~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

ProudArmyWife, I hear you! I feel like I eat EVERYTHING. My husband thinks it's hilarious. Actually, Saturday he called me Ziggy Piggy...I teased him and told him that I was going to tell everyone that he called his pregnant wife a pig. He says "No, I called you pig-GY which is cute!" :haha:

Libbysmum, it absolutely was! How was your appointment? I am definitely still feeling very tired. Between work and classes I don't have a ton of time to nap but I try to squeeze one in when I can.

T, isn't it weird how it just doesn't seem real even in 2nd tri? I have been feeling movement but it's not daily (though since the weekend it has been, still I can only feel it if I am not doing anything). I forget I am pregnant sometimes especially since I am not gaining weight and don't look pregnant yet either. I have to go back and look at my ultrasound pictures and even then I still don't believe it! I do try to talk to baby, even if it is just to remind myself :haha: My husband rubs lotion on my belly/hips every night before bed and that helps us both to bond with the baby together.

Becca, I used to hate wine until about a year ago and since then my husband and I would buy bottles often and go to the winery when it's nice out. I was so worried that I would crave Chardonnay (my favorite) during the pregnancy and it is funny that I want the Cabernet more (though I do love it also). I do think it is harder now since I know I can't have it! It also doesn't help that we have a wine rack on the wall with six very delicious looking bottles hanging :p I'm so excited for you, I hope they can see the gender at your appointment too! I hope time passes quickly for you so you can hurry up and get to your scan! :flower:

tlh, I have no interest in the Super Bowl this year! My beloved Packers are out and the two other teams I was rooting for (Colts for Luck and Seahawks for Wilson) are out also...I may watch it just because but we'll see. And yes, I get pain when I have to go to the bathroom but not afterwards. It is the most intense "Oh my gosh I have to go NOW" feeling I've ever had, but also I don't feel like I will have an accident...it just feels like there is extra pressure I guess?

Junemomma, that sounds like a horribly exhausting day! I'm glad it is over and I hope you were able to relax afterwards! How exciting, I hope you get your approval on the house soon! What a great idea, using the tax refund!

Maksmama, I am terrible with looking at ultrasounds for the gender, I really would have no idea! Your baby girls are adorable, how exciting for them to have a twin sister :D I grew up as an only child so I always envied my twin friends and friends with siblings close in age.

Caro, glad to hear your appointment went well! It is so nice to hear the heartbeat :D

Sue, I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and you remember all your notes! :haha:

As for me, I am procrastinating a paper I need to write! :haha: It is actually for a History of Motherhood class which is very interesting! I am a science major so I don't normally take classes like this but it is required that I take an intensive writing course for my degree. It just seemed fitting to take this class as they offer a whole variety of topics. And while I miss my labs and science classes, this is a nice change especially while pregnant (I have to avoid the labs I need anyway). Right now we are discussing the ideology of motherhood, what constitutes a "good" vs "bad" mother and how that has changed over time (think 1700s to present), and how misogyny and feminism are shaping how motherhood is viewed. Pretty cool stuff!

I am also waiting my W-2...not sure exactly what we are going to do with the refund check but I'd like to set it aside for when the baby is born. I really want my husband to be able to stay home for a little while after the baby arrives so it would be nice to have a small "income" set aside.

Well, back to my paper now I guess... :wacko:
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well :)

The bump pictures are so cute.

Thanks everyone who has shared their birth stories, very helpful.

I am pleased the snow seems to be melting here. It looks so pretty but I am tired of being scared to walk down the road for fear of slipping.

We got an ultrasound Friday and found out the genders of the babies. I can tell what baby A is but baby B I do not see girl nor boy parts. Is it just me? The arrow is pointing at the parts but I just don't see it. What do you ladies think? The ultrasound tech says they are both girls. We have another ultrasound in a few weeks.

Aww cute pics, congratulations on your girls x x

congrats on two pink bundles! afraid i've no idea what i'm looking at on either pic so would have to take the sonographers word for it! :D

junemommy sorry you had a rough work day :(

got to hear my babies hb again today as had my 16wk checkup slightly early :), so lovely! everything else still looks good too :) xx

Good to hear everything was fine, it must have been reassuring to hear the hb.

I've got no clue either on the pics - would have to trust her. TWO GIRLS!! Wow. Congratulations!! :)

Ive got my 16w appointment tomorrow :) looking forward to it, need to get all my notes together today so remember to take them in the morning!

Snap! Mine's tomorrow too, I am keeping my fingers crossed that they can hear the HB. Can't wait :)

Anatomy scan on the 4th!! :D 2 weeks suddenly feels like a really long time! I hope they can tell the gender!!

I know what you mean, it feels that pregnancy is mostly waiting for the next exciting milestone, the next scan, next checkup....

@Junemomma09 - Good luck with the house, hope your offer is accepted x
ahh I'm sorry I really haven't been keeping up *slaps self*.

congrats to those of you who have found out genders, and I did have a flick through to see some belly pics on this thread, which was lovely x

Quick update on me - went out to a shopping centre today and ended up doing a 180 spin whilst going around a roundabout when my car hit some snow/slush. BLOODY SCARY STUFF! Ended up face to face with the car behind me! Luckily they managed not to go piling into me,(and the cars behind them didn't go piling into them either) so all was well, but it was damned scary. You don't expect to end up facing backwards on a roundabout! Took me a couple of minutes before my heart stopped being in my mouth! Had DH in the car and all the kids in the back too (who weren't at school because they had a snow day - school was shut).

Other than that, I'm definitely feeling movement now in my belly. Started about 2 days ago. Just small movements but I've felt them consistently now since Saturday. Woo!

Had AWFUL tummy ache today but it turned out just to be gas.
alicecooper - Scary! Glad you & your family are all OK. I hate driving in the snow, and will be glad when this lot has all gone.

So pleased you can feel the baby now must be very reassuring.
Alice how terrible! I would have been shaken up by that incident for sure!

As for the lady with the twin girls...I can't tell from those pictures sorry. I would trust what was said or pay for a 4d scan around 20 weeks? They'll get it for sure.

Am baking a chocolate cake with DD. She got covered in chocolate. Will try and post a pic later. My appointment went well. We heard the hb and my bp was normal!
Gosh Alice! Glad you guys are okay. I did that once in high school but thankfully didn't have any kids in the car! I was on my way to school, hydroplaned, drove straight home and got back in bed.

Golly guys... by 5pm I am exhausted I just wanted to sink into bed, but my hubby doesn't get home till 7 and then I still have to feed him and the kid, get her ready for bed and THEN he thinks that I should be able to stay awake with him! I'm just worn out.
Alice, how scary! When I lived in Wisconsin I had my fair share of horrible experiences in the snow because the car I had was terrible! One time my brakes went out and we had just had a snowstorm, it was probably the scariest experience I ever had behind the wheel. I'm so glad you and your family are all OK!! YAY to feeling baby now! :happydance:

Libbysmum, glad your appointment went well! How do you and your daughter feel about sharing some of that chocolate cake with me? :haha: Can't wait to see the pic!

Becca, I would totally be ordering in or have him pick something up! I am not much of a cook anyway but that is what I do when I'm too tired lol. I hope you get some rest soon!

Well, I finished my paper :happydance: I am not much of a writer and haven't had to write more than lab reports in the past several years so I'm definitely rusty. My husband just got home and is doing the dishes thankfully. Which reminds me, I forgot to do laundry today...oops...I guess I better get on that!
Oh my Alice that is terrifying. Glad you and the family are okay!

Becca I am totally with you on being exhausted. I seriously need a nap daily to be able to survive the day but unfortunately that doesn't happen unless dh is home from work or I don't have class that day. Then cooking, keeping up with an active toddler and then having to get her to settle down and go to bed I swear I'm half asleep before she is :dohh:
We put in an application for a house! Crossing my fingers we get approved! Plus I'm waiting on 1 W-2 so I can do my taxes and get my refund! That's what we're using for the security deposit.

I already filed my taxes as my work gave me my w-2 at the first of the month. But the IRS has held it off and won't allow you to e-file until the 30th!!! It's driving me crazy as my refund is going towards my wedding and I have more deposits to make! Hopefully you get your w-2 soon so you can get them filed quickly too!

maksmama, congrats on the twin girls!!!!

Alice, so glad you're ok and that everyone behind you were able to stop! Definitely a scary situation!!

I'm going crazy!! I am finally down to 2 weeks and 2 days until my ultrasound!! I have my sons birthday next week that I have to figure out what we're going to do! Not sure if I want to go to my family's house or if I just want to do something small.
I think I've finally decided on how to tell my mom the gender! I think I'm going to find the cutest newborn dress and the cutest newborn suit and take a pic of each with my cell phone then as soon as they tell us, I can send the pic of whichever to my mom! I wanted to do the cake but mom knows when I'm having the ultrasound and she won't be able to wait until she gets off work to pick up a cake and find out. She'll hound me all day. LOL! Then I'm sure she'll stick her finger in the cake just to see what it is before she gets it home to show everyone. HAHA! So I think a pic of each outfit will fit great so she can know just when we find out and that way both our moms know at relatively the same time!
junemomma- im waiting on my tax refund too! i dont have an major expenses to use it towards that i can think of right now but i'm still ready for it :haha:

I look forward to it every year! We usually get a good amount back. I'm excited because we're getting an suv (need the bigger vehicle with a soon to be family of 5) and moving into a house!! Even though we'll be renting and not buying just yet, it's exciting to finally get out of an apartment and into a house! :D
We put in an application for a house! Crossing my fingers we get approved! Plus I'm waiting on 1 W-2 so I can do my taxes and get my refund! That's what we're using for the security deposit.

I already filed my taxes as my work gave me my w-2 at the first of the month. But the IRS has held it off and won't allow you to e-file until the 30th!!! It's driving me crazy as my refund is going towards my wedding and I have more deposits to make! Hopefully you get your w-2 soon so you can get them filed quickly too!

maksmama, congrats on the twin girls!!!!

Alice, so glad you're ok and that everyone behind you were able to stop! Definitely a scary situation!!

I'm going crazy!! I am finally down to 2 weeks and 2 days until my ultrasound!! I have my sons birthday next week that I have to figure out what we're going to do! Not sure if I want to go to my family's house or if I just want to do something small.

What?!? Why are they waiting till the 30th??? Ugh!
We put in an application for a house! Crossing my fingers we get approved! Plus I'm waiting on 1 W-2 so I can do my taxes and get my refund! That's what we're using for the security deposit.

I already filed my taxes as my work gave me my w-2 at the first of the month. But the IRS has held it off and won't allow you to e-file until the 30th!!! It's driving me crazy as my refund is going towards my wedding and I have more deposits to make! Hopefully you get your w-2 soon so you can get them filed quickly too!

maksmama, congrats on the twin girls!!!!

Alice, so glad you're ok and that everyone behind you were able to stop! Definitely a scary situation!!

I'm going crazy!! I am finally down to 2 weeks and 2 days until my ultrasound!! I have my sons birthday next week that I have to figure out what we're going to do! Not sure if I want to go to my family's house or if I just want to do something small.

What?!? Why are they waiting till the 30th??? Ugh!

All I heard was that they were delaying the start of tax season this year. Then when I filed I found out it was the 30th. I think that's crazy! Why delay the start when I'm sure they won't delay when it's due!!
The IRS announced it is scheduled to start processing 2012 tax returns beginning January 30, 2013.

This is eight days later than the original target date. Because of the fiscal cliff bill being enacted January 2, means the IRS has a lot on their plate to get done.

The announcement means that a large majority of tax filers should be able to start filing their returns starting on the 30th of January. This means that refunds could be delayed to mid to late February.
Boo!! The IRS gets enough of my money interest free for long enough. I'm sure if I owed them they wouldn't accept my late payment without a fee tact on to it!
omgosh I am feeling badly all this talk of Tax. I was suppose to have mine done by October and it's now almost February...I just had a rough last half of the year and put it all in the too hard basket. Now all my paperwork is buried somewhere in the spare room.:shrug:
I still can't find my darn sewing machine pedal...it's probably in the same box of stuff.:blush:
DD took me forever to get down to sleep tonight...I totally hear you about the active toddlers! Maybe it was all that chocolate cake - perhaps she was running off her sugar high?:wacko:


  • cake.jpg
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Ahhhh!! Libbysmum!! I LOVE!!! that picture!!!! That is so darn cute!!!
Libbysmum~ what a cute daughter you have!! A fun pic!!

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