~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

libbysmum, good luck with the house!! Hopefully you can get it and be done with the house hunt!!

DusknDawn, welcome and congrats!!!

I usually weigh myself every Saturday as soon as I wake up. I decided to see last night what I weighed after eating pizza...NOT GOOD! LOL!!!
Libbysmum - course we're not sick of hearing about it! House hunting is both exciting and stressful at the same time x

Dawn - welcome :)

JJsmom - haha never weigh yourself after pizza :p
I love cinnamon rolls!!! I baked a batch yesterday, and have eaten 4 already. And they are BIG! Sent a dozen to work with dh yesterday, his boss stole the whole pan so he had tk steal it back. Poor hubby still disnt get one! Everyone gobbled them up before he had a chance to take a break for one. Its a good thing I have more at home, im tempted to just cinnamon rolls all day!!

On an unrelated note, im totally irked with my sister. The one I already knew was probably not going to make it for my birth, but she'll come after. But my other sister who I thought for aure I could count on, especially since I drove 12+ hrs to get to her when she thought she was in labor, stayed with her and was there for delivery and a week after I cooked, clean, everything! Well she's decided her and her on again off again boyfriend need a vacation so shes either going to use her time.off that she has acquired at work to take the trip, or she's going to actually go on vacation when im giving birth and come later. She even suggested I get an induction so she could plan her summer! I may just be overly emotional about it, but holy offensive. I guess I'll just continue planning on doing it alone, as that seems like it'll be the least stressful at the moment. Im not even sure why I keep bothering to ask them how things are going in terms of coming out here.

Oh guess what?! My mom is sewing me diapers!!! Shes.going to make me dozens of pocket diapers im so stoked! Im going to sew up inserts but hopefully, the total cost of each diaper including inserts will be around $3-4!!!
Alice, I hear you! It is crazy to see how we all gain and show differently. With this being my first, I am also curious to see if I gain a lot more in 3rd tri. Though I guess technically I lost 10 lbs in 1st tri so I've actually gained 17 lbs in 2nd with a net gain of 7.

tlh, sorry your morning sickness is acting up again! :( I hope you feel better and are able to have a nice, relaxing weekend!

motherearth, I am glad to hear that you didn't have any vomiting!

Libbysmum, I hope the house works out! I definitely don't get sick of hearing about it, I just hope you find the perfect home :)

Welcome, DusknDawn! :flower:

JJsmom, hahaha, I am not that brave!

Oneandtwo, cinnamon rolls sound so good! We went to a local donut shop and I'm pretty sure I had 7 :haha: Wow, I would be so annoyed too! To try to plan your baby's birth around her vacation schedule? Geez...

As for me, my husband and I had a lot of fun last night at his friend's house! Met some new people, played games, and had delicious beef kabobs :D We ended up staying out a lot later than expected but I didn't want to make him leave because he doesn't see them often and I knew I could sleep in today. I did get very annoyed with this one girl there, she is dating a different friend that came along and she was so rude! Completely ignored everyone, literally walked in and sat down on the chair right next to the sliding glass door (we all came in that way because they were grilling). She never said hi to anyone, I personally had never met her but I'm friends with her boyfriend so I waved from the other end of the room, he said hi and she just glared :shrug: She didn't play any games, eat any food, or speak to anyone (including her boyfriend)...she just sat with her face in her phone all pissed-off looking. Ugh, sorry for the rant but it really annoyed me, I'm pretty shy so I get that but I would NEVER be so rude to others! :nope:

After we left, we stopped at the grocery store and got a cheesecake lol I had really wanted one :) My poor husband is getting sick though, sounds like exactly what I just had. The good news is that what I had wasn't so bad, mostly just the fact that it triggered my asthma, which he doesn't have. So I'm hoping he isn't feeling too bad.
Okay everyone I saw 2 houses today with DD in tow...poor kid gets tired of being in the car and was saying "play" in hope I may stop at a playground. She did play all morning at the park with some friends so isn't too hard done by. Anyhow one house was advertised as 3 bedroom...nope...got there and discovered it was a 2 bedroom with an enclosed sunroom that they were calling the 3rd bedroom...whatevs! So didn't bother getting an application but the 2nd house I saw would be great - it is on a corner block, has built in robes in all bedrooms and there is a fence so DD can play outdoors if she wanted and has a shed for DH's mower etc and a multipurpose type room next to the laundry that could be used as a rumpus or playroom for her...There were a lot of other people viewing it but I am really hoping we get it! I told the agent that I am tired of the run around that we have had looking so am hoping that we have a good chance with this one. Got my hospital appointment tomorrow morning then will drop in the application...praying that will be the end of our searching :) frazzled! I am sorry for going on about it lately...I am sure you all get sick of reading my vents.

are you looking to rent or buy? regardless i hope you get it!! house hunting is a pain! we were lucky and had our house given to us for free through a foundation that supports wounded military so we didn't even see our house until we moved in! luckily it is a huge house with plenty of room for a growing family so we were def blessed!!

I love cinnamon rolls!!! I baked a batch yesterday, and have eaten 4 already. And they are BIG! Sent a dozen to work with dh yesterday, his boss stole the whole pan so he had tk steal it back. Poor hubby still disnt get one! Everyone gobbled them up before he had a chance to take a break for one. Its a good thing I have more at home, im tempted to just cinnamon rolls all day!!

On an unrelated note, im totally irked with my sister. The one I already knew was probably not going to make it for my birth, but she'll come after. But my other sister who I thought for aure I could count on, especially since I drove 12+ hrs to get to her when she thought she was in labor, stayed with her and was there for delivery and a week after I cooked, clean, everything! Well she's decided her and her on again off again boyfriend need a vacation so shes either going to use her time.off that she has acquired at work to take the trip, or she's going to actually go on vacation when im giving birth and come later. She even suggested I get an induction so she could plan her summer! I may just be overly emotional about it, but holy offensive. I guess I'll just continue planning on doing it alone, as that seems like it'll be the least stressful at the moment. Im not even sure why I keep bothering to ask them how things are going in terms of coming out here.

Oh guess what?! My mom is sewing me diapers!!! Shes.going to make me dozens of pocket diapers im so stoked! Im going to sew up inserts but hopefully, the total cost of each diaper including inserts will be around $3-4!!!

cinnamon rolls sound amazing!!!

regarding your sisters i'm sorry you are going through all that!! my sister and me have been having issues because she is three years older and upset that i already have started a family and she hasnt. she thinks that i can still go out late and bring my daughter and doesn't understand she has a bedtime and i've been sick a lot this pregnancy and dont feel like doing anything so she's mad at me all the time and doesn't want to be a part of anything and doesn't even want to go to my baby shower!!

I found out yesterday that I'm team blue! X

congrats on your blue bump!!

afm im feeling much better today thankfully! i'm ready for tomorrow to be over though so its the weekend and tomorrow we're supposed to have an actualy nice day which we havent had in awhile :happydance:
oneandtwo, I would be upset about her request as well! That's crazy that she ask you to have a scheduled induction just for her schedule!! Sorry you have to go through that! Hopefully things will get better for you!! :hugs:

Congrats on the new pink and blue bumps!!

breadsticks, maybe she was having a bad day. Maybe they had an argument before coming in or maybe something happened to just her and she wasn't in the best mood. At least you had fun at their house!!!

Here is my 24 week bump!! I'm finally looking more pregnant than fat! YAY!! LOL! Finally rounding out.


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Oh guess what?! My mom is sewing me diapers!!! Shes.going to make me dozens of pocket diapers im so stoked! Im going to sew up inserts but hopefully, the total cost of each diaper including inserts will be around $3-4!!!

that's awesome! does she follow a pattern?? my grandmother loves to sew and would make me some pocket diapers in an instant if i gave her a pattern.
Yes we are renting... I would love to own our own home- renting isn't fun. We decided to make a start on packing some things we rarely use to get a head start for our eventual move. I went to check on DD who I thought was happy watching kids shows on TV to find she has redecorated our lounge floor with unraveling two rolls of toilet paper! LOL!
Packed away some of the 'good' china cups, plates, bowls etc. Not that they are that priceless as we got them at a garage sale really cheap but they are the only nice ones we own. I told DH it was fragile chinaware and so he goes lays it down on its side by the window. I just hope DD doesn't think it's a step! DH is home helping me for the entire weekend. He has been invited to a friends to watch a football game tonight so I won't have to cook him dinner. I just hope he doesn't end up with a giant hang over tomorrow or he won't be much help at all.
Oh guess what?! My mom is sewing me diapers!!! Shes.going to make me dozens of pocket diapers im so stoked! Im going to sew up inserts but hopefully, the total cost of each diaper including inserts will be around $3-4!!!

that's awesome! does she follow a pattern?? my grandmother loves to sew and would make me some pocket diapers in an instant if i gave her a pattern.

Yes, I bought her a pattern online! It has a huge amount of different types of diapers for $10 she says after she gets the hang of it she wants to make her own!

This is the one she is using!
Has anyone paid for a 3d/4d ultrasound yet? Of course I'm dying to have one but dh says it's a waste of money and I can see her in 3d all I want after shes born..men are so dumb sometimes! :wacko:
My doctors office won't do one until 32 weeks or so. We are thinking about it since we did it with dd but it didnt work so well with her because she was stubborn :dohh: so not sure if we will this time or not. Although I know I would def love to see her cute little face again :)
Wanted to share my 24 week bump (a few days late :haha:)


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I'm not having a 4D scan. I had a 4D peek at my 18w private gender scan but given that I already know everything there is about my little girl I'm going to keep what she looks like a little secret :) x
We had a 3d sneak peek at 15 wks at the doctors office did one at 19wks. I may get another done after dh deploys and send him the video of her. Not sure of that though. I didnt have one with my first three so im not dying to get another now that we know gender and have seen her before :)
Evening all hope everyone is well.

Got told by my boss today that I was looking exceptionally pregnant today! Guess that means the bump is getting a lot bigger!

Wanted to share

Cute pix, congrats on your little girl x x

awww congrats Mrs Fox

OMG i have done baby shopping list, looking a carriers/wraps/slings now as I want one to make house work and getting out on trains easier, but still use pram as well. And now I am looking at amber necklaces!

I have a list of things to get, but I am hoping to pick up some bargains in the Easter sales. Hope you found a pretty necklace.

how much weight have you all put on?

I'm up by 22lbs so far. It's freaking me out!

I have no idea about weight, I am happier not knowing! I know I am putting on weight but I eat quite sensibly & exercise so I think I am pretty healthy overall.

Isn't it strange how we vary so much with how much weight we have all put on? I'm glad to hear some people have put on a similar amount to me though.

Was funny earlier, I was watching Being Human with DH and the dog was lying with her head on my belly, and baby kept kicking her in the head lol. Poor Fluffy kept shifting her head around to find a spot on my belly for it where she wouldn't be booted! I don't think she had a clue what was going on lol.

Poor dog! I think it will be funny when I can feel LO from the outside, I can see the same thing happening with our cats!

i feel like ive missed so much!! its hard for me to get on everyday now that i can't use the internet for personal use at work anymore :haha:

afm i feel like this pregnancy is going by much faster than my first.. i'm not sure if it's because i was preparing for my first from like 12 weeks on and this time i'm not in much of a hurry since i won't need to buy much. also i've been sick so much i don't feel like doing anything that i dont absolutely have to do!

my "morning sickness" came back again today..i thought i was doing pretty good cuz i haven't felt sick in over a week but i barely made it through the work day. with it being a new a job i cant chance missing work so i sucked it up and came home and just collapsed on the couch and haven't moved much since! two more days then its the weekend!!!

Hope the sickness doesnt last long. Enjoy your weekend, hope you get to catch up on your rest.

Okay everyone I saw 2 houses today with DD in tow...poor kid gets tired of being in the car and was saying "play" in hope I may stop at a playground. She did play all morning at the park with some friends so isn't too hard done by. Anyhow one house was advertised as 3 bedroom...nope...got there and discovered it was a 2 bedroom with an enclosed sunroom that they were calling the 3rd bedroom...whatevs! So didn't bother getting an application but the 2nd house I saw would be great - it is on a corner block, has built in robes in all bedrooms and there is a fence so DD can play outdoors if she wanted and has a shed for DH's mower etc and a multipurpose type room next to the laundry that could be used as a rumpus or playroom for her...There were a lot of other people viewing it but I am really hoping we get it! I told the agent that I am tired of the run around that we have had looking so am hoping that we have a good chance with this one. Got my hospital appointment tomorrow morning then will drop in the application...praying that will be the end of our searching :) frazzled! I am sorry for going on about it lately...I am sure you all get sick of reading my vents.

Fingers crossed for you, hope you get it x

Can I join too please? I'm due on the 24th July with my first.

Welcome & congratulations on your little one x x

As for me, my husband and I had a lot of fun last night at his friend's house! Met some new people, played games, and had delicious beef kabobs :D We ended up staying out a lot later than expected but I didn't want to make him leave because he doesn't see them often and I knew I could sleep in today. I did get very annoyed with this one girl there, she is dating a different friend that came along and she was so rude! Completely ignored everyone, literally walked in and sat down on the chair right next to the sliding glass door (we all came in that way because they were grilling). She never said hi to anyone, I personally had never met her but I'm friends with her boyfriend so I waved from the other end of the room, he said hi and she just glared :shrug: She didn't play any games, eat any food, or speak to anyone (including her boyfriend)...she just sat with her face in her phone all pissed-off looking. Ugh, sorry for the rant but it really annoyed me, I'm pretty shy so I get that but I would NEVER be so rude to others! :nope:

After we left, we stopped at the grocery store and got a cheesecake lol I had really wanted one :) My poor husband is getting sick though, sounds like exactly what I just had. The good news is that what I had wasn't so bad, mostly just the fact that it triggered my asthma, which he doesn't have. So I'm hoping he isn't feeling too bad.

Sounds like a good night, apart from the rude girl. I understand people can be shy but like you say, it doesn't help to be rude. Cheesecake is great, I wish I had some!.

I found out yesterday that I'm team blue! X

Congrats on your little boy :) x x

Found out yesterday we are having a little girl!

Congrats on your little girl :) x x

Here is my 24 week bump!! I'm finally looking more pregnant than fat! YAY!! LOL! Finally rounding out.

Cute bump pic x x

Has anyone paid for a 3d/4d ultrasound yet? Of course I'm dying to have one but dh says it's a waste of money and I can see her in 3d all I want after shes born..men are so dumb sometimes! :wacko:

I personally wouldn't, but I don't really like the 3D/4D pictures. I think if you like them, you should go for it.

Wanted to share my 24 week bump (a few days late :haha:)

Cute bump pic x x
We had our hospital visit yesterday. Measured exactly 24 weeks. They took a blood test and urine sample and said they would let me know if anything came back irregular and if I hear nothing assume all is okay and I can get the result at my next appointment. Was great to hear the hb again. I also called up a student midwife they can come to your appointments with you and birth if you choose and I thought it sounded great. I am meeting her for a coffee and chat to get to know each other to see if it gels and if I don't feel comfortable I can always tell her it isn't working out. It gives them experience for their training too so it sounds like a win win situation. DH is happy for me to get one so that makes life easier.

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