~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Hi June- I'm sorry it feels like that. I read and look forward to hearing everyone's updates. I just don't respond often.

It might in part be hormones. It also seems like people are responding less in general to posts & I'm guessing it might be that things are getting busier in our lives as everything is getting more real with baby. You're a great part of the group and I hope you'll stick around.:hugs:
Appreciate the replies. I for one understand about having life and work and kids, nd that's why I also said I understand that not all my responses or posts will be responded to...I would be very selfish to think everyone should respond to every little thing I say. I have a 9 yr old and 3 yr old and work 48 plus hours a week plus family life. So I know.

It was one post in particular that I was hoping to get some support be ause I had said how I had a rough day at work because I had my first post-mortum patient I had to prepare and transport to the morgue. It was a very hard night for me and I was reaching out to hopefully get some positive feedback. But when I noticed others posting soon after mine and I was completely ignored on what I had said, yes I did feel ignored.

I realize not everyone is on at the time I posted something and pages move quickly and I completely understand only going back a couple pages to read up as we're ALL busy.
I appreciate the ones who replied with kindness to my feelings. It means a lot! And thank you! :) I will still come and see how you all are doing and maybe say something here or there but I probably won't be getting so personal with my life anymore as I tend to be more sensitive lately and I don't want to put myself out there to feel ignored when everyone else are only trying to just keep up. I wish you all well though. And I look forward to us all posting about the births of our newest additions.
Had a horrible night with DD unwell and unsettled. None of us got much sleep. This morning she wouldn't eat and just clingy and crying. I gave her some Panadol and she finally took a short nap- woke up and vomited all over me and herself and the armchair. What a mess! Gave her a bath to clean up and she seems fine now playing with her toys as though nothing happened...I feel crap cause I had no sleep and now the chair stinks. Hoping I won't have to drag myself or her to the doctors.
Appreciate the replies. I for one understand about having life and work and kids, nd that's why I also said I understand that not all my responses or posts will be responded to...I would be very selfish to think everyone should respond to every little thing I say. I have a 9 yr old and 3 yr old and work 48 plus hours a week plus family life. So I know.

It was one post in particular that I was hoping to get some support be ause I had said how I had a rough day at work because I had my first post-mortum patient I had to prepare and transport to the morgue. It was a very hard night for me and I was reaching out to hopefully get some positive feedback. But when I noticed others posting soon after mine and I was completely ignored on what I had said, yes I did feel ignored.

I realize not everyone is on at the time I posted something and pages move quickly and I completely understand only going back a couple pages to read up as we're ALL busy.
I appreciate the ones who replied with kindness to my feelings. It means a lot! And thank you! :) I will still come and see how you all are doing and maybe say something here or there but I probably won't be getting so personal with my life anymore as I tend to be more sensitive lately and I don't want to put myself out there to feel ignored when everyone else are only trying to just keep up. I wish you all well though. And I look forward to us all posting about the births of our newest additions.

i thought i replied to that comment. see im finishing my bachelors in a week for healthcare administration and healthcare management. your post struck me and i felt bad and understood what you were going through. i could only imagine if going through it pregnant can be ten times worse. i must have gotten distracted by my son when i saw it ended up logging off instead and forgot to reply later. :hugs:

Libbys mom - hope she feels better hun. try some baking soda and a damp cloth and it will remove the stain and smell. :)

asfm- finished my crochet project as you saw before and did 4 dozen cookies half red velvet cookies and the other sugar cookies for my daughters class tomorrow. now looking on Olive gardens menu on there site to figure out what i want when we go to dinner in a bit. its hard to choose to many choices.
I have a body pillow already, doesnt seem to help? I know my hips are lopsided, maybe that's part of the issue!
Appreciate the replies. I for one understand about having life and work and kids, nd that's why I also said I understand that not all my responses or posts will be responded to...I would be very selfish to think everyone should respond to every little thing I say. I have a 9 yr old and 3 yr old and work 48 plus hours a week plus family life. So I know.

It was one post in particular that I was hoping to get some support be ause I had said how I had a rough day at work because I had my first post-mortum patient I had to prepare and transport to the morgue. It was a very hard night for me and I was reaching out to hopefully get some positive feedback. But when I noticed others posting soon after mine and I was completely ignored on what I had said, yes I did feel ignored.

I realize not everyone is on at the time I posted something and pages move quickly and I completely understand only going back a couple pages to read up as we're ALL busy.
I appreciate the ones who replied with kindness to my feelings. It means a lot! And thank you! :) I will still come and see how you all are doing and maybe say something here or there but I probably won't be getting so personal with my life anymore as I tend to be more sensitive lately and I don't want to put myself out there to feel ignored when everyone else are only trying to just keep up. I wish you all well though. And I look forward to us all posting about the births of our newest additions.

Sorry you had that difficult day at work!! I for one couldn't work in the healthcare industry but have much respect for those that do! I can't deal with blood and/or death like that. I have a hard enough time when I cut myself! I hope your days get better!!!

Things are starting to get tough for me emotionally as well. I am normally an emotional person, but since yesterday it's been a lot worse! I made a comment to OH yesterday about an ingrown hair on his neck that was healing. I said it was where another girl bit his neck. He responded with "I wish that's what it was!!" So I said a few choice words. Then today I was going to get my hair done after work and this morning when I woke up he said "just think, you're finally going to be sex...." then stopped himself and then continued with "You know I always think you are sexy!" It was too late. That one made me cry thinking he doesn't find me attractive or sexy anymore. Although I know I look a MILLION times better now than I did earlier, it still hurt to have him say that to me. Hope everyone has a great day!!
Aww jj, men can be so insensitive!

June, I def meant to reply to that post, so sorry :-(. I can'teven imagine how hard a day it must have been :hugs:

I've woken with Alex's horrid head cold, no wonder the poor boy has been kinda grumpy lately! Right now I'm lazing in bed whilst he gets up to god knows what in the other bedroom! Eeek. So not as he's not breaking anything else (dh had to take the entire Hoover apart to get the coins out...I wasn't popular!)
well everything is perfect with baby!!! head is still firmly in my pelvis and we couldn't get it out! but all the major organs looks great and bub is measuring 2 days ahead! we were there for about an hour...
bub little one was not shy from the get go to show what it was......

Appreciate the replies. I for one understand about having life and work and kids, nd that's why I also said I understand that not all my responses or posts will be responded to...I would be very selfish to think everyone should respond to every little thing I say. I have a 9 yr old and 3 yr old and work 48 plus hours a week plus family life. So I know.

It was one post in particular that I was hoping to get some support be ause I had said how I had a rough day at work because I had my first post-mortum patient I had to prepare and transport to the morgue. It was a very hard night for me and I was reaching out to hopefully get some positive feedback. But when I noticed others posting soon after mine and I was completely ignored on what I had said, yes I did feel ignored.

I realize not everyone is on at the time I posted something and pages move quickly and I completely understand only going back a couple pages to read up as we're ALL busy.
I appreciate the ones who replied with kindness to my feelings. It means a lot! And thank you! :) I will still come and see how you all are doing and maybe say something here or there but I probably won't be getting so personal with my life anymore as I tend to be more sensitive lately and I don't want to put myself out there to feel ignored when everyone else are only trying to just keep up. I wish you all well though. And I look forward to us all posting about the births of our newest additions.

I sorry you had such a rubbish day at work that day, I didn't see the post, if I had I would have replied. :hugs:
Congrats on princess number 2 Mara! How cool that you won't have to buy too many new items. I am sure Grace will love being her big sis. How was everyone's valentines day? Mine wasn't very great at all. Libby was sick but finally crashed around 8.30pm and am hoping she stays in her cot and sleeps well. Last night was very restless and DH has about had enough of her disturbing our sleep.
Now to change the subject...sorry if TMI but anyone having huge CM issues? Just crazy!
thank you :) we are very happy and excited!
im sorry libby has been sick, i hope she gets better soon!! and your day gets better!

here is my 20 week bump!
(sorry its a big picture!)
Poor Libby, get well soon!

We don't celebrate Valentine's Day, never have even when we were dating. I like the idea of celebrating couples but it is marketed towards spoiling the woman with flowers/jewelry/chocolate and that's just not me :haha: Well, the chocolate part is me but he surprises me with it all the time, we usually have a stash at all times lol. Usually when I tell people we don't celebrate it, I get a lot of negative comments like our marriage must be bad or we're just cynics :dohh:

I feel like my energy level has taken a nosedive lately! I feel like I did first tri, hopefully it is just a short phase. School and work have been crazy though lately so maybe that is it.

Hope everyone is well!
Hope libby gets better soon!

Lovely bump picture. :)

Breadsticks - we don't really celebrate it but I got him some cup cakes made by a friend they were so nice, and then he had to rush out to tesco last night so I thought ooo I might be getting something, but nope nothing. I was expecting it but I don't know stupid hormones!

AFM - My Grandad was taken very ill yesterday, all I have been told today is he is stable. They said last night he had heart failure, kidney failure, and his core temp was 30 and heart rate was 40 bpm!
Breadsticks-we dont celebrate either....I think we did once, in highschool. Its not for us. Like you.said it seems to be all about the female and I dont like being doted on/receiving gifts. I think he'd giggle and get a bit excited if I bought him flowers or something but we do ALOT all year for each other so it kind of makes today invalid.

Afm-hubby is coming home in the next 1-3 days, havent seen him.since January ...he tells me hes grown a mustache LOL we're very excited to get him back for a little while, even if he does have somethinggrowing on his lip ;)
Ooo I am definetly getting movement now :D having taps and that weird sensation liking fluttering, earlier when I was having it I grabbed the dopplar to see if its where the baby was, and it was, spot on. Can't wait for it to get stronger :)
Had my 20 week appt yesterdat. I saw a CNM vs my OB. All I can say is, what a joke that was! Lol referenced my chart and how shocked she was ive had "all these babies" with the same man, since im only 26 (im on pregnancy #10 viable baby #4). Also mentioned she thought I should have a cerclage because of my contractions, uhhh a cerclage will not help conttactions and I amNOT dilating. Makes me nervous for the women who go in there and just go with whatever is told to them. Anyway im up 6 lbs since my last visit, dont feel like I am and wish I'd gain more but they say its a good amount. Its just not like last pregnancy. My uterus is measuring a bit over 20Weeks also (which I knew, I can feel it over my belly button)

I can now notice when ahe is lying transverse vs up and down. My belly sticks out when shes laying normally but almost disappears when she goes transverse. Its kind of funny!

Has anyone else been having killer hip pain from sleeping? My hips are so sore and im having a hard time sleeping since I cant lay on my bavk or stomach anymore hips are all I got and its hurting!! I might make dh buy my a recliner LOL

ive been having really bad hip pain from sleeping too! i have a pregnancy pillow and my new mattress now and my hips still hurt!! i havent found relief yet

View attachment 566715iv been so busy i will be on here later tonight to catch up on post but wanted to show what i just finished making for my friends baby shower gift. arent they cute. i want to make another set for my little one. soon.

those are adorable! i wish i could make something like that!

Poor Libby, get well soon!

We don't celebrate Valentine's Day, never have even when we were dating. I like the idea of celebrating couples but it is marketed towards spoiling the woman with flowers/jewelry/chocolate and that's just not me :haha: Well, the chocolate part is me but he surprises me with it all the time, we usually have a stash at all times lol. Usually when I tell people we don't celebrate it, I get a lot of negative comments like our marriage must be bad or we're just cynics :dohh:

I feel like my energy level has taken a nosedive lately! I feel like I did first tri, hopefully it is just a short phase. School and work have been crazy though lately so maybe that is it.

Hope everyone is well!

we dont celebrate valentines day either. we both feel like its a made up holiday and our anniversary is at the end of the month anyway so we dont fuss about it!

afm i've been having some cramping on and off yesterday and today. i'm not sure what it is or what its from. i havent had any bleeding or any other issues so maybe its just my uterus stretching??
Could you change me to the 19th July

Done :)

my dd is the first week of july. I'm to scared to actually say it. i know I'm weird but still struggling with the previous loss. when do you all think it's a good idea to start buying stuff? I'm worried about buying stuff and something bad happening. but i have to sometime!

I can only barely imagine what you're going through. Keeping fingers crossed for you - given that you've made it this far, if the anomaly scan doesn't uncover anything alarming, I'd say the chances are good :) I understand that the 24-week point - "V day" - is a significant milestone, as it marks the point where the child is theoretically viable outside the womb, and that milestone helps some mums-to-be to overcome the worst of their anxieties. Maybe that'd be the point to go on a shopping spree?

Anon Male - thanks for updating the chart.

It gives me something useful to do :haha:

We are team :pink: :happydance:

I'm so excited dd will have a little sister :)

She is absolutely perfect! Measuring a week ahead (my due date won't change though) and she's so active we didn't get many pictures cause she just wouldn't hold still :haha: we did get a few though I will post one later when I get home :)

Congrats on being team :pink: ProudArmyWife!

I don't even know why I bother posting anymore. Most of my posts get ignored. I understand not everyone can respond to everything I say, but it's getting ridiculous and I don't feel very accepted in this group. I know I'm not on a whole lot but that's because I work so much I don't have the time to be on a lot to talk with you all. Maybe it's just my hormones but this is how I feel. I probably won't be coming around much anymore.

Oh hon :hugs: I do hope you continue posting. This is a fast-moving thread sometimes and if people don't respond, it's not because they don't care, more often than not it's because they don't know what to say that's appropriate.

I can relate to that. I joined this forum so I could have a better idea of what DW is going through, what unexpected things may be around the corner... and I enjoy reading each and every one of the posts on this thread, though I seldom respond to them - being the only boy on the thread does make me the intruder :blush:

well everything is perfect with baby!!! head is still firmly in my pelvis and we couldn't get it out! but all the major organs looks great and bub is measuring 2 days ahead! we were there for about an hour...
bub little one was not shy from the get go to show what it was......

Great news on your being team :pink: maratobe!

Ooo I am definetly getting movement now :D having taps and that weird sensation liking fluttering, earlier when I was having it I grabbed the dopplar to see if its where the baby was, and it was, spot on. Can't wait for it to get stronger :)

That's exciting news! I've been trying in vain to detect any sound or movement from the little one. Without the aid of a doppler (we both agreed that we'd not buy one). So far, all I can hear is DW's digestion (though there has been the odd noise that has made me think "maybe...?") She thinks it's hilarious. I guess I'll just have to be patient :haha:
we dont celebrate valentines day either. we both feel like its a made up holiday and our anniversary is at the end of the month anyway so we dont fuss about it!

Chalk us up as another couple that doesn't celebrate Hallmark day. Well, sorta. Normally every year on February 14th we'd go to the pub and buy one another a pint. However, that's off the menu this year as the little one isn't allowed alcohol, and I'm laid up with a stinking cold :cold:
anon, i've got a horrid cold too :(, need a sick day but LO just doesn't understand :haha:
ooh and pls can you change me to the 14th :)

pink flowers, hope your grandad is ok hun :hugs:

mara...congrats on another little girlie!!

we dont really do valentines either, get each other a cheap card and DH got me a few sweets as that's what i've been liking lately oh and i did get a bunch of tulips! but otherwise we don't worry too much :)

can't remember who asked (sorry), but i've not been having cm issues but def pelvic floor issues if bladder is just slightly too full and i cough :blush:, so not good as i just seem to be picking up cold after cold atm!!
i thought i replied to that comment. see im finishing my bachelors in a week for healthcare administration and healthcare management. your post struck me and i felt bad and understood what you were going through. i could only imagine if going through it pregnant can be ten times worse. i must have gotten distracted by my son when i saw it ended up logging off instead and forgot to reply later. :hugs:

Sorry you had that difficult day at work!! I for one couldn't work in the healthcare industry but have much respect for those that do! I can't deal with blood and/or death like that. I have a hard enough time when I cut myself! I hope your days get better!!!

Aww jj, men can be so insensitive!

June, I def meant to reply to that post, so sorry :-(. I can'teven imagine how hard a day it must have been :hugs:

I sorry you had such a rubbish day at work that day, I didn't see the post, if I had I would have replied. :hugs:

Oh hon :hugs: I do hope you continue posting. This is a fast-moving thread sometimes and if people don't respond, it's not because they don't care, more often than not it's because they don't know what to say that's appropriate.

I can relate to that. I joined this forum so I could have a better idea of what DW is going through, what unexpected things may be around the corner... and I enjoy reading each and every one of the posts on this thread, though I seldom respond to them - being the only boy on the thread does make me the intruder :blush:

I wanted to thank you all for your replies....it has made me feel better to know you cared enough to take the time to ensure I knew you were thinking of me. It was a difficult day and I've been super emotional lately. I've been dealing with the beginnings of my antepartum depression. I've struggled with postpartum depression with my last two pregnancies and I had antepartum depression with my last pregnancy. So, I've just started taking meds for it last night. Its going to be a rough road for me.

I just wish I wasnt so darn sensitive....But thank you again!

(Ps. I hope I did the multi-quote thing correctly or its gonna look really screwy :haha:)

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