~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Libby'smum - I bet that was a delicious chocolate cake. Your DD is so precious :)
yay for hearing the heartbeat and normal bp!
lovely bump pic

Becca and ProudArmyWife - I'm knackered too. So much for all this 'second trimester energy' we're supposed to have!

ProudArmyWife - cute bump pic

Breadsticks - that's great that you finished your paper

JJsmom - 2 weeks will fly by I'm sure. How old is your son going to be?
The newborn outfits to show your mum the gender is a cute idea

junemomma - how lovely to be getting a new house and car :) We're trying to save for a new car too because we can't fit 6 people in the car we've got, but it's sure gonna have to be an inexpensive car! We haven't got much saved up!
yay for you feeling a kick :)

alanna - hope the protein is nothing too serious

sue - don't worry about the maternal instincts. It's soooo different when it's your own. When I had DD I had never had any maternal instincts in my life. I was not very fond of children, and had never held a baby. The maternal instincts immediately kicked in when I had her though. I was crying from how much love I felt for her.
Glad your MW appointment went well.

myra - I've only just started feeling movements this week so couldn't really say if there's a correlation between hunger and movements. TBH I'm starving right now and I can't feel anything lol.

tlh - woo for early flutters

miss Bellum - glad your mw appointment went well

caro - I bet that was scary being stuck in a snowstorm. poor you!

mvosse - I'm jealous that you haven't got a big bump. I'm fed up of mine lol

donna - I dunno if I'm feeling the cold more or if it's just bloody freezing lol
yay for big movements

mara - I've been peeing a lot more too
I bet you can't wait for your ultrasound :)

panda - I don't know what a fibroid is. I feel silly! I hope it's nothing serious
must be nice seeing your baby so often on the scans though
with my first baby I felt movements around 16/17 weeks, but everybody is different

My update :

I'm 18 weeks tomorrow and still have no date for my anomaly scan. The midwife did say that the hospital tends to leave it really late though to send out the letters. She said if I don't hear anything by 19 weeks I should ring the hospital. I hope it doesn't come to that. I hate last minute appointments because of trying to arrange with MIL to watch Jason (if it's a non-nursery day), or worrying if it's going to clash with school runs and stuff like that - I wish they'd just send me a letter already!

Somewhat TMI but my haemorrhoids have been really playing up this week. I've never managed to get rid of them from being pregnant with the other three, but usually they're relatively smallish and don't bother me. They've gotten bigger and are feeling sore and itchy now, so I had to buy some cream for them yesterday, which seems to be helping a little.

DH is going for his vasectomy tomorrow!

My son is going to be 9!!!!!! I can't believe it's been 9 years since I've had him! It goes by so fast anymore! He's excited and going to have a great birthday! He's getting everything he's asked for which makes for a great one. LOL!

Hope they contact you for your anatomy scan soon!!
Alrighty ladies!! I finally felt like taking a pic! I'm finally seeing it as more of a bump than my fat. LOL! Here it is!! 17 weeks


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Junemomma- This is our first, so we have a lot to buy. We will be getting a bassinet, changing table and some hand-me-down clothes from our friends whose little one's have outgrown them. Everything else we will still need to get. We haven't started shopping yet for baby but we have a bit of time. We're trying to decide if we should stay in our 1 bedroom apartment until baby is 1 year or if we should look to move to a 2 bedroom before he is born. Until we make a decision about that and know how much space we have, we won't be buying baby stuff.
becca its still such early days hun i'm sure its normal to not feel baby for a few days. My midwife said they actually don't get concerned until your 24wks if you don't feel regular movement! could easily be your missing it as busy and that baby was in a better position a few days ago. Having said that if you continue to worry can you give your midwife a quick ring for reassurance? :hugs:

aaisrie, sorry you're still sick :(. Hope they sort out your car and physio helps your back! xx

Yea Becca it's still really early. I felt movement a few weeks ago but nothing for the last week or so. It's totally normal.

That's reassuring. I felt him move a bunch on Monday and Tuesday, and I may have felt one tiny movement yesterday but that was it. Good to know that its ok if it's not regular yet.
Well here are my 17wk bump pics. My clothes hide it well! Aside from contractions and movement, I dont feel very pregnant!



also, the funeral went well, odd but well. Our trip over all was good and none of us froze to death, but it was close!

Now I just need to catch up with this thread!!
woah oneamdtwo what an amazing bump you have! glad the funeral wasn't too bad :hugs:
Hi everyone hope you are all well

Had some unexpected drama at work when my monitor threatened to ignite! Heard some crackling and then noticed smoke coming out the back! Clearly I have been working too hard :haha: Its one way to get a shiny new monitor.

I say go for it alice!

I had my nt scan today and all looks good. I'm 13w2d and they said I'm measuring 14w. I know my dates and my 6w1d scan was right on so I'm keeping the dd of july 29. She took a gender sneak and said that she couldn't tell for sure because she couldn't see either boy bits or girl parts. But since e couldn't see boy bits she said she was leaning girl. DH and I were hoping for a boy. Still very happy baby is healthy but this is likely my last pregnancy and thought one of each would be nice.

DH got a job. He starts Friday with orientation

Good to hear your NT scan went well :) Congratulations to your hubby what great news x

WE GOT APPROVED FOR THE HOUSE!!!!! I'm so excited!!! We got a late email from the property manager a little while ago!!! YAY!!!!!

Yey, great news :happydance:

Junemomma- This is our first, so we have a lot to buy. We will be getting a bassinet, changing table and some hand-me-down clothes from our friends whose little one's have outgrown them. Everything else we will still need to get. We haven't started shopping yet for baby but we have a bit of time. We're trying to decide if we should stay in our 1 bedroom apartment until baby is 1 year or if we should look to move to a 2 bedroom before he is born. Until we make a decision about that and know how much space we have, we won't be buying baby stuff.

We haven't bought anything yet. We are living in a building site still so there doesn't seem to be much point in getting things until we have the house to ourselves again. Hopefully it will be before the baby gets here.

Well here are my 17wk bump pics. My clothes hide it well! Aside from contractions and movement, I dont feel very pregnant!

also, the funeral went well, odd but well. Our trip over all was good and none of us froze to death, but it was close!

Now I just need to catch up with this thread!!

Cute bump pics x Glad the funeral went well.

JJsmom - Happy 9th birthday to your son x x
Hi everyone, hope everyone is well. Bumps are looking FAB!!

Ive been away travelling at a conference today - stayed in a hotel last night.

This morning I had THE WORST experience ever......had a random bout of morning sickness and full on peed myself whilst I was puking.

On occasion I may have let a tiny bit slip, here and there, but this was full on all over the tiled floor. I was mortified !!! Luckily being alone, and able to wipe it up means that no one will ever be any the wiser but my gosh I hope that doesn't happen again!

Pretty sure baby gave me two big bumps today :) one from the butt side and one from the head side hehe. Little mover - just listened to the HB and it was 144bpm so I think little one was sleeping......sure it'll be awake soon when i get into bed.

Signing off now, after long drive I'm pretty tired.
Take care all xx
well i think my son may have the chicken pox. so ya this is gonna be an eventfull weekend.
kaths - ahh you can still eat out after you have the baby :) just take baby with you!

proudarmywife - sorry you're getting a cold. that's rubbish :( hope you feel better soon

sw33t - yay so pleased you passed your glucose test
but oh noooo for your son having chicken pox. Mine all had it in October and it was not fun at all. I recommend luke warm baths with porridge oats (I used ready brek), and also piriton medicine.

aaisrie - I'm sorry you've been feeling unwell and having car trouble. Hopefully things will start looking up for you soon

becca - haha well I definitely don't intend to drink.
and yep DH is very very sore right now!
I wouldn't worry too much about movements at this stage. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be feeling them all that frequently at this point.

libby'smum - at least you have some maternity clothes in your wardrobe lol. like a wally I gave all mine to charity shops last year! doh!
I'm sure things will work out even if your DH does leave his job. Maybe he'll find another one soon that he really enjoys. might even bring in more money? who knows? either way, job satisfaction is really quite important. I hope things work out in that department.

junemomma - that's good that you still have some baby stuff. makes it less to buy. easier on the wallet. we gave away absolutely everything apart from Jason's high chair (booster) because we thought we weren't going to be having any more kids. So annoying!
and yay for the house! that's fab news!

tlh - haha my 5 year old son, when it was coming up to his birthday, kept saying he wanted a tutu party. He kept driving us all nuts saying "are you coming to my tutu party" to everybody. He didn't even know what a tutu was, I think he just liked saying it. He thought he was being hilarious. We took him to a shop and showed him some tutus and suddenly he realised they were like girl's ballet skirts haha. Obstinately though, for a few days afterwards, he still said he wanted a tutu party, but gradually he stopped saying it. I think he was trying to save face lmao

missfox - I'll keep my fingers x-ed for a boy for you. even if it's a girl though, it'll be lovely for your DD to have a sister :)
congratulations to your DH for the new job!

jjsmom - wow 9 years! I bet it has flown by! My DD is going to be 8 this year and it feels like yesterday I had her (yet, weirdly, at the same time it feels as though she's been part of our family forever. Does that make sense?)
I'm sure your DS will have a fantastic day.
and that's a lovely bump pic :)

myra - moving house whilst pregnant is hard work. I've done it myself. BUT having said that, moving house with a young child is probably even harder work lol. I've done that too.

oneandtwo - your bump is so cute!
glad the funeral went as well as it could

miss bellum - yikes! scary monitor!

sue - oh no! I bet that wasn't fun! Oh the joys of being pregnant. As you say, at least you were on your own and got it cleaned up and everything. I've peed myself too a few weeks ago.

My update - well we've decided we will go to the rock club. Thanks everybody for the advice. We're gonna go on 15th February and DH's niece and her friend are gonna babysit (they've babysat for us before). I tried on all my pretty dresses but, although 2 of them fit, one ended up looking like a tent - I was bloody enormous in it - it was hideous. The other made me look like a pregnant hooker lol. So I'm gonna stick to jeans, new rock boots, and a black t-shirt. I can still do my makeup and wear my spiky dog collar and full finger metal rings and so on, so I'm gonna just work the accessories ;)

My Dh had his vasectomy this afternoon. He's...sore! He says it's like a dull ache. He's trying not to walk about too much, but when he does, he's walking like John Wayne!

So that's it! After this fourth baby, we're done! No more younglings! TBH I'm pretty relieved. Four is enough for us. I wouldn't have the patience (let alone money or room) for any more.

18 weeks today. Still got no date for my anomaly scan. It's driving me nuts!

Bump pic from today :


and no the dog isn't sniffing my bum lol - she's further forward than me, it's just perspective haha
myra - moving house whilst pregnant is hard work. I've done it myself. BUT having said that, moving house with a young child is probably even harder work lol. I've done that too.

My update - well we've decided we will go to the rock club. Thanks everybody for the advice. We're gonna go on 15th February and DH's niece and her friend are gonna babysit (they've babysat for us before). I tried on all my pretty dresses but, although 2 of them fit, one ended up looking like a tent - I was bloody enormous in it - it was hideous. The other made me look like a pregnant hooker lol. So I'm gonna stick to jeans, new rock boots, and a black t-shirt. I can still do my makeup and wear my spiky dog collar and full finger metal rings and so on, so I'm gonna just work the accessories ;)

My Dh had his vasectomy this afternoon. He's...sore! He says it's like a dull ache. He's trying not to walk about too much, but when he does, he's walking like John Wayne!

So that's it! After this fourth baby, we're done! No more younglings! TBH I'm pretty relieved. Four is enough for us. I wouldn't have the patience (let alone money or room) for any more.

18 weeks today. Still got no date for my anomaly scan. It's driving me nuts!

Yeah, we were polling friends with little ones to find out their recommendation on moving while pregnant or moving with a 1 year old....everyone said either option is doable but that moving with a baby (AND all of his stuff) is significantly more challenging than moving while pregnant.

Hope you have fun at the concert!!
alicecooper - great bump pic. Your outfit for the club night sounds great, I'm quite jealous of the New Rocks!
kaths - ahh you can still eat out after you have the baby :) just take baby with you!

proudarmywife - sorry you're getting a cold. that's rubbish :( hope you feel better soon

sw33t - yay so pleased you passed your glucose test
but oh noooo for your son having chicken pox. Mine all had it in October and it was not fun at all. I recommend luke warm baths with porridge oats (I used ready brek), and also piriton medicine.

aaisrie - I'm sorry you've been feeling unwell and having car trouble. Hopefully things will start looking up for you soon

becca - haha well I definitely don't intend to drink.
and yep DH is very very sore right now!
I wouldn't worry too much about movements at this stage. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be feeling them all that frequently at this point.

libby'smum - at least you have some maternity clothes in your wardrobe lol. like a wally I gave all mine to charity shops last year! doh!
I'm sure things will work out even if your DH does leave his job. Maybe he'll find another one soon that he really enjoys. might even bring in more money? who knows? either way, job satisfaction is really quite important. I hope things work out in that department.

junemomma - that's good that you still have some baby stuff. makes it less to buy. easier on the wallet. we gave away absolutely everything apart from Jason's high chair (booster) because we thought we weren't going to be having any more kids. So annoying!
and yay for the house! that's fab news!

tlh - haha my 5 year old son, when it was coming up to his birthday, kept saying he wanted a tutu party. He kept driving us all nuts saying "are you coming to my tutu party" to everybody. He didn't even know what a tutu was, I think he just liked saying it. He thought he was being hilarious. We took him to a shop and showed him some tutus and suddenly he realised they were like girl's ballet skirts haha. Obstinately though, for a few days afterwards, he still said he wanted a tutu party, but gradually he stopped saying it. I think he was trying to save face lmao

missfox - I'll keep my fingers x-ed for a boy for you. even if it's a girl though, it'll be lovely for your DD to have a sister :)
congratulations to your DH for the new job!

jjsmom - wow 9 years! I bet it has flown by! My DD is going to be 8 this year and it feels like yesterday I had her (yet, weirdly, at the same time it feels as though she's been part of our family forever. Does that make sense?)
I'm sure your DS will have a fantastic day.
and that's a lovely bump pic :)

myra - moving house whilst pregnant is hard work. I've done it myself. BUT having said that, moving house with a young child is probably even harder work lol. I've done that too.

oneandtwo - your bump is so cute!
glad the funeral went as well as it could

miss bellum - yikes! scary monitor!

sue - oh no! I bet that wasn't fun! Oh the joys of being pregnant. As you say, at least you were on your own and got it cleaned up and everything. I've peed myself too a few weeks ago.

My update - well we've decided we will go to the rock club. Thanks everybody for the advice. We're gonna go on 15th February and DH's niece and her friend are gonna babysit (they've babysat for us before). I tried on all my pretty dresses but, although 2 of them fit, one ended up looking like a tent - I was bloody enormous in it - it was hideous. The other made me look like a pregnant hooker lol. So I'm gonna stick to jeans, new rock boots, and a black t-shirt. I can still do my makeup and wear my spiky dog collar and full finger metal rings and so on, so I'm gonna just work the accessories ;)

My Dh had his vasectomy this afternoon. He's...sore! He says it's like a dull ache. He's trying not to walk about too much, but when he does, he's walking like John Wayne!

So that's it! After this fourth baby, we're done! No more younglings! TBH I'm pretty relieved. Four is enough for us. I wouldn't have the patience (let alone money or room) for any more.

18 weeks today. Still got no date for my anomaly scan. It's driving me nuts!

Bump pic from today :


and no the dog isn't sniffing my bum lol - she's further forward than me, it's just perspective haha

Well that stinks you dont have anything from previous. I've been looking online and at local consignment shops for gently used items. I saw you were doing the same. I'd love to buy everything brand new but with us still being students till December, it's not practical.
Hope you have fun at the rock club.
Agh Chicken pox! Here they vaccinate for it. DD just had her shots 2 weeks ago but after she got a couple of spots...apparently that can happen. The past 2 days she has been off her food and had high temps 38.4C and up...bit of a worry but she seems okay today...I asked the pharmacy lady and she seemed to think there was a virus going around. Was up at 4.45am this morning I think cause she slept through dinner last night and was telling me she had done a peepee! Tried to get her to go back to bed but failed.
Today is my first Doctor appointment at the hospital...yay! I hope I get a nice doctor. I really don't like when they put you with a student doctor cause I feel like some kinda guinea pig for them to do experiments on- I know they have to practice and learn things on real people but yeaaah.
alicecooper - great bump pic. Your outfit for the club night sounds great, I'm quite jealous of the New Rocks!

ahhh I <3 my new rocks. got them in Nov 2004 and they're still going strong, because I got my first BFP in Jan 2005 so I've only been out a handful of times since then, because I've spent the past 8 years being pregnant or being a mummy haha.

This is the sort of thing I normally wear when I go out. But now...not a chance lol (the corset and skirt I've only had opportunity to wear once before getting my BFP - I only bought it in September)



and this one I also bought in September and haven't had opportunity to wear it at all! So pretty gutted about this! This is one that I can still get into actually thanks to an elasticated back panel - but it's the one that makes me look like a pregnant hooker lol. So that's totally out


Really ticked off with my kids this evening. One of them, though none will fess up as to which of them it was, has hidden Jason's inhalers and aerochamber (and forgotten where they've hidden it). Could have been Jason himself, I really have no way of knowing. They admit they were hiding them around the room in various locations, but now apparently they can't be found, and Jason has been coughing all evening.
I hope the inhaler turns up soon! Those outfits look so awesome on you...I don't think I could pull it off without looking like Sailor Moon or someone.
Agh Chicken pox! Here they vaccinate for it. DD just had her shots 2 weeks ago but after she got a couple of spots...apparently that can happen. The past 2 days she has been off her food and had high temps 38.4C and up...bit of a worry but she seems okay today...I asked the pharmacy lady and she seemed to think there was a virus going around. Was up at 4.45am this morning I think cause she slept through dinner last night and was telling me she had done a peepee! Tried to get her to go back to bed but failed.
Today is my first Doctor appointment at the hospital...yay! I hope I get a nice doctor. I really don't like when they put you with a student doctor cause I feel like some kinda guinea pig for them to do experiments on- I know they have to practice and learn things on real people but yeaaah.

both of my kids have been vaccinated. they can still get it just they wont get it as bad. im still not positive since its basically day one. im hoping they just disappear and be more of a weird rash ya now. but only time will tell.
So my husband wants to go to this huge rock concert that comes here once a year called "welcome to Rockville". I don't care that he goes but he's gone to several. On ergs throughout the years and never takes me with him. He has either gone by himself or with a friend. The last time he went he was gone most of the day as it was an all day event. Last years welcome to Rockville. Well I started getting angry with him because he was t taking the time to plan to do anything with me but it was no problem for him to plan to go to these concerts. So we spoke and he said next time he wants to go to one he'll take me with him. I just always felt left out like he was ashamed to be seen with me at a rock concert. I honestly don't think I look that prissy that I'd be out of place. So a few weeks ago he mentioned this concert that's coming up and I said oh ok so are we going together? He replies with "Hun you're pregnant now and it's a hardcore concert. Everyone is going to be banging into each other. I don't want you to get hurt." fine whatever! So then he started talking about the lineup for welcome to Rockville for this year it's in April I believe, and how it's going to be such a great concert because this year it's two days long and there are really great bands set up. This concert is an outdoor event in a huge park set up for outdoor concerts. He says he doesn't want me going because I'm pregnant and there will be people smoking weed. Seriously?!? How many excuses can you come up with!?!
I worked the fall event at that park which is a smaller version of welcome to Rockville but still very large. It's an all day event. I worked it with a vendor selling food and was there all day. Now I don't doubt people are smoking and doing whatever but I never noticed it while I was there. I was walking around the area a few times. Regardless though, it seems to me that he's just coming up with excuses why he doesn't want me to go like usual. And now that this year it's a two day event, he wants to go for the entire two days, leaving me at home with the kids. I asked him why he would go for both days its not fair to me and he got mad saying he rarely asks to go do stuff and he really enjoys going to concerts.
I just think its crap! This whole entire situation is crap! Why not make an effort to spend time with your wife for once?!? Sorry I'm just really frustrated. Am I wrong for feeling this way?

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