~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

I have my NT ultrasound tomorrow! Not so much for the test aspect but for the fact it is another ultrasound
Howdy ladies! Yay for HB's, scans, and bump pictures, I basically have no bump unless I have just eaten something, it's SO frustrating, with my DD I showed so early. This monkey likes to hide I guess.

It's been below zero for the past two days here sometimes with the windchill sometimes without. When I woke up this morning it was -8F before the windchill, now at almost 3 p.m. is 4F, still not to flipping warm...argh!
Howdy ladies! Yay for HB's, scans, and bump pictures, I basically have no bump unless I have just eaten something, it's SO frustrating, with my DD I showed so early. This monkey likes to hide I guess.

It's been below zero for the past two days here sometimes with the windchill sometimes without. When I woke up this morning it was -8F before the windchill, now at almost 3 p.m. is 4F, still not to flipping warm...argh!

It is COLD here today too (though compared to what you're having it might almost feel like springtime ;)) The forecast for tomorrow is 7 F, with windchill at -7! Brrrrr. Though I suppose i really shouldn't complain since we have has such a mild winter so far- I've been rather spoiled!
I know I'm fed up with the cold! do you guys also feel the cold more now? last week i swear I almost got frost bit ice fishing and normally I'm not that cold! Baby is going crazy today! I have had some pretty big movements today! I had a hard time getting the hb in doppler because the baby was moving around so much.
ProudArmyWife- she is 18mths old. She will be almost 2 when the new baby arrives. Seems my uterus is in favour of July babies. LOL. Had a bit of a rough night trying to sleep with DD up at midnight wanting to play. She squirmed around for about an hour before finally passing out. DH got sick of her wiggles and moved to sleep on the lounge. This is why I try to go to bed around 9pm or I would be a wreck the next day. Gone are the days I would go "out" at 9pm and the night was just beginning!
I think I'm finally feeling baby move! I think I first felt him a few weeks ago and haven't felt anything in a while. Then I felt him yesterday morning and again in the eve. Just now I've been feeling him again. Those of you who are feeling your LO move (or have been pregnant before) did you notice any correlation between increased movement and when you're hungry?

I notice mine more or less when I'm hungry or just after I've eaten. Also if I lay still long enough and focus I can feel fluttering. But when I'm busy and not paying attention of course I don't feel it. That will change though!! :) You will start feeling a lot more in the coming weeks as he grows more and more!
im really starting to feel pregnant now, waking up in the morning busting for the loo, not being able to sleep on my belly cause it feels like a mini basketball in my belly lol and my tummy is changing so much into a belly!
only 3 weeks until our next ultrasound! YAY can not wait!!
To me it looks exactly the same size as previous weeks.:blush:


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I had another scan yesterday, my 6th one :). I am now under consultant led care rather than midwife lead care, cause of the two fibroids they found. Still don't know what they are! My mum says she has them is surprised that I have them at my age?? God knows?

Consultant was concerned just need to keep an eye on them, she said they were small and away from the birth canal.

This was the latest scan we have in the day, and what a difference, the baby was just sat there minding it's own business, it was calm lol. Normally it's wiggling and punching and kicking in the mornings.

I have my 20 week scan on 26/2/12 . It will be longest we would have gone without a scan, nearly 5 weeks lol

Hope everyone else is well

Can't wait to start feeling movement, when does it normally start? This is my first?
panda, fibroids just show up sometimes and can definitely rear their head while you're pregnant because of your hormones. As far as feeling movement, it really depends. This is my second and I could just tell I felt the baby even though the doc says it's too early. I think I started feeling it when I was pregnant with my DS around 20ish weeks. It feels like a butterfly or just little pops in there. It's hard to distinguish at first but I feel mine regularly once to a couple times a day now.
Libby'smum - I bet that was a delicious chocolate cake. Your DD is so precious :)
yay for hearing the heartbeat and normal bp!
lovely bump pic

Becca and ProudArmyWife - I'm knackered too. So much for all this 'second trimester energy' we're supposed to have!

ProudArmyWife - cute bump pic

Breadsticks - that's great that you finished your paper

JJsmom - 2 weeks will fly by I'm sure. How old is your son going to be?
The newborn outfits to show your mum the gender is a cute idea

junemomma - how lovely to be getting a new house and car :) We're trying to save for a new car too because we can't fit 6 people in the car we've got, but it's sure gonna have to be an inexpensive car! We haven't got much saved up!
yay for you feeling a kick :)

alanna - hope the protein is nothing too serious

sue - don't worry about the maternal instincts. It's soooo different when it's your own. When I had DD I had never had any maternal instincts in my life. I was not very fond of children, and had never held a baby. The maternal instincts immediately kicked in when I had her though. I was crying from how much love I felt for her.
Glad your MW appointment went well.

myra - I've only just started feeling movements this week so couldn't really say if there's a correlation between hunger and movements. TBH I'm starving right now and I can't feel anything lol.

tlh - woo for early flutters

miss Bellum - glad your mw appointment went well

caro - I bet that was scary being stuck in a snowstorm. poor you!

mvosse - I'm jealous that you haven't got a big bump. I'm fed up of mine lol

donna - I dunno if I'm feeling the cold more or if it's just bloody freezing lol
yay for big movements

mara - I've been peeing a lot more too
I bet you can't wait for your ultrasound :)

panda - I don't know what a fibroid is. I feel silly! I hope it's nothing serious
must be nice seeing your baby so often on the scans though
with my first baby I felt movements around 16/17 weeks, but everybody is different

My update :

I'm 18 weeks tomorrow and still have no date for my anomaly scan. The midwife did say that the hospital tends to leave it really late though to send out the letters. She said if I don't hear anything by 19 weeks I should ring the hospital. I hope it doesn't come to that. I hate last minute appointments because of trying to arrange with MIL to watch Jason (if it's a non-nursery day), or worrying if it's going to clash with school runs and stuff like that - I wish they'd just send me a letter already!

Somewhat TMI but my haemorrhoids have been really playing up this week. I've never managed to get rid of them from being pregnant with the other three, but usually they're relatively smallish and don't bother me. They've gotten bigger and are feeling sore and itchy now, so I had to buy some cream for them yesterday, which seems to be helping a little.

DH is going for his vasectomy tomorrow!
Libby'smum - I bet that was a delicious chocolate cake. Your DD is so precious :)
yay for hearing the heartbeat and normal bp!
lovely bump pic

Becca and ProudArmyWife - I'm knackered too. So much for all this 'second trimester energy' we're supposed to have!

ProudArmyWife - cute bump pic

Breadsticks - that's great that you finished your paper

JJsmom - 2 weeks will fly by I'm sure. How old is your son going to be?
The newborn outfits to show your mum the gender is a cute idea

junemomma - how lovely to be getting a new house and car :) We're trying to save for a new car too because we can't fit 6 people in the car we've got, but it's sure gonna have to be an inexpensive car! We haven't got much saved up!
yay for you feeling a kick :)

alanna - hope the protein is nothing too serious

sue - don't worry about the maternal instincts. It's soooo different when it's your own. When I had DD I had never had any maternal instincts in my life. I was not very fond of children, and had never held a baby. The maternal instincts immediately kicked in when I had her though. I was crying from how much love I felt for her.
Glad your MW appointment went well.

myra - I've only just started feeling movements this week so couldn't really say if there's a correlation between hunger and movements. TBH I'm starving right now and I can't feel anything lol.

tlh - woo for early flutters

miss Bellum - glad your mw appointment went well

caro - I bet that was scary being stuck in a snowstorm. poor you!

mvosse - I'm jealous that you haven't got a big bump. I'm fed up of mine lol

donna - I dunno if I'm feeling the cold more or if it's just bloody freezing lol
yay for big movements

mara - I've been peeing a lot more too
I bet you can't wait for your ultrasound :)

panda - I don't know what a fibroid is. I feel silly! I hope it's nothing serious
must be nice seeing your baby so often on the scans though
with my first baby I felt movements around 16/17 weeks, but everybody is different

My update :

I'm 18 weeks tomorrow and still have no date for my anomaly scan. The midwife did say that the hospital tends to leave it really late though to send out the letters. She said if I don't hear anything by 19 weeks I should ring the hospital. I hope it doesn't come to that. I hate last minute appointments because of trying to arrange with MIL to watch Jason (if it's a non-nursery day), or worrying if it's going to clash with school runs and stuff like that - I wish they'd just send me a letter already!

Somewhat TMI but my haemorrhoids have been really playing up this week. I've never managed to get rid of them from being pregnant with the other three, but usually they're relatively smallish and don't bother me. They've gotten bigger and are feeling sore and itchy now, so I had to buy some cream for them yesterday, which seems to be helping a little.

DH is going for his vasectomy tomorrow!

Thank you! My small corolla just won't cut it. With us still needing a booster seat for DS, as he'll be four when baby is born, and the infant carseat, my poor 9 year old wouldn't have enough room. Not only that but she'd have to somehow attempt to squeeze into the middle seat by climbing all over everything. It's just so much better and more practical with an suv, we're going to get a used Honda pilot with a third row.
I understand about the money situation, if it weren't for our tax return we wouldn't be able to afford to buy another vehicle at all.

I hope you get your appointment letter soon! I would be going nuts not knowing when my appointment was.
Thank you! My small corolla just won't cut it. With us still needing a booster seat for DS, as he'll be four when baby is born, and the infant carseat, my poor 9 year old wouldn't have enough room. Not only that but she'd have to somehow attempt to squeeze into the middle seat by climbing all over everything. It's just so much better and more practical with an suv, we're going to get a used Honda pilot with a third row.
I understand about the money situation, if it weren't for our tax return we wouldn't be able to afford to buy another vehicle at all.

aye it's difficult finance wise. We've got just over £1000 saved up so far. We estimate that by about 1st June we should have roughly £2,600 saved up. I'm just praying we find a second hand 6 or 7 seater car that isn't a total lemon for that amount of money!
so now that i'm in second trimester i was expecting a boost of energy to come back. it hasn't im exhausted from the time i wake up until the time i go to bed at night. i find it difficult to keep my eyes open when i drive to or from work every day. ive never loved weekends more when i can just lounge around and play with my daughter!
so now that i'm in second trimester i was expecting a boost of energy to come back. it hasn't im exhausted from the time i wake up until the time i go to bed at night. i find it difficult to keep my eyes open when i drive to or from work every day. ive never loved weekends more when i can just lounge around and play with my daughter!

I thought my fatigue would drastically reduce once I hit 2nd tri...but it took a few weeks into that for me to notice a difference. I'm still tired often but nothing like the constant extreme exhaustion I'd felt for the first part of pregnancy
question :

would you go to a (rock) nightclub at this point in your pregnancy?

DH and I used to go once every couple of months and I'm kinda missing it.

Last time we went was 9th Nov (got my BFP 4th Nov), and it wasn't quite the same as usual because I couldn't drink, and I got tired earlier than usual so we left an hour or so earlier than usual, but we did still have fun. I just drank lemonade. I did feel a little more self-consious dancing (I tend to prefer to get tipsy so Im not as self-conscious) but I did still dance and it was still ok.

We never go on the dance floor anyway because it's always crowded, so we tend to just stick to the area where the chairs are (people dance there too but it's never packed, so nobody bumps into you).

I'm just wondering whether I'm idiotic for even thinking about it. I know we're not gonna get the opportunity to go for a looooong time once the baby is born - we have nobody we know willing to babysit a young baby - DH's niece and/or my mother will only feel confident looking after Lydia, Alex and Jason because they're not THAT young - so it seems as though the only chance we'll get to go for quite a while is whilst I'm pregnant.

What do you reckon? Am I insane? Would you go? I'm not worried about people bumping into me, because, as I said, I don't go on the dance floor, and I wouldn't drink, I'm just wondering if I might get some weird looks going with a baby bump, and whether it's really worth it if I can't drink and if I have to leave early again because I'll be tired.

Plus none of my nice outfits will fit me now. I'd have to go wearing my jeans and a black t-shirt and my new-rock boots I suppose.


Just to add : I'm friends with the DJ - sort of. We've chatted on facebook for the past year. He's got DH on his facebook too. He's a nice chap, very friendly, and the bouncers are pleasant as well there though I don't know them very well. Have had a bit of a chat with them in the club before though.
Alice- I personally would go, however I don't go to clubs to often anymore, mainly cause the alternative club i used to go to by me closed down, the other one is full of kids. You went before and were comfy not drinking then go for it, I wouldn't feel self conscious of what others think :)
i want a chinese for tea! been thinking about it since monday now, and finally decided that im gona have one tonight! 1st proper craving?? lol
question :

would you go to a (rock) nightclub at this point in your pregnancy?

DH and I used to go once every couple of months and I'm kinda missing it.

Last time we went was 9th Nov (got my BFP 4th Nov), and it wasn't quite the same as usual because I couldn't drink, and I got tired earlier than usual so we left an hour or so earlier than usual, but we did still have fun. I just drank lemonade. I did feel a little more self-consious dancing (I tend to prefer to get tipsy so Im not as self-conscious) but I did still dance and it was still ok.

We never go on the dance floor anyway because it's always crowded, so we tend to just stick to the area where the chairs are (people dance there too but it's never packed, so nobody bumps into you).

I'm just wondering whether I'm idiotic for even thinking about it. I know we're not gonna get the opportunity to go for a looooong time once the baby is born - we have nobody we know willing to babysit a young baby - DH's niece and/or my mother will only feel confident looking after Lydia, Alex and Jason because they're not THAT young - so it seems as though the only chance we'll get to go for quite a while is whilst I'm pregnant.

What do you reckon? Am I insane? Would you go? I'm not worried about people bumping into me, because, as I said, I don't go on the dance floor, and I wouldn't drink, I'm just wondering if I might get some weird looks going with a baby bump, and whether it's really worth it if I can't drink and if I have to leave early again because I'll be tired.

Plus none of my nice outfits will fit me now. I'd have to go wearing my jeans and a black t-shirt and my new-rock boots I suppose.


Just to add : I'm friends with the DJ - sort of. We've chatted on facebook for the past year. He's got DH on his facebook too. He's a nice chap, very friendly, and the bouncers are pleasant as well there though I don't know them very well. Have had a bit of a chat with them in the club before though.

i'd go if i felt up to it. if you're not exhausted or sick all the time might as well go have some fun!

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