~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

mvosse, it does feel terribly far away but hopefully it will get here quickly! I am very impatient :haha:

Thank you to everyone who gave their birth stories and encouragement to us first-timers! I always thought I would be terrified because I always worried before I was pregnant about it. Now that there's a baby in me, I am not concerned at all. Actually, I've been like this about everything with the pregnancy which is very odd because I am such a worrier. Before getting pregnant I was terrified of miscarrying (my mom has had at least three) but once I got pregnant all the stresses and worries left me. I thought the hormones would make it worse but I guess I've been lucky.

Becca and Mara, love your bumps!

As for me, yesterday my husband took me out to lunch and we walked around the downtown area a little. It was really nice out, unseasonably warm and sunny. While we were eating lunch we were talking about how I feel bad that he hasn't been able to have any good wine since we found out I was pregnant lol. We would normally have a bottle every weekend or so but a bottle is just too much for one person! :haha: I had completely forgotten that the local winery had opened up a downtown location close to us recently so we checked it out. It was so much fun! He did a tasting and I had a slice of cheddar apple pie, oh my gosh it was so delicious! And I smelled all the wines that he tasted, cabernet is the only one I'm really craving now and smelling it actually helped :thumbup: Afterwards we came home and worked on the baby's room a little. We are still in the process of getting furniture out of there that we want to get rid of or move to the living room. We were able to take care of a big, old bookcase that was full of random textbooks we don't need and things like that, just lots of junk really. We moved it downstairs to the living room and we'll replace it with a better, more nursery-like piece of furniture.

How are you ladies?
i swear i am eating everything in sight today! i am just like starving and cant stop eating!! ahhh i need this to stop i dont want to gain 40lbs like i did with DD :wacko:
Got my first antenatal appointment in just over 1 hour! Bit excited! Woke up really early before the birds - I hope they do a heartbeat check and stuff. We are just waiting for my mum to arrive to babysit our DD for us.
Breadsticks your date with OH sounds wonderful.
Sorry for the ladies falling in the snow. Hope you don't bruise too badly.
Maratobe and becca so cute - I love bump photos it is amazing how each are so different
Had that horrible pressure down below again yesterday while walking round the shops. I will try to remember to mention it at the appointment.
Has anyone else had really tired feet lately?
Thank you to everyone who gave their birth stories and encouragement to us first-timers! I always thought I would be terrified because I always worried before I was pregnant about it. Now that there's a baby in me, I am not concerned at all. Actually, I've been like this about everything with the pregnancy which is very odd because I am such a worrier. Before getting pregnant I was terrified of miscarrying (my mom has had at least three) but once I got pregnant all the stresses and worries left me. I thought the hormones would make it worse but I guess I've been lucky.

I kind of feel the same way. Generally I worry over lots of things, but now that I'm actually pregnant I don't freak out over little things. I'm not even stressing as much as I would about my house being a mess. I'm just getting energy back now, and my sister is out this week into her own place so then I'll have the space and time to fix things up but generally a messy house makes me a little edgy, and I don't think I'm too bad.

AFM: I went out for coffee with a friend yesterday, had a tea latte myself and a cupcake but couldn't finish it all. Not excited by sweets now, which is weird for me. And super salty things turn me off too. I exchanged a maternity skirt I bought for some more leggings and tank tops that will fit me. I need things to layer and cover up the obscene cleavage that a few of my summer dresses give me now. My plan is to layer them with leggings and a sweater and get myself through to spring/summer and get some capri leggings to hopefully get me the rest of the way. I'll pick up a few maxi dresses I think and that will be it for me. I'm not bothering with maternity jeans or pants, I may get a jean skirt but I think these leggings/dresses will do me just fine.

I bought a 0-3mons onsie today that says 'My Dad Rocks' and I told DH that I got him something at the store but I wasn't sure of the size so he better take a look. He was speechless. It seems both so big and so small at the same time. It was the first baby clothes thing I've bought. Actually it was the first baby thing I bought since finding out. I had picked up a few decorative things while we were TTC but those have been tucked up in my closet and don't really count. It still seems surreal that I can buy things for the baby. Now that my energy is coming back and I'm able to eat again, I honestly don't think of me as being pregnant .... except when I see my bloated belly!

I'm feeling strange today, maybe because I've not eaten on time all weekend, but I still don't feel super attached to this baby yet. I hope once I feel it move this will all seem more real for me. I feel like the tests, the ultrasound, the heartbeat... all of it is a dream and I'll wake up and it will be Cycle 12 again and I won't be pregnant at all and instead of a BFP I'll get AF and carry on like nothing. I'm sure most of this Debbie Downer mood is my blood sugar talking.

Maybe after supper I'll feel better, DH is making his awesome mashed potatoes with some ham and veggies. And he just called from the grocery store in the ice cream aisle to ask what treat I want him to bring home! I opted for caramel pecan crunch frozen yogurt. He wouldn't let me go to the store because the weather is quite bad today. Very windy and cold here and we had a rare 'thundersnow' during the night! Winter thunder and lightening! I only remember it maybe twice before in my life!
Breadsticks - it's really funny, I wasn't much of a wine drinker before I got pregnant. We've actually had one glass worth left in white wine bottle in the fridge for months. I saw it while cleaning the other day and decided to just pour it out and make space. The smell!! It was divine! Started me craving a glass!! What's that about?! I don't think I've ever felt that way about wine before! lol it's ridiculous. Probably some weird, I want it because I can't have it reaction.

Libbysmum - Oh MY GOSH! The pain today has been crazy! Feels like the bones in my nether regions are separating or something, it's sooo sore! I'd forgotten you could even feel like that. Also been getting a good deal of the pressure down there as well, wonder if babes is having a growth spurt!

tsyhanochka - Thundersnow! I just had my first ever this week!! It's was 65 f today but Thursday night we had a ThunderSNOW! I didn't even know it was possible!! It was snowing and thundering! Soo bizarre! Doesn't help that the temps keep flucating wildly. Supposed to have a high of 32 Tuesday even though it 65 today!!!

maratobe - wow! you've definitely popped! I didn't take an early photo cause I still have the belly from Jessie so it probably resembled my 16w shot anyway lol.
i swear i am eating everything in sight today! i am just like starving and cant stop eating!! ahhh i need this to stop i dont want to gain 40lbs like i did with DD :wacko:

i would be satisfied gaining 40lbs i gained 80 lbs with my daughter :haha:

Got my first antenatal appointment in just over 1 hour! Bit excited! Woke up really early before the birds - I hope they do a heartbeat check and stuff. We are just waiting for my mum to arrive to babysit our DD for us.
Breadsticks your date with OH sounds wonderful.
Sorry for the ladies falling in the snow. Hope you don't bruise too badly.
Maratobe and becca so cute - I love bump photos it is amazing how each are so different
Had that horrible pressure down below again yesterday while walking round the shops. I will try to remember to mention it at the appointment.
Has anyone else had really tired feet lately?

hope your appt goes well! i also have had really tired feet. ive noticed some minor swelling already in my feet and ankles if i overdo it. i think its just my body telling me to slow down!

afm we had a great visit this weekend with my in laws. my daughter loves seeing them and their dog. they left this morning so ive just been laying aroung watching the NFL playoffs. my first pick lost the early game and my second pick is currently losing. its going to make for a not too exciting superbowl if i dont like either team!!

ive had no energy at all today. i keep getting random bouts of getting really hot then ill be ok then get really hot again. also have any of you experienced pain after going to the bathroom? sometimes when my bladder gets really full and i go pee i get really bad pains in my pelvic area. its usually pretty brief but i feel like i cant stand up straight for a couple minutes!
i swear i am eating everything in sight today! i am just like starving and cant stop eating!! ahhh i need this to stop i dont want to gain 40lbs like i did with DD :wacko:

i would be satisfied gaining 40lbs i gained 80 lbs with my daughter :haha:

Got my first antenatal appointment in just over 1 hour! Bit excited! Woke up really early before the birds - I hope they do a heartbeat check and stuff. We are just waiting for my mum to arrive to babysit our DD for us.
Breadsticks your date with OH sounds wonderful.
Sorry for the ladies falling in the snow. Hope you don't bruise too badly.
Maratobe and becca so cute - I love bump photos it is amazing how each are so different
Had that horrible pressure down below again yesterday while walking round the shops. I will try to remember to mention it at the appointment.
Has anyone else had really tired feet lately?

hope your appt goes well! i also have had really tired feet. ive noticed some minor swelling already in my feet and ankles if i overdo it. i think its just my body telling me to slow down!

afm we had a great visit this weekend with my in laws. my daughter loves seeing them and their dog. they left this morning so ive just been laying aroung watching the NFL playoffs. my first pick lost the early game and my second pick is currently losing. its going to make for a not too exciting superbowl if i dont like either team!!

ive had no energy at all today. i keep getting random bouts of getting really hot then ill be ok then get really hot again. also have any of you experienced pain after going to the bathroom? sometimes when my bladder gets really full and i go pee i get really bad pains in my pelvic area. its usually pretty brief but i feel like i cant stand up straight for a couple minutes!

Were you routing for the falcons? My dh is super happy he's a hardcore 49ers fan. He was at work today though so I had to watch the game for him and give him a play by play :haha:
Hello everyone! I had the day from hell today ugh, not so much the nurses and patients, they were all great! I couldn't have asked for a better set of patients today. The hellish part was that we were short an ACP (associate care provider, ie CNA) on the floor I was working today THEN another ACP called out sick. So there was only two of us for the entire floor of 32 patients. I had 16 patients from 7am till 4 pm when we finally got two more ACP's so I got my patient list cut in half, thank god! I was literally doing. Italy's, running ice/water, answering pages, charting (we computer chart) then doing vitals all over again. Just to show you just how long it took me to do all that we only do vitals every 4 hours. I was that busy! That by the time I got all caught up I had to start over again. I was finally able to eat lunch at about 130p. Which for me is late because I only had a muffin for breakfast in the beginning of my shift. Thank god that shift is over.
maratobe - wow! you've definitely popped! I didn't take an early photo cause I still have the belly from Jessie so it probably resembled my 16w shot anyway lol.

thanks :) would love to see your 16 week belly picture :flower:
i only gained 7kgs with my daughter when i was pregnant but i had 7cms of fluid around her so i blew out haha i blame the big belly and the c-section for not losing the belly haha :haha:
this is me the day i had her and then the day i came home from the hospital!

i swear i am eating everything in sight today! i am just like starving and cant stop eating!! ahhh i need this to stop i dont want to gain 40lbs like i did with DD :wacko:

i would be satisfied gaining 40lbs i gained 80 lbs with my daughter :haha:

Got my first antenatal appointment in just over 1 hour! Bit excited! Woke up really early before the birds - I hope they do a heartbeat check and stuff. We are just waiting for my mum to arrive to babysit our DD for us.
Breadsticks your date with OH sounds wonderful.
Sorry for the ladies falling in the snow. Hope you don't bruise too badly.
Maratobe and becca so cute - I love bump photos it is amazing how each are so different
Had that horrible pressure down below again yesterday while walking round the shops. I will try to remember to mention it at the appointment.
Has anyone else had really tired feet lately?

hope your appt goes well! i also have had really tired feet. ive noticed some minor swelling already in my feet and ankles if i overdo it. i think its just my body telling me to slow down!

afm we had a great visit this weekend with my in laws. my daughter loves seeing them and their dog. they left this morning so ive just been laying aroung watching the NFL playoffs. my first pick lost the early game and my second pick is currently losing. its going to make for a not too exciting superbowl if i dont like either team!!

ive had no energy at all today. i keep getting random bouts of getting really hot then ill be ok then get really hot again. also have any of you experienced pain after going to the bathroom? sometimes when my bladder gets really full and i go pee i get really bad pains in my pelvic area. its usually pretty brief but i feel like i cant stand up straight for a couple minutes!

Were you routing for the falcons? My dh is super happy he's a hardcore 49ers fan. He was at work today though so I had to watch the game for him and give him a play by play :haha:

haha yeah i was rooting for the falcons! i don't really like either team but i dont like the 49ers at all sorry :haha:

Hello everyone! I had the day from hell today ugh, not so much the nurses and patients, they were all great! I couldn't have asked for a better set of patients today. The hellish part was that we were short an ACP (associate care provider, ie CNA) on the floor I was working today THEN another ACP called out sick. So there was only two of us for the entire floor of 32 patients. I had 16 patients from 7am till 4 pm when we finally got two more ACP's so I got my patient list cut in half, thank god! I was literally doing. Italy's, running ice/water, answering pages, charting (we computer chart) then doing vitals all over again. Just to show you just how long it took me to do all that we only do vitals every 4 hours. I was that busy! That by the time I got all caught up I had to start over again. I was finally able to eat lunch at about 130p. Which for me is late because I only had a muffin for breakfast in the beginning of my shift. Thank god that shift is over.

sorry you had a rough day at work! at least its over now!
We got an ultrasound Friday and found out the genders of the babies. I can tell what baby A is but baby B I do not see girl nor boy parts. Is it just me? The arrow is pointing at the parts but I just don't see it. What do you ladies think? The ultrasound tech says they are both girls. We have another ultrasound in a few weeks.IMG_1651.jpg
congrats on two pink bundles! afraid i've no idea what i'm looking at on either pic so would have to take the sonographers word for it! :D

junemommy sorry you had a rough work day :(

got to hear my babies hb again today as had my 16wk checkup slightly early :), so lovely! everything else still looks good too :) xx
Maksmama - no idea either but congratulations on two girlies!! They're going to be so much fun. :)
I've got no clue either on the pics - would have to trust her. TWO GIRLS!! Wow. Congratulations!! :)

Ive got my 16w appointment tomorrow :) looking forward to it, need to get all my notes together today so remember to take them in the morning!
We got an ultrasound Friday and found out the genders of the babies. I can tell what baby A is but baby B I do not see girl nor boy parts. Is it just me? The arrow is pointing at the parts but I just don't see it. What do you ladies think? The ultrasound tech says they are both girls. We have another ultrasound in a few weeks.View attachment 553359

i can't tell either i can usually only pick out the head and limbs and other than that i have no idea what im looking at :haha:
but congrats!! are your twins identical or fraternal?
We put in an application for a house! Crossing my fingers we get approved! Plus I'm waiting on 1 W-2 so I can do my taxes and get my refund! That's what we're using for the security deposit.
Anatomy scan on the 4th!! :D 2 weeks suddenly feels like a really long time! I hope they can tell the gender!!
junemomma- im waiting on my tax refund too! i dont have an major expenses to use it towards that i can think of right now but i'm still ready for it :haha:

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