~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

i had a awesome dr visit:) Thanks to my friend for the recommendation. very thuro and very kind. by due date has changed to July 2nd and that i will most likely deliver late June. baby is healthy and measuring 15 weeks. :) i would post a pic of the ultrasound but the pic came out more blury. we should be able to find out the gender on my next appointment on the 4th, 19 week ultrasound doc said.

we have the same due date now :) glad everything went well!
Oneandtwo - congrats!! at least you'll have all the baby clothes you need already right? :D We've got a few more weeks before they confirm or deny our "maybe boy" identification. I'd kinda rather not known anything than gotten a maybe!

I've got my scan tomorrow, I'm very scared and super excited! First time I will have seen my baba :)

actually, no LOL we werent expecting to have another child so we have been giving away/selling everything as our youngest grew out of it! we have a pack and play, and thats it. well and some diapers but they are currently in use and arent small enough for a newborn LOL so we'll be getting everything AGAIN!

enjoy! hope all goes well :)

so exciting!!! I have a dr appointment to day. They said they will try to find the heartbeat this time. 11 weeks today (I think I'm the last one due this month on the first page lol!!)
We started off with general not feeling well around Christmas but it's just been getting worse. I'm feeling ok this morning.

Humboldt County is in Northern California. It's about 80 miles from the Oregon border.

hope they found the heartbeat hun xx

Hello ladies!! Good luck with the upcoming scans today! I'm working my second 12 hour day today. Then again tomorrow and I have two days off!! Will be nice to be off. These patients are running me ragged!!!

woah 12hour shifts, that must be a killer :hugs:

checkup in a couple hours. super nervous since its been 6 weeks. will update after :)

Goodluck to everyone else with appts and scans today :) hope to read lots of good news later!

hope all went ok today x

same here army wife. very nervous especial since lately alot of people are having MC. i have felt the baby each day so that helps but im still nervous. new doctor as well so this is all new. wish me good luck will update later.

hope all went ok for you too x

Cant get my pictures to load, but we got some super cute photos I'll try when we get.home....and found out we're having another boy! 4 boys!! Im actually pretty excited, thought I'd be sad for another boy. Mu oldest is pretty sad its a boy but my middle son is very excited!

aww wow 4 boys! how lovely :D. Hope you enjoyed telling your other sons!

Well my update :

I had my midwife appointment today.
My wee was fine
My bp was okay (102/58)
She tried for AGGGGES to find the heartbeat, and she kept finding it for a couple of seconds and then losing it, and then picking up my own heartbeat. In the end she gave up and was like "well I heard it at least anyway. I think it's about 130" and that was that.
She said she thinks I'll probably get my 20 week scan around the 7th Feb but that I'll get a letter out to confirm the date and time and so on.
My next m/w appointment is booked for 11th March, when I'll be 24 weeks.

And that, as they say, is that. Nothing terribly exciting to report lol.

In other off-topic news my baby enjoyed his first day of nursery today very much. :) Though he was FULL of indignation that some little girl took a yellow rubber off him lol

glad the appt went well. :rofl: at your sons reaction to a girl taking a rubber! the things kids loose the plot over :haha:

It was fun! Our oldest just went silent when he read the 'its a boy' on the big screen, Our middle son is beside himself excited and keeps staring at the US pictures. hes very happy. My oldest REALLY wanted a sister so he's pretty indifferent now I think. He loves babies though so im sure it'll change once hes here.

We are also probably changing baby's name. Now we dont like Hank, lol but I think we were both half hearted in the name cause we thought it'd be agirl so we werent really worried about it!
Here's the ultrasound pics! The tech said she's never seena 15 week baby look so 'baby like' he didnt look alien at all and was ALL over the place! He did a head stand for a bit, sucked his thumb and on two occassions put his head between his legs! so we got a shot of his face and his nether bits at the same time LOL

this is the one that came out the best


and the gender shot!

Glad spots went well today. We seem to be filling up with boys....hmmm everyone who takes a guess thinks girl for us. Have to wait until it arrives to know lol

MS came with a vengeance today. I need to brush my teeth more carefully. I actually got sick in the sink it came on so fast. I lost all the nice smoothy DH had made.

MW appt was good. We check our own wee and weight and report to the MW when we go in. I've lost 8lbs in 8 weeks. Not bad since I'm overweight. I haven't really been eating so not surprised. Heard the heartbeat 160 which she said was at the high end but fine because things are still developing. BP was 100/70 I'm usually on the low end anyway. She said it could go lower and that's fine too.

I've got a wicked headache today that I'm Hoping won't turn into a migraine.
Bout the belly bands :) I thought I had hit the reply with quote...but obviously not...sorry

over them, so you can leave them unbuttoned!!!! They also work for after baby when you are in between your maternity jeans and regular pants. I don't know if they work for that though. Didn't have them with DD and I went from a 0 to a 2 to maternity clothes with her. And then to a size 10 after (oops!!) But I'm a 6 now and my pants still fit kinda, the button is uncomfortable, and it hurts my stomach when I sit, but they button with no wiggle dancing or laying down or anything, so I went for the belly band. Hasn't slipped or anything, it's comfy! Although I do feel awkward knowing I'm walking around with my pants unbuttoned and halfway unzipped! :blush: Better that though, than be uncomfortable or wear the maternity pants, that I def don't feel big enough for yet.
kaths - good luck for your scan tomorrow :)

missfox - how did the appointment go? I'm sorry you've not been feeling so great lately

junemomma - enjoy those days off when you get them. it must be knackering being worked so hard whilst being pregnant

tlh - oh no, that sucks that you're feeling sick again :( I hope it passes soon

proudarmywife - how did the appointment go?

sw33 - good luck, how did it go?

aaisrie - cute bump!

oneandtwo - woo congratulations on your fourth little boy. how lovely :)

counting - wow sounds like you had a scary time, but I'm so pleased everything is alright and that the scan went well. great scan pics :) I'm sure you're looking forward to tomorrow's scan

becca - ah don't worry, part of the fun is not knowing for a while ;)

Well my update :

I had my midwife appointment today.
My wee was fine
My bp was okay (102/58)
She tried for AGGGGES to find the heartbeat, and she kept finding it for a couple of seconds and then losing it, and then picking up my own heartbeat. In the end she gave up and was like "well I heard it at least anyway. I think it's about 130" and that was that.
She said she thinks I'll probably get my 20 week scan around the 7th Feb but that I'll get a letter out to confirm the date and time and so on.
My next m/w appointment is booked for 11th March, when I'll be 24 weeks.

And that, as they say, is that. Nothing terribly exciting to report lol.

In other off-topic news my baby enjoyed his first day of nursery today very much. :) Though he was FULL of indignation that some little girl took a yellow rubber off him lol

Yes I'm exhausted! By the time I get home, get showered and at dinner it's already 830-9pm! And I have to get up at 530am to be at work by 7am. I tell ya it's a long grueling day and I definitely don't get paid enough for what I do.
Congrats ladies on your scans! Adorable! Look great! Sorry Tsy about your headache!
About due dates... Hospital wants to use 3rd July and my doctor wants to use 5th of July...LOL consistency!
I've got my scan tomorrow, I'm very scared and super excited! First time I will have seen my baba :)

enjoy! hope all goes well :)

so exciting!!! I have a dr appointment to day. They said they will try to find the heartbeat this time. 11 weeks today (I think I'm the last one due this month on the first page lol!!)
We started off with general not feeling well around Christmas but it's just been getting worse. I'm feeling ok this morning.

Humboldt County is in Northern California. It's about 80 miles from the Oregon border.
They are but it's better than working 5 or 6 days a week. Instead I can get 48 hours out of the

hope they found the heartbeat hun xx

Hello ladies!! Good luck with the upcoming scans today! I'm working my second 12 hour day today. Then again tomorrow and I have two days off!! Will be nice to be off. These patients are running me ragged!!!

woah 12hour shifts, that must be a killer :hugs:

checkup in a couple hours. super nervous since its been 6 weeks. will update after :)

Goodluck to everyone else with appts and scans today :) hope to read lots of good news later!

hope all went ok today x

same here army wife. very nervous especial since lately alot of people are having MC. i have felt the baby each day so that helps but im still nervous. new doctor as well so this is all new. wish me good luck will update later.

hope all went ok for you too x

Cant get my pictures to load, but we got some super cute photos I'll try when we get.home....and found out we're having another boy! 4 boys!! Im actually pretty excited, thought I'd be sad for another boy. Mu oldest is pretty sad its a boy but my middle son is very excited!

aww wow 4 boys! how lovely :D. Hope you enjoyed telling your other sons!

Well my update :

I had my midwife appointment today.
My wee was fine
My bp was okay (102/58)
She tried for AGGGGES to find the heartbeat, and she kept finding it for a couple of seconds and then losing it, and then picking up my own heartbeat. In the end she gave up and was like "well I heard it at least anyway. I think it's about 130" and that was that.
She said she thinks I'll probably get my 20 week scan around the 7th Feb but that I'll get a letter out to confirm the date and time and so on.
My next m/w appointment is booked for 11th March, when I'll be 24 weeks.

And that, as they say, is that. Nothing terribly exciting to report lol.

In other off-topic news my baby enjoyed his first day of nursery today very much. :) Though he was FULL of indignation that some little girl took a yellow rubber off him lol

glad the appt went well. :rofl: at your sons reaction to a girl taking a rubber! the things kids loose the plot over :haha:

Yes they are rough!!! I'm doing 3 in a row :/
I'm not going to do the belly band as I only have 2-3 pants and I use my hair tie to help keep them closed. I do a loop through the hole and hook it on the button. Keeps them up and stops the button from digging in.

I'm happy I still fit in my pants but jealous that I don't have a bump. Go figure.
Alice - wow? Not till March? My OB wants me in once a month right now... my next appointment is January 31st at 17 weeks and then shortly after they'll be doing the 18-20 week anomaly scan. Are you not getting that one? I thought the 20 week scan was pretty standard in the UK?

aha you skim read my post :haha: *pouts and is mortally wounded* ;) :haha:


yeah my 20 week scan will be roughly 7th feb they said, but maybe not that exact date, I have to wait for a letter.

Aside from that, yep no m/w appointments until 11th March.

lol *facepalm* does it help if I tell you that straight after I replied I took DD upstairs, put her in my bed and promptly fell asleep while she watched word world? A little exhausted me thinks. Hehe glad you're getting your 20 week scan after all ;)
I came home to a wonderful voicemail :) I had called my OB's office this morning to inquire about the first trimester screen for chromosomal abnormalities test results. I had the nuchal scan and blood smear testing. Well I had to leave a voicemail for the nurse and since I was at work till 7pm I asked on the message if they could call my home phone and leave the results for me on my voicemail if they were available. I came home to results!!!!! All came back negative!!!!! There's no indication of any abnormalities including spina bifida, downs, etc!!!!! I'm so happy!!!! We would have continued with the pregnancy anyway if there had been a positive results but I wanted to be prepared IF there had been an issue.
But I just wanted to share my WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so I FINALLY was able to get some belly photos on my computer to upload to here....the first picture is 13 weeks and the second is 14 weeks (14 weeks tomorrow anyway)....but I just had to show how I popped out so much over the last week....its just crazy! :flower:


  • 13 weeks.JPG
    13 weeks.JPG
    46.3 KB · Views: 20
  • 14 weeks.JPG
    14 weeks.JPG
    44.8 KB · Views: 18
becca - ahh bless yeah you must be tired

junemomma - fab news! that's so great! and wow yes you really have popped - massive difference there!

My news :

no I have no news. I'm tired. My kids are tiring. ZZZZZzzzzzzz!
hello Ladies, all the scan pictures and bump pictures are making me jealous :haha:

how is everyone? My sickness went for 2 days but now has come back worse.
I'm having a shit day.

I have a banging headache for a start.
Then we (DH, I and DS2) went shopping, and I parked in a disabled bay but forgot to put DH's disabled badge on the dashboard, and came back to a £57 parking fine.
Picked up the other two from school and found out that DS1's brand new jumper has disappeared - somebody has walked off with it.
And come home to find the dog chewing shoes up.

Just got my first purchase. A nursing cover. Its free from utter covers.com free is the code just had to pay shipping. So excited
Hi there,

My boyfriend and I are due our first baby on the 22nd July (ish, lol)! I'd love to be added to the list, and if there's anyone on here from the UK who would like to be bump buddies and email back and forth/text that'd be great!


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