~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Well ladies sadly to say I am going to be leaving this line of posts. Went for my first us Friday at 11+1 and the tech said I was not as far along as I should be. Then did a vag us and would not let me see anything. Asked when my next mw appointment was and pretty much ran out the door. I knew something was wrong.... Called mw office to see if someone could at least check for hb to ease my mind as we were on out way to a friends wedding hours away. They said not to worry if there was a problem they would call. So we left and just as we were pulling into the beautiful resort my cell phone rang... I knew who it was.... My mw asked what the tech had said... Nothing... She said the us showed a baby. But there was no hb. Stopped growing at 6+1. It was like someone ripped my heart out.... Told us to think of the options and she would call us next day. We were just thinking we were going to leave when several people we knew ran up to the truck.... Long story short... Held it together for my best friend... She had no idea what was going on.... Stayed for the wedding and left as soon as the party started... When we were saying good bye I think she could tell something was wrong but I did not want this to in anyway ruin a day she had been waiting years for... He was her high school sweetheart and also my brothers best friend. So I knew everyone there.... That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do emotionally. Seen ob today in emerg and was given cytotec. Things are starting to progress. This is my first mc.

Best of luck ladies.... I will be thinking of all of you but will no longer be around. Thanks for all your support! wishing you all happy and healthy rest of your pregnancies.
If love could have kept you here my little one, you would have lived forever. Xoxo

so sorry for your loss! i'm sure it was hard trying to keep a happy face during the wedding. take time to heal and hopefully you'll get a bfp when you are ready!

good luck everyone that has appointments coming up. i just had one last week so it feels like forever until my next appointment. i might look into finding out how much private scans are around here because i am impatient!

im starting to get a little bit of a bump but i feel huge for some reason. i asked my daughter who is 14 months if she thought i was getting fat and she handed me part of dinner. i'm not sure what she meant by that :haha:

my nausea came back in full gear this morning. i was doing ok for a couple weeks and woke up this morning and didn't think i'd make it out the door for work. when i was on my way i saw a dog walking down the road with a deer's hind leg in his mouth and had to pull over to throw up. i usually do not have a weak stomach like that at all but this morning was another story!
checkup in a couple hours. super nervous since its been 6 weeks. will update after :)

Goodluck to everyone else with appts and scans today :) hope to read lots of good news later!
same here army wife. very nervous especial since lately alot of people are having MC. i have felt the baby each day so that helps but im still nervous. new doctor as well so this is all new. wish me good luck will update later.
Good luck with your appointments today, ladies! I'm very excited for all of you, can't wait to hear updates! :happydance:
Hi ladies, had a REALLY rough week but hoping things are gonna improve from here on in... Thursday means I'll finally be booked in, can't wait
Cant get my pictures to load, but we got some super cute photos I'll try when we get.home....and found out we're having another boy! 4 boys!! Im actually pretty excited, thought I'd be sad for another boy. Mu oldest is pretty sad its a boy but my middle son is very excited!
Had an emergency ultrasound Saturday night(More bleeding). I honestly thought it was going to be over...

Instead I got to fall in love with this tiny amazing human being I'm growing inside of me! Doctor saw a small SCH but nothing serious, baby is AMAZING. I think they were the most amazing thing I ever saw in my life. They were active and squirming all over the place, kicking and waving around their little arms and I could count their fingers...:cloud9:

I am in awe that I have any part in creating something so miraculous and perfect.

Unfortunately because DH took these pictures with his camera, and the baby was flipping all over the place it is a bit hard to see what is going on...but WOW. I saw baby at 6 weeks and 8, but now they really are a tiny person.


I have a scan tomorrow for NTD's in the high risk ward of the hospital, so hoping baby is healthy and looking forward to seeing my little miracle again!
Eve, your bump is amazing! I hope this week shows lots of improvement for you :)

oneandtwo, congrats on the little man! :) My step-dad is one of four boys and my cousin has two boys with twin boys due in March!

Counting, I'm so glad you and baby are well! I can't imagine the relief you felt when you saw your little one, what an amazing feeling :) Good luck at your scan tomorrow, I bet you are so excited to see baby again!
Cant get my pictures to load, but we got some super cute photos I'll try when we get.home....and found out we're having another boy! 4 boys!! Im actually pretty excited, thought I'd be sad for another boy. Mu oldest is pretty sad its a boy but my middle son is very excited!

Another boy!!!! Wow!! Congrats! We're they ok finding his bits? I've got a gender scan at 18+2 and nervous they won't be able to see the crown jewels!!
with DS I found out at 14w, I pointed it out to the Dr as it was so clear!!
Cant get my pictures to load, but we got some super cute photos I'll try when we get.home....and found out we're having another boy! 4 boys!! Im actually pretty excited, thought I'd be sad for another boy. Mu oldest is pretty sad its a boy but my middle son is very excited!

Another boy!!!! Wow!! Congrats! We're they ok finding his bits? I've got a gender scan at 18+2 and nervous they won't be able to see the crown jewels!!

We noticed his bits before the tech did, it was very obviousz

My husband only has brothers too, coincidentally they are the same age gaps as our sons! Very weird ;)

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. What a horrible way to find out too. Thinking of you at this difficult time x x:hugs:
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

Daft question about belly belts. How exactly do they work, do you wear them over your usual trousers/skirts or over them? :blush:

DH is so over his job. He gets no appreciation even though he goes early, stays back late and does extra shifts. We are taking a short break at the end of January hopefully some good R&R and hope he feels more refreshed. He says he wants to resign but I would rather he looked for another job before making that huge decision.
Sorry you been so sick Fox. I been sick since Christmas. Hope the car situation gets sorted fast for you guys!

That sucks, it's horrible when you are stuck with a job you dont enjoy. I would definitely be encouraging him to look for a new one before quitting the old. Hope you are felling better x x

I've got my scan tomorrow, I'm very scared and super excited! First time I will have seen my baba :)

Good luck, hope all goes well, it is so exciting to see baba for the first time x

so exciting!!! I have a dr appointment to day. They said they will try to find the heartbeat this time. 11 weeks today (I think I'm the last one due this month on the first page lol!!)
We started off with general not feeling well around Christmas but it's just been getting worse. I'm feeling ok this morning.

Humboldt County is in Northern California. It's about 80 miles from the Oregon border.

Good luck at the appointment, hope they are able to find the heartbeat. Hope you feel better soon x

Hi ladies, had a REALLY rough week but hoping things are gonna improve from here on in... Thursday means I'll finally be booked in, can't wait

Sorry to hear its been rough, fingers crossed it gets better for you :hugs:

Cant get my pictures to load, but we got some super cute photos I'll try when we get.home....and found out we're having another boy! 4 boys!! Im actually pretty excited, thought I'd be sad for another boy. Mu oldest is pretty sad its a boy but my middle son is very excited!

Great news, very exciting :) I can't wait for our next scan so we can find out if we are having a boy or girl.
Oneandtwo - congrats!! at least you'll have all the baby clothes you need already right? :D We've got a few more weeks before they confirm or deny our "maybe boy" identification. I'd kinda rather not known anything than gotten a maybe!
kaths - good luck for your scan tomorrow :)

missfox - how did the appointment go? I'm sorry you've not been feeling so great lately

junemomma - enjoy those days off when you get them. it must be knackering being worked so hard whilst being pregnant

tlh - oh no, that sucks that you're feeling sick again :( I hope it passes soon

proudarmywife - how did the appointment go?

sw33 - good luck, how did it go?

aaisrie - cute bump!

oneandtwo - woo congratulations on your fourth little boy. how lovely :)

counting - wow sounds like you had a scary time, but I'm so pleased everything is alright and that the scan went well. great scan pics :) I'm sure you're looking forward to tomorrow's scan

becca - ah don't worry, part of the fun is not knowing for a while ;)

Well my update :

I had my midwife appointment today.
My wee was fine
My bp was okay (102/58)
She tried for AGGGGES to find the heartbeat, and she kept finding it for a couple of seconds and then losing it, and then picking up my own heartbeat. In the end she gave up and was like "well I heard it at least anyway. I think it's about 130" and that was that.
She said she thinks I'll probably get my 20 week scan around the 7th Feb but that I'll get a letter out to confirm the date and time and so on.
My next m/w appointment is booked for 11th March, when I'll be 24 weeks.

And that, as they say, is that. Nothing terribly exciting to report lol.

In other off-topic news my baby enjoyed his first day of nursery today very much. :) Though he was FULL of indignation that some little girl took a yellow rubber off him lol
Alice - wow? Not till March? My OB wants me in once a month right now... my next appointment is January 31st at 17 weeks and then shortly after they'll be doing the 18-20 week anomaly scan. Are you not getting that one? I thought the 20 week scan was pretty standard in the UK?

Honestly not knowing is perfectly fine for a while, but the MAYBE knowing? That's killing me. lol
I've got my scan tomorrow, I'm very scared and super excited! First time I will have seen my baba :)

enjoy! hope all goes well :)

so exciting!!! I have a dr appointment to day. They said they will try to find the heartbeat this time. 11 weeks today (I think I'm the last one due this month on the first page lol!!)
We started off with general not feeling well around Christmas but it's just been getting worse. I'm feeling ok this morning.

Humboldt County is in Northern California. It's about 80 miles from the Oregon border.

hope they found the heartbeat hun xx

Hello ladies!! Good luck with the upcoming scans today! I'm working my second 12 hour day today. Then again tomorrow and I have two days off!! Will be nice to be off. These patients are running me ragged!!!

woah 12hour shifts, that must be a killer :hugs:

checkup in a couple hours. super nervous since its been 6 weeks. will update after :)

Goodluck to everyone else with appts and scans today :) hope to read lots of good news later!

hope all went ok today x

same here army wife. very nervous especial since lately alot of people are having MC. i have felt the baby each day so that helps but im still nervous. new doctor as well so this is all new. wish me good luck will update later.

hope all went ok for you too x

Cant get my pictures to load, but we got some super cute photos I'll try when we get.home....and found out we're having another boy! 4 boys!! Im actually pretty excited, thought I'd be sad for another boy. Mu oldest is pretty sad its a boy but my middle son is very excited!

aww wow 4 boys! how lovely :D. Hope you enjoyed telling your other sons!

Well my update :

I had my midwife appointment today.
My wee was fine
My bp was okay (102/58)
She tried for AGGGGES to find the heartbeat, and she kept finding it for a couple of seconds and then losing it, and then picking up my own heartbeat. In the end she gave up and was like "well I heard it at least anyway. I think it's about 130" and that was that.
She said she thinks I'll probably get my 20 week scan around the 7th Feb but that I'll get a letter out to confirm the date and time and so on.
My next m/w appointment is booked for 11th March, when I'll be 24 weeks.

And that, as they say, is that. Nothing terribly exciting to report lol.

In other off-topic news my baby enjoyed his first day of nursery today very much. :) Though he was FULL of indignation that some little girl took a yellow rubber off him lol

glad the appt went well. :rofl: at your sons reaction to a girl taking a rubber! the things kids loose the plot over :haha:
oneandtwo congrats on another little boy! how exciting!

Alice glad the appt went good. sucks that they didnt try a little harder to get a good listen to the heartbeat.

AFM appt went great :) heard my peanuts heartbeat for a few minutes was amazing to hear and put my mind at ease. Heartrate was a strong 142bpm. I have my 20 week ultrasound scheduled for Feb 12th and I CANT WAIT!!! i am dying to know what peanut is. I'm thinking :pink: but i was totally wrong for my daughter so who know :haha: And my midwife is referring me to a physical therapist for the hip pains i have been having for the last 4 weeks. Shes not 100% convinved that its sciatica so ill go see the physical therapist ( she specializes in the hip and pelivs region and working with pregnant women) and see what she thinks. If it does in fact turn out to be sciatica they will at least give me some stretches and what not to help alleviate some of the pain. Overall had a very good appt and i will now be impateintly counting down till 20 weeks :)
Alice - wow? Not till March? My OB wants me in once a month right now... my next appointment is January 31st at 17 weeks and then shortly after they'll be doing the 18-20 week anomaly scan. Are you not getting that one? I thought the 20 week scan was pretty standard in the UK?

aha you skim read my post :haha: *pouts and is mortally wounded* ;) :haha:


yeah my 20 week scan will be roughly 7th feb they said, but maybe not that exact date, I have to wait for a letter.

Aside from that, yep no m/w appointments until 11th March.
i had a awesome dr visit:) Thanks to my friend for the recommendation. very thuro and very kind. by due date has changed to July 2nd and that i will most likely deliver late June. baby is healthy and measuring 15 weeks. :) i would post a pic of the ultrasound but the pic came out more blury. we should be able to find out the gender on my next appointment on the 4th, 19 week ultrasound doc said.

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