~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Is $150 reasonable for a 3d scan? At my new obgyn you have to pay for one if you want one, apparently insurance doesn't cover it? Strange because at my midwife's office before they never said anything about having to pay for it. Anyways, the $150 is for a 3d scan with a dvd, it's $100 without but I want the dvd. Just wondering if I should shop around for a better price or not :)

I think I've seen other women here post lower prices for their private scans. I don't know where in Illinois you are, but here's a link to one site who has a range of prices/packages form $39-$200. https://peekabelly3d.com/Ultrasound_Services_Lockport_IL.html. It might be worth searching for a clinic in your area...
Im hoping family still has some stuff my friend has some I can borrow for my five year old, I just gotta check around for the other two! I think I'll be fine if I just.wear lots of layers. We used to keep snow clothes there with family since we go up for Christmas but its been two years since the last time went up and there was snow so all the clothes are too small! It's looking like we'll be able to go, and im glad. He missed his best friends funeral and his grand mothers because they wouldnt grant him leave.

I'm so glad it's sounding like you'll be able to go! I can't believe that an employer would ever deny someone a trip for a funeral/bereavement. Good luck with the winter clothing search for your other two little ones :) Winter coats and things are on crazy sales where I am now, you might be able to get a really good deal on new coats for your kids so you have something with your family that now fits them. :thumbup:
breadsticks- yay thats exciting. my doctors office offers 3d and 4d scans so i want to call to see how much they charge for an early gender scan. would they be able to tell gender on an ultrasound at 15 wks 4days?

oneandtwo-sorry about your husbands grandfather. hopefully you can find something warm to wear!

I had a 3D scan when I was in the hospital at 12w 6d- and we happened to get a perfect shot between the legs. The radiologist said it was to early to tell gender, but I thought I boy. Once I compared it to 13w ultrasounds I found online, I had little doubt. A few days later we found out (though blood work) that it was indeed a boy. So I'm sure at 15 weeks they can def tell (at least on a 3D at a minimum)
so i scheduled my anatomy scan today for February 25th. My husband has a doctor's appointment so I will have to have the day off anyway to watch my daughter. So she's going to go to the doctor with me and see her baby brother or sister. I think i'm just going to suck it up and wait until then that way it can be something me and her can experience together. i know she won't understand whats going on since she is still young she'll be almost 16months by then but i think it'll nice to know she was there!
Abigail this is what they have here in the city where I live... it is called miracle me...

3D/4D Ultrasound Packages

The Ultimate Miracle Me
Package Price - $220

25min ultrasound session recorded on DVD with music of choice
CD with approx 50 - 100 images
10 printed pictures on quality photo paper
Hear baby's heartbeat - click here
Gender determination (upon request)

Marvellous Miracle Me
Package Price - $170

20min ultrasound session recorded on DVD with music of choice
6 printed pictures on quality photo paper
Hear baby's heartbeat - click here
Gender determination (upon request)

Miracle Me Sneak Peek Gender
Starts from 16 weeks

Package Price - $99
15min ultrasound session recorded on DVD with music of choice
Hear baby's heartbeat - click here
Gender determination (upon request)
Choice of DVD or CD with 6 pictures
*$99 Package ONLY available on weekdays

*Only available up to 25 weeks pregnant

If they can't tell you get to go back for free for another scan later.
We did this with our daughter...although at the time the package was for 16-28wks...but they since changed it.
price usually depends on what sort of package is available. I don't know if we will get one this time or not- haven't decided.

Got some friends visiting this afternoon. They're on a diet so I am trying to think of some healthy snacks. DD is napping and I have a load of laundry on. May just go for carrot sticks and cheese or something.

Also have a lady popping by around lunch time to pick up a Norwex mop that needs returning...not sure why the other woman is returning it as I think I would love to have one but each to their own.

Trying to get our train trip organized - this morning DD and I went shopping for train snacks to take on board. DH is counting down the days...poor guy is so over being at work. He really needs some time off.
Im hoping family still has some stuff my friend has some I can borrow for my five year old, I just gotta check around for the other two! I think I'll be fine if I just.wear lots of layers. We used to keep snow clothes there with family since we go up for Christmas but its been two years since the last time went up and there was snow so all the clothes are too small! It's looking like we'll be able to go, and im glad. He missed his best friends funeral and his grand mothers because they wouldnt grant him leave.

I'm so glad it's sounding like you'll be able to go! I can't believe that an employer would ever deny someone a trip for a funeral/bereavement. Good luck with the winter clothing search for your other two little ones :) Winter coats and things are on crazy sales where I am now, you might be able to get a really good deal on new coats for your kids so you have something with your family that now fits them. :thumbup:

Well its the Navy, they are lretty good at denying their employees! I heard old navy.is having a huge.sale right now, we'll probably stop in Vegas and get some warm clothes!
I wish we had old navy here! I love shopping there! I will have to save up for another trip to the USA and get my shopping fix!
Alice- your bump is so big already! Tell that baby to slow down!
All the best for the upcoming scans!
Hi all

I feel like I know nothing as this is my first lol. What is a vbac?

I have another appointment at the hospital Tuesday to see a consultant to check out these two fibroids, still don't know what they are? They are small so suppose its nothing to worry about. I will have another scan I think as well

Then I am back on Wednesday, going to see a consultant about my foot. Broke my foot last year and its still not right! I was going to pay to go private, cause waiting list on nhs is 26 weeks, week before i am due! it would have cost £180 but my physio pulled some strings and got me a free appointment, but I will have to pay for the MRI. Hope to get this sorted before I get too big. Having problems walking on foot and I have torn ligaments in other knee! I am a mess at the moment lol. Had to pay for physio privately, as again 6 month wait, and I certainly couldn't wait that long.

It's very snowy here now :) I love it
Hi all

I feel like I know nothing as this is my first lol. What is a vbac?

I have another appointment at the hospital Tuesday to see a consultant to check out these two fibroids, still don't know what they are? They are small so suppose its nothing to worry about. I will have another scan I think as well

Then I am back on Wednesday, going to see a consultant about my foot. Broke my foot last year and its still not right! I was going to pay to go private, cause waiting list on nhs is 26 weeks, week before i am due! it would have cost £180 but my physio pulled some strings and got me a free appointment, but I will have to pay for the MRI. Hope to get this sorted before I get too big. Having problems walking on foot and I have torn ligaments in other knee! I am a mess at the moment lol. Had to pay for physio privately, as again 6 month wait, and I certainly couldn't wait that long.

It's very snowy here now :) I love it

vbac=vaginal birth after c-section
Ahh lol, I saw it at the hospital written on a notice boars but I wasn't close enough to read it.

Pregnancy brings forth a whole new lingo... :) Some things you want to know and most things you really don't want to know!
So laying in bed last night and start having a panic attack about giving birth again. Not sure where it came from but wow got myself All worked up :dohh: I had such a good first labor that I feel like something will go wrong this time. Ladies that have already given birth 2 times were your births pretty similar?
So laying in bed last night and start having a panic attack about giving birth again. Not sure where it came from but wow got myself All worked up :dohh: I had such a good first labor that I feel like something will go wrong this time. Ladies that have already given birth 2 times were your births pretty similar?

these are my birth stories. they're a bit long-winded though lol.

Lydia's Birth Story - 25th September 2005

Vital Statistics :

Time of birth : 8.35am
Gender: Female
Weight: 10lbs 10oz
Length: 21.5 inches
Apgar score after 1 minute: 9
Apgar score after 5 minutes: 9
Gestational Age : 42 weeks + 4 days
name: Lydia Fay Gosney

Wednesday 9am: I rang up the hospital to ask when I could come in to be induced, and was told that there were no beds available yet so I would have to wait for them to call me back. Hence I promptly fell back to sleep again!

Wednesday 11.10am: I received phone call from hospital telling me to come into hospital for midday as there had just been a bed which became available and I would have to hurry before they gave it to someone else! At which point I sort of threw myself (as best I could of course) out of bed, into the shower, started randomly throwing the last few remaining things I needed to take with me into bags, just in time for my mam to arrive at 11.50am to take me (and my husband) to the hospital. Once I arrived there I was placed in a ward with several other pregnant ladies.

Wednesday sometime around 1pm-ish: I was given an internal examination; and was told that my cervix was tightly closed.

Wednesday about 2 or 3pm: One of the midwives inserted 2mg of prostin gel into me. This was really very painful!

Wednesday afternoon and evening: Contractions started. Contracting contracting and more contracting. My blood pressure was taken many times, and I spent a lot of time strapped to a machine which monitors the baby's heartbeat and the tightening of my contractions. This was very boring and I was still sore from having had the prostin gel earlier.

Thursday...at some point during the day: My contractions had dimmed down to being pretty much non-existant again. I was still not dilated at all so I was given another 1mg of prostin gel on cervix. Again this was very painful!

Thursday afternoon and evening: Things were very similar to how they had been on Wednesday afternoon. I was monitored a lot and I was contracting a great deal also.

Friday morning: I was moved to a new bedroom on my own. This was a relief as I hadn't enjoyed being on the ward really. As my contractions had died away during the night, I was given another 1mg of prostin gel.

Friday afternoon: I was contracting a great deal, although they were not as strong as they had been on Thursday.

Friday afternoon: I had a talk with a senior doctor. She said it's not usual to give more than 4mg of prostin gel in 48 hours, but in my case they were going to make an exception and give me an extra 1mg as I was still not dilated at all.
So that is what happened. I was not very happy at this point because it was very painful.

Friday evening: I had another talk with the doctors, who told me that If I hadn't dilated by Saturday morning enough for them to break my waters, they would have to decide whether to leave it for 24 hours and do an ultrasound to check the placenta and then start again with the gel, or to give me a c-section.

Friday night: I was upset that things were taking so long and I broke down and cried. I saw so many women walking around with their little newborn babies, and knew that mine was so near and yet so far! At this point I seriously considered just asking the doctors for a c-section and have done with. I mentioned this to a midwife but she said she didn't have the authority to discuss that with me, as it's now in the hands of the senior doctor.

Saturday morning: I had another internal examination, and was finally told that I was JUST dilated enough for the minimum requirement of having my waters broken and being put on the drip to force contractions again. BUT....I was told that there was no guarantee that once my waters were broken, that my cervix would dilate any more. In which case I would have to have a c-section anyway.

Saturday afternoon: I asked senior doctor seriously to consider me just to go in for a c-section, but I told that she didn't think it was a good idea as the situation didn't seem serious enough to warrant one.
I was, however, told that I could discuss it with other doctors once I got to the delivery suite, (which, at the present time, had no beds available).

Saturday around 6 or 6.15pm: Finally I was moved to the delivery suite just as my dad and his wife were coming to visit me. As I had just moved to the delivery suite, they were told that they could not stay and had to leave. At that point my hormones gave way, and I started crying, and could NOT stop crying for about 20 minutes! I begged the doctor to give me a c-section.
The doctor told me that there are more risks in a c-section than a natural birth, and he advised me to try the water-breaking and the drip. I really didn't want to go through all that though after everything I had been through already, if there was a chance I could end up with a c-section anyway. My mam (who was one of my birthing partners) was telling me to go with the water-breaking. My husband was telling me to go for the c-section.
In the end I decided to be brave and go for the water-breaking. I stopped crying, and decided that it was worth a try to avoid the major surgery and the greater risks.

Saturday 6.45pm - My waters broken (which involved a very large knitting-needle type of instrument being inserted into me, which was very painful). My mam and my husband were running around desperately trying to change my sanitary towels as my waters were flowing like a river!
Then the drip was put in my wrist and they started me off with 1mg of pitocin. The midwives told me they would be gradually increasing the dosage throughout the night to 32mg.

I was coping okay at first with the contractions, but as the dosage of pitocin got higher, they were getting worse. Soon I was reaching for the gas and air. It was making my head feel so strange and funny, but it wasn't helping with the pain very much.

Saturday 10pm: The dosage of the drip was now at 12mg and the pain started to become unbearable. I asked the midwife for an epidural, so she went to see if she could get the anaesthetist to come and give me one....only to return about 5 minutes later to tell me that the anaesthatist was in surgery with someone who was rushed in for an emergency c-section, and it would be a good hour if not more by the time I could have an epidural! This was definitely not good news for me!
I asked the midwife if there was anybody else that could do my epidural, so she said there was another anaesthatist somewhere else in the hospital that she would page.
So off she went again, and came back saying that they were busy and would try and get here ASAP, but there was no guarantee that they would be any faster than the first one!
I was getting desperate at this point, so inbetween ferocious contractions I asked if I could have some other painkiller. She said she could give me diamorphene as an injection in my leg, which is a narcotic. I agreed to this, so she gave me the injection.
It took a short amount of time to kick in, but then when it did I felt extremely sick. My contractions were honestly not much less painful (I still had the gas and air also), but now I was feeling sick aswell! I asked my husband to give me a drink of Fanta, but after one sip I was violently sick into a vomit bowl.
Around an hour later I was sick again. It was most unpleasant!

Midnight: At long last the anaesthatist arrived to give me the epidural! I had to keep extremely still whilst she was putting it in my back, which was very difficult to do whilst I was contracting!
Once it was in, things improved immensely. Every 2 hours or so I started feeling the contractions again, and I had to call the midwife to come and press the button to give me a top-up of the epidural (no more injections or anything though because my back had a tube in it attached to a drip - so it was just a drip top-up).

Sunday 1am: My dilation was checked - I was 4cms dilated.

Sunday 5am: My dilation was checked - I was fully dilated! I was amazed I had gone 6cms dilated in only 4 hours!

Sunday 7.10am ish: I started pushing. and pushing and pushing and pushing! She simply didn't want to come out!
Finally the midwife had to give me an episiotomy, but only a small one at first.
I carried on pushing, but still she didn't want to come out. So I was cut again.
I Pushed some more and more and more, and finally I tore past the episiotomy cut and out she came at 8.35am!
When she came out, she was a bluey purple-y colour and sort of limp (which I saw). My husband cut her cord, and the midwife rushed the baby over to the baby table and waved some oxygen over her and in less than a minute she started crying and colour came to her. (not that I saw that bit... my husband told me afterwards).
The midwife said everything was okay, and I asked what gender she was and my husband said "it's a girl!"
So then I started crying and crying and crying I was so happy! I finally had my beautiful baby, after all that!
Then the baby was wrapped up and put in my arms, and I was astounded at how heavy she was! I couldn't believe how cute she was as well!
Then she was weighed and when they told me she was 10lbs 10oz I was flabbergasted! No wonder I tore!
After that I had to wait for the surgeon to come and stitch me up.

That is the story of how my beautiful Lydia, came into the world.
Alexander's birth story - 14th August 2007

Vital statistics:

Time of birth: 9.58pm
Weight: 10lbs 1oz
Apgar score after 1 minute: 6
Apgar score after 5 minutes: 9
Gestational Age: 42 weeks + 1 day
name : Alexander Joshua Gosney

Monday 13th August:

Approx 10.30am - arrived at hospital
Midday - checked to see if I was dilated and apparently I was not dilated even one teeny tiny bit
12.07pm - prostin gel was administered to my cervix

After that I was contracting all evening. I was constantly being monitered - both for my contractions and for the baby's heartbeat. Every hour they would put me on the machine for those things.

Approx 10.30pm - cervix checked again - still not dilated at all.

Tuesday 14th August 2007

Approx 10am - cervix checked again - I was dilated to 3cm

After that I was left to contract throughout the day in my room. They were getting worse and worse until they were unbearable, so I was brought in a canister of gas and air which I used to its full advantage.
I kept asking if I could go to the delivery suite, but I kept getting told that they were waiting for a bed for me.

Approx 5.30pm - cervix checked again - I was dilated to 5cm

At this point I was told that yes I could go to the delivery suite. I was plonked into a wheelchair at about 6.30pm and taken through.
Contractions were really strong at this point so I asked if I could have an epidural. I was told that the anaesthetist was busy in theatre so I would have to wait.

I was practically screaming with the contractions by the time the anaesthetist arrived - which was at about 8pm.
Immediately after having been given the epidural (and was put on a pitocin drip) I started shivering badly and my legs started twitching. My blood pressure dropped to 88/55 and Alex's heart rate also dropped a lot.

They decided they were going to put a heart monitor on his head so in order to do that they first broke my waters, and also told me I was 8cm dilated.

At this point loads of doctors and midwives started running in and out of the room all talking in hushed tones to each other. I didn't know what was going on at all but they all seemed really worried. I didn't find out until later that the cord was around Alex's neck.

9.40pm - I was fully dilated. By now there was a team of people in the room. My legs were hoisted into stirrups and I was told that they wanted the baby out as fast as possible.
They brought out forceps and started trying to turn Alex around so that the cord would unwrap itself from around his neck. The bloody epidural, although it had worked to stop the pain of the contractions, had done nothing to numb my nether regions for some weird reason, so I could feel everything and was in loads of pain. My blood pressure was still really low aswell and I kept telling them I was going to be sick.

Anyway then they got the ventouse and told me to start pushing. I pushed and they pulled but the ventouse popped off his head so they had to try again.
Then I ended up moving my bowels all over the bed. I was mortified and kept apologising for it, but the midwives said it didn't matter.
Alex still wasn't coming out so they gave me an episiotomy. Thankfully I didn't tear past the cut so that was at least some relief.

Anyway the whole pushing thing took 18 painful minutes. Alex wasn't breathing when he came out but it only took 1 minute for him to be resucitated.

After that I was given the injection that makes you deliver the placenta - that took 7 minutes to deliver.

Then when I was being stitched up I could feel it all because of the epidural not having worked properly so I kept telling them it hurt and eventually (about half-way through the stitching) they decided to give me a local anaesthetic which helped a little. I was still feeling really sick though and shivery.

As soon as they had stitched me up and helped me to sit back up, I vomited bucket-loads. It was not pleasant.

Aaanyway after that things started to get a bit more back to normal. After about an hour or so (during time whilst I was breastfeeding Alex) I vomited again - poor Alex was lying across my stomach skin to skin and he started getting jerked around like a bronco rider every time my stomach lurched with the vomiting!

Well that's about it really - I lost 600ml of blood in total and was told I was going to need iron tablets.
Alex was fine but his poor head was all red and bruised.
My stitches hurt a lot but I was given painkillers.

I was allowed home the following day (Wed) - they said I could have stayed in longer if I wanted but I said I'd prefer to get home where it's more comfortable. So that's that really.

And that is the story of how my sweet little Alex came into the world.
Jason's birth story - Thursday 24th September 2009

Vital Statistics :

Time of birth : 12.57pm
Gender : male
weight : 11lbs 0.7oz
Apgar Score after 1 minute = 9,
Apgar score after 5 minutes = 10
Gestational Age : 41 weeks + 3 days
name : Jason Matthew Gosney

Wednesday 23rd Sept :

approx. 12.30am - There I was sitting at my computer. Kids were in bed, just surfing the net, as you do, when I felt something trickling don my legs. Thought I'd better go to the toilet and make sure I hadn't wet myself. I was pretty sure I'd had my waters broken so I put a pad on and came down, told my husband, and phoned the hospital. They told me to come in to be checked, so I rang my best friend Amy to come and stay at our house with the kids. When she arrived we called a taxi and my husband and I went to hospital.

roughly 2.40am - got to hospital and was sent to Maternity Assessment Centre. They made me do a urine sample, then put me on foetal heart monitor and contraction monitor and made me sit there for ages. I was contracting but only smallish contractions, and irregularly.

some time after 3.30am- I was still gushing waters into pads so they did a swab test and said they didn't think it was fluid because the swab didn't turn black, and apparently it was not enough in quantity to be my waters (hmm?!) so they reckoned it was discharge instead. I tried to argue the point that I thought it was my waters but they made me feel like an idiot who didn't know what I was talking about.

around 4am - they did an internal examination to "make sure it wasn't my waters" and concluded that it wasn't, and sent us home. Got home around 5am.

11.15am - arrived at hospital again for my pre-booked clinic consultation (which was to discuss induction for Monday, and my previous growth scan). Amy was with me, having stayed the night, and Phil my husband was at home with Alex my other son (Lydia my daughter was at nursery). There was a really really long wait, so by the time my name was called it was about 1pm.

1pm - I stood up from having been sat all that time and waters started pouring down my legs, I waddled the few steps to the consultation room, got through the door, and promptly produced a huge puddle on the floor (despite having on 2 pads). The woman in there was like "umm yep your waters have gone" and after I'd put on new pads and knickers she told me I had to go straight back upstairs to Maternity Assessment Centre and said they wouldn't be sending me home.

2.15pm - Amy left to pick up Lydia from nursery and arrived back a couple of hours later with Phil and Alex plus my suitcase/hospital bag. They stayed a while then Amy took the kids home.

around 6.30pm - I was taken to delivery suite and strapped to foetal heart monitor and contraction monitor

around 9pm ish - waters checked to see how burst they were. Turns out there was a bubble just below Jason's head which was kind of creating a dam, and I was leaking probably from the top of the sac, so they got rid of the bubble and things started flowing more easily.

11pm - my contractions were irregular (although painful so I was on gas and air). There were roughly 3 every 10 minutes but it wasn't exact. So I was given prostin onto my cervix.

Thursday 24th Sept

approx. 5-6am - my contractions were strong but not sufficient for me to progress. I was asked if I want an epidural before being given a drip and I said yes. So anaesthetist came and gave me epidural. It took pretty well. Didn't QUITE numb my left side 100% but it didn't matter too much. It was numbed enough that I wasn't in pain.
Then they put the drip in. They kept telling me my mouth looked dry and that I had to drink water.
Every time the fluid in the drip was going into me slowly, I started shaking and shivering and feeling really sick, but then when they turned it up so it ran into me faster, I started feeling alright again.
I told them this, and they seemed unsure as to what to do, because on the one hand they didn't want me feeling ill, but on the other hand they didn't want me to get too full of fluid too quickly. In the end they sort of did it moderately.

They put a catheter in me as well at some point after the epidural had gone in.

approx. 11.30am - I was examined and found to be fully dilated, but they said his head was still quite high, so they just decided to leave me for a while longer. I could feel intense pressure 'down there' every time I had a contraction, and I would have had the urge to push had it not been for the epidural which sort of over-rid that urge. Still was mighty uncomfortable though. They wanted to monitor his heartbeat as well.

sometime around 12.40pm - I was told to start pushing with my contractions. first contraction I did about 2 or 3 pushes and his head started crowning.
Second contraction his head came out.
They told me that on the third contraction I'd be getting the body out, but Jason had other ideas….he didn't want to wait and started trying to breath and get himself out! So they pulled him a bit and I pushed a bit despite there not being a contraction, and he just slid out at 12.57pm crying loudly

After the birth Phil cut the cord and Jason was plonked straight onto me for cuddles and a feed. I was given the injection to deliver the placenta.

I was feeling sick and ended up throwing up into a sick bowl at some point.

At first I was told that I only had a mild graze and wouldn't need any stitches, but then later decided that it was in fact a second degree tear, but still the damage was pretty minimal. So at this time my epidural was wearing off so they had to give me a local anaesthetic so they could do me a few stitches.

I was told I'd be able to go home after 6 hours, but later told me that in fact they wanted us to stay in for 36 hours because my waters had broken more than 24 hours before Jason was born, so there was a chance he could get an infection if he didn't stay in for observation, so I was gutted because it meant I had to stay in till Saturday lunchtime and miss Lydia's birthday which was on the Friday.

He breastfed like a pro and was wearing size 3 nappies and 0-3 month clothes!

And that is the story of how my cute little Jason came into the world.
with my DD i started feeling contractions at 7 in the morning but went to work anyway. I got off work at 3 ate an entire pizza because i was starving then called my doctor. they told me to go to the hospital to see if i was in active labor. When i arrived at the hospital about 6:00 pm they hooked me up to the machine to measure contractions and checked my cervix which then caused my bloody show so they admitted me at 6:30pm. At 8pm my doctor came in and broke water to help get labor moving faster. By 9pm i was begging for an epidural but the only anestisologist there was stuck in an elective surgery so i had to wait. I got my epidural at about 11pm finally and slept for an hour. I think i started pushing at like 1am and my daughter was born 1:58 in the morning. I pushed for a really long time because i was terrified of pooping so i didn't push very hard :haha:

i had a very easy birth the only hard time i had was between having my water broke and waiting for the epidural just because i was in a lot of pain. i dont know how some women go completely natural!! i couldn't do the pain meds because they made me sick so i just wanted the epidural and will do it again this time
So laying in bed last night and start having a panic attack about giving birth again. Not sure where it came from but wow got myself All worked up :dohh: I had such a good first labor that I feel like something will go wrong this time. Ladies that have already given birth 2 times were your births pretty similar?

No, my.first labor was a terrifying nightmare. My last to labor/deliveries.were wonderful! My second labor lasted a 1/3 as long as my first, not nearly as stressful scary. It was a good experience. Even.though my third labor was almost just as long as my 1st, I think it was my favorite. I had my sons and husband there, the staff was very adament on skin to skin immediatly, didn't even question my lack of desire for immunizations at birth. And highly encouraged breastfeesing. They even smuggled my kids into the recovery room for an over night.stay! They warned us when the nasty nurse was.on call, when she'd make her rounds someone would come.in before her and tell my husband.to take the boys.for a walk LOL.

I dont think you have anything to fear. Out of my siblings (this will be the 9th grandchild) I was the only one to have a bad.birth experience, its really not all that common especially if you take charge IMO.
Alice thanks for posting that! Sounds like all your births were fairly similar for the most part. Obviously not identical but similar. Kinda puts my mind at ease. I know either way I can't control what happens
Evening all, hope everyone is doing well.

It has been snowing quite heavily here. It does look lovely but it took me ages to walk to work and back. I think it was because I was so scared of slipping and hurting the bean, I was going at a snails pace!

tlh97990 - Taking your daughter to see her brother/sister sounds like a lovely idea x

Libbysmum - Hope you & your hubby enjoy a well deserved break x

Pandaspot - This is our first too, so I am quite clueless too! It's fun finding out things though.
Hope you can get your foot sorted out. Quite snowy here too - Its very pretty but I am finding it quite hard getting about.

alicecooper - thanks for sharing your stories.
Here's my Birth Story as written up by my husband the night our baby was born. :)

They say I should be prepared next time since I was fully dilated in less than 9 hours and that second babies often come faster. Worrisome since the new hospital is even further away!!!

My belly is making crazy rumblings today and I'm feeling rather queasy again.. (so nothing new there as my hubby is fond of saying)

Had a great FREE 2 hour massage yesterday. I still don't really understand why I got one but I'm not going to question a free massage. The therapist was really great and explained what she wouldn't do because of pressure points etc. She said I should totally come back when I'm do because she's 4 for 6 in triggering labour. lol I told her I'd be there with bells on.

We had a tiny snow last night. It's all melted now but it was lovely letting Jessie build some ice castles with her sand bucket this morning.

Sorry I haven't posted much recently. I've been seriously exhausted, more so than even in the first trimester!! Lost a couple pounds and now I'm down to what I weighed when I got pregnant. I'm going to have hubby take a bump shot when he gets home tonight! (my first!)

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