~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

We had our hospital visit yesterday. Measured exactly 24 weeks. They took a blood test and urine sample and said they would let me know if anything came back irregular and if I hear nothing assume all is okay and I can get the result at my next appointment. Was great to hear the hb again. I also called up a student midwife they can come to your appointments with you and birth if you choose and I thought it sounded great. I am meeting her for a coffee and chat to get to know each other to see if it gels and if I don't feel comfortable I can always tell her it isn't working out. It gives them experience for their training too so it sounds like a win win situation. DH is happy for me to get one so that makes life easier.

That is a great idea.

My little sister is in University doing a nursing degree and she will have a paed/midwifery part of her course & has to draw on real life experiences so I am letting her be at Millie's birth so she can use that!

I think it's fab to allow students to be as hands on as possible.
I was going to do the 3d/4d ultrasound but honestly, the $120 can go to towards my wedding. We are down to 10 weeks until our wedding and we still have so much to pay for! I've paid for half of it already and I'm waiting for OH to come up with his half. Only thing is that he hasn't lost all the weight for the military to sign up which he was counting on by now and his bank wont give him a loan either because he cosigned for my car and they say with his truck and my car payments he can't afford a loan. But he doesn't pay the car payment, I do. So I got really stressed yesterday and he says not to worry but I am trying to figure out where he is going to pull $3k out of his rear in just a matter of a couple weeks when everything has to be paid for. (He's a procrastinator which is why he hasn't lost the weight he was supposed to by now). I know it will turn out perfect but I hate when things come undone that I have already counted on!
JJ'S my DH and I were just discussing 3d/4d ultrasound as we had one with DD and we are worried our son is going to say "why don't I have one of those?" when DD is watching her DVD. It is a real shame but totally get you about wedding expenses. We had a low budget wedding and at our reception I was relying on my dad to pay for it as we didn't have the $ really was annoyed as my dad wrote a cheque to us instead of the venue so we had to then turn around and use our honeymoon savings to pay for the venue until we had a chance to cash the cheque and deposit the money back into our account. Not ideal but we had no other option.
All the best for your big day...:)
Thanks Libbysmum! Sorry your wedding didn't go as planned. I'm hoping that he hears good news today from his bank. Otherwise he will have to check with his mom. I'm going for a tasting today of BBQ pulled pork and good down home food with it. I was going to do this food myself but my planner said it would be too much added stress on me if I chose to do the food. Making me very hungry thinking about it! LOL!

Well ladies, I started leaking colostrum last night!! I can't wait to see my little man when he is fully done baking!
anybody else getting mega backache?

25+2 bump pic


sorry I haven't had chance to catch up on the thread. I've been working on DD's easter egg competition entry for school pretty much all day!
not really getting backache yet but getting that omg i cant breath feeling and have started getting braxton hicks...booo :(
not really getting backache yet but getting that omg i cant breath feeling and have started getting braxton hicks...booo :(

aye I've been getting braxton hicks too. I don't mind them so much, I just find them to be a peculiar feeling (even though I'm used to them from previous pregnancies, it still feels weird, if you know what I mean).
i didn't get a 3d/4d ultrasound with my dd mainly because nowhere near where we lived offer them but my doctors office does an ultrasound at 36 weeks "to check position and size of baby" so they can get away with billing insurance for it instead of the patient and they said they do 3d/4d ultrasounds for free during that one. i'm kind of excited to see how it turns out since i didn't get it done with my daughter.

regarding the wedding sorry your stressing out about it hopefully you get good news!! me and my husband got married a couple months after having my daughter and we couldn't see spending money on a wedding when we could use that money towards her so we had a friend that is an ordained minister come to our house with my parents and my sister and he married us in my living room! it was perfect for us!!!
afm i received a letter today from old employer asking me to fill out an exit survey regarding my employment with them. so of course i was brutally honest and at the end it asked me for boss's name and said if i gave it the information would be given to her boss..it kind of made me feel good to know she may be reprimanded for a second time!!
Yes, ive been getting a lot of back pain, I think its due to the contractions tho. My back aches so bad by the time I lay down for night.
OH and I just officially decided on a name. We had been bouncing back and forth. Then finally we decided to go with the first name we had both agreed on, and a middle name that OH had picked out.

We are naming our child Samson Isaac Moore.

It was the best feeling in the world when I realized that was the perfect name for him. I started crying after looking up the name meanings. Samson means bright sun, sun child, or 'second time around'. When I read that last part I burst out in tears because my first pregnancy was a m/c at 10 weeks, and after I lost that baby I begged and prayed that he/she would return to me someday. Sun child is awesome because he is due in July, which I'm sure will be a sunny month.

Isaac simply means laughter, which is something that I hope my child's life is filled with.

The pic below is of my bump today, at 22 and a half weeks. <3


  • Photo on 2013-03-16 at 21.44 #2.jpg
    Photo on 2013-03-16 at 21.44 #2.jpg
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My pain is in my pubic area mainly and on left side.
Been craving milk, icecream and yogurt lately
I seem to be fairly lucky at the moment - no backache yet! I'm sure it will catch up with me sooner or later though. I do get out of breath quicker though, I've started noticing on the walk to work that just going up a small hill gets me out of breath. Makes feel really unfit :(
DD is sick...poor girl has been coughing all day and was a bit off her food. All she wants is cheese...probably the cheese is making the coughing worse? I put some eucalyptus steam in her room tonight to hopefully make breathing easier for her.
Miss Bellum...I hear you there. We have stairs to climb on our house and I get puffed walking up and down to the laundry and back.
I seem to be fairly lucky at the moment - no backache yet! I'm sure it will catch up with me sooner or later though. I do get out of breath quicker though, I've started noticing on the walk to work that just going up a small hill gets me out of breath. Makes feel really unfit :(

Ive been very out of breath as well. I usually am completely winded by the time I get up our stairs. I try so hard to avoid going up them for no reason! I can't comfortably bend over to pick up things off the floor either, my boys have been so helpful and help me pick up by handing up things on the floor so I can put them away!
I've been feeling out of breath a lot more lately too! It's driving me nuts! I had to run around work so much on Friday that I woke up yesterday with my thighs hurting so bad from working them so much! LOL! I really need to get more walking in but the weather is so up and down it drives me crazy! It's 70 one day and the next we're getting snow! I was in a t-shirt yesterday and today while we're out shopping it started snowing major snow flakes and it's hard to get out and do anything!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! It wasn't fair!! I went to bed and woke up being pinched by both DS and OH!!!!! I was like what the heck?!?! I hadn't even had a chance to get up and get dressed! LOL!
JJsmom, I'm sorry you are dealing with stress with the wedding! Like you said, it will all work out and it will be perfect :) I hope you enjoyed your food tasting! Yay colostrum! :haha:

Alice, good luck with your daughter's Easter Egg Competition! I am definitely having problems with my back but I have issues with it regardless of pregnancy so it's really not a shock. It is my upper back that is all messed up so that hurts the worst. I never have low back pain but pregnancy is changing that :haha: Hope your back feels better!

ProudArmyWife, I'm sorry you are having difficulty breathing! I am having breathing problems as well, it is mostly from asthma and it seems it is getting worse as I get further along, as well as being severely allergic to my dog :nope: I do not know what Braxton-Hicks feel like, so I suppose I have no had any! :thumbup:

tlh, I don't know if we'll do a 3D/4D ultrasound but that is so cool that your clinic does it! I would like to but we haven't decided fully yet. If we do, we'd probably do it in May sometime...not sure. Your wedding sounds beautiful, I love small, intimate weddings :) We only had family (and friends who we consider family) at ours and it was very nice. LOVE that you filled out the exit survey! Take that, horrible ex-boss! :happydance:

Oneandtwo, I hope your pain eases! :flower:

MotherEarth, beautiful bump! And I just adore the name you and your OH picked! It is so perfect :)

Libbysmum, that sounds painful! I hope it goes away soon! I have been wanting a lot more ice cream that usual myself, I normally am not a big fan but I could have a milkshake every day if I let myself :haha: I've been taking calcium chews and that seems to help. I hope your daughter feels better soon!

Miss Bellum, fingers crossed the pain stays away! :thumbup:

Happy St. Patrick's Day, ladies! :happydance: This is my first St. Patrick's Day in a long time that I didn't have some (lots of) whiskey :haha: I'm Irish and used to Irish dance so it's usually a day of lots of celebration. But this year is low-key, just going to stay in and watch some college basketball. My husband did not sleep at all last night so I'm guessing when he gets home from work he'll just want to rest. Thankfully he has off work tomorrow so he can sleep a ton to catch up.

Yesterday was OK, we watched my favorite college basketball team (sadly we lost) and afterwards went to the mall just to get out of the house. I've been really stressed out about our dog (What would you do? (Dog and Asthma) so it was nice to get fresh air and get our minds off things a bit.

Before we left, I saw my 17 year old cousin had posted a video of him going from about 20 to 100mph in someone's car...I don't know whose because he just recently totaled his parent's car. I don't get along well with that side of the family (my step-dad's family, my step-dad and I don't get along the greatest, we are civil and he likes to talk sports with me but that's about it). My mom doesn't get along with them either, honestly I feel so bad for her having such terrible in-laws :( Anyway, he's my cousin and I don't want him to get hurt (or hurt someone else) so I emailed the info to my step-dad. He was actually very good about it, he didn't get mad at me or anything. I also forwarded it to my mom but told her that I don't think she should say anything since his family doesn't treat her well and probably wouldn't believe it coming from her. I'm guessing the family knows now, the video has been taken off his page and my mom made a status about difficult in-laws. :dohh: I should also say, his parents/grandma covered the accident up (the one that totaled his parent's car) by saying that he was "only going under the speed limit of 30mph" and "a deer caused the accident"...obvious lies based on where the accident happened. They do this stuff with him, he screws up and they cover it up. I'm honestly terrified of him hurting himself because they won't discipline him (he's not an unruly, rebellious kid either...they just NEVER discipline him so he does what he wants). I know I did the right thing by letting an adult near him know (we live in a different state and he and I aren't close enough for him to listen to my warnings of driving so recklessly) but it seems my mom is paying the price for it. :nope: I almost wish I hadn't told her but I felt she needed to know because I don't think she'd want my little brother (11 years old) EVER in the car with him knowing this information!

On a happier note, we ended up getting an exercise ball while we were out. I'm excited to give it a try! We had started our daily workouts up again before we both got sick so I want to get back to doing those again too.
ProudArmyWife, I'm sorry you are having difficulty breathing! I am having breathing problems as well, it is mostly from asthma and it seems it is getting worse as I get further along, as well as being severely allergic to my dog :nope: I do not know what Braxton-Hicks feel like, so I suppose I have no had any! :thumbup:

For me Braxton hicks are my whole tummy tightening for like 30-40 seconds and then it will release. Its hard to breath when i get them. I have to lay on my side and drink water. They dont hurt neccesarily they are just very uncomfotrable. I didnt get them with DD until 27-28 weeks so they started a little sooner this time :nope:

I keep asking why my body needs to practice so early :haha:
Alice, good luck with your daughter's Easter Egg Competition!

Thank you.

phew all finished ready for tomorrow. These things have literally taken HOURS. Almost the entire weekend! You wouldn't think, to look at them, that they could take so long! DH helped with the Star Wars one though, we worked on that one together, but I did the Pooh one.

Does my head in how the kids get these things to do, and it ends up being the parents doing them. If I left the kids to do them themselves, they wouldn't get done. And though they try to help they end up doing almost nothing and then deciding to go out to play :dohh:

Well now I can actually try and keep on track with the thread! I feel like I've missed lots of posts lately.

DD's egg scene :


DS1's egg scene :


I still bet they won't win the competition. Some other parents go really hell to leather with making stuff for their kids.
OH and I just officially decided on a name. We had been bouncing back and forth. Then finally we decided to go with the first name we had both agreed on, and a middle name that OH had picked out.

We are naming our child Samson Isaac Moore.

It was the best feeling in the world when I realized that was the perfect name for him. I started crying after looking up the name meanings. Samson means bright sun, sun child, or 'second time around'. When I read that last part I burst out in tears because my first pregnancy was a m/c at 10 weeks, and after I lost that baby I begged and prayed that he/she would return to me someday. Sun child is awesome because he is due in July, which I'm sure will be a sunny month.

Isaac simply means laughter, which is something that I hope my child's life is filled with.

The pic below is of my bump today, at 22 and a half weeks. <3

love the name!!! hubby doesn't like any names ive picked and wont tell me any he likes hes being stubborn because he had a bunch of boy names picked out and were having another girl so i guess hes still kind of disappointed unfortunately but i like charlotte or riley right now but it changes daily!!

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