~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Alice you made me smile...I haven't the guts to do anything quite like that...good for you!
My DD has decided biting people is funny...grrrr!
Found something interesting worth reading will post here...
The World Health Orgainsation (WHO) acknowledges that every women has the right to choose the type of care she and her baby receive, to have access to information about her health and options and to information about the intervention rates of local maternity services. WHO also recommends:

Women should be able to move around during labour and choose a position for birth
Electronic monitoring of the baby’s heart in labour should not be routine.
Drugs should not be routinely used
Babies should not be separated from their mothers and breastfeeding should be promoted.
Labour should not be induced for anyone’s convenience; the rate should not be higher than 10 percent.
Artifical rupture of membranes should not be routine.
Episiotomies should be avoided
The caesarean rate in any region should be no higher than 10 to 15 percent.
Interesting eh?
i havent gained just lost so far. which im grateful for because im over weight as it is. im down 12 pounds. which if the baby is growing and gaining weight plus all the fluids and such im proubly down more than that. i did my 22 week bump photo and i can tell im loosing my butt. lol. and im slimming in my legs more and face.
we did our babyshower registry since i had gotten a target free $20 gift card coupon if you register there in the store. And dad called at 7am asking if he could take my 4 year old for the day and my daughter is at school so we were kidless and my hubby is off today. this never happens. lol. so best time to go was today. got a new maternity top with the $20 gift card and a pair of shoes all under $20. the registry you also get a goody bag with baby stuff in it and it had a few coupons and one was for the brand the top was in maternity 20% off so i made out like a bandet. lol. here is my 22 week bump.View attachment 574447

We did that too, since we got the coupon. My husband was extremely entertained by the scanner, so it was fun if nothing else. Lol we mostlyndid clothes, since we aren't needing much else. We used the gift card to buy baby girl an outfit or two :)
hey everyone! i went to speak with HR today about my boss and they said they will write up the manager have a conversation with her and the rest of the office about the way i've been treated. I told them i appreciate it but i don't feel comfortable or welcomed in my office (i may have faked a tear or two) and that i don't want to leave the company in bad standing because of this. They called my boss's boss and they said they are going to mark me as resigning with two weeks notice but they are letting me have today as my last day!! I'm so happy! Afterwards my boss was locked in her office with the door shut and when i gave her my key and said today is my last day i'll finish out the day she started acting like my BFF.too little too late :haha:

So now i'll have a week break before starting my new job. My daughter is goin to start daycare Monday so i figure that'll give me a nice a break and i'll be nearby if she doesn't adjust well at first!

Oh that is so awesome!!!! You always have to fake tears when they make you that mad! Mine are almost always genuine though because I'm such a cry baby. LOL! I'm so happy they let you have today as your last day!! It's amazing she got into trouble and written up and her reaction to you resigning is priceless!! She wants you to stay so you can continue to do everything for her and make sure you're there when she sends everyone else home! What a great job standing up for yourself!!!!! You deserve this new better job!!
Alice you made me smile...I haven't the guts to do anything quite like that...good for you!
My DD has decided biting people is funny...grrrr!
Found something interesting worth reading will post here...
The World Health Orgainsation (WHO) acknowledges that every women has the right to choose the type of care she and her baby receive, to have access to information about her health and options and to information about the intervention rates of local maternity services. WHO also recommends:

Women should be able to move around during labour and choose a position for birth
Electronic monitoring of the baby’s heart in labour should not be routine.
Drugs should not be routinely used
Babies should not be separated from their mothers and breastfeeding should be promoted.
Labour should not be induced for anyone’s convenience; the rate should not be higher than 10 percent.
Artifical rupture of membranes should not be routine.
Episiotomies should be avoided
The caesarean rate in any region should be no higher than 10 to 15 percent.
Interesting eh?

Very interesting!!! My son's doctor induced me with him because he wanted me to have him before the weekend. I thought it was rubbish! Then they took him away immediately to clean him up and gave him straight to my mom. I didn't get to hold him for some time after delivery because my mom was too busy oohhhing and ahhhhing over her first grand baby. As much as it irritated me, I am going to miss my mother being here for this delivery. I think the time lapse between when my son was born and when we finally were able to attempt to breastfeed, it really hurt our chances as I was only able to get him to breastfeed for 10 weeks and thats because he wouldn't latch on so all I could do is pump as much as I could and supplement with milk. I am much more aware of what's going on this time around and know better now!! Thanks for that info!!
Got a couple pages to catch up on since I wasn't on all day. We spent the whole day in town buying an New car for dh. He's in love and I'm happy cause it's much more of a family car than the little tiny on he had. I am now relaxing in a nice warm bath I can't wait for bed time! Guess while I'm just soaking in the tub I'll figure out how to post my bump picture I feel like I've exploded lately :haha:
i havent gained just lost so far. which im grateful for because im over weight as it is. im down 12 pounds. which if the baby is growing and gaining weight plus all the fluids and such im proubly down more than that. i did my 22 week bump photo and i can tell im loosing my butt. lol. and im slimming in my legs more and face.
we did our babyshower registry since i had gotten a target free $20 gift card coupon if you register there in the store. And dad called at 7am asking if he could take my 4 year old for the day and my daughter is at school so we were kidless and my hubby is off today. this never happens. lol. so best time to go was today. got a new maternity top with the $20 gift card and a pair of shoes all under $20. the registry you also get a goody bag with baby stuff in it and it had a few coupons and one was for the brand the top was in maternity 20% off so i made out like a bandet. lol. here is my 22 week bump.View attachment 574447

We did that too, since we got the coupon. My husband was extremely entertained by the scanner, so it was fun if nothing else. Lol we mostlyndid clothes, since we aren't needing much else. We used the gift card to buy baby girl an outfit or two :)

ya i let my hubby have the trigger finger i new it would make him enjoy it more. :) it was funny when we tried to find the majic bullet in the kitchen stuff (for puraing home made babyfood) he was going by and like can i scan th ebedding set , and ewww we could use a new kitchen mixer and ohhh look thesse games are cool we can scan that all jokingly though. but he was like a kid in a candy store with a toy gun. it was amuzing i must say lol.
hey everyone! i went to speak with HR today about my boss and they said they will write up the manager have a conversation with her and the rest of the office about the way i've been treated. I told them i appreciate it but i don't feel comfortable or welcomed in my office (i may have faked a tear or two) and that i don't want to leave the company in bad standing because of this. They called my boss's boss and they said they are going to mark me as resigning with two weeks notice but they are letting me have today as my last day!! I'm so happy! Afterwards my boss was locked in her office with the door shut and when i gave her my key and said today is my last day i'll finish out the day she started acting like my BFF.too little too late :haha:

So now i'll have a week break before starting my new job. My daughter is goin to start daycare Monday so i figure that'll give me a nice a break and i'll be nearby if she doesn't adjust well at first!
:happydance::happydance:so happy you were able to get out of there and on good standing and stood up for your self.good job hun.
Hello :)

I am rubbish! I have been off work for a week ill, then Monday I had a bleed after DTD and was told I have a cervical erosion, does anyone else have experience with this?

Hope you are all ok x
Hey Pink...we were told that is what I have...they said mine was abrasive which basically is the same thing. We hadn't even DTD and they said it may just be that my cervix was not producing enough mucus at the time or something...I don't think they really knew why it was bleeding so just made something up so that I could go home. I know that area can be more sensitive as there is a lot more blood flowing around it than pre-pregnancy. I hope you are okay now. It should have settled down if not go back for a 2nd opinion.
JJ's- Yes I agree the breastfeeding was probably hampered by them not giving you your son sooner. I am sorry you had such an experience and hope this time round you will be able to feed easier if that is what you desire. I know I had difficulty bfding with DD because my arm was strapped to the blood transfusion thingy so couldnt get her to latch correctly for the first few days. Poor baby was starving and I wasn't able to produce the milk she needed. The pediatrician perscribed me some lactation medication to help my supply which helped a little but I only had a couple of month prescription and once it run out my milk stopped. I really am going to ask for that again if I have issues with supply.
Forgot to say I been up vomiting with severe heartburn... :( I had the same thing with DD and it isn't pleasant at all!
Hello :)

I am rubbish! I have been off work for a week ill, then Monday I had a bleed after DTD and was told I have a cervical erosion, does anyone else have experience with this?

Hope you are all ok x

Not had any issue since being pregnant, but quite a few years ago I had a big bleed (no pain) after DTD... they said it was a cervical erosion. Must have been scary while being pregnant, glad everything is okay xxx:hugs:
Found out we're having a girl a few weeks ago and I hadn't even considered that they could have got it wrong... but watched a programme the other night where a woman was told she was having a girl, but it came out a boy! She looked pretty devastated to be honest... although I'm sure he won her over!

Now I'm not completely naive... I did realise they can get it wrong from time to time, but now I'm suddenly worrying about it! I've already bonded with this baby as a girl and I can't imagine her being anything else now.

I'm thinking about paying for another scan (maybe 3d) just to confirm it, but didn't really want to shell out £100 when we have so many other things to buy at the moment!

Is anyone else worried about this? Or am I overeacting?! xxx
no I don't think you are over reacting...it def helps knowing gender with practical stuff like buying clothes etc. Plus you don't want to end up suddenly with little Anna being Archie all along...that would blow.
We had the 3d one with DD and do not regret it. DH wants another one for this pregnancy so we get the movies for both kids to watch when they are older.
argh we were meant to exchange today and didn't :cry:, not sure my nerves can take much more! i just wanna move house damn it!!! and then get ready for this new baby...blooming buyers are playing games, the deposit apparently got transferred this morning and lost in cyber space, then after chasing the woman it mysteriously appeared just after 5pm so then too late for the solicitors so we won't exchange until the morning now. So i've had to rearrange our plumber....luckily he can do the afternoon, but if it doesn't happen then he's off on holiday on saturday!! or if any major probs come up he'll have less time to sort them....omg i don't need this stress :cry:
Hey Pink...we were told that is what I have...they said mine was abrasive which basically is the same thing. We hadn't even DTD and they said it may just be that my cervix was not producing enough mucus at the time or something...I don't think they really knew why it was bleeding so just made something up so that I could go home. I know that area can be more sensitive as there is a lot more blood flowing around it than pre-pregnancy. I hope you are okay now. It should have settled down if not go back for a 2nd opinion.
JJ's- Yes I agree the breastfeeding was probably hampered by them not giving you your son sooner. I am sorry you had such an experience and hope this time round you will be able to feed easier if that is what you desire. I know I had difficulty bfding with DD because my arm was strapped to the blood transfusion thingy so couldnt get her to latch correctly for the first few days. Poor baby was starving and I wasn't able to produce the milk she needed. The pediatrician perscribed me some lactation medication to help my supply which helped a little but I only had a couple of month prescription and once it run out my milk stopped. I really am going to ask for that again if I have issues with supply.

The blood has stopped completely now, they said it might look like more because it was mixed with other stuff :haha::blush: I haven't had any cramps or anything so I am not to worried and the mw came out today to check HB again and was happy because we saw baby kick the doppler :cloud9:

Forgot to say I been up vomiting with severe heartburn... :( I had the same thing with DD and it isn't pleasant at all!

I have been the same but only in the morning, it is like it builds over night and then makes me sick :( Hope you get some relief soon x

Hello :)

I am rubbish! I have been off work for a week ill, then Monday I had a bleed after DTD and was told I have a cervical erosion, does anyone else have experience with this?

Hope you are all ok x

Not had any issue since being pregnant, but quite a few years ago I had a big bleed (no pain) after DTD... they said it was a cervical erosion. Must have been scary while being pregnant, glad everything is okay xxx:hugs:

It was scarey but I also wasn't worry at the time, as baby was kicking and I had no cramps, its been since they did the speculum exam I was worrying because I feel bruised down there!

Found out we're having a girl a few weeks ago and I hadn't even considered that they could have got it wrong... but watched a programme the other night where a woman was told she was having a girl, but it came out a boy! She looked pretty devastated to be honest... although I'm sure he won her over!

Now I'm not completely naive... I did realise they can get it wrong from time to time, but now I'm suddenly worrying about it! I've already bonded with this baby as a girl and I can't imagine her being anything else now.

I'm thinking about paying for another scan (maybe 3d) just to confirm it, but didn't really want to shell out £100 when we have so many other things to buy at the moment!

Is anyone else worried about this? Or am I overeacting?! xxx

I was more worried about getting an early scan for that reason as a friend had one at 16 weeks and they told her she was having a boy and it was a girl.

I think at 20 weeks its easier to see.

Woohoo my ticker moved again :happydance: I'm in the 6th box aka the 6th month :happydance:


argh we were meant to exchange today and didn't :cry:, not sure my nerves can take much more! i just wanna move house damn it!!! and then get ready for this new baby...blooming buyers are playing games, the deposit apparently got transferred this morning and lost in cyber space, then after chasing the woman it mysteriously appeared just after 5pm so then too late for the solicitors so we won't exchange until the morning now. So i've had to rearrange our plumber....luckily he can do the afternoon, but if it doesn't happen then he's off on holiday on saturday!! or if any major probs come up he'll have less time to sort them....omg i don't need this stress :cry:

sorry it hasn't all gone to plan, hope it gets sorted soon x
Sorry I haven't been around much ladies.


signed up to be a chat line operator!

Haven't had any calls yet but I've passed the audition.

This has nothing to do with babies I admit lol. I have nothing really to report on the baby front. I'm 23 weeks tomorrow and getting massive. That's it I guess.

That's exciting!! Who cares if it has nothing to do with babies i feel like the last week nothing i've talked about has to do with babies :haha:

congrats though!

first congrats and i also agree there is more to our lives than symptoms. and this is more than a baby group those that are on here all the time you know the regulars we care for whats happening in each others lives. and we are hear to congrat. and support each other weater it be jobs kids, life in general, school or homes skies the limit really. lol my fav. food lol. :hugs:
argh we were meant to exchange today and didn't :cry:, not sure my nerves can take much more! i just wanna move house damn it!!! and then get ready for this new baby...blooming buyers are playing games, the deposit apparently got transferred this morning and lost in cyber space, then after chasing the woman it mysteriously appeared just after 5pm so then too late for the solicitors so we won't exchange until the morning now. So i've had to rearrange our plumber....luckily he can do the afternoon, but if it doesn't happen then he's off on holiday on saturday!! or if any major probs come up he'll have less time to sort them....omg i don't need this stress :cry:

oh hun i hope it all comes together waiting is the worst especially when its something you are so ready for. and pregnant makes the waiting even harder i feel.
Sorry I haven't been around much ladies.


signed up to be a chat line operator!

Haven't had any calls yet but I've passed the audition.

This has nothing to do with babies I admit lol. I have nothing really to report on the baby front. I'm 23 weeks tomorrow and getting massive. That's it I guess.

That's exciting!! Who cares if it has nothing to do with babies i feel like the last week nothing i've talked about has to do with babies :haha:

congrats though!

first congrats and i also agree there is more to our lives than symptoms. and this is more than a baby group those that are on here all the time you know the regulars we care for whats happening in each others lives. and we are hear to congrat. and support each other weater it be jobs kids, life in general, school or homes skies the limit really. lol my fav. food lol. :hugs:

that is so true and a lovely way to sum things up! :D thanks

argh we were meant to exchange today and didn't :cry:, not sure my nerves can take much more! i just wanna move house damn it!!! and then get ready for this new baby...blooming buyers are playing games, the deposit apparently got transferred this morning and lost in cyber space, then after chasing the woman it mysteriously appeared just after 5pm so then too late for the solicitors so we won't exchange until the morning now. So i've had to rearrange our plumber....luckily he can do the afternoon, but if it doesn't happen then he's off on holiday on saturday!! or if any major probs come up he'll have less time to sort them....omg i don't need this stress :cry:

oh hun i hope it all comes together waiting is the worst especially when its something you are so ready for. and pregnant makes the waiting even harder i feel.

thanks hun, i feel a bit like a ticking time bomb being pregnant, and know the further along i get the harder its going to be to do the actual move and sort stuff. Fx'ed it goes through tomorrow, then we move as planned on the 12th! then the hard work will really start as the house is in a bit of a state :haha:
I took my first bump picture today because I look pregnant and not fat haha

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