~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

tlh - I like the names riley and charlotte :)

Libbysmum - I'm sorry your DD isn't very well. My DS2 has come down with a bad cold too. It sucks when they're poorly.
As for the afterbirth pains - yeah I've had them getting progressively worse after each child. I'm terrified what they'll be like this time round!
YAY for getting approved on the house. I'm so happy for you :)

alannadee - I got a TENS for when I was in labour with DD, but I was induced, and she took 4 days worth of inducing, and honestly it did nothing to help, but probably it would be more successful for a natural birth!

Breadsticks - I've been dying for naps lately too, really really tired. Not that I've been able to get any though. Chicken alfredo sounds interesting, what does it consist of?

Miss Bellum - I don't think I'm all that arty either really lol, it's a matter of trial and error.

myra - ah what a shame they don't ship the nursing pillows to the UK

ProudArmyWife - are you going to be doing anything in particular for your DD's birthday?

sue - glad the midwife appointment went well.
I'm so jealous you're off to Tenerife!

Not much in the way of news on my end. We got the car we were going for. It's a 2004 Fiat Multipla. 6 seats (3 in front, 3 in back). So thankfully now we have a vehicle that is big enough for DH and I, and four kids.

Got £100 knocked off the asking price. Seems to be running well, though being a cheap second hand car I'm putting some money aside each week in case any faults come up when it goes for its MOT at the beginning of June.
It's really big and roomy inside. Still getting used to having three seats in front lol. It means the handbrake is on the other side of me, near the driver's side door, which took some thinking about lol. It's nice to drive though, really high up, I feel like I'm flying haha.

Baby kicks pretty much all the time these days. Really active baby. No hiccups yet though. I remember with DD she had hiccups about 5 times a day when she was inside me. I'm kinda glad this one hasn't been hiccupping yet, they used to get really annoying lol.

I'm really stiff and achy at the moment. My inner thighs feel as though I've been riding a horse, and my back hurts. I'm finding it hard to get up off the floor, and to roll over in bed, things like that.

I can't believe I've only got 1 week 2 days until third tri. Anybody else feel as though it's going by really fast?
Alice, those are adorable!

ProudArmyWife, thank you for the description! I definitely have not had any yet, fine by me lol.

As for me, I'm crazy exhausted...completely ready for a nap. I made really good chicken alfredo in the crockpot yesterday. I'm a terrible cook but you can't really mess this recipe up :haha: Looking forward to leftovers!

Yum, I love Chicken Alfredo. I sneak tons of broccoli into it!! And sometimes red peppers too or carrots. I love making homemade alfredo sauce. It takes extra time for sure but once you've had it the jarred sauce can't compete! Gosh I wish my family wasn't full of great cooks, it's made me so picky!!
Aww yummy Chicken Alfredo! One of my favs! We are having a shop bought lasagna as I am too tired to bother making my own. My mum bought it over cause she knew I was a bit frazzled by all the stuff happening right now.
Alice...I def want to reach the end! Got my waddle on now at 25wks! I am getting slower standing up, walking anywhere etc and my DD is getting faster and quicker! She is still stuffed up with cold and currently resting. The more sleep the better for all of us! Anyone else here been restless during the night?
Chicken Alfredo is awesome!! YUM!!!

Libbysmum, congrats on the house!! YAY!!!

Today I have another ultrasound so they can hopefully get a better view of the heart as Coltyn wasn't cooperative 4 weeks ago and refused to move around! LOL! He was enjoying where he was laying! I can't believe how close we are to the 3rd trimester also!!! This pregnancy is going so very fast! It seems everything this year is going by in a blink of an eye! But I guess with planning a wedding and the baby I'm just so busy which is causing the days to go flying by.

I have been so tired at work! I've had a headache every day for the last week. We'll see what my blood pressure is today and talk to them about the headaches. I don't know if it's because of lack of sleep or what but it's driving me crazy! Hope all you ladies are well!!! Will hopefully update with pictures this evening when I get home from work!!
Yes, we are getting SOOOOO close to third trimester! It seems like a long time ago when we first all posted on this thread....3rd tri seemed unimaginable at that point. Now we've made it through 1st, entered 2nd, had our gender scans, passed (or will soon pass) V day...next big milestone is 3rd and then I bet the time will fly to the day we're all waiting for- meeting our little ones for the 1st time. Wow!

We had a snow day yesterday (our 7th so far this winter) so OH and I enjoyed a relaxing bonus day at home. He got some new photography equipment so we did a bump photo shoot. So here's a little better shot of my bump (almost 26 weeks) than I usually take when snapping a pic in the mirror.


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Alice we are having a little party for her here at our house. We rented a bounce house for the kids to play on which I'm excited about :) it's still so hard to believe she is turning two already! I swear the second year went by faster than the first!

Myra what a lovely bump :)
Aww Myra that photo is beautiful. What a nice memento to treasure.

Oooo Proud Army - A bouncy castle!!!! How exciting - Can I come & play?? I can't wait until Millie is having birthdays so I can get some amazing cakes made for her and bouncy castles!! How exciting - I hope she has a wonderful time. 2 years apart too, so perfect for siblings.

Alice - glad the car seems to be going well - that is a sensible thing to do with the money, I do the same as well for my services (I do enjoy that I have no MOT for the next 3 years :happydance: lol)

Libbysmum - how is your daughter feeling now? I hope she is getting a little better poor thing :( must be horrible when they have a cold because they can be so nasty but not a lot will cure them. I don't look forward to it. Have you started packing now!?!? Exciting!!! I really hope you're going to like your new home, Easter weekend will come round fast.

MissBellum - Yay for getting your mat leave sorted!!! I am leaving on 31st May - taking a few weeks off before baby comes to reeeally relax. I have also turned the last 5 weeks before I leave into 4 days weeks - who wants to work hard when it's *hopefully* warmer! lol

So guess what - I bought my TENS machine today!! I did lots of research this morning (whilst I should have been working - naughty - oh well only 4 hours left of work before my holiday :happydance: ) and I chose the one I wanted and I ordered it YAY! Also managed to get my MATB1 form off the midwife too so tomorrow morning I am giving in my letter to start maternity on 31st May.......only 10 weeks to go!!!! WOO HOOO.

I mentioned that date to my boss just casually and he said "so what you thinking about coming back, you having 6 months of?" No, no I am not.

I said that the form I have signed says I am taking 52 weeks off - standard maternity, and he should expect me back when that is up. I thought cheeky buggar - he knows full well that he shouldn't really ask that so I just said I'll be off for the full lot.

I will actually be taking off 39 weeks (the paid part! lol) and then going back but I want to go back part time, and if they don't let me then I will go back for a short while & hand in my notice. My boss is a tool anyway so I might enjoy a change of job in the new year - who knows.

I had 12 hours sleep last night!! Much better than the 3 the night before so I have felt soooo much better today - I really needed it.

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx
Not much in the way of news on my end. We got the car we were going for. It's a 2004 Fiat Multipla. 6 seats (3 in front, 3 in back). So thankfully now we have a vehicle that is big enough for DH and I, and four kids.

Got £100 knocked off the asking price. Seems to be running well, though being a cheap second hand car I'm putting some money aside each week in case any faults come up when it goes for its MOT at the beginning of June.
It's really big and roomy inside. Still getting used to having three seats in front lol. It means the handbrake is on the other side of me, near the driver's side door, which took some thinking about lol. It's nice to drive though, really high up, I feel like I'm flying haha.

Baby kicks pretty much all the time these days. Really active baby. No hiccups yet though. I remember with DD she had hiccups about 5 times a day when she was inside me. I'm kinda glad this one hasn't been hiccupping yet, they used to get really annoying lol.

I'm really stiff and achy at the moment. My inner thighs feel as though I've been riding a horse, and my back hurts. I'm finding it hard to get up off the floor, and to roll over in bed, things like that.

I can't believe I've only got 1 week 2 days until third tri. Anybody else feel as though it's going by really fast?

Congrats on the car, glad you got the one you wanted. My little one does seem to be getting more active too, but I seem to be the one with the hiccups! I seem to constantly have random hiccups. I think I am starting to get a bit more tired than usually but fingers crossed, otherwise I seem to be fine.

The time does seem to be flying past! Seems like no time at all since we first got the test result.

Chicken Alfredo is awesome!! YUM!!!

Libbysmum, congrats on the house!! YAY!!!

Today I have another ultrasound so they can hopefully get a better view of the heart as Coltyn wasn't cooperative 4 weeks ago and refused to move around! LOL! He was enjoying where he was laying! I can't believe how close we are to the 3rd trimester also!!! This pregnancy is going so very fast! It seems everything this year is going by in a blink of an eye! But I guess with planning a wedding and the baby I'm just so busy which is causing the days to go flying by.

I have been so tired at work! I've had a headache every day for the last week. We'll see what my blood pressure is today and talk to them about the headaches. I don't know if it's because of lack of sleep or what but it's driving me crazy! Hope all you ladies are well!!! Will hopefully update with pictures this evening when I get home from work!!

Hope the scan goes well & they are able to check everything.

Time has been flying past! Hope your wedding planning is going well.

Yes, we are getting SOOOOO close to third trimester! It seems like a long time ago when we first all posted on this thread....3rd tri seemed unimaginable at that point. Now we've made it through 1st, entered 2nd, had our gender scans, passed (or will soon pass) V day...next big milestone is 3rd and then I bet the time will fly to the day we're all waiting for- meeting our little ones for the 1st time. Wow!

We had a snow day yesterday (our 7th so far this winter) so OH and I enjoyed a relaxing bonus day at home. He got some new photography equipment so we did a bump photo shoot. So here's a little better shot of my bump (almost 26 weeks) than I usually take when snapping a pic in the mirror.

Cute bump pic x

Alice we are having a little party for her here at our house. We rented a bounce house for the kids to play on which I'm excited about :) it's still so hard to believe she is turning two already! I swear the second year went by faster than the first!

Myra what a lovely bump :)

Sounds like it will be a great party :)
Chicken Alfredo is awesome!! YUM!!!

Libbysmum, congrats on the house!! YAY!!!

Today I have another ultrasound so they can hopefully get a better view of the heart as Coltyn wasn't cooperative 4 weeks ago and refused to move around! LOL! He was enjoying where he was laying! I can't believe how close we are to the 3rd trimester also!!! This pregnancy is going so very fast! It seems everything this year is going by in a blink of an eye! But I guess with planning a wedding and the baby I'm just so busy which is causing the days to go flying by.

I have been so tired at work! I've had a headache every day for the last week. We'll see what my blood pressure is today and talk to them about the headaches. I don't know if it's because of lack of sleep or what but it's driving me crazy! Hope all you ladies are well!!! Will hopefully update with pictures this evening when I get home from work!!

Try to rest as much as you can. Drink plenty of water and yes check your blood pressure as you may need some adalat pills. They give them to you if your bp is high and you have headaches as they are sometimes symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Thankfully this time round my bp has been normal and I havent had swollen body or headaches only real minor ones - :happydance: Would love to see the latest belly pic. I been so slack posting mine! I have to be more on top of my game!:coffee:
Alice, the chicken alfredo I made has you put cut up chicken breast in a crockpot with alfredo sauce, garlic powder, and swiss cheese. It is SO GOOD. I love chicken alfredo...

Libbysmum, glad to hear about the house :happydance: I hope moving goes well for you and your daughter starts feeling better :thumbup:

Myra, that picture is gorgeous, something to really treasure :flower:

ProudArmyWife, a bouncy house sounds absolutely fantastic :happydance:

JJsmom, how did your ultrasound go?

MotherEarth, I don't like broccoli and my husband doesn't like peas :haha: so we usually end up making it without vegetables and cook some on the side. Didn't this time though, so bad lol

As for me, I'm at work till about 8:30 or 9 tonight and I'm so tired. Didn't end up falling asleep till after 5AM and had to be up at 6:30AM for class :dohh: I've been running on fumes since about 11AM and I'm just counting the minutes till I can go home and lie down.
Alice, the chicken alfredo I made has you put cut up chicken breast in a crockpot with alfredo sauce, garlic powder, and swiss cheese. It is SO GOOD. I love chicken alfredo...

Libbysmum, glad to hear about the house :happydance: I hope moving goes well for you and your daughter starts feeling better :thumbup:

Myra, that picture is gorgeous, something to really treasure :flower:

ProudArmyWife, a bouncy house sounds absolutely fantastic :happydance:

JJsmom, how did your ultrasound go?

MotherEarth, I don't like broccoli and my husband doesn't like peas :haha: so we usually end up making it without vegetables and cook some on the side. Didn't this time though, so bad lol

As for me, I'm at work till about 8:30 or 9 tonight and I'm so tired. Didn't end up falling asleep till after 5AM and had to be up at 6:30AM for class :dohh: I've been running on fumes since about 11AM and I'm just counting the minutes till I can go home and lie down.

Oh I definitely know how you feel after my sleep (or lack of) the other night.
Hope it goes quickly for you and you can get home & curled up resting :flower:
The ultrasound went great! She took a couple quick shots and wasn't as nice as the other tech but she did her job which was just to look at the heart. Doc said everything looked great! I'll try to update with a belly pic tomorrow. I have to take it while at work and didn't have a chance to today. That is the best bathroom mirror to take it with. LOL!

Libbysmum, My blood pressure was actually pretty good. The top number was up just a hair but I asked her if she thought it was because of the headache and she said most likely. But it was higher in the beginning of pregnancy. I'm drinking plenty and eating so she is now referring me to a neurologist to see if they can figure out why I'm getting headaches so frequently. It very well just may be stress, but my doc just isn't sure and wants to be safe than sorry.
as long as you have it checked that's the main thing...I am thinking of changing doctors after our move. I really don't think our current ones really care much at all.
We signed the lease today for 6 months. It was stressful cause DD was crying inconsolably the entire time we were there.
The ultrasound went great! She took a couple quick shots and wasn't as nice as the other tech but she did her job which was just to look at the heart. Doc said everything looked great! I'll try to update with a belly pic tomorrow. I have to take it while at work and didn't have a chance to today. That is the best bathroom mirror to take it with. LOL!

Libbysmum, My blood pressure was actually pretty good. The top number was up just a hair but I asked her if she thought it was because of the headache and she said most likely. But it was higher in the beginning of pregnancy. I'm drinking plenty and eating so she is now referring me to a neurologist to see if they can figure out why I'm getting headaches so frequently. It very well just may be stress, but my doc just isn't sure and wants to be safe than sorry.

Sorry about your headaches! I get a few bug never too serious but still annoying so you must be feeling rough. Hope someone can give you an answer & that they go away soon! X
sorry I have been so rubbish keeping up, havent had 5 minutes to sit down and read everything.
So this might be a really dense question but what is a TENS machine? I see ladies talking about it frequently and have no clue what it is :haha:
So this might be a really dense question but what is a TENS machine? I see ladies talking about it frequently and have no clue what it is :haha:

Its an electronic pain relief machine, it like gives you shocks from what I can work out :haha:
Hi everyone! Hope you are all well. I've been under so much stress lately. I failed my 1-hour glucose tolerance test with a sugar level of 182. Now I have to get the 3-hour test. It makes me nervous to have complications. I've also been diagnosed with asthma today. I had a pulmonary function test this morning. I've been having a lot of issues with breathing. Anyway, just wanted to update you all. Hope everyone else is having a smooth pregnancy :)
Hi everyone! Hope you are all well. I've been under so much stress lately. I failed my 1-hour glucose tolerance test with a sugar level of 182. Now I have to get the 3-hour test. It makes me nervous to have complications. I've also been diagnosed with asthma today. I had a pulmonary function test this morning. I've been having a lot of issues with breathing. Anyway, just wanted to update you all. Hope everyone else is having a smooth pregnancy :)

Yikes! I was diagnosed with asthma about 5 years ago and it has been acting up a lot in the past few weeks. Hopefully they can figure out your triggers/get you on a good controller medication so you can get some relief. It is very scary when you can't breathe :(
Hi everyone! Hope you are all well. I've been under so much stress lately. I failed my 1-hour glucose tolerance test with a sugar level of 182. Now I have to get the 3-hour test. It makes me nervous to have complications. I've also been diagnosed with asthma today. I had a pulmonary function test this morning. I've been having a lot of issues with breathing. Anyway, just wanted to update you all. Hope everyone else is having a smooth pregnancy :)

Yikes! I was diagnosed with asthma about 5 years ago and it has been acting up a lot in the past few weeks. Hopefully they can figure out your triggers/get you on a good controller medication so you can get some relief. It is very scary when you can't breathe :(

It seems I have at least two triggers that I know of, pollen (as the pollen count is very high right now and I've been having a lot of difficulty) and exercise induced (this is when I get the audible wheezing). I've been put on an albuterol inhaler which seems to help some but I still get short of breath throughout the day :(

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