~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Hi everyone, hope you are well.

Not a lot going on here at the moment. I have put in my request for maternity leave, so thats something to look forward to :)

Well onto more pleasant topics I suppose - V day tomorrow.
I'm being kicked absolutely constantly. This kid is gonna grow up to be a break dancer.
Jason finally managed to feel it today. The others already did a few days ago, but now everybody has felt the kicking.

My mam keeps throwing a fit at me because she wants to know the gender. Pfft honestly - no patience!

So sorry to hear that happened to someone you know.

Very freaky dreams you've been having.

Congrats on V day!

I'm just home from my 20w scan! Baby was fine, measuring bang on date! Nearly definite it's a boy :) and they confirmed I was right I do have an anterior placenta which is why I'm not feeling kicks this time round :) getting the odd kick to the cervix but that's about it!

Congrats on your boy, hope you are able to get some good pics when you go for your 4d scan x x.

gorgeous photo! congrats on an almost definate boy :)
we are moving house tomorrow so we wont be around for a bit until we get things hooked back up! :)

Good luck with your move x

alice, so sad to hear it was the girls' mother! Their life is going to be completely changed from here on out.

Eve, great pic of your LO!!! Congrats on most likely a boy!!

mara, good luck during your move!! I know it has to be difficult but think about how happy you'll be once you're in there!!

AFM, I'm getting so fed up with the drama at work. Everyone talks about everyone and mouths off to me to try to get me in trouble. When I don't mouth off back or say anything and just roll my eyes and work, they start asking a girl that sits beside me if I'm back there talking about them. UGHH!! Hello?!?! I have stuff to do and it has nothing to do with you! We ordered lunch today from a pizza place and we didn't ask one girl because they didn't think to and as for me, I don't like her anymore after she always is making fun of me or laughing about something I've mentioned in our meetings. She always says no so I wasn't going to ask. So she told this other girl to make sure I heard how ticked she was because we ordered and didn't ask her. Then goes and asks the girl beside me if I'm talking about her. OMG! I'm just sick of the drama they present! See, before our last meeting, I mentioned this girl didn't pull the paperwork at her time on ONE occasion. This other girl went and told her that I said she NEVER pulls at her time. So during the meeting we found out the girl who sits beside me is supposed to pull between her and my pull time. The girl with the loud mouth says SEE CINDY! I DO PULL DURING MY TIME THANK YOU! I just rolled my eyes at her and turned my head away.

I can't wait until my 2 weeks vacation I'm taking in May for my cousin's wedding, and then my wedding. Then the baby due at the beginning of July! I pray I don't have to go back to that place after the baby! Sorry for the long vent ladies. It's just a constant thing every day these women are CRAZY!!! They try to get me mad by poking my stomach or making fun of me or mock me in a different type of voice. They treat me like I'm stupid and I'm just sick of it. My manager doesn't seem to care. She just says "I know" and rolls her eyes. If I tell my manager something and it involves one of the other ppl, she'll call them in there and say "Cindy said you're doing this..." so then it comes back to me again. She did that for a girl who complained about them taking massively long breaks. She called them in there and said who told on them. that's not good management skills. This company is so backwards it's unreal. OK OK!! SORRY! I didn't mean to rant this long. it just kept coming as I was typing.

Hope you ladies have a WONDERFUL evening!!!!

Sounds like a very unpleasant workplace. Seems more like a playground than a workplace! Sorry you have to deal with this. Still, looking on the bright side at least theres not much longer to go. Fingers crossed you dont have to go back there at all. Whilst your still there, feel free to come here & rant, always good to get things off your chest.

Ugh stupid nightmares! It's 2am just had a random nightmare and now can't get back to sleep... Lovely. Anyone else still having those vivid pregnancy dreams or am I suffering alone on that front ?

I have had some very odd dreams, I think the last one was that I gave birth to a litter of babies that looked more like kittens then children!

Yup had the leg and foot cramps for a while now...not just when I sleep either...really annoying and painful. And sometimes at night if DD is crying in her room I get up in a hurry to go settle her and my belly has like shooting pains...it's like I moved too quickly. Usually I have to just let her cry for a moment while I pull myself together and go urinate so my bladder isn't killing me then go pick her up out of her cot.
DH has the day off tomorrow HOORAY! I was watching TV and realized DD wasn't in the living room and I found her curled up on DH's side of the bed all snuggled in the blankets. Precious :)

Aww, how cute :)

Were having a girl! :pink:

Congrats on your little girl :) x x

I dont know if y'all remember but I waa concerned about my lack of weight gain? Ya not anymore! Ive gained nearly 19lbs already. Im pretty excited, thinking I'll be able to get over the 40lbs mark this pregnancy. Ive got my fx'd that I'll keep some of the weight this time.

The doctor has tested me also for...well I dont even know my immune system and chromosomes I guess? They are trying to determine what caus mee to miscarry 6 times. Im hoping they find nothing, in all honesty I think they are being a bunch of spazzes. I would understand the concern if this was my first or second viable pregnancy but its my fourth and last, its a little to late now! I'd venture to guess it has something to do with my uterine irritibility, the fact that a foteign object.was shoved through my uterus and my small size being consistently underweight by 20+ lbs is not the healthiest for reproduction I'd say, im surprised my peroids were as normal as they were. Anyway, I didnt care for the testing...can you tell? Lol

Good news on your weight, hope you maintain it at a level you are happy with. Hope the tests go well, and dont bring up any surprises.

jj's, sorry you work with a bunch of school kids :dohh:, we have just 1 woman at work that sounds similar to your colleagues and i've taken to practically ignoring her as trying to be friendly just wasn't working!

afm, am now on leave until th 19th for our house move :D:D, and then i've set a leave date of 8th may for mat leave!! ridiculously early but i've got to take all next years annual leave before i go plus still had some bank holiday hours owing from last time i was off :shock:. Be sooo nice to have so much time off before this baby arrives though! xx

How fantastic to be able to take off so much time! I'll be going on the 14th June, and taking 15 days holiday first. It works out quite well though, in the month before I go, I will have 3 4 day weeks, so at least I will be able to wind down gradually.
23 week bump!!


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i've been kinda MIA lately but congrats everyone that has found out gender lately, bump pics are looking awesome!!

congrats alice on v day that's so exciting!!!

afm i started my new job today and so far i love it. i have a 20minute commute both ways which is awesome compared to the hour and a half commute i had at my last job that i hated. and i told HR today that i'm pregnant and asked if it would affect anything since i won't qualify for FMLA yet since you have to work for a year in order to qualify. she told me no not at all and by the time i have the baby i'll be covered under the work's short term disability so i can take up to 11 weeks off and get paid 66% of what my pay normally is. that was really exciting for me because with my DD i had 6 weeks unpaid off and it would have been the same if i stayed at my last crappy job that i hated!!! things are finally looking up!
We had the nicest steak dinner tonight...so yum! Although I really wanted pasta I decided we need the variety. It was a good choice.
Tomorrow night we are going out and leaving Libby with a sitter. This pretty much never happens so I am very excited about it. We are going to a Japanese place with DH's work people. His boss who is usually a tight ass is actually paying the bill...whoohoo!
Not sure if anyone else has this issue with their toddler but mine leans and lumps her weight on me and I worry it may be bad for the new baby. She is a solid little girl so I worry our new son will be all squished before he is even born.
Libbysmum, my 9 year old still wants to sit on my lap at times! He's almost 70 lbs so I let him sit for about a minute and then have to have him get up because I start feeling pains. I do worry because at times when he gives me hugs he'll do it fast and hard which squishes my belly and hurts really bad. I've about got him broke of that thankfully! Our little ones love us and don't realize that they may hurt the baby in mommy's tummy with doing the normal things they used to do. Have a lot of fun out to eat!!! It's always nice when it's at the expense of someone else! :)
Ds keeps jumping on me and sitting on me!

I have beeb signed off work till baby is born because of my pelvis!
my LO keeps jumping on me too...its gotta be a common hazard of having other kids! If it hurts I try and stop him but usually its happened before I can react :shrug:, hopefully baby is well enough cushioned in there!! xx
My LO has the same fascination with jumping on me and apparently my belly is the best place to sit cause she is constantly trying to sit right on top of me :dohh: she doesn't quite get that she's squishing her sister when she does that :haha:
Thanks Ladies, I hope the placenta and amnio fluid is blocking all the toddler lashings.
I try to tell her she is hurting her little brother and she gets all concerned and pats my belly saying "oh baby" and then gives it a big hug. I don't think she gets it totally but is at least showing some form of empathy.

Okay here is my question as I don't often have DD babysat except by grandma... what is the protocol about feeding the sitter? As we are going to be going out at dinner time I wondered if I am suppose to provide the sitter with some sort of meal or not? Anyone?
whatever I would babysit around dinner time they would usually me or let me know that there were certain things in the fridge that I was able to eat
When my DH's niece and her friend babysit, we generally buy them in a frozen pizza, or leave them money to order one.
Yeh I think I may get a couple of froz meals if she wants something she can heat up at least give her the option to eat here if she wants to...I mean we have plenty of fruit and bread etc if she got really famished.
We had the nicest steak dinner tonight...so yum! Although I really wanted pasta I decided we need the variety. It was a good choice.
Tomorrow night we are going out and leaving Libby with a sitter. This pretty much never happens so I am very excited about it. We are going to a Japanese place with DH's work people. His boss who is usually a tight ass is actually paying the bill...whoohoo!
Not sure if anyone else has this issue with their toddler but mine leans and lumps her weight on me and I worry it may be bad for the new baby. She is a solid little girl so I worry our new son will be all squished before he is even born.

my daughter is terrible at jumping on my belly. she's still little so i know she doesn't understand but i don't think its hurting the baby unless they are like pouncing up and down on your belly which im sure we'd be in pain before it would hurt the baby!!

Ds keeps jumping on me and sitting on me!

I have beeb signed off work till baby is born because of my pelvis!

at least you'll have time to get some rest and prepare for the baby without going to work!! hope you feel better though!

Thanks Ladies, I hope the placenta and amnio fluid is blocking all the toddler lashings.
I try to tell her she is hurting her little brother and she gets all concerned and pats my belly saying "oh baby" and then gives it a big hug. I don't think she gets it totally but is at least showing some form of empathy.

Okay here is my question as I don't often have DD babysat except by grandma... what is the protocol about feeding the sitter? As we are going to be going out at dinner time I wondered if I am suppose to provide the sitter with some sort of meal or not? Anyone?

whenever i babysat i was always told to just help myself with whatever was in the pantry/fridge. you could leave money for food but if your LO isn't going to eat whatever is ordered id just put some extra food in the fridge or pantry to give her the option. i think most people wouldn't eat all your food and just eat enough to hold them over but who knows!

afm my second day of work was great i'm def. loving the commute now!! my daughter had a rough day at daycare though. her premolars are all coming in at once so she was holding her head and pulling at her ears and crying most the morning but was great after a nap. i feel bad for her!!
Aww teething can be rough...What age approx do pre-molars come? I am wondering if that is why our DD is screaming for no apparent reason.
Thanks Ladies, I hope the placenta and amnio fluid is blocking all the toddler lashings.
I try to tell her she is hurting her little brother and she gets all concerned and pats my belly saying "oh baby" and then gives it a big hug. I don't think she gets it totally but is at least showing some form of empathy.

Okay here is my question as I don't often have DD babysat except by grandma... what is the protocol about feeding the sitter? As we are going to be going out at dinner time I wondered if I am suppose to provide the sitter with some sort of meal or not? Anyone?

Absolutely yes! I babysit every Thursday evening for the same family. I wouldn't make a special meal at all but if there's leftovers show her around what she's allowed to eat, or better yet, provide a frozen pizza. I once looked after two kids for a week which extended to over lunch time. I just ate whatever the kids ate (must mentioned, I wasn't paid particularly well)... after the week was up, the mother DEDUCTED for the food I'd eaten. I couldn't believe it! I had really worked my butt of for those kids!

I think most sitters might expect a meal so if there isn't one, could be starving by the time you get home. Also, remember that sitters will be more available to you in the future if you treat them well. I work REALLY hard on Thursdays -I do homework with all 3 kids, I clean the kitchen, I cook their meal, I pack their lunches for the next day, I play with them (never just sit there or park them in front of the tv) and I do their bedtime routine with them... but I do it every Thursday because the family loves and respects me. They make me feel appreciated and I can never figure out who is getting the bigger gift? Them or me?

(I really shouldn't have written that much -I'm so sorry!) :dohh:
That is terrible she deducted food from the pay...how crazy are some parents? I mean I am sure you didn't make a pig of yourself. That is really sad. Her loss not yours eh?
I am glad your Thursday family are nice to you
That is terrible she deducted food from the pay...how crazy are some parents? I mean I am sure you didn't make a pig of yourself. That is really sad. Her loss not yours eh?
I am glad your Thursday family are nice to you

Yeah, I was pretty young then... Now I would just have been honest and told them that it was not fair to deduct after the fact (without warning)
I just handed in my notice today (re babysitting). I realized that I'll probably be exhausted in my 3rd tri and I already work a demanding full time job.

If anyone is interested, we had gender reveal photos taken by a friend... super cute! They are in my journal... take a peek if you like :blush:
You guys look like an awesome couple I am sure you will make great parents!
Aww teething can be rough...What age approx do pre-molars come? I am wondering if that is why our DD is screaming for no apparent reason.

my daughter is 16 months old and hers started coming in so im not sure if thats about normal or early or late..

That is terrible she deducted food from the pay...how crazy are some parents? I mean I am sure you didn't make a pig of yourself. That is really sad. Her loss not yours eh?
I am glad your Thursday family are nice to you

Yeah, I was pretty young then... Now I would just have been honest and told them that it was not fair to deduct after the fact (without warning)
I just handed in my notice today (re babysitting). I realized that I'll probably be exhausted in my 3rd tri and I already work a demanding full time job.

If anyone is interested, we had gender reveal photos taken by a friend... super cute! They are in my journal... take a peek if you like :blush:

love your pics!!!

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