~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I was back at work on the 2nd so I quickly popped in but was just reading to keep up. So let's see, welcome to all the new moms. Sorry for the new angel(s) that I may have missed. And Ms Myra so glad your LO is doing ok. I've been so worried about you!

For all those with less than helpful DH and OHs... I feel for you! That's why I left my ex in the end. He was a manchild and I was doing all the work (both in and out of the home... he didn't have a job and was living on a handout from his family) and I thought... wow I can't have a kid as I'm already raising one. I'm very lucky with DH. He's above and beyond helpful, I honestly don't know what I'd do without him some days. That's not to say he's not a heavy sleeper and if something happens through the night I know I'm on my own...like with my nightmares that I get at least once a month...I'm lucky if he wakes up long enough to kiss me before snoring back to sleep. But during the waking hours he's wonderful :haha:

Showers. Hmmm They are a tradition here, and especially back home (I'm from the East Coast of Canada). But I really don't want one, and I talked to DH and he's ok with that idea since he's Ukrainian they don't really do that so he's new to the tradition. We agreed that if my BFF decides to plan one then we *might* be ok with it (she's pretty practical), if it was kept small but DH wants to be there so it would have to be a mixed event. So I don't think it will happen in the end. We eloped to avoid a wedding and all that attention and gifts and things. We plan to keep things minimal with the baby too, so with a good budget and thrift shopping I think we can do it alone pretty easily. That's not to say we wouldn't welcome gifts, just that we won't make a registry and let people decide to do it on their own if they choose.

Names. We've picked out a boy and girl name (and middle names). But I'm superstitious and won't share with anyone aside from DH. We agreed that the first name had to go well with our family name, so Ukrainian. BUT it had to be pronounceable in English or have an English equivalent or a close English short form or nickname from it. So we've managed to find names for both, and the middle names come from my family so that should keep my side happy.

*knock on wood* I haven't thrown up since Christmas eve!!!! I've been close a few times and fairly nauseous but I've been able to hold it. And I'm finally feeling hungry again. I have no desire for any one food, nor do I enjoy what I'm eating... but it doesn't feel like I'm forcing myself to eat any more which is nice all on its own. I still have aversions to meat, cheese and fried things but I'm managing to find things that work. Meat in sauce seems to be ok including chicken wings... no especially chicken wings :haha:. Melted cheese on pizzas or cream cheese in a sandwich was ok. So I'm getting around the aversions slowly. (they do go away right????)

MW appt on Monday, hoping to hear the heart beat. And we're telling the family this weekend/Monday so wish us luck! My mother can be so insensitive sometimes so I'm preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. I started sharing at work. And I managed to actually avoid the rumour mill. I shocked everyone that I've told so far. And by mid next week the gossipers will have spilled the beans and the whole office will know and I won't need to make my rounds :)

My sister FINALLY has a place of her own (she's been with us for about 8 months) and she moves out in 2 weeks w00t w00t! Just in time for me to binge clean and get ready for my MIL to visit from Ukraine for a month. I'm so excited for her to come. She's a busy woman so she hates to be still....so that will mean tidy apartment, and likely dinners when we get home from work more often than not. The best part... she doesn't speak any English and I only know a little bit of Ukrainian.... so everything will be filtered by DH :haha: I am trying to learn Ukrainian, and we plan to teach our kid(s) Ukrainian and English at home and then ideally French immersion at school (#CanadianProblems). So I know I'll learn as they do eventually. And when MIL comes to live with us for good I'll have full immersion in my own home so I can't not learn then!

Once MIL leaves, we'll start shopping for furniture and things. We need a new sofa because ours literally broke in the middle for some unknown reason. It's holding but not for much longer. So we're working on our budget and going to get the big things we need at once from Ikea to save on the delivery fee. Sofa, Crib & mattress, dresser or wardrobe (my dresser broke pretty much when I got it, but I made due until 2 months ago when one drawer completely fell apart beyond repair). So the wardrobe would suit me and DH and his dresser could go to baby.

It's starting to sink in a little more that this is really happening. But I still don't have that warm fuzzy feeling yet. I'll get there. Though I do get warm and fuzzy feelings, but I know that's just gas :haha:

Ok I have a snuggle puppy beside me and it's time for bed.

G'night ladies!!!
Hi ladies - I have lots to catch up on... 15 pages yikes!
Had my US last week, baby looks great but they did find 7 fibroids :(. Doesn't look like baby has a lot of room but dr said it should be ok. I was told to expect a painful pregnancy with the fibroids - great...
Speaking of pain, the last three days I have had severe pain in my lower left pelvic area. So bad that it hurts to stand, walk, sit and pee, and I can't find a comfortable sleeping position. I'm lucky to sleep 2 hours at a time thru the night because of the pain :(
Today was a little better - I was able to go to work for a bit but still struggled with pain. I have no idea what is causing it but I saw a different dr. The first day and he didn't seem to think it was a problem?!?
I just hope it goes away so I can start to move around like a normal person!
Oh yeah, new due date is July 4th :)
On a side note - did the baking soda test and no fizz... Will try again later to see f I get the same result!
Hi ladies - I have lots to catch up on... 15 pages yikes!
Had my US last week, baby looks great but they did find 7 fibroids :(. Doesn't look like baby has a lot of room but dr said it should be ok. I was told to expect a painful pregnancy with the fibroids - great...
Speaking of pain, the last three days I have had severe pain in my lower left pelvic area. So bad that it hurts to stand, walk, sit and pee, and I can't find a comfortable sleeping position. I'm lucky to sleep 2 hours at a time thru the night because of the pain :(
Today was a little better - I was able to go to work for a bit but still struggled with pain. I have no idea what is causing it but I saw a different dr. The first day and he didn't seem to think it was a problem?!?
I just hope it goes away so I can start to move around like a normal person!
Oh yeah, new due date is July 4th :)
On a side note - did the baking soda test and no fizz... Will try again later to see f I get the same result!

this is funny said about the baking soda test.. i did it a few weeks ago and it was fizzing so much that it looked like a beer that was just pored so ok i figured definite boy if correct. well i tried this morning going i wounder if it will be the same. well no fiz at all. which means girl.. lol im confused. and optimistic. routing for a girl but happy with either.
beach gal sounds a bit like a UTI? hope it heals up for you soon.
I thought so too libbysmum but the doctor said my urine was clear? I'm going to book an appt with my normal doctor next week to get a 2nd opinion.
I need to start figuring out what the heck I need to buy for baby. Any good checklists out there to go off of? I'm hoping to buy some things second hand and save a bit of money!
so far i have made two blankets. one for if it is a boyhttps://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag114/Sw33tp3a/480818_125528754255459_1709149082_n_zpsbdb04b0f.jpg and then if its a girl
https://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag114/Sw33tp3a/63736_3517111466472_1762206535_n_zpsfdc4f8bc.jpg my daughter says i need to make another one though because she wants it. lol. she keeps using it past few days in the living room. these are more for when the baby is a little older and will play on the floor area, im gonna do more of the ones for when it is first born. in softer yarn. right now im trying to finish up a Jacobs ladder afghan im making for my mother in law before i can start making any more baby stuff.
Wow they are pretty blankets. my gran has knitted us a beautiful shall as well. time seems to be passing quite quickly at the moment.
Morning everyone, hope you are all feeling well :)

Its amazing that so many people are starting to feel their babies move, cant wait to feel mine!

We still have no idea what name we are going to use, we came up with lists of names we quite like and the plan was to gradually start narrowing it down. I dont think we have gone back to look at it for ages though.

Showers - we dont really do them in the UK. My friend did mention having a joint one for me & another friend but I feel a little uncomfortable with the idea. I dont mind people handing down things they dont need any more or buying a present for bean, but the idea of a party just for people to buy me things just doesnt feel right.

Well I wasnt for sure before but it is legit now, I have been feeling baby from the OUTSIDE!! I can feel it very easily now and it thumps pretty hard. Tried to get DH to feel it but his hands arent very sensitive, im hoping within the next couple days he'll feel it too.

Such a relief, I was nervous about our ultrasound on monday but with the frequency of movement, i feel much better!

What excellent news x

That is cool! The doctor today told me not to expect to feel anything until after 20 weeks but I swear I feel movement and it's not just gas!

Great news x

Had a terrible night with heart burn and having to literally make a run for the bathroom where I was dry reaching for about 15 minutes...calling DH for help was no use...he slept through my trauma. When I got back in bed I was so angry and upset and was like "Thanks heaps for all your help!" Then he said I was insane thinking he should help when obviously he was asleep. That just made me more emotional and I cried my eyes out. I just felt like I could have choked to death and he wouldn't have even known. I figure next time I get heartburn I will just spew all over him and then maybe he will take notice.LOL :)

Aww that sounds horrible, hope you are feeling better soon x

:wave:I have some catching up to do on this thread..I haven't been on here responding much because I needed to get to a better space of mind...

AFM, its been a hard couple of days since that STUPID STUPID doctor told me (over the phone at that) that I was starting to miscarry!!! It's hard to stay positive when a trained professional tells you that your pregnancy is highly unlikely to continue!

My own doc called yesterday and helped answer some questions. She also scheduled a scan for next Friday to look at my cervix length (they can only assess that once you're at least 16 weeks). She said I could come to the office anytime-even every day- to listen to the baby's heartbeat and be reassured that things are ok.

I had another 5 hours of bad contractions last night & I started to think that was it :nope: ...but they subsided by 11pm and bleeding stayed light. I called my doc's office this morning and explained about the new contractions. The nurse said its possible they are caused by my body trying to expel more clots or being irritated by blood collecting in the uterus. I asked if we could move up our scan to today instead of waiting til next Friday.

So we got in this afternoon and baby is just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The clot is also slightly decreased in size. The nurse said we should be reassured by this and to try and be cautiously optimistic. There's no guarantee that everything will turn out ok but the outlook is so much better now. I can't even begin to explain the relief I feel. :D

Thank you all for your support. I truly believe prayers and wishes DO make a difference.

Such fantastic news! I am so pleased to hear everything is fine, must be such a relief! :happydance:

*knock on wood* I haven't thrown up since Christmas eve!!!! I've been close a few times and fairly nauseous but I've been able to hold it. And I'm finally feeling hungry again. I have no desire for any one food, nor do I enjoy what I'm eating... but it doesn't feel like I'm forcing myself to eat any more which is nice all on its own. I still have aversions to meat, cheese and fried things but I'm managing to find things that work. Meat in sauce seems to be ok including chicken wings... no especially chicken wings :haha:. Melted cheese on pizzas or cream cheese in a sandwich was ok. So I'm getting around the aversions slowly. (they do go away right????)

MW appt on Monday, hoping to hear the heart beat. And we're telling the family this weekend/Monday so wish us luck! My mother can be so insensitive sometimes so I'm preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. I started sharing at work. And I managed to actually avoid the rumour mill. I shocked everyone that I've told so far. And by mid next week the gossipers will have spilled the beans and the whole office will know and I won't need to make my rounds :)

Ok I have a snuggle puppy beside me and it's time for bed.

G'night ladies!!!

Good to hear you are feeling better now :) Best of luck with your scan on Monday hope you can hear the heart and all is OK.

Hi ladies - I have lots to catch up on... 15 pages yikes!
Had my US last week, baby looks great but they did find 7 fibroids :(. Doesn't look like baby has a lot of room but dr said it should be ok. I was told to expect a painful pregnancy with the fibroids - great...
Speaking of pain, the last three days I have had severe pain in my lower left pelvic area. So bad that it hurts to stand, walk, sit and pee, and I can't find a comfortable sleeping position. I'm lucky to sleep 2 hours at a time thru the night because of the pain :(
Today was a little better - I was able to go to work for a bit but still struggled with pain. I have no idea what is causing it but I saw a different dr. The first day and he didn't seem to think it was a problem?!?
I just hope it goes away so I can start to move around like a normal person!
Oh yeah, new due date is July 4th :)
On a side note - did the baking soda test and no fizz... Will try again later to see f I get the same result!

Sounds painful! Hope it does get better for you x
I must say I'm very envious of you ladies that are already buying stuff and picking names. I'm too scared for any of that. Logic tells me at this point the chance of losing this baby is very small. But my emotions tell me otherwise. Im worried now more than ever. I think because I never expected to get this far. It's all so new to me and very very scary. I think almost everyone here already has kids so has been through this before. Not me so it is extra scary!
I must say I'm very envious of you ladies that are already buying stuff and picking names. I'm too scared for any of that. Logic tells me at this point the chance of losing this baby is very small. But my emotions tell me otherwise. Im worried now more than ever. I think because I never expected to get this far. It's all so new to me and very very scary. I think almost everyone here already has kids so has been through this before. Not me so it is extra scary!

I was that terrified with my third. We.started buying things once we found out gender but I kept everything in its original packaging and put up til we.came home from the hospital. Having the miscarriages between my second and him made me completely terrified, I just waited for something to happen, nothing did though and between the three he was my easiest pregnancy.

You'dbe surprised at how helpful it is to look for.names, "shop" for baby (we have yet to buy anything but have been looking at things we need). It helps me feel like things are a bit more real. *hug*
Beachgal-did they check your ovaries? I had a polycystic ovary with my last pregnancy and it was extremely painful. My ovary looked like Swiss cheese and was twice the size of what it should be.
Hello everyone, don't come on here very much but wanted to let you all know that i've booked a private gender scan!

We will be 17+ 3 and i'm so so excited. Our hospital scan isn't until we are 21 weeks and i just couldn't wait any longer!

Going for our private scan on the 3rd of Feb - only 29 more days :) x
Hello everyone, don't come on here very much but wanted to let you all know that i've booked a private gender scan!

We will be 17+ 3 and i'm so so excited. Our hospital scan isn't until we are 21 weeks and i just couldn't wait any longer!

Going for our private scan on the 3rd of Feb - only 29 more days :) x

Yay me too! Mines on the 4th :) not long to wait now :) x
we have a show here called Revenge( our favorite) and one of the characters name is Declan and it has been one i have liked since i heard it

love that show!!!

:wave:I have some catching up to do on this thread..I haven't been on here responding much because I needed to get to a better space of mind...

Maks- glad to hear the clot is gone!

Dove and Alice- yay for great scans!

Becca- CUTE announcement! What kind of responses did you get from your friends?

Bellum- the news sounds more positive when you have all the info. best wishes for your little one to be perfectly healthy!

June- sorry you had such a bad time coming off the meds! I hope you're able to get back on and that they can give you some quick relief!

Lib- sorry you had a rough night and DH was so unsupportive! How would he feel if he had to deal with all these pieces of pregnancy?!

Caro- I had an irritated throat last night and finally tried warm water with honey/lemon and that did the trick. Hope yours is feeling better!

AFM, its been a hard couple of days since that STUPID STUPID doctor told me (over the phone at that) that I was starting to miscarry!!! It's hard to stay positive when a trained professional tells you that your pregnancy is highly unlikely to continue!

My own doc called yesterday and helped answer some questions. She also scheduled a scan for next Friday to look at my cervix length (they can only assess that once you're at least 16 weeks). She said I could come to the office anytime-even every day- to listen to the baby's heartbeat and be reassured that things are ok.

I had another 5 hours of bad contractions last night & I started to think that was it :nope: ...but they subsided by 11pm and bleeding stayed light. I called my doc's office this morning and explained about the new contractions. The nurse said its possible they are caused by my body trying to expel more clots or being irritated by blood collecting in the uterus. I asked if we could move up our scan to today instead of waiting til next Friday.

So we got in this afternoon and baby is just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The clot is also slightly decreased in size. The nurse said we should be reassured by this and to try and be cautiously optimistic. There's no guarantee that everything will turn out ok but the outlook is so much better now. I can't even begin to explain the relief I feel. :D

Thank you all for your support. I truly believe prayers and wishes DO make a difference.

i cant believe they told you that by phone! im glad everything is ok though!

Hello everyone, don't come on here very much but wanted to let you all know that i've booked a private gender scan!

We will be 17+ 3 and i'm so so excited. Our hospital scan isn't until we are 21 weeks and i just couldn't wait any longer!

Going for our private scan on the 3rd of Feb - only 29 more days :) x

yay! so exciting. my gender scan wont be until the end of february i don't want to wait that long but i haven't looked into how much private scans cost yet
Good morning ladies!! Feeling a lot better today. Been taking my meds round the clock again and it's helping a lot. I've come to the determination that I might be taking these meds for most of my pregnancy :( DH thinks its a girl because of how sick I've been. I had hyperemesis with my daughter but not my son. I think by this point I wasn't even sick anymore with my son.

We have some names we like but only have a middle name picked for a girl. Claire will be the girls middle name.

Girls first names we like: Gabrielle, Emma, Ainsley ( but DH isn't sold on it)
Boys: Gavin and I like Declan

It's been really hard finding boys names we like.
Hey ladies hope everyone is feeling okay this morning :) I got dressed this morning and couldn't resist the urge to take a picture of my little belly and just though I would share :) so here's my 14w4d bump

Posting from my phone and picture won't turn the right way...grr


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Donna we picked names before we were expecting. If we buy anything we will also keep it in the package with receipts attached. I likely won't let things get set up until we are in the 3rd tri. Still very nervous for no good reason. I'm trying to get better but I just can't shake it.

Junemomma my coworker was on meds the whole time. She was sick with her first but opted not to take the pills then...wishing she had. She has one of each now and she said she felt the same for both. So who knows.

proud armywife its ok we have tilted heads for a reason. nice bump*
Good morning ladies!! Feeling a lot better today. Been taking my meds round the clock again and it's helping a lot. I've come to the determination that I might be taking these meds for most of my pregnancy :( DH thinks its a girl because of how sick I've been. I had hyperemesis with my daughter but not my son. I think by this point I wasn't even sick anymore with my son.

We have some names we like but only have a middle name picked for a girl. Claire will be the girls middle name.

Girls first names we like: Gabrielle, Emma, Ainsley ( but DH isn't sold on it)
Boys: Gavin and I like Declan

It's been really hard finding boys names we like.

Love Emma Claire! Very Pretty.
Donna we picked names before we were expecting.


We also picked our names before conceiving. That way we know we love the name for years instead of only a few weeks or months.
Oh guys :( it's barely 1pm and I've already thrown up twice today. My little girl is being really sweet to me but hubby was up till 6am trying to make something on the computer work so he's not even out of bed yet!!! Not what I was hoping for from my Saturday.

We watched 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' last night.... I know which pregnant lady I am!!

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