~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Aww Libby she is precious! How old is she? She reminds me of my dd with the rolls and chunkiness :) love it
had my 16 week check up with midwife today, got to hear baby, she found heartbeat right away, 135bpm.
I have to go back 2mora with another urine sample as they found protine in it today, hopefully just a water infection.
had my 16 week check up with midwife today, got to hear baby, she found heartbeat right away, 135bpm.
I have to go back 2mora with another urine sample as they found protine in it today, hopefully just a water infection.

Ive got my 16 week apt at 3 too :)
Sorry about the protein, hopefully just a blip & tomorrow's sample fine.

Yay for HB! I'm hoping my MW will listen to mine, even though I have a Doppler be nice to hear it when they listen for it.

I'm feeling a little weird! Someone brought their baby into work today, and whilst I did think was gorgeous I didn't really have any maternal thoughts, in fact with how tiny she was its made me a bit more nervous!! Is this normal? And is it just because she's not really anything to do with me? I'm hoping my maternal instinct kicks in soon!
It's normal :)

Even being a momma other people's tiny infants makes me nervous :haha: you will feel totally different with your baby :)
Here's me 17 week bump :)
People are finally starting to notice! So excited :happydance:


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i agree its def. different with your own baby. when i first brought my daughter we were so careful with everything and trying to do everything by the books. then i realized it wasn't working for us and did what was best for our family even if doctors suggested otherwise.

also as soon as your baby born if your maternal instinct hasn't kicked in yet it will. i told doctors and nurses not to hand me my daughter when she first came out because i didn't want to hold her when she was all gross with blood and stuff on her. as soon as i pushed her out i changed my mind and said i didnt care i wanted her and then i never wanted to let go!
had my 16 week check up with midwife today, got to hear baby, she found heartbeat right away, 135bpm.
I have to go back 2mora with another urine sample as they found protine in it today, hopefully just a water infection.

Ive got my 16 week apt at 3 too :)
Sorry about the protein, hopefully just a blip & tomorrow's sample fine.

Yay for HB! I'm hoping my MW will listen to mine, even though I have a Doppler be nice to hear it when they listen for it.

I'm feeling a little weird! Someone brought their baby into work today, and whilst I did think was gorgeous I didn't really have any maternal thoughts, in fact with how tiny she was its made me a bit more nervous!! Is this normal? And is it just because she's not really anything to do with me? I'm hoping my maternal instinct kicks in soon!

hope your appointment goes ok. :)

I have a doppler too, and have a listen about twice a week, i didnt mention this to mw thou, as last time i mentioned it one mw told me there was no way i had heard the baby!!! It was lovely to hear it and know that i havent been dreaming it!! lol
I think I'm finally feeling baby move! I think I first felt him a few weeks ago and haven't felt anything in a while. Then I felt him yesterday morning and again in the eve. Just now I've been feeling him again. Those of you who are feeling your LO move (or have been pregnant before) did you notice any correlation between increased movement and when you're hungry?
myra- i did in my previous pregnancy. i felt her move a lot when i was hungry and when i was laying down for bed. i was told that when your moving around a lot while working or whatever you don't notice movements as much and baby usually sleeps a lot while your moving a lot.

i've felt a little bit of fluttering so far this time around not much and it doesn't seem to correlate with anything!
Thanks everyone for the reassurance on my little nervous moment when being so close to a baby. I think it is because I have never ever been around babies, and I certainly have never held a newborn! They scare me. haha.

My 16w appointment went......FAST!

First of all I sat there waiting for 50 minutes because they were having an issue with a computer but then I saw the two midwives who are my favourite :) Told them all about my plans for a homebirth and they are super supportive!!

All bloods are completely normal, and apparently I am O+ blood group :) They listened in to baby's heartbeat - they were umming and ahhing about whether to do it but when I mentioned that I had a doppler and have been listening since 11 weeks and could tell them exactly where baby was they said ok :) had a nice listen. Love my little bubs.

Next steps for me are:
Private gender scan - Feb 4th
20w Anomaly Scan - Feb 16th

Then into March before my next MW appointment. :) This is all getting a little real now I'm getting further along.

Hope everyone is well - Myra so cool that you feel baby, I have had a few flutters which I just love feeling.

I think I'm finally feeling baby move! I think I first felt him a few weeks ago and haven't felt anything in a while. Then I felt him yesterday morning and again in the eve. Just now I've been feeling him again. Those of you who are feeling your LO move (or have been pregnant before) did you notice any correlation between increased movement and when you're hungry?

I notice that I feel baby around the same times each day if I'm lying or sitting down not really focused on anything. On days that I get to sleep in I feel movement around 11AM. Then later mid afternoon and sometimes at night.
had my 16 week check up with midwife today, got to hear baby, she found heartbeat right away, 135bpm.
I have to go back 2mora with another urine sample as they found protine in it today, hopefully just a water infection.

Ive got my 16 week apt at 3 too :)
Sorry about the protein, hopefully just a blip & tomorrow's sample fine.

Yay for HB! I'm hoping my MW will listen to mine, even though I have a Doppler be nice to hear it when they listen for it.

I'm feeling a little weird! Someone brought their baby into work today, and whilst I did think was gorgeous I didn't really have any maternal thoughts, in fact with how tiny she was its made me a bit more nervous!! Is this normal? And is it just because she's not really anything to do with me? I'm hoping my maternal instinct kicks in soon!

when its your ownbaby it just comes naturally. i have two kids already and when i hold someone elses newborn im ready to give it back only becouse as you mentioned its all ow how cute or adorable but you can hand it back becouse there is no bond really when not your own. so dont fear it will be there when you have your little one and im sure you will be a great mother.
Evening all, hope you are all doing well

Got to see the midwife today & got to hear the bean's heartbeat. Amazing!

So reassuring to hear the little heart beating, and confirming all is OK.

Had a student midwife there, and she tried to find the hb first, but without luck. Nice to know even the professionals dont always get it right!

Looking at the posts about tax, I have to say I am so pleased we dont need to worry about tax in the UK. All these tax returns and rebates sound so complicated! I suppose they get easier if you have to them a lot.

Am baking a chocolate cake with DD. She got covered in chocolate. Will try and post a pic later. My appointment went well. We heard the hb and my bp was normal!

Glad your appointment went well and all is OK :) Gorgeous picture of your little girl with the whisk!

Golly guys... by 5pm I am exhausted I just wanted to sink into bed, but my hubby doesn't get home till 7 and then I still have to feed him and the kid, get her ready for bed and THEN he thinks that I should be able to stay awake with him! I'm just worn out.

Sorry to hear that, does he just not realise how tired you are? Is there any chance you could maybe take a nap before he gets home?

Well, I finished my paper :happydance: I am not much of a writer and haven't had to write more than lab reports in the past several years so I'm definitely rusty. My husband just got home and is doing the dishes thankfully. Which reminds me, I forgot to do laundry today...oops...I guess I better get on that!

Bet it feels good to have got that out the way!

We put in an application for a house! Crossing my fingers we get approved! Plus I'm waiting on 1 W-2 so I can do my taxes and get my refund! That's what we're using for the security deposit.

I already filed my taxes as my work gave me my w-2 at the first of the month. But the IRS has held it off and won't allow you to e-file until the 30th!!! It's driving me crazy as my refund is going towards my wedding and I have more deposits to make! Hopefully you get your w-2 soon so you can get them filed quickly too!

I'm going crazy!! I am finally down to 2 weeks and 2 days until my ultrasound!! I have my sons birthday next week that I have to figure out what we're going to do! Not sure if I want to go to my family's house or if I just want to do something small.

Fingers crossed for your house application! Hope you can get your tax refund sorted out. Your gender reveal idea sounds really cute :)

had my 16 week check up with midwife today, got to hear baby, she found heartbeat right away, 135bpm.
I have to go back 2mora with another urine sample as they found protine in it today, hopefully just a water infection.

Pleased to hear your appointment went well. Fingers crossed it just a water infection x

Here's me 17 week bump :)
People are finally starting to notice! So excited :happydance:

Cute bump pix :) x

I think I'm finally feeling baby move! I think I first felt him a few weeks ago and haven't felt anything in a while. Then I felt him yesterday morning and again in the eve. Just now I've been feeling him again. Those of you who are feeling your LO move (or have been pregnant before) did you notice any correlation between increased movement and when you're hungry?

Aww, how amazing! :)

Thanks everyone for the reassurance on my little nervous moment when being so close to a baby. I think it is because I have never ever been around babies, and I certainly have never held a newborn! They scare me. haha.

My 16w appointment went......FAST!

First of all I sat there waiting for 50 minutes because they were having an issue with a computer but then I saw the two midwives who are my favourite :) Told them all about my plans for a homebirth and they are super supportive!!

All bloods are completely normal, and apparently I am O+ blood group :) They listened in to baby's heartbeat - they were umming and ahhing about whether to do it but when I mentioned that I had a doppler and have been listening since 11 weeks and could tell them exactly where baby was they said ok :) had a nice listen. Love my little bubs.

Next steps for me are:
Private gender scan - Feb 4th
20w Anomaly Scan - Feb 16th

Then into March before my next MW appointment. :) This is all getting a little real now I'm getting further along.

Hope everyone is well - Myra so cool that you feel baby, I have had a few flutters which I just love feeling.


Snap again! I am o+ too! We seem to matching a fair bit ) Still waiting for my date for the 20 week scan though - If we continue the theme, I expect it be on the 16 Feb too :haha:
I'm so excited because I finally felt a kick today!!!! They were soft but definitely some kicks :D
Thanks everyone for the reassurance on my little nervous moment when being so close to a baby. I think it is because I have never ever been around babies, and I certainly have never held a newborn! They scare me. haha.

My 16w appointment went......FAST!

First of all I sat there waiting for 50 minutes because they were having an issue with a computer but then I saw the two midwives who are my favourite :) Told them all about my plans for a homebirth and they are super supportive!!

All bloods are completely normal, and apparently I am O+ blood group :) They listened in to baby's heartbeat - they were umming and ahhing about whether to do it but when I mentioned that I had a doppler and have been listening since 11 weeks and could tell them exactly where baby was they said ok :) had a nice listen. Love my little bubs.

Next steps for me are:
Private gender scan - Feb 4th
20w Anomaly Scan - Feb 16th

Then into March before my next MW appointment. :) This is all getting a little real now I'm getting further along.

Hope everyone is well - Myra so cool that you feel baby, I have had a few flutters which I just love feeling.


Snap again! I am o+ too! We seem to matching a fair bit ) Still waiting for my date for the 20 week scan though - If we continue the theme, I expect it be on the 16 Feb too :haha:

Hehe, how cool we do! I had no clue was bloog group I was so really interesting to find out! And I am actually 16w and 3d too! Not 16+6, my due date is 6th when my sig reflects LMP.

The 16th is exaclty 20 weeks for us....so it could very well be :) !

Did your appointment go well? All bloods & everything ok?
Where you based?
Hehe, how cool we do! I had no clue was bloog group I was so really interesting to find out! And I am actually 16w and 3d too! Not 16+6, my due date is 6th when my sig reflects LMP.

The 16th is exaclty 20 weeks for us....so it could very well be :) !

Did your appointment go well? All bloods & everything ok?
Where you based?

I couldnt remember my blood group so it was good to have a reminder. Funny how we have the same due date and seem to follow the same pattern of scans.

My appointment was fine, all the bloods and everything were fine. I am based in Bristol.
yay myra and junemumma feeling movement! i've been getting the odd tiny flick for a couple wks now, but its still not every day i don't think!

breadsticks, omg, lie-in until 11am....what are those?!! so jealous :haha:, enjoy them whilst you can ;)

miss belum glad you got to hear the hb!

alice, your near miss sounds very scary!!

i got stuck in a snow storm tonight on the way home from work, blooming scary! it was settling all over the roads despite the cars going over it. Hope we don't get too much more tonight!

i'm very glad we don't have to do tax in the uk either, sounds complicated!! xx
i got stuck in a snow storm tonight on the way home from work, blooming scary! it was settling all over the roads despite the cars going over it. Hope we don't get too much more tonight!

i'm very glad we don't have to do tax in the uk either, sounds complicated!! xx

That does sound scary, glad you got home safely! The roads where I am had started to thaw out but we have just started having more snow, so now I am worried it might all turn to ice by tomorrow. I will be glad to see the back of this weather
i got stuck in a snow storm tonight on the way home from work, blooming scary! it was settling all over the roads despite the cars going over it. Hope we don't get too much more tonight!

i'm very glad we don't have to do tax in the uk either, sounds complicated!! xx

That does sound scary, glad you got home safely! The roads where I am had started to thaw out but we have just started having more snow, so now I am worried it might all turn to ice by tomorrow. I will be glad to see the back of this weather

me too, although it was fun at the wkend when there was no pressure to go anywhere other than have fun! (despite the falls i had :blush:). Just a shame its still affecting us now the working week has resumed! xx

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