~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Oh Becca that's horrid! I hope the vomiting stops soon for you. I'm so very happy each day that passes when I haven't. Coming up on 2 weeks vomit free for me! Can you steep some ginger or lemon and try that? For me I found both very helpful. Ginger was my savior. I am so glad I didn't need medication for my sickness.

I've also seen What to Expect... I'm pretty sure I'm Elizabeth Banks at her meltdown point already LOL (where the hell is that pregnancy glow anyway??!?!?!)

Alice I saw this on Pinterest and thought of you... I think you said you were looking at triple bunks and stuff... would something like this work in your largest room and then you and DH take a smaller room (if you haven't already) https://pinterest.com/pin/268456827759354177/
Alice I saw this on Pinterest and thought of you... I think you said you were looking at triple bunks and stuff... would something like this work in your largest room and then you and DH take a smaller room (if you haven't already) https://pinterest.com/pin/268456827759354177/

WOW!!!!! oh my word........that is a bedroom every kid would dream of, it's amazing!!!
tsyhanochka - I've tried ginger but I can't bear the smell... or the taste! I'm helpless. LoL I even went off ginger snaps during my last pregnancy and have never been able to have one again. I bought a different brand of ginger ale last night and a few fresh lemons that I plan to put in all my water so I'm hoping something helps.

I'm kinda nervous about the high possibility of this being a boy now... I hope that I'm not so stressed that it's combining with hormones to make my sickness worse! I think I just need some alone time to focus and stretch... maybe find some nice slow prenatal yoga, but since my OH is on holiday from work he thinks that he shouldn't have to do anything... he's a really great guy but sometimes he's just so clueless.... when do I get a vacation? NEVER.

That bedroom is kinda awesome... reminds me of a zoo.. if I had three boys I might want some bars on those cages... hehehee!!
Becca so sorry youve been poorly. Glad you've got your little one looking over you.

I hope everyone else is doing ok.

You may notice from my signature I have finally settled on names, Millie never even entered my head and then my wonderful friend suggested it today for me and I have fallen in love. :) So exciting!!
aww Sue i love the name Millie, but I called my cat that :haha:

Becca, why you scared you might be having a boy hun? hope you feel better soon!!

still not a clue on names here :wacko:, people keep guessing boy from my scan pics bit I'm feeling soooo different from my DS son's pregnancy i'm really not convinced! xx
Becca so sorry youve been poorly. Glad you've got your little one looking over you.

I hope everyone else is doing ok.

You may notice from my signature I have finally settled on names, Millie never even entered my head and then my wonderful friend suggested it today for me and I have fallen in love. :) So exciting!!

Aww thanks Sue. I hear hubby moving around upstairs and the little one just ran up there so I think he's finally up and I may get a bit of a break for a few minutes!

Millie is lovely! I have a ton of girls names that OH will never let me use like Callista, Veronica, Addington, Cordelia, etc Veronica and Addington are both family names.

The only easy part about having a boy is that we're down to 2 names one he wants and one I want! However, he originally liked mine more so I'm sticking to my guns this time since he got final say on the girl's name!
I would be find having kids share the room even if they weren't the same sex. I really believe kids each getting their own room can be over rated. I was raised an only child so I hope to have at least 2 kids. DH said we'd need a much bigger place and I said "Please, I know a family of 5 kids that grew up in a 2 bedroom apartment... we'll manage" So he's come around on that I think.

I'm nervous about having a boy and so is DH... he thinks it would turn out just like him and he knows that means lots of work and worry for both of us LOL But at the same time it could turn out like me and be a shy bookworm who we have to bribe to go out and play with other kids............so somewhere in the middle would be ok too I guess :haha:

I'm big on not finding out the sex of the baby until birth because I don't want everyone to assign gender stereotypes on my kid before it even gets a chance to breathe. Not to say that I'll go so far as to raise a gender neutral kid (there was a story of a local family who did that, and it's not practical or healthy IMO). But I'm fine if my girl wants to play rough and tumble with trucks and mud and if my boy wants to be gentle and play princess teaparty or if they are girly girls or manly boys or balance of both. I want my kid to find out who they are first before anyone tells them who they should be. I always felt a weird that I didn't like to wear makeup or heels and I was told I wasn't a 'normal girl' for many different reasons over the years. So that's my 2 cents. (we were talking about this on another thread I'm on which is why I'm going on a tangent here)
caro103 - I'm not entirely sure. First time around I was positive it was going to boy and I wasn't the slightest bit worried... but now... I don't know. I just adore my little girl sooo much and I see all the crazy boys at playgroups, and I don't know anything about little boys... and I have all the girl stuff... see it's all mostly trivial stuff that I'm sure I'll be able to get over. But there's a few biggies like, what if I don't bond with him as well as I did my girl?
tsyhanochka - My little girls wants to be batman one day and a sparkly princess the next. She was supergirl for halloween, all her pjs are batman/spiderman/superman and yet 2 days ago she had a breakdown because I wouldn't let her sleep in her princess dress. *Grins* I LOVE IT!
tsyhanochka - My little girls wants to be batman one day and a sparkly princess the next. She was supergirl for halloween, all her pjs are batman/spiderman/superman and yet 2 days ago she had a breakdown because I wouldn't let her sleep in her princess dress. *Grins* I LOVE IT!

that's just it! I want my kid to be who they are. I have honestly known too many people who say that girls must be girls and boys are boys... in that very ridged sense (sorry if some ladies on here feel that way but I'm just sharing my thoughts please share yours). But not letting a kid express themselves just seems not fair or natural for me. Maybe I really am the hippie earthy crunchy person may family all thinks that I am :coffee:
Oh my, i cannot.get enough of banana peppers! they are sooo yummy! I've eaten almost a full jar since yesterday!
caro103 - I'm not entirely sure. First time around I was positive it was going to boy and I wasn't the slightest bit worried... but now... I don't know. I just adore my little girl sooo much and I see all the crazy boys at playgroups, and I don't know anything about little boys... and I have all the girl stuff... see it's all mostly trivial stuff that I'm sure I'll be able to get over. But there's a few biggies like, what if I don't bond with him as well as I did my girl?

aww :hugs:, I can assure you little boys are just ace!! i reckon those worries are normal just for a 2nd child, as you can't imagine loving another child as much as the one you already have, but we will :D xx
Oh Becca that's horrid! I hope the vomiting stops soon for you. I'm so very happy each day that passes when I haven't. Coming up on 2 weeks vomit free for me! Can you steep some ginger or lemon and try that? For me I found both very helpful. Ginger was my savior. I am so glad I didn't need medication for my sickness.

I've also seen What to Expect... I'm pretty sure I'm Elizabeth Banks at her meltdown point already LOL (where the hell is that pregnancy glow anyway??!?!?!)

Alice I saw this on Pinterest and thought of you... I think you said you were looking at triple bunks and stuff... would something like this work in your largest room and then you and DH take a smaller room (if you haven't already) https://pinterest.com/pin/268456827759354177/

oh wow that is amazing!

The problem is that even our master bedroom is long but narrow. It's about 18 foot long, but only about 9 foot wide. And it has a strange slanting ceiling which makes things a bit awkward :

(old photos - this is from when we first moved in, when DS2 was still sharing our room)

looking towards the window

with the window behind you
we now have a little table next to that wardrobe (where all that mess is), and cupboard at the side of the bed just next to the table

That amazing set up you've posted looks like it would work best in a large square room.

And DH is REALLLLLY reluctant for us to switch rooms anyway :dohh:

This is what I've got to work with then :

the 2nd bedroom :


at the side of the bunks there is some space where we've currently got toy boxes - this shows what it used to look like when there was a double bed in there instead of bunks

and then there's the little room :



we're thinking, if the little one is a girl, DD will just go in the bunks with the little one, once the little one is no longer in our room, in the 2nd bedroom.

We'll probably get some low bunks for the 3rd bedroom for DS1 and DS2 - we can't get high ones because of that cupboard above the bed. Will probably have to be feet-end under the cupboards I suppose.

If, however, the new baby is a boy, we'll just probably have to go for something like this in the 2nd bedroom :


which is nowhere near as fancy as what you've posted, but at least it'll fit in the room.

And then have DD on her own in the 3rd bedroom

I think anyway!
I see the space thing you mean. I could see some custom space being possible but if you're DH is reluctant to give up the big room there's only so much you can do.

I still really love the triple bunk though, I just saw those fun ones and thought hey, if you had room to customize... but there are some cute built into the wall double/triple bunks on pinterest, not so fancy of course (who has money for stuff like that anyway??) I liked the in wall beds because they put curtains on them to give the kids private space, kind of like bunks in submarines you see in movies!

anyway, thanks for sharing photos of your space. When my sister leaves and we tidy up from her I'll show you what we have to work with. Since we rent we can't really do much beyond furniture but there's potential there for a loft bed(s) to maximize floor space. I'm really interested in stretching this apartment out until we can afford a house of our own. Which means I'll have to get creative eventually. And I'm so far from creative it hurts...

And I've started trying to get into pinterest again... and then I found these https://pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=triple+bunk+beds some are pretty much the one you shared Alice, but a few other variations and of course the crazy expensive looking ones.
Hello Ladies! I hope I can join you! I'm 12 weeks and 4 days (I think)...lol...I have my next appt on the 11th and I am hoping my doc will do an U/S and maybe take a peek and see if we can tell gender at all :)

How are you ladies doing?

OH...and I am due on July 16th! This is my 3rd pregnancy!
Welcome Pambolina!

That's my new EDD as well. Congrats!
And I've started trying to get into pinterest again... and then I found these https://pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=triple+bunk+beds some are pretty much the one you shared Alice, but a few other variations and of course the crazy expensive looking ones.

I LOVE some of those. I bet some are so expensive though. It's so hard to be creative on a budget, and when working with a not-entirely-massive-room.

I guess I've got a while to save up yet though, as the little-'un will probably be in with us for a good 12-18 months.

Besdes it might be a girl lol, in which case I don't need a triple set.
Thank you! :) I will be having a C-section so of course July 16th isn't set in stone....lol...I am going to beg my doctor to let the baby bake as long as possible and as close to my due date as possible....but I'm not giving my hopes up...if he insists on doing the C-section 2 weeks prior then I am looking at an early July delivery (probably the first week)
I LOVE some of those. I bet some are so expensive though. It's so hard to be creative on a budget, and when working with a not-entirely-massive-room.

I guess I've got a while to save up yet though, as the little-'un will probably be in with us for a good 12-18 months.

Besides it might be a girl lol, in which case I don't need a triple set.

hopefully it's a girl and all will be ok....since it wasn't planned it would be nice if at least that went in your favour ;)

But if you knew a handy person you could possibly even build your own set with some help that would work in your space. and saving up is also an option, esp if you had to order custom for the space. My coworker lives in a tiny one bedroom condo with her husband and toddler, they are making it work and just got a loft bed for themselves. They searched for quite some time since they have low ceilings so not all of the ones they found would work. But she's thrifty and so I know she must have gotten a good deal.

I should start getting ready. My BFF is having her birthday party and I'm hoping to eat something at the pub... we'll see if I can! Thankfully there are 2 other preggos there so I'll be in good sober company :coffee:
Good morning...I didn't vomit last night! Hooray!
Welcome new pregnant ladies! Pambolina you remind me so much of my friends in Texas. We were visiting them in June before we got pregnant. Took our at the time 10mth old on an epic road trip from one side of usa to the other over the I-10. :thumbup:
Alice I noticed the slanted roof in the photo you posted. Are a lot of homes in England like that? I stayed with a friend in London who had a similar layout a few years ago.
Becca- totally understand about the boy/girl thing. I am freaked out about how to do the parenting of a son. I am sure I am going to be fine and part of me really wants to have a son for my DH...I know he already thinks of it as a boy baby. Sorry about the vomits too. It is hard to get things done when you are not well. We have our rent inspection tomorrow and it looks like a tornado has run down the hallway. I have no idea how to clean the place up without killing myself with lethargy. All I managed yesterday was the dishes, a couple of loads of laundry and changed the bed sheets and that was only cause DD slept for 2 hours rather than her usual 1 hour.:sleep:
DH is working...again...so wont be around to help. When he gets home he said he would mow down the weeds in the yard. But it has been raining so no sure how well it will cut when wet.

All the best for upcoming scans! I have a few weeks wait before we know the gender. We are planning a trip away for a few days right on when we would get the scan so will wait til 19-20 weeks before we go get it done.:shrug:

Will have to jump off here and do some cleaning before the morning passes me by and DD gets too crazy. :kiss:

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