~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Well think good thoughts for me ladies Dr. Appt today. I have to see a different doctor because they assign you two where I go and it's a woman. Hate women doctors they are mean so I'm really scared and I woke up in pain again this am but was super gassy so I hope that was it.
Blog post is up - https://meatballsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-explanation.html

but this is the announcement photo we decided to go with....

erm... it didn't upload very big... the words are easier to read over on the blog. :)

that is the cutest thing! i wanted to do something like that with our daughter to announce to everyone but i was too impatient! i just wanted to tell everyone when i found out :haha:

Hi! I am new here and wanted to let everyone know my due date is July 16th :baby:

congrats and welcome!!!

Sandrac, sorry to hear of your loss. :hugs:

tlh, it is definitely great to hear of how some treat our veterans so well! I say thank you for your husband's service! My OH is supposed to join the Army as soon as he graduates school and after our wedding. He is supposed to head off to basic in either June or July. But he still has to lose the weight. He keeps telling himself he's going to fail so he's not even tried. So right now I'm trying to work on his self esteem to get it up and that he's not allowed to tell his mother that he's losing the weight because she will criticize him on every moment of it. He promised he wouldn't tell her. So now I'm getting him to eat a little healthier and he's supposed to start working out. He only has 30 lbs to lose so I know he can do it in no time! He actually took his little brother over to the recruiters office today so he can find out what he needs to do when he gets out to join. I told my OH that he needs to ask them some questions also to find out when he needs to lose his weight by so he can still join at that time. If he doesn't, then we'll have problems with me not working and him not making enough to support all of us. I am terrified if/when he will have a tour of duty come up. But it's something he wants to do in life, be in the military, and it's something I'll fully support him on. Thankfully it seems like the dvd that I've watched that most of the wives are there for each other and help support one another throughout the process.

Oh my goodness!! Today I have felt baby more than I have ever!!! I was sitting at work and I kept feeling butterflies in my tummy and it kept making me laugh!! felt like I was being tickled from the inside! LOL! Then I came home and felt it again while talking with one of my DS's counselors! I'm so happy to really be able to feel it right now!

Deployments aren't to horrible as long as you have the support and you realize it's not really an option. Deployments happen but they make you stronger and I have met some of the strongest and most amazing women I know from our 4 years that dh was in. It's long and can be stressful but totally manageable :)

As far as names go we have a solid boys name Tanner Wyatt and a first name for a girl Ryleigh. Dh refuses to pick a middle name though he's hoping so desperately that its a boy so when I try to pick a middle name his mind drifts off cause he doesn't want to think about it :dohh: I really love the middle name Joy so if it is a girl ill work on getting him on board with that :haha:

We also like Wyatt for a boy and Riley for a girl. I like how you spell it though! We've also talked about Sawyer for a boy or Charlotte for girl. I want to avoid really common names, but I don't want anything too crazy!
I tried coming off the phenergan again and I apparently shouldn't have done that. I've been throwing up all morning :( I feel terrible!
Can I join over here! Due the 12th July! Had a scan at 6 weeks and then 7 and seen hb. Have my 12 week scan booked for 10th January so hopefully baby will still be there!! Less than a week to go now!! I will about 14 weeks then!
sorry you're not feeling well junemomma

welcome to all the new july mums/moms-to be x
Welcome newbies!! :)

Hope it goes well Donna - I've actually really liked all my female doctors.

Our tech told us the other day that she thinks it's a boy. Not to buy anything or paint anything, but that's her guess at the moment...! I don't know how I feel! Hubby is excited but I'm just thinking... what are we going to do with all of Jessica's clothes? We found out with her as well so we have practically NOTHING in neutral.
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

Welcome to the new mums! Hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months x

Went to see the midwife today and talked about the results from our NT. Turns out the bloodwork was slightly over the threshold for high risk and so was the NT. Both on their own were fine, but together showed up as a higher risk. We have decided against any further testing. As far as we are concerned, the odds of a having a healthy baby are high enough that we don't want to take the risk of harming bean by doing the invasive tests. It was good to talk through all the different factors they consider and to be sure we had all the available information. I think when I took the first call, I was quite shocked and don't think I could take it all in. Also good that DH was there to hear all the info as well and to make sure I didn't miss anything!

BeccaMichelle - Your little girl is so cute! What a great way to make the announcement :)

Had my NT scan today. It was super quick--like 10 mins. I don't know about anywhere else, but in Canada, the techs aren't allowed to tell you anything. I assume that if there was any cause for concern that it would've meant a longer appointment and more pictures of measurements. Heartbeat was 155 :) He/She was trying to have a nap, but we kept poking him/her, lol. Oh and baby also had the hiccups, it was so cute. At one point he/she sucked his/her thumb too...super cute. I guess I won't get another scan until the 18-20 week one, and I have booked a 4D scan for March 22nd, because they won't do them until you've seen your dr AFTER your 18-20 week scan. Heartbeat says girl, chinese gender predictor say boy, baking soda test says girl, my gut says boy (but I've been wrong every time, lol)...I can't wait to know....just 11 weeks to go:dohh:

Today I'm a peach! Also 33% of the way there....time is moving SO slowly for me......

Here's the Little Peanut....no nub that I can see.....

Great picture, glad to hear the scan went well x

Well think good thoughts for me ladies Dr. Appt today. I have to see a different doctor because they assign you two where I go and it's a woman. Hate women doctors they are mean so I'm really scared and I woke up in pain again this am but was super gassy so I hope that was it.

Sending lots of good thoughts your way, hope it all goes well for you x

I tried coming off the phenergan again and I apparently shouldn't have done that. I've been throwing up all morning :( I feel terrible!

Sounds horrible, hope you feel better soon x
junemomma: hope you feel better soon! i keep thinking i'm getting over the hump but not yet. luckily i'm not throwing up anymore i'm just nauseous ALL DAY but its better than throwing up i think!

Can I join over here! Due the 12th July! Had a scan at 6 weeks and then 7 and seen hb. Have my 12 week scan booked for 10th January so hopefully baby will still be there!! Less than a week to go now!! I will about 14 weeks then!

Congrats and welcome!!

Welcome newbies!! :)

Hope it goes well Donna - I've actually really liked all my female doctors.

Our tech told us the other day that she thinks it's a boy. Not to buy anything or paint anything, but that's her guess at the moment...! I don't know how I feel! Hubby is excited but I'm just thinking... what are we going to do with all of Jessica's clothes? We found out with her as well so we have practically NOTHING in neutral.

I had a male doctor with my daughter and loved him. i have a female doctor this time around and i really like her so far so we'll see.

We also have a lot of pink and purple stuff since we found out with my daughter. Luckily her carseat is gender neutral and won't be expired by the time the new baby would outgrow it so that's one thing we won't have to worry about. I can't wait to find out if this one is a boy or girl just to know how much i'm really going to have to buy.

Those with a kid already. Are you planning on having a baby shower this time around? I have heard baby showers are generally only done with the first born. My stepmom was not apart of my baby shower with my daughter because my mom doesn't get along with her and refused to invite her. so she really wants to have a baby shower for me with this one. I don't want to be rude inviting people if it's something that is frowned upon
We had baby showers with the first two, mostly because i had a feuding mother and mother in law so they each threw one. i have heard its either your first kid or when you have a different gendered kid. But some people have one for all their kids. i certainly wouldn't refuse one if my family wanted to throw us another. we don't live anywhere near family though so it isn't likely :)
We aren't having a full on baby shower. We are gonna do a BBQ/diaper party to celebrate baby. I feel like ppl will still bring gifts especially my family but I don't want them to feel obligated and since dh wasn't around for the first one I anted something a little more guy friendly for him to celebrate
Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've been on here. Hope everyone is doing well. Just a little update for me, the blood clot in my uterus is gone yay. The babies are both measuring right on track and both hb were the same at 159. We don't have any names picked yet.

tlh- We are having another baby shower but we are having twins this time and dd is 7 so we don't have any baby stuff anymore. I think if dd and the twins were closer in age we probably wouldn't have one.
We're not having a baby shower. Never had one for any of the other babies either. TBH it's not really that commonplace over here.
Blog post is up - https://meatballsmith.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-explanation.html

but this is the announcement photo we decided to go with....

erm... it didn't upload very big... the words are easier to read over on the blog. :)

OMG that is such a cute idea!!

Well think good thoughts for me ladies Dr. Appt today. I have to see a different doctor because they assign you two where I go and it's a woman. Hate women doctors they are mean so I'm really scared and I woke up in pain again this am but was super gassy so I hope that was it.

hope all went well!

I tried coming off the phenergan again and I apparently shouldn't have done that. I've been throwing up all morning :( I feel terrible!

eeek hope it stops soon :(

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

Welcome to the new mums! Hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months x

Went to see the midwife today and talked about the results from our NT. Turns out the bloodwork was slightly over the threshold for high risk and so was the NT. Both on their own were fine, but together showed up as a higher risk. We have decided against any further testing. As far as we are concerned, the odds of a having a healthy baby are high enough that we don't want to take the risk of harming bean by doing the invasive tests. It was good to talk through all the different factors they consider and to be sure we had all the available information. I think when I took the first call, I was quite shocked and don't think I could take it all in. Also good that DH was there to hear all the info as well and to make sure I didn't miss anything!

Glad you got to talk it all through again, fx'ed all is ok hun xx

Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've been on here. Hope everyone is doing well. Just a little update for me, the blood clot in my uterus is gone yay. The babies are both measuring right on track and both hb were the same at 159. We don't have any names picked yet.

tlh- We are having another baby shower but we are having twins this time and dd is 7 so we don't have any baby stuff anymore. I think if dd and the twins were closer in age we probably wouldn't have one.

that's great the clot has gone! yay for the twins doing well!

afm, omg i've got a terrible hacking cough, its REALLY testing my pelvic floors :haha:, sooo need to take some strong medicine but stupid honey and lemon syrup was all i could get at the pharmacy that'd they'd ok i could take :dohh:
Everything went fairly well. The doctor was really nice. I still have Sch and it has gotten a little bigger but overall still small. 2cm at greatest. So she was going to confer with the head ob to see if I should have more frequent ultrasounds and checkups. I also have placenta previa but at this point I should grow out of it, she said she has only seen one case when it hasn't. But that means I have a really good placenta and it is pretty big right now. It is anterior so she was really surprised I can find the hb on my doppler so easily. Baby has a strong heart I think. Other than that baby is measuring fine and I am fine.
Hi ladies! Thank you for your well wishes. I wasn't able to get my 3 year old to school today I was constantly getting sick and DH was at work till 1pm. I feel so bad because I wasn't able to dress him in daytime clothes nor make him lunch when he normally eats. I just couldn't stop vomiting long enough to get to the kitchen :( makes me feel like a bad mom. DS was so adorable though cuz he was watching tv in the living room all morning for me (we live in a small 3 bed apartment) and he came in and laid down with me in my bed. I was able to finally keep some phenergan down and fell asleep and he fell asleep too. I just ate some applesauce and I'm hoping the meds build up in my system do I feel better soon. I'm lucky I don't have to work again till Sunday.
I'm just glad I didnt have to go back to the ER. I called my OB office and the nurse told me to eat the BRAT diet and keep taking my meds but if I didn't stop vomiting I would need to go back to the ER for fluids. Thank God it stopped, I didn't want to go back.
Well I wasnt for sure before but it is legit now, I have been feeling baby from the OUTSIDE!! I can feel it very easily now and it thumps pretty hard. Tried to get DH to feel it but his hands arent very sensitive, im hoping within the next couple days he'll feel it too.

Such a relief, I was nervous about our ultrasound on monday but with the frequency of movement, i feel much better!
That is cool! The doctor today told me not to expect to feel anything until after 20 weeks but I swear I feel movement and it's not just gas!
Well I wasnt for sure before but it is legit now, I have been feeling baby from the OUTSIDE!! I can feel it very easily now and it thumps pretty hard. Tried to get DH to feel it but his hands arent very sensitive, im hoping within the next couple days he'll feel it too.

Such a relief, I was nervous about our ultrasound on monday but with the frequency of movement, i feel much better!

wow I'm so impressed. I can't even feel any movement internally yet!
Re:baby shower - I won't be doing one. Last time I had a surprise one but I'm not overly fond of them. I admit that I got a little carried away on pinterest for a week and considered throwing a gender reveal party, but then reality hit and it seemed like too much work while pregnant and planning DD's party, and I'm not overly fond of most of my family members so getting both DH's and my side together in a small place just makes me hate the idea. I decided to have a fun little party that includes me, my daughter and maybe my husband. I'll make a correlating colored cake, maybe have a few festive balloons and make it exciting for DD. Or, you know, maybe I'll just nap instead. Lol!

Exciting to hear names coming out! Ours of course are still the same (Elizabeth Rose and William Lee).

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