~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Becca- I have some random days like that. Especially when I haven't been able to have a bowel movement in a couple days (tmi) I get very regular going every day in first tri and then second and third it all goes down hill and I barely go. Makes me very uncomfortable and gassy :haha:
I have no idea what weight I was before pregnancy, and dont know my current weight so I have no idea if I have gained or lost. I doubt I've lost any though. I dont really like to go by weight so I dont bother with scales at all. I prefer to go by how I feel & look.

alicecooper - Glad you have finally got an appointment - how annoying that the paperwork went astray though
I stepped on the scales tonight at the leisure centre and I've put on a total of 11 1/2 pounds since my pre-preg weight!

I have no idea what is normal to gain, I'm of normal weight, height etc so if anyone could shed any light if I'm on track? :)
tlh97990: What a terrible boss. What is FMLA? Here in Australia its against the law to fire anyone who is pregnant. I told my manager that I was pregnant after needing three days off work at 11 weeks. I had some bleeding and needed tests/bed rest.

alicecooper: sorry to hear about the zero sympathy from DH. Men can hard to live with at times.

AFM: I have a dr's appt due next Monday. I'm excited to see my OB and ask questions. I wanted to ask you ladies what happened during your 15w/16w appointment? I wanted to prepare/educate myself as to what may happen.

FMLA is Family Medical Leave Act.. It's what we have to take to have job protected leave during illness, childbirth, or an extremely sick kid. Most employers require you to be employed for at least 1 year and have a certain amount of hours to qualify. Thankfully i qualify so i can't be fired for calling in. now i'm just worried that my boss is going to be watching my every move looking for another excuse to get rid of me. everyone has been treating me different since i've been so sick and unable to come in so when i finally do no one talks to me for a few days! its really aggravating!

RIGHT I rang the hospital. Got passed around to 2 different departments before they finally put me through to the ultrasound department.

I was told that the ultrasound department hadn't been given any paperwork about me!
No wonder I hadn't received a letter!

Anyway, I've now been put down for 2pm on 11th Feb for my 20 week scan (I'll be 20+4).


i'm glad you finally got your scan date!!

afm on weight gain i've gained 5lbs since prepregnancy weight. i had just gotten down to what i weighed before becoming pregnant with my daughter when i found i was pregnant this time. luckily i got back down to it and wasn't still trying to lose! i started out at 130 during both pregnancies. with my daughter i was 207lbs the day before i delivered so i'm praying that doesn't happen again! i think by this point last time i had already gained 15 lbs so i guess so far so good :haha:
I have only gained about 1kg. My weight fluctuates 1-2kg normally anyhow even when I am not pregnant. I think I am doing better with weight than with DD I gained about 8kg in my first trimester.
Becca...best kegal exercise with a toddler is playing giddyup horsey on my legs. Do that about 10-20 times each day and DD loves it!!
I've gained about 11 1/2 lbs, I think. Hoping to gain at least 35lbs.

Oh, and my kids are freaking falling apart! Omg my middle boy has had a fever since.Tuesday for no reason, he is not ill and is acting perfectly fine. My oldest complained of his tongue hurting yesterday, and now hasnt eaten anything today because he says he cant taste it! What the hell?! Hopefully it all resolves over the weekend. The middle one has already missed two days of school this week.

My anatomy scan is on Tuesday, does anyone know how long they last? I didnt get one with my youngest son so its been some years since i've had one! A perinatologist is doing it, if that changes anything?
Hope everyone is doing well! I still don't really feel pregnant! Totally different than with my first, he let me know every day one way or another!! Next appointment Feb 15th :) Get to see baba then, haven't had scan since dating scan at 8 weeks as I didn't know when we conceived - I had been BF'in my now almost 1 year old still and never had a period! So I am excited to see the change in size :D :D :D
I've gained about 11 1/2 lbs, I think. Hoping to gain at least 35lbs.

Oh, and my kids are freaking falling apart! Omg my middle boy has had a fever since.Tuesday for no reason, he is not ill and is acting perfectly fine. My oldest complained of his tongue hurting yesterday, and now hasnt eaten anything today because he says he cant taste it! What the hell?! Hopefully it all resolves over the weekend. The middle one has already missed two days of school this week.

My anatomy scan is on Tuesday, does anyone know how long they last? I didnt get one with my youngest son so its been some years since i've had one! A perinatologist is doing it, if that changes anything?

I would allow at least an hour...they have to measure the head, tummy, legs and arms and spine etc.:thumbup: All the best! Hope your kids heal quickly!:flower:
I just realized today, that my anatomy scan is next Wednesday!!! :D I'm so excited and I can't wait!!
YAY!!! Not much longer til next Wednesday!! I can't believe it's already here!!

Today the doc office called and you could tell she was trying to figure out how to approach the subject. She said she was calling from the office about my appt on Wednesday the 6th. She asked if I was just getting an ultrasound or was it the full anatomy scan? I said it's the full anatomy. She was like ok, here's the deal....We screwed up on the doc's schedule. She won't be in the office until 10am. We can move your appt or you can come back the next day at the same time. I said I'm sorry, that won't work! My appt was scheduled at that time, it's not my fault you guys messed up her schedule! My finance's mom scheduled her time off to be able to attend this and we can't change it! She responded with, ok, how about this, You still come in at 8:30 for your ultrasound, go out and get some breakfast, then come back and see the doc at 10:15. So I was like, OK, so I can still do it at 8:30, but just have to wait around for the doc? She said yeah. WELL....now that's not a problem! I've had to wait a lot longer than an hour to see a doc before! So that's what I opted for. So that way nothing changed. whew!!

It's been a horrible day. My DS was so rude today it's unreal. He just found out how real mommy is getting and how mean mommy is getting! He's going to eventually want the nice mommy back but she wont' be back any time soon! so yesterday was his birthday and I let him stay up til 9 instead of 8 playing his new game we got him. This morning I didn't pay attention to the time so ended up waking him up 10 mins later than normal so he had to go on and get up instead of going back to sleep for 10 mins. He was rude and mouthy and when I ignored him (as that's what his counselor's tell me to do), he picked up a light bulb OH had left on a chair and proceeded to throw it onto my hardwood floor in front of my bedroom doorway which it smashed to a million pieces! I was barefoot and he better be lucky I was and that the glass was between us. This is just beyond ridiculous and he has lost everything and will now only get stuff when he earns it. Rules are changing in this house this weekend once OH and I decide on them and DS will have a LOT of chores! I'm tired of the attitude and that fact that he thinks he rules this roost. Here's to the beginning of change!!!!! CHEERS! LOL!
I'm back in hospital again getting rehydrated... Third times a charm right?!
Did get a cute scan pic of Moonbaby hanging out upside down!!
Drinking is so last season...
Moonbaby upside down holding his wee hands
Eve!! Sorry to hear you are back in the hospital!!! I certainly hope your stay this time isn't very long! Great to see the pic of moonbaby!!!

Well, there is a snow day today for DS! I have been fighting myself to see about calling in or not but there are wrecks everywhere as it's nothing but ice out there and when I came home last night I was sliding and it was just starting! I'm terrified to go in and drive on it but afraid my manager would question it. I'm just afraid with how ppl were driving yesterday like idiots that I will be in an accident and I'm scared to death of that because of baby. The reporter on tv is even having a hard time walking on the dirt!! I guess I'm just too worried about my job and how much I have to get done at work but there have been 2 girls out for quite of few days of the last week and I know I have stuff I need to get done. I asked OH why I'm so worried about it but others just call in no matter what.
As far as weight gain, as of my 16 week appointment, I had only gained 2 lbs :( and yes this actually makes me sad, I've been trying to eat more. I'm not "allowed" to have a scale at home, because everyone always thinks I've got weight gaining issues. In all reality, I just get full really easy, and don't have much of an appetite, never really have. Hopefully on the 15th, I'll have gained more. Happy February, this is the month a bunch of us reach halfway!!!
Thanks jjsmom, hope your trip to work was safe

I'm still 5lb lighter than my prepregnancy
so as of this morning I'm up 15lbs from pre-preg weight. *cries*

Aaisrie hope you get hydrated and released soon!

Alice my goodness that is an impressive bump!
Oh Eve :( So sorry you are back in hospital! This baby is a little monkey! You're in the right place though.

Suck up those fluids!! Hope you are back on your feet soon xxx

Loving the bump Alice!!

mvoose, I am the same. Even though I live on my own, my parents and friends dont want me to have scales. I even got asked at work by someone if i was on a diet - ehh WHAT? Bloody chinese whispers.

What I was saying was that I struggle to get more food in than I am used to (eat usually 1000cals a day, if that)........which got shared round the office grrrr. Managed to change my diet though for higher cal foods (healthy too like avocados etc) which is why my weight has gone up!

JJ stay in if bad weather -don't risk it!! Hope DS is being more friendly now too.
Alright ladies, what parenting book(s) (not pregnancy, more baby-raising) do you swear by? I am reading "Bringing up bebe"... only on chapter 1 but am finding it really interesting...

I'm interested in finding a book that will help me set good habits right away when it comes to eating, sleeping etc
Hi ladies,

Been a while but hope to get on more often now.
Alice love your baby bump!

Eve hope your well soon and you get all the fluids you need.

Really interesting you guys talking about weight gain I am slim ish and could never imagine eating an extra 300 cal a day for pregnancy but once my sickness passed I seem to have a bottomless Pitt of a stomach. Though I try to have healthier food during the day I eat quite healthy anyway but have my moments lol. Avocado and cashew nuts are great for healthy fats. I have out on about 10Ib since pregnancy.
Been feeling baby move much more in the last week it is lovely more like pulses now than flutters.
Eve, I'm glad you got to see Moonbaby again but I wish it was under better circumstances! I hope you feel better very soon! :)

JJsmom, if you don't feel comfortable driving, I don't think you should go in. Either that or go in late if the roads are expected to be clear later.

Mvosse, I hate when people assume things like that! I feel like you right now, I am still under pre-pregnancy weight and I was thinking I would've gained by now! My nurse was really happy though that I had gained 2 lbs since my last appointment, putting me about 4 lbs under pre-pregnancy weight. I've been eating like crazy though, except this week from being sick, so I'm also hoping by my next appointment I'm up a bit. Though it is nice to still be able to wear my jeans, I thought I had outgrown them because I do look bigger but when I tried them on last weekend they fit fine.

Alice, kickass boots and bump!!

Sue, sometimes I wish people would just butt out! :haha: I have been accused of dieting issues...I've never even been on a diet! I don't get people sometimes.

Hopefulhoney, I don't know myself but I'd be interested to hear of any!

Lotus, glad you are well! I have always been an eater lol and it has definitely intensified with pregnancy! I hardly ever feel full. I try to not overeat and just base it on how much I'm actually eating instead of when I'm completely full, if I waited for that full feeling I'd never stop! :haha:

As for me, the antibiotics are kicking in! I'm still kinda weak and my asthma is acting up with the congestion but I feel better than I have all week so that's a start! I am scheduled to work tomorrow but it is only for 4 hours so I think it'll be alright and if I'm feeling super tired I'll be home a little after noon and can nap.

I have been looking into stuff to do when we go to our private scan next weekend. I found a nice museum that we've never been to so I think we've decided we'll definitely do that. I also found out the museum has an IMAX theater and they will be showing the Hobbit that evening which we've been wanting to see...I'm super excited! And the tickets are very reasonably priced because they include the movie and general admission to the museum for not a whole lot more than what it would cost to see it in our local theater. I am thinking we will do that but the movie doesn't start till like 8:30PM so we might get a hotel so we don't have to drive an hour home near midnight. Not 100% sure on the hotel though because we'd have to find someone to stop by and feed/walk the pets twice.

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