~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

last two pregnancies i got grief so i was scared to say anything about this one. and when i did i was surprised that i got a congrats and a hey we have been waiting for yall to have one comment. i was shocked because i was trying to prepare for the worst.
I can't wait to find out the gender too! But I won't be finding out till close to 25 weeks!!! By choice really as we're doing the gender reveal party. Also we're in the midst of looking for a 4 bedroom house to rent. Our little 3 bed apartment 1352 sqft is just too tiny! I hope we find something!!!!! There's one house we're interested in that we will look at today. Also, we're planning a small trip to Disney world!!!! Either a 3 night or 4 night. We only live about 2 1/2 hours from Orlando so it's not a bad drive. It'll be our last vacation as a family of four! I'm so excited because our DS will almost be 4 when we go and he's already at the age where he'd really enjoy it! My 9 year old DD already enjoys it Lol

if you dont mind me asking what part of florida do you live? i moved three years ago from seffner florida and tampa florida i had my son in Brandon Florida.

I was wondering this too! I'm also in Florida. In the Gainesville area :)

I'm originally from Daytona beach but now live in Jacksonville! Huge city!

Jacksonville is only like an hour away from me! We actually get out local news from jax! Wow small world lol
So most of our family knows, Im honestly surprised at the responses, surprised but not. The majority of them have made shitty comments like *do you guys EVER sleep away from each other?* and *does that dumbass know what causes babies?* They were in jest, but still rude. and then our parents said *are you guys just going to keep having kids or what?* out of the FEW people I thought would be negative about it (my mom, my oldest brother, and dh's step sister) They were the most excited, and only offered congratulations without any rude comments. Hopefully we'll be going FB public soon, I think i almost felt better with no one knowing. I really wasnt expecting people to be QUITE so snarky.

and the continued, *you werent meant for a girl* and *You dont need a girl anyway* comments kind of sucks. We are happy with a fourth boy but were REALLY wanting a girl so were still kind of trying to fully come to terms with the idea of never having a daughter so the comments just sucked today.

it did make me that much more grateful to live extremely far away (at least 12 hrs from the nearest family member) from family

Wow so sorry for the rude comments that's awful :hugs:
oneandtwo that's the kind of reactions I expected from family... so I told good friends and trusted coworkers BEFORE my family. I got all the positive energy so that I knew I could face anything. My mom was snarky with her 'about time' comment, my cousin insensitive to our year TTC but overall pretty positive.

My mother bothers me most because when I broke up with my ex 3 years ago I told her, in tears, that I was sorry I wouldn't be making her a grandmother for awhile longer. We'd been together 5 years so she was getting antsy. She was really sensitive at the time and said nice things, but then 6 months later I told her a friend or 2 were expecting and she said 'oh, so everyone but you'.... so then to get this from her after only marrying DH in the summer (though we were trying before we got married and just not telling everyone) She doesn't think before she opens her mouth, and when you call her on stuff she just declares she'll 'never say anything again' like a child. So yeah. Families suck sometimes.

Glad everyone's doing relatively well. I'm sorry for the reflux and the peeing ladies. I don't look forward to the leaking wee.... but I already have reflux so I just know it will get worse.

If I could get this darn constipation moving along I would feel even better I think. My tummy is so bloated I fill out these maternity leggings I bought a little too well already but they are so comfy taht I think I will be saving these for after the baby when my IBS flares up ;)

Told the last of my good friends today. So everyone from me knows that I care to know. And DH just has to tell his friends now, which he'll do on his own time.

Can someone define what a pregnancy craving is like? Since I've been overwhelmed with aversions I didn't notice but I get the idea for random things I think I smell or taste. When I get them I'm not super excited so maybe they aren't real cravings yet. Like I've been wanting curry for a few weeks, but my tummy kept me from actually getting some, so I had it last night and it was divine as I expected. I kind of want it again now. But I'm not dying for it. I feel like I did before I was knocked up, I just get the idea of 'oh that would be good' and sometimes I think about it for ages and sometimes it passes as fast as it came. And nothing that I've 'craved' and gotten has lived up to my desire as much as the curry did. So I'm just curious.

well my cravings have been the cuties oranges but now they dont have them near me right now. i get like little a thought of what id really like to have like say fruit just sounds so good or a burger or say mexican tacos or something like that say you dont get to have it and you still are graving it the next day. thats a craving. or you find you can eat a pizza every day that would be a craving. for some people they dont have any for some it may be a drink or ice to chew on ice cubes. or a soda you must have.
omgosh I had a bad day! Well really just the afternoon. The morning wasn't too bad.
DD and I went for a drive down the coast to meet friends for lunch. She slept most of the way which was great but once we got to the restaurant she had had enough of sitting and wanted to run wild. I restrained/bribed her to sit in the highchair and have some pink milk. But the entire drive home she screamed (about an hour) I pulled over once to retrieve her pacifier but oh lordy does she have a set of lungs! Then about 10 minutes from home she decided she had worked herself up enough to stick her fingers down her throat and make herself gag. I have never been so glad to be home in my life!
So most of our family knows, Im honestly surprised at the responses, surprised but not. The majority of them have made shitty comments like *do you guys EVER sleep away from each other?* and *does that dumbass know what causes babies?* They were in jest, but still rude. and then our parents said *are you guys just going to keep having kids or what?* out of the FEW people I thought would be negative about it (my mom, my oldest brother, and dh's step sister) They were the most excited, and only offered congratulations without any rude comments. Hopefully we'll be going FB public soon, I think i almost felt better with no one knowing. I really wasnt expecting people to be QUITE so snarky.

and the continued, *you werent meant for a girl* and *You dont need a girl anyway* comments kind of sucks. We are happy with a fourth boy but were REALLY wanting a girl so were still kind of trying to fully come to terms with the idea of never having a daughter so the comments just sucked today.

it did make me that much more grateful to live extremely far away (at least 12 hrs from the nearest family member) from family

How horribly rude! I dont understand why people need to make such nasty remarks. Sorry you had to put up with that. At least you don't have to deal with them often :hugs:

oneandtwo that's the kind of reactions I expected from family... so I told good friends and trusted coworkers BEFORE my family. I got all the positive energy so that I knew I could face anything. My mom was snarky with her 'about time' comment, my cousin insensitive to our year TTC but overall pretty positive.

My mother bothers me most because when I broke up with my ex 3 years ago I told her, in tears, that I was sorry I wouldn't be making her a grandmother for awhile longer. We'd been together 5 years so she was getting antsy. She was really sensitive at the time and said nice things, but then 6 months later I told her a friend or 2 were expecting and she said 'oh, so everyone but you'.... so then to get this from her after only marrying DH in the summer (though we were trying before we got married and just not telling everyone) She doesn't think before she opens her mouth, and when you call her on stuff she just declares she'll 'never say anything again' like a child. So yeah. Families suck sometimes.

Glad everyone's doing relatively well. I'm sorry for the reflux and the peeing ladies. I don't look forward to the leaking wee.... but I already have reflux so I just know it will get worse.

If I could get this darn constipation moving along I would feel even better I think. My tummy is so bloated I fill out these maternity leggings I bought a little too well already but they are so comfy taht I think I will be saving these for after the baby when my IBS flares up ;)

Told the last of my good friends today. So everyone from me knows that I care to know. And DH just has to tell his friends now, which he'll do on his own time.

Can someone define what a pregnancy craving is like? Since I've been overwhelmed with aversions I didn't notice but I get the idea for random things I think I smell or taste. When I get them I'm not super excited so maybe they aren't real cravings yet. Like I've been wanting curry for a few weeks, but my tummy kept me from actually getting some, so I had it last night and it was divine as I expected. I kind of want it again now. But I'm not dying for it. I feel like I did before I was knocked up, I just get the idea of 'oh that would be good' and sometimes I think about it for ages and sometimes it passes as fast as it came. And nothing that I've 'craved' and gotten has lived up to my desire as much as the curry did. So I'm just curious.


Reading these comments makes me feel pretty lucky most of my family/friends have been pretty positive about things. I just dont understand how some people can be so thoughtless.

I'm not sure what would be defined as a craving. I guess it would be different for everyone. I dont think I have had any particularly strong cravings for any one thing but I have been eating a lot more fruit, especially satsumas, melons, grapes and apples.

omgosh I had a bad day! Well really just the afternoon. The morning wasn't too bad.
DD and I went for a drive down the coast to meet friends for lunch. She slept most of the way which was great but once we got to the restaurant she had had enough of sitting and wanted to run wild. I restrained/bribed her to sit in the highchair and have some pink milk. But the entire drive home she screamed (about an hour) I pulled over once to retrieve her pacifier but oh lordy does she have a set of lungs! Then about 10 minutes from home she decided she had worked herself up enough to stick her fingers down her throat and make herself gag. I have never been so glad to be home in my life!

Sounds like a rough day, hope today is better

Hi everyone I am new here. My EDD is July 29th.

Welcome & congratulations :) x
Oh man, add me to the peeing club. I sneezed yesterday and wet my pants. Thankfully I was at home and not anywhere else! I thought I just had to worry about farting accidentally but now I worry about peeing too... Oh boy.
So most of our family knows, Im honestly surprised at the responses, surprised but not. The majority of them have made shitty comments like *do you guys EVER sleep away from each other?* and *does that dumbass know what causes babies?* They were in jest, but still rude. and then our parents said *are you guys just going to keep having kids or what?* out of the FEW people I thought would be negative about it (my mom, my oldest brother, and dh's step sister) They were the most excited, and only offered congratulations without any rude comments. Hopefully we'll be going FB public soon, I think i almost felt better with no one knowing. I really wasnt expecting people to be QUITE so snarky.

and the continued, *you werent meant for a girl* and *You dont need a girl anyway* comments kind of sucks. We are happy with a fourth boy but were REALLY wanting a girl so were still kind of trying to fully come to terms with the idea of never having a daughter so the comments just sucked today.

it did make me that much more grateful to live extremely far away (at least 12 hrs from the nearest family member) from family

I am in the same boat as you and I feel sad and annoyed , I started to hear very rude comment from friends and people especially at school the time I pick up my kids ...
first stupid said :are u and H all the time sleeping ???....
second said :oooh I don,t think u r going to stop on having more children.(This lady last month gave birth to baby number 7)...
Third :OOH number 5 ?... Its hard for you indeed.
Forth :I think your H is a flyer rocket ?? Really really rude and shitty comment.
Fifth: AAAH number5 and next year you will have number 6.......(I told her :yes maybe why not .....)
AND MORE MORE MORE..... and dont know what to do with people like these ...NO CONGRATS AT ALL .

This week they all knew about my pregnancy ,better if they don't ....
sorry ladies I haven't had chance to catch up with the thread. I will do, I promise. I hope you're all well xx

We've finally settled on a girl's name. Callista Gabrielle. Quite a difference from Athena Adeline lol, but we like it.

Not much else to tell. I still have a very sore throat but I'll live. At least my tummy is okay.

I got a letter through for my GTT in April but I'm gonna have to ring up and change the appointment because they've booked me in for 9am. Well that's useless - I have to take the kids to school on a morning! So I'll ring the hospital tomorrow and tell them 9am is a terrible time for me and that I can't make it then. I'm sure they'll change it.

Right I'm popping out. Will catch up reading the thread later x
Just ordered my pram!!! :) my folks have paid for it, aren't they amazing!

It will be delivered May 3rd!
oneandtwo, ty and rab- I'm sorry youre getting such unsupportive and rude commments!! So, I'll say it: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm very happy for you all!!

I grew up in a family of 5 kids and I LOVED having all my brothers and sisters. We moved a bunch and though I had to leave my school friends behind, I always had a set of ready friends in my siblings. It was really great.
I can't believe how unsupportive people can be! It's just sad that people make such rude comments. If you can't say something nice...don't say it at all! Because it might come back and bite you in the bum! You be happy for your LO and not pay attention to those that are negative! As long as you and your DH's are happy then you shouldn't worry about everyone else's opinions! They say, Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one! But you don't have to listen to them. Just ignore them. I'm excited for everyone on here and I hope we continue this wonderful journey together!

My OH and I are wanting 2 more kids after this one. That means we'll have 4 total as I already have a DS. Unless my OH wants to continue having more after our 3. But I did tell him I'd like to be done having them within the next 4 years.
So I want some opinions on this subject-

My dh is leaning towards naming our son after his best friend who died a few years back. I think we should first ask his widow (she is our friend) out of respect, as she may not be comfortable with such, she is now remarried and is moving from our home state so we probably wont see her again for a very long time.

My dh on the other hand says we shouldn't ask at all since they were best friends before she was his wife.

So what do y'all think?
So I want some opinions on this subject-

My dh is leaning towards naming our son after his best friend who died a few years back. I think we should first ask his widow (she is our friend) out of respect, as she may not be comfortable with such, she is now remarried and is moving from our home state so we probably wont see her again for a very long time.

My dh on the other hand says we shouldn't ask at all since they were best friends before she was his wife.

So what do y'all think?

Hmmm difficult one, but I think personally I would ask.

My view point is, being a 'best friend' with someone is nice and you share a lot, but when you decide to get married you invite that person into a whole other intimate life and connection together that no best friend will experience. Albeit that she is now remarried, at the time of his death (I'm assuming) she was his family and no doubt No. 1 in his life.

So I would think, out of respect you should ask her first. If it was me, and his best friend were asking that question - I'd feel honoured. :flower:

(although your DH seems to have made up his mind if that was his statement.....hope it's not hard to convince him otherwise!)
So I want some opinions on this subject-

My dh is leaning towards naming our son after his best friend who died a few years back. I think we should first ask his widow (she is our friend) out of respect, as she may not be comfortable with such, she is now remarried and is moving from our home state so we probably wont see her again for a very long time.

My dh on the other hand says we shouldn't ask at all since they were best friends before she was his wife.

So what do y'all think?

Hmmm difficult one, but I think personally I would ask.

My view point is, being a 'best friend' with someone is nice and you share a lot, but when you decide to get married you invite that person into a whole other intimate life and connection together that no best friend will experience. Albeit that she is now remarried, at the time of his death (I'm assuming) she was his family and no doubt No. 1 in his life.

So I would think, out of respect you should ask her first. If it was me, and his best friend were asking that question - I'd feel honoured. :flower:

(although your DH seems to have made up his mind if that was his statement.....hope it's not hard to convince him otherwise!)

Hes very easily convinced, generally. That was my thoughts on it exactly. Even though they were best friends when dh.joined the military.they dis not see each other oftwn, his wife was there for him verey day, and loved him deeply. It was hard for her to cope with his death and I think we should ask first since we are still in her life I wouldnt want to be uncomfortable with our child because of his name! (granted, im not sure that we would call him by the name or if he'd go by his middle name)
So I want some opinions on this subject-

My dh is leaning towards naming our son after his best friend who died a few years back. I think we should first ask his widow (she is our friend) out of respect, as she may not be comfortable with such, she is now remarried and is moving from our home state so we probably wont see her again for a very long time.

My dh on the other hand says we shouldn't ask at all since they were best friends before she was his wife.

So what do y'all think?

Would it be his friends full name or just a first name? If its just a first name I don't really see the need to ask. I totally get and respect the fact that she was his wife and number one in his life at the time but she has since moved past it and i think she ould probably feel honored by it. If its important for you to ask though then just express that to dh just so you feel more comfortable. :flower:
So I want some opinions on this subject-

My dh is leaning towards naming our son after his best friend who died a few years back. I think we should first ask his widow (she is our friend) out of respect, as she may not be comfortable with such, she is now remarried and is moving from our home state so we probably wont see her again for a very long time.

My dh on the other hand says we shouldn't ask at all since they were best friends before she was his wife.

So what do y'all think?

Would it be his friends full name or just a first name? If its just a first name I don't really see the need to ask. I totally get and respect the fact that she was his wife and number one in his life at the time but she has since moved past it and i think she ould probably feel honored by it. If its important for you to ask though then just express that to dh just so you feel more comfortable. :flower:

Just the first name. I just worry about how it would make her feel? I dont know how likely it would be but I wouldnt want it to stop her from naming any of her future children the same name, don't know if that actually happens though?

My husband knows how I feel :) we thought it best to get outside opinions that werent related to the situation. His friend was a big part of our lives and family/friend circle for a very long time so its hard to get an unbiased opinion!
So I want some opinions on this subject-

My dh is leaning towards naming our son after his best friend who died a few years back. I think we should first ask his widow (she is our friend) out of respect, as she may not be comfortable with such, she is now remarried and is moving from our home state so we probably wont see her again for a very long time.

My dh on the other hand says we shouldn't ask at all since they were best friends before she was his wife.

So what do y'all think?

Would it be his friends full name or just a first name? If its just a first name I don't really see the need to ask. I totally get and respect the fact that she was his wife and number one in his life at the time but she has since moved past it and i think she ould probably feel honored by it. If its important for you to ask though then just express that to dh just so you feel more comfortable. :flower:

Just the first name. I just worry about how it would make her feel? I dont know how likely it would be but I wouldnt want it to stop her from naming any of her future children the same name, don't know if that actually happens though?

My husband knows how I feel :) we thought it best to get outside opinions that werent related to the situation. His friend was a big part of our lives and family/friend circle for a very long time so its hard to get an unbiased opinion!

I can't imagine her naming a future child with another man after her late husband but what do I know :haha: I totally get where you are coming from though. Like I said if its just his first name though I wouldn't see the problem in it as I'm sure he's not the only person in the planet with that specific name ya know? Maybe I'm insensitive though :shrug:

Good luck with which ever way you guys choose to go :)

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