputation of people not surviving in emergencies. My doc considers me high risk since im overweight & i will be 34 when i deliver by c-section. (had a c-section with my first & the hospital does not support vbac). Anyways, i trust my doctor & had slight complications with my first but everything turned out fine after. My doc said if i want a vbac i would have to go to the next hospital which is over an hour away. Im concerned because if i have complications there is not much hope for me at my current hospital, but at the hospital an hour away they are fully capable to handle any any emergency situation with very successful survival rates. Im thinking about asking my doc what she thinks. I wish she could come with me to the other hospial but she says she cannot. Am i being paranoid?? They have a great delivery &maternity ward, but the rest of the hospital sucks & even the doctors there send their family out of own if they need to go to the ER or hospital....

i delivered my last son at a hospital two hours away because of the reputation the close hospitals had. i do not regret it and had a great experience with going to a hospital further away. i took a four hour drive round trip to every appt and while i was in labor. i think you need to do what makes YOU feel comfortable, regardless of anything else.
Yum you can come cook for me anytime...right now with this head cold all I want is Ramen noodles! Quesadilla's are my fav! I can't wait til we go on holidays and can get some real tex-mex.

I think I feel my baby moving around...either that or gas.

i thought i felt something fluttering around in my belly but i'm not sure if it was the baby or gas either!

Sorry you're back in hospital aaisrie :nope:

I'm 12 weeks today! So happy :happydance:
People with a LO already, how are you coping? I'm ok so far, my back hurts a lot mainly from picking jack up, he's a lump... 2 stone at 16 months old. Apart for that the tiredness has calmed down a bit and I'm sleeping better at night....long may that continue!

it hasn't been too bad with my daughter for the most part. Luckily she is really really good at entertaining herself! However, this weekend I took her off the bottle cold turkey so naps and bedtime was a little rough. She did great though and just cries when she first goes down and then fets over it quit!

Has anyone had problems eating meat lately? I'm finding it hard to eat it and gag when trying to swallow it. This is something that has started to happen in the last week. All I basically want anymore is fruits and veggies and pasta.

my husband made pork steaks for dinner last night and the texture made me so sick i couldn't eat it. i felt terrible!! it was the first time i had a meat aversion so far though. smelling or seeing raw meat is disgusting to me but eating it hasn't been an issue until last night. we're trying spaghetti tonight so hopefully i do ok!

Hey all,
I was early in the ER before the big rush...there were only about 3 people ahead of me. They took my blood pressure and pulse, drew some blood, did a urine test and waited about an hour or so for the results. Then the doc took me into a room for a history and took my pulse again...then did a scan so cool I got to see the peanut again jumping about like a frog and saw its heart flickering away. Then they did an examination and said maybe the bleed was from an abrasion. Possibly from the polyp I had with my first pregnancy. So more of a cervical bleed rather than anything to do with the baby...thank GOD. I see my regular doctor tomorrow so they wrote me a letter to give to her. I still got this shocking cough which is lingering on...rotten germs!
On my way home from hospital I got some of those yummy mandarins you ladies mentioned were so delicious...DD and I shared one at lunch. They also had nectarines on sale for $1 a kilo! So I treated myself and got some of those too.

As for labor...I had a shocking labor with DD...horribly painful and long about 29 hours then emergency c-section. My sister was lucky she had quick labors... her first was only 3 and a half hours. Her second they had prepped her for delivery at home just in the case she didn't make it to hospital. Thankfully she did, she had her 2nd in 1 and a half hours but tore pretty badly.

i'm so glad everything is ok! i haven't been on in a couple days so i was worried when i saw your first post, but i'm glad you were checked out and your little frog let you know he/she was doing well!
Thank you everyone for your prayers! I really hope we are over all the dramas and have a smooth time over the next 2 trimesters!
Eve I hope those fluids are doing good and you are out of hospital soon!
It is New years eve here and I am watching big storm clouds appear out the window. I wonder if it will amount to a storm or pass by? May ruin peoples nights if it rains! As for our plans...DH will be working til at least 6pm so we probably will watch the fireworks on TV then go to bed.
Haha! 34 is not old! But thats what my doc says, i ignore her!

Seriously thinking of driving out of town & switching docs. I will be discussing this with my doc, she is very honest and would tell me her opinion.

My doc insisted that i test for birth defects, its blood tests & an extra ultrasound, insurance pays for it all so thats probably why she wants it done. Lol. We dont feel we need it because we will love whatever we are blessed with! But my ultrasound is jan 11 & im excited!!

My daughter is six and just cant wait for a sibbling. We cant either. Depending on how this birth goes, we are considering having another one right after, well at least 10 months after to start ttc. This one took almost two years ttc, but my thyroid meds have had to be adjusted and that took a few years. Anyone else considering another one after this one? I know its ealry, but we wished we could have had another sooner. But very blessed with what we have!
Oh jjsmom, we are addicted to cuties too! We have to buy two bags at costco! Lol
Haha! 34 is not old! But thats what my doc says, i ignore her!

Seriously thinking of driving out of town & switching docs. I will be discussing this with my doc, she is very honest and would tell me her opinion.

My doc insisted that i test for birth defects, its blood tests & an extra ultrasound, insurance pays for it all so thats probably why she wants it done. Lol. We dont feel we need it because we will love whatever we are blessed with! But my ultrasound is jan 11 & im excited!!

My daughter is six and just cant wait for a sibbling. We cant either. Depending on how this birth goes, we are considering having another one right after, well at least 10 months after to start ttc. This one took almost two years ttc, but my thyroid meds have had to be adjusted and that took a few years. Anyone else considering another one after this one? I know its ealry, but we wished we could have had another sooner. But very blessed with what we have!

OH wants 2 more kids after this one so we'll be trying right after he gets back from basic training. That means that I have baby at beginning of July and he comes back between Oct/Dec so we'll be trying to after that. It took us 6 months to conceive this one. Hoping it doesn't take as long on the next one. I did tell him I'd like to be done around 35. So we'll see what happens. :) I will love all that I am blessed with!
JSmom5 that is what we did...originally the plan was to wait until DD was 1 before TTC but we were on holidays and enjoying ourselves and got pregnant with #2 when she was about 10mths but sadly lost that one. After the mc we decided no point wasting time and got pregnant with this one straight away. :) My poor sister tried for 2 years before conceiving her first born then figured it would take just as long with her 2nd but nope...first time they ttc they got pregnant!
Glad to hear beans are doing good.
I have to avoid lost meat too.
I am pretty sure this will be our last (ESP if it's a boy lol) Dh doesn't like me when im pregnant. Its too hard on him. I'm nervous about going from 1-2. I've heard its hard. Oh well. I will have you ladies to chat with about it... if I ever have a spare moment.
Dh has the flu. DD is getting over her herpangina and she stayed with my mom last night and puked. I'm just really hoping to avoid getting it.
I'm not sure how much weight I've put on yet. Probably too much! I'm only supposed to gain 20 lbs this pregnancy. I just need this Ms to go away so I can eat better.
Aais- hope you're out of the hospital soon!
This is for sure our last, we will both be getting sterilized LOL 4 kids is plenty! we wanted to be done by 25...I'll be 27 when this one is delivered. we want to be able to enjoy retirement...without the children :D

though, we have talked about foster parenting. we looked into it at his last duty station but didn't have enough time to complete the process and i had finally gotten pregnant with ds#3! so i think its something we'd reconsidering when the kids are all much older!

Speaking of everyone not wanting meat. I've been DYING for a steak! and finally got one tonight soo good. i didn't think about it til i was about finished with it but i probably shouldn't have eaten it so red,
I'm not even close to being done having kids. This is only #2, we're hoping to have 2-4 more kids after this one. Last time we started ttc when dd was 7 months. Next time I'm not doing to start trying until around two years. I'd love to have my kids in pairs - two kids under two, then a space of 2-3 years, then have two more close together, etc.
Ohhh!! I found a smoothie to make with cuties!!! Like a dreamsicle! Going to try it in the morning! We got a huge thing of cuties today! So excited to eat on them more! DS kept eating all the others before I could have any so for now on going to purchase the big bag of them! LOL! But milk, yogurt, a pinch of sugar, and cuties....don't think you can go wrong!! Thinking about trying it without the sugar though. Cuties are sweet enough.
hi girls! i havent been on for a while because we are on holidays enjoying time with family :) just wanted to come on and say happy new year! hope 2013 is everything you could wish for! we ae heading home in 2 days and will be having our 14 week ultrasound on thursday and CAN NOT wait!!! :happydance:
Yay Maratobe, I bet you are excited! I hope your holidays have been good. We won't have holidays until the end of January :( I haven't seen my brother and his family in over a year and so we are hoping to go down to Sydney to visit with them for a few days.
Happy New Year to you and your family! Enjoy! I so wish I could have a glass of wine or champers!
Hey everyone, I've not been about for while as I have been on holiday. Hope everyone had a good Christmas?!
I've got my scan in an hour, I am terrified!!
Jjsmom: That sounds like a good plan! I would like to start trying as soon as i can, i know my doc says to wait a year after a c-section? Is that true! I would like to ttc six months after delivery. I actually feel my best when im pregnant, its like my thyroid & body all feel great during pregnancy as long as i stay hydrated! Oh, im gonna try that with the cuties! That sounds yummy. Im gonna add a little honey instead of sugar. Might not work, but we will see.

Oh libbysmum, thats awesome! Sorry about the miscarrage, but glad you were able to conceive soon after!

Oneandtwo: 4 kids is perfect! Lol. I wanted 2-4 before, but now i want three. I have a feeling this one (#2) is a girl. Dh really, really wants a boy. We have a 6 yr girl. I would love either! I wish we could have had more sooner, but it took a long time, thats why i want to try again soon after, more fertile??!

Missfox: i hope you dont get the flu. Good luck!

Sugarbeth: that sounds like a great plan! Good luck! :)

Happy new year to you all also!!

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