~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I can't wait to find out the gender too! But I won't be finding out till close to 25 weeks!!! By choice really as we're doing the gender reveal party. Also we're in the midst of looking for a 4 bedroom house to rent. Our little 3 bed apartment 1352 sqft is just too tiny! I hope we find something!!!!! There's one house we're interested in that we will look at today. Also, we're planning a small trip to Disney world!!!! Either a 3 night or 4 night. We only live about 2 1/2 hours from Orlando so it's not a bad drive. It'll be our last vacation as a family of four! I'm so excited because our DS will almost be 4 when we go and he's already at the age where he'd really enjoy it! My 9 year old DD already enjoys it Lol

if you dont mind me asking what part of florida do you live? i moved three years ago from seffner florida and tampa florida i had my son in Brandon Florida.

I was wondering this too! I'm also in Florida. In the Gainesville area :)

I'm originally from Daytona beach but now live in Jacksonville! Huge city!

Jacksonville is only like an hour away from me! We actually get out local news from jax! Wow small world lol

Oh wow! What part of florida do you live?
wow, sorry for the negative reactions ladies :(.

Oneandtwo, I'd def say discuss it with your friends widow. My Dad died when i was young and my uncle decided to name his son my dads names just the opposite way around (middle name as 1st name) and my mum felt quite put out they'd not at least discussed it with her first. Kinda hard to hear you're husbands name all the time iykwim. I imagine it'd be a bit different with a friend but out of respect maybe best to discuss 1st :).

My mum used a doppler on baby today! :D (shes a midwife), 1st time we've actually heard the hb :). Was 159-175! quite a jumpy bean in there :haha:
I'm working today and apparently some of the people I'm working with on this shift ( the people change according to when they work) are deciding to be complete a**holes!!! I've never been treated so rudely by coworkers in my life! Can we say high school all over again?!? I needed help lifting a patient who is very heavy, they know I'm not suppose to be lifting heavy patients because of risk to the baby. I have a history of spontaneous placenta abruption. Well I get paged the patient wants to get back in bed and needs to be pulled up in the bed. I'm sitting around 4 other people and ask if someone can help me real quick, everyone is like "no". I swear some people are so rude. I always do my job and do it well! I'm a very good worker and I don't appreciate being treated that way!

Ok vent over! Lol
I'm working today and apparently some of the people I'm working with on this shift ( the people change according to when they work) are deciding to be complete a**holes!!! I've never been treated so rudely by coworkers in my life! Can we say high school all over again?!? I needed help lifting a patient who is very heavy, they know I'm not suppose to be lifting heavy patients because of risk to the baby. I have a history of spontaneous placenta abruption. Well I get paged the patient wants to get back in bed and needs to be pulled up in the bed. I'm sitting around 4 other people and ask if someone can help me real quick, everyone is like "no". I swear some people are so rude. I always do my job and do it well! I'm a very good worker and I don't appreciate being treated that way!

Ok vent over! Lol

omg what selfish people!! well i hope you didn't do it by yourself hun :hugs:. Is there not glide sheets etc available to help in that sort of situation? though you'd still need 2 people, unless the person could then help themselves! xx
I'm working today and apparently some of the people I'm working with on this shift ( the people change according to when they work) are deciding to be complete a**holes!!! I've never been treated so rudely by coworkers in my life! Can we say high school all over again?!? I needed help lifting a patient who is very heavy, they know I'm not suppose to be lifting heavy patients because of risk to the baby. I have a history of spontaneous placenta abruption. Well I get paged the patient wants to get back in bed and needs to be pulled up in the bed. I'm sitting around 4 other people and ask if someone can help me real quick, everyone is like "no". I swear some people are so rude. I always do my job and do it well! I'm a very good worker and I don't appreciate being treated that way!

Ok vent over! Lol

Urgh that's so awful - this type of work should come under your risk assessment?? But you sound so caring that I am sure you couldn't just sit back and not do it......please take care though!! Those collegues are no good.
wow, sorry for the negative reactions ladies :(.

Oneandtwo, I'd def say discuss it with your friends widow. My Dad died when i was young and my uncle decided to name his son my dads names just the opposite way around (middle name as 1st name) and my mum felt quite put out they'd not at least discussed it with her first. Kinda hard to hear you're husbands name all the time iykwim. I imagine it'd be a bit different with a friend but out of respect maybe best to discuss 1st :).

My mum used a doppler on baby today! :D (shes a midwife), 1st time we've actually heard the hb :). Was 159-175! quite a jumpy bean in there :haha:

So great about the heartbeat - I now can't live without my doppler and that amazing sound everyday. :)
kaths - ugh the sickness doesn't sound fun, but at least, as you say, it feels better once you've actually been sick. At least that's preferable to it staying the same all day.
how did the pregnancy announcement go?
I must confess I don't know what NT results mean, but I take it that was good news. It must be a relief not to worry.

tlh - I hope you had a nice chilled out weekend after you have been working hard this week

caro - haha I just keep one tab open where I type all the replies, and another tab open on this thread going through post by post seeing what everybody has written. easiest way to keep track lol. I'd never manage otherwise.
and yep Callisto is just pronounced Calli-s-to but we've decided on Callista instead (pronounced Calli-s-ta lol). We like Calli / Callie / Cally as a nickname :)
And yay how nice that you got to hear the heartbeat.

SugarBeth - oh hun I'm so sorry for your loss :( *hugs*

Libbysmum - great minds think alike (re: Callista / Calista).
Thanks for the honey and lemon advice. Unfortunately I still have a sore throat but it's just about tolerable. I hope it passes soon.
I'm sorry about your DD being poorly. I hope she feels better soon. That really does sound like you had a stressful day. It's so hard when kids are poorly.

junemomma - ooh exciting news about your gender scan, and having the gender reveal party.
As for the 3D/4D scan, yep we had one when we were having Jason. Not for the other two though. We're not having one this time round though, we can't justify the cost unfortunately.
No I don't forget I'm pregnant lol. The bump doesn't allow me to forget lol - it's too big!
I'm so SO jealous that you get to go to disney world! I don't think we could ever afford to go. I worked it out once that it would be something ludicrous like £8k for us to go. Even Disney Land in Paris costs a fortune. 3 days there is more than a fortnight in Spain! It's insane! I hope you all have a smashing time though.
Good luck with the house hunting.
And wow your co-workers sound terrible. I'd have refused to do the lifting if it were me, but I see why you felt as though you had to. Definitely bring it up with your manager / supervisor. Stress that you CANNOT be put in that position again.

Breadsticks - what are you and hubby gonna do on your day together on Saturday?
and thank you for liking my bump lol. I'd happily swap. It's too big for me lol. It's getting in the way haha.
It sounds like you had a really lovely day yesterday! Thats so nice :)

tsy - yay for managing meals! How annoying that you're still constipated though. I think your curry "craving" sounds like a real craving.
The way I would describe a craving is wanting something SO badly, and the wanting just not going away, and when you get to eat it, it tastes SO good, but you still want more and more and more of it!

pandaspot - I'm sure you're looking forward to your 3d/4d scan :)

miss bellum - did you manage to get the shopping done? Cheers for the name advice. we are going with Callista after all :)

alanna - ah it won't be long before your bubba is in the basket :)
Looking forward to seeing a bump pic!

pambolina - naughty baby not showing you lol. Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. Something to look forward to :)

myra - I'm sorry to hear about the heartburn. Glad everything is looking okay with your baby though. And wow at all the melon eating! Cravings I guess?
It's nice to hear that you enjoyed growing up with lots of siblings. Reassuring lol - because my DD and DS1 are set to kill each other lately! lol

Sw33t - veging out with movies sounds like a nice chilled out way to spend a day :) I'm jealous!

JJsmom - hurray for feeling the baby move. That sucks about your hormones. At least you know that won't last forever.
Nice that you get to spend some more time with your OH.
Ouch at the cramps. I bet that wasn't pleasant. Glad it died away though and wasn't anything serious.

sue - woo for ordering baby stuff! how nice of your parents to buy you a pram. My dad did that for us with baby 1, and then again with a tandem when baby 2 came along, which we were really grateful for.

oneandtwo - I'm sorry about the negative responses. I know how you feel, I had a few of those yourself. My cousin (one I'm closest to) was the worst. It's as though, you hit 4 kids, and suddenly people think you're overpopulating the earth or something. Feel like saying "geez it's FOUR not TWENTY-FOUR".
I'm glad your FB announcement was better received.
As for your child being named after your DH's deceased friend, I think I'd probably tell her, with a view to getting her blessing, as opposed to outright asking (because what if she said no? Would your DH really be willing to back down and not name him that?) - I can't actually see that she should have any reason to mind though. Surely nobody would mind.

Sweetien - welcome to the group!

beachgal - woops about the peeing. I've done it loads myself.

rabab - I'm sorry you've had negative comments too

Right, do I have any news other than what I posted this morning? *thinks* No I really don't.
I am still yet to feel any kicking or movement from baby. I wonder if I might have an anterior placenta. They didn't say anything about it when I went for my 12 week scan, but it's the only thing I can think of as to why I've felt absolutely nothing so far.
Okay, bear with me guys, I've been away all weekend and I'm just now getting a chance to try and catch up. The weather here has been wonderful. 30 degrees above the average. I'll post a link to some of our beach photos after I get them uploaded. We had a great time and I didn't puke at all!!

Becca I am so sorry to hear about your DD- Have you tried giving her cheese-balls? They are coated with that cheesey cornflour stuff and it apparently lines the stomach to stop throwing up? I give a handful of them to my DD if she is a bit unwell and it seems to help.

I'd never heard of that. Do you mean just like little cheeto puffs or Wotsits? She's stopped now. Threw up once when we stopped for dinner on the way to beach but no more after that. (Thank heavens!)

alicecooper - OMG!!! Callista has been my girl name since high school!!! Hubby's biggest issue with it last time around was that he thought people wouldn't pronounce it correctly and that it should be spelled Calista (with one L) but I like it with two. We'd call her Callie a lot. It's still on our list but since I use Callie for most of my logins it's not a definite. Let me see if I can dig up my post from a couple years back... https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/baby-names/219726-name-crisis.html LOL see! Way back in 2009. ps. are you a star wars fan???

Got down further... Gabrielle? LOL Our BOY name is Gabriel!!!! What are the chances!??

SugarBeth - oh Jill!! *hugs* I am so sorry. :( I was so hoping it would all turn out okay. :hugs:

Libbysmum - ah look, there's the Calista spelling! What are the chances of 3 of us on ONE thread? I've never met anyone who's considered it a possibility before!

myra - heartburn is the worst!!! Melons are ace though. I just read the other day about how wonderful watermelon is supposed to be for you while pregnant. Maybe you should add that to your melon shopping list!

junemomma09 - I'm hoping to get our little one down to Disney over Thanksgiving this year. We'll have, what... a 4 month old in tow? Should be interesting! I lived 40 minutes away from it most of my life and we've never been!

Breadsticks - I have a ninja and I love it! Recommend it to everyone. They think I'm crazy.

Sw33tp3a/ProudArmyWife/junemomma09 - I grew up in Cocoa, just outside of Titusville. Everyone I know had parents who worked at NASA. Area is going way downhill now with all the closures at Nasa, it's really sad.

tsyhanochka - to me cravings are mostly just when I can't stop thinking about a particular food. Sadly it seems that every time I indulge in one I never want it again!!! it's crazy.

SweetienFL - Welcome to the group!
alicecooper - OMG!!! Callista has been my girl name since high school!!! Hubby's biggest issue with it last time around was that he thought people wouldn't pronounce it correctly and that it should be spelled Calista (with one L) but I like it with two. We'd call her Callie a lot. It's still on our list but since I use Callie for most of my logins it's not a definite. Let me see if I can dig up my post from a couple years back... https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/baby-names/219726-name-crisis.html LOL see! Way back in 2009. ps. are you a star wars fan???

Got down further... Gabrielle? LOL Our BOY name is Gabriel!!!! What are the chances!??

HA wow great minds think alike!

I loooove Gabriel but DH isn't keen because he doesn't think it would go with our surname (as it starts with G), though he's fine with G middle names, just not first names.

No I'm not a star wars fan. I'm a huge Xena fan though, and one main character from that is called Callisto, which is where we got the idea from. DH prefers Callisto actually, but I like Callista better, I think it sounds more feminine, so he agreed we could use Callista :)
alicecooper - OMG!!! Callista has been my girl name since high school!!! Hubby's biggest issue with it last time around was that he thought people wouldn't pronounce it correctly and that it should be spelled Calista (with one L) but I like it with two. We'd call her Callie a lot. It's still on our list but since I use Callie for most of my logins it's not a definite. Let me see if I can dig up my post from a couple years back... https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/baby-names/219726-name-crisis.html LOL see! Way back in 2009. ps. are you a star wars fan???

Got down further... Gabrielle? LOL Our BOY name is Gabriel!!!! What are the chances!??

HA wow great minds think alike!

I loooove Gabriel but DH isn't keen because he doesn't think it would go with our surname (as it starts with G), though he's fine with G middle names, just not first names.

No I'm not a star wars fan. I'm a huge Xena fan though, and one main character from that is called Callisto, which is where we got the idea from. DH prefers Callisto actually, but I like Callista better, I think it sounds more feminine, so he agreed we could use Callista :)

Callista is Luke Skywalker's love interest in Children of the Jedi :) and as I was completely in love with Luke when I was 13 it kind of stuck.

I remember Callisto from Xena! She always creeped me out. You're right, Callisto does sound more masculine.

Wouldn't it be funny if we both wound up with Callistas! Although unlikely since the tech already told us she was leaning towards boy.
alicecooper - OMG!!! Callista has been my girl name since high school!!! Hubby's biggest issue with it last time around was that he thought people wouldn't pronounce it correctly and that it should be spelled Calista (with one L) but I like it with two. We'd call her Callie a lot. It's still on our list but since I use Callie for most of my logins it's not a definite. Let me see if I can dig up my post from a couple years back... https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/baby-names/219726-name-crisis.html LOL see! Way back in 2009. ps. are you a star wars fan???

Got down further... Gabrielle? LOL Our BOY name is Gabriel!!!! What are the chances!??

HA wow great minds think alike!

I loooove Gabriel but DH isn't keen because he doesn't think it would go with our surname (as it starts with G), though he's fine with G middle names, just not first names.

No I'm not a star wars fan. I'm a huge Xena fan though, and one main character from that is called Callisto, which is where we got the idea from. DH prefers Callisto actually, but I like Callista better, I think it sounds more feminine, so he agreed we could use Callista :)

Callista is Luke Skywalker's love interest in Children of the Jedi :) and as I was completely in love with Luke when I was 13 it kind of stuck.

I remember Callisto from Xena! She always creeped me out. You're right, Callisto does sound more masculine.

Would be funny if we both wound up with Callistas! Although unlikely since the tech already told us she was leaning towards boy.

ahh Callisto turns out good eventually. She goes up to heaven and becomes an angel and gets reunited with her family lol. She made an awesome baddy though ;)

seriously ladies how do you deal with the wait. honestly i still have about 24 weeks to go. i don't think it will ever get here :(
seriously ladies how do you deal with the wait. honestly i still have about 24 weeks to go. i don't think it will ever get here :(

the wait for the baby? well... THIS time I have a toddler!! lol You don't really get many spare seconds to sit around thinking about it.

The first time? I watched a lot of John and Kate Plus 8 and spent oodles of time looking at baby gear online. ;)

Natalie - oh yeah, you're right. It's been soooo long since I've watched Xena. I do remember enjoying the Callisto episodes... though even at the time I remember thinking, shouldn't it be Callista? lol
bump15.6.jpg bump 16 weeks i think my bump sure has popped. im all bundled up in my hoody its 19*f out:thumbup:
when at church service today the baby was going crazy. i was literally jumping/ jolted at times from how hard the kicks were.
thanks for the thoughts on cravings ladies. I guess my curry need was a craving, but I always really enjoy it so I don't think it was extra special... I think it was just me wanting curry! I have had a few things that I've wanted and thought lots of and when I got it I was really disappointed. Like baked potato and mashed potato once. Ah well, if the cravings come they will come. I'm just happy to have had 3 days where I've had 3 meals/day! Hope this keeps up. What I've noticed is around the Tuesday (the day when I change 'weeks') I seem to get more sick than the rest. I don't know why.

I hope I can do our staff lunch on Wednesday though... it's half in my honour! We're going out for Indian buffet. Now I can hopefully get the other 'craving' I've had for korma for weeks! We're going out to say goodbye to a colleague who is taking a year leave from us and to celebrate my news as part of a 'catch up' lunch. since not many made it to the before Christmas lunch.

DH was in a concert today for the Ukrainian community. He's in a marching band, they did a stationary performance for this concert. There were little kids there in a choir, all I could think of was in a few short years our little жабка will be up there too! OMG!

Good night ladies, I slept late but I'm all tuckered out.
I have been craving roast veggies. I wish I had some pumpkin to roast. I got potatoes, that will have to do. I don't even have any carrot.
Got DH home today...one would think he would want to spend time with me and DD but he just wants to chill and play the ps3. Maybe later today he will make an appearance and be a "dad".
I made pancakes for everyone for breakfast this morning. Yum...I ran out of selfraising flour so had to use plain flour with some baking powder- they were edible and I had no complaints.
Not a very exciting day here- just catching up on housework.
hello ladies, I am rubbish at keeping up with this thread.

Hope you are all well!

Managed to eat a whole roast dinner last night! :happydance:
Pink...I feel the same way...it moves so quickly I have to go back about 4 pages to read what I missed overnight. Sometimes I just skim through. My legs feel like lead weights at night. Maybe I am not getting enough exercise?
DH has promised a BBQ lunch tomorrow...I am holding him to it...knowing my luck it will be too hot or raining. Let's hope the weather stays nice for it or will be having sausages over the fry-pan at home LOL.
Played in the snow for first ever time with Sophie! Was awesome!

Anyone else not feeling any movement yet at 16ish weeks with number 2? I'm starting to panic a bit, but remember not really feeling much with Sophie until 20+ weeks!

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