~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

TLH...how scary! I am glad it wasn't anything serious with the baby! We had a similar scare with our DD at 27wks I started bleeding and we raced to the hospital thinking the worst and it turned out I had a small pollyup by my cervix that was causing the bleed. I am glad your DH was home to care for your daughter too. It never rains but it pours eh?
We pick up our keys for the new place on Thursday and pay the bond. Thursday afternoon/night I am babysitting my nieces while my sister and my BIL are up here for a cousins wedding. I said we are moving house so they may just have to fit in and sleep on a mattress on the floor. Thankfully they are pretty good kids or I would have said no.
Tlh, so happy to hear baby is fine and you will be on the mend soon! Hopefully the antibiotics work quickly :)

Libbysmum, so exciting! :happydance: I'm glad everything came together on the house and you'll be moving in soon :)
Tlh- sorry you had such a scary episode. I'm so happy to hear things are fine with the baby!!! Hope the meds clear it up quickly for you!
do you guys think its ever too late to change OBs? i know i'm already on my second one (and need referrals through my insurance) but the doctor i have now is in the same building as my old work so she was really convenient at the time. this doctor doesn't go to the hospital that is closest to me which is a 15 minute drive and its a really nice place. the only hospitals she goes to our at least a half hour away without any traffic which isn't horrible but just having that scare yesterday i went to the hospital closest to me and had to use the in house physician. the ob/gyn i used as a teenager before i moved away from school is next door to my current job and i think she goes to the hospital closest to me so i'm considering changing. i just don't know if its considered too late..
do you guys think its ever too late to change OBs? i know i'm already on my second one (and need referrals through my insurance) but the doctor i have now is in the same building as my old work so she was really convenient at the time. this doctor doesn't go to the hospital that is closest to me which is a 15 minute drive and its a really nice place. the only hospitals she goes to our at least a half hour away without any traffic which isn't horrible but just having that scare yesterday i went to the hospital closest to me and had to use the in house physician. the ob/gyn i used as a teenager before i moved away from school is next door to my current job and i think she goes to the hospital closest to me so i'm considering changing. i just don't know if its considered too late..

You should be able to change whenever. I would give the OB you are wanting to switch to a call and explain your situation. :)
We don't get the option where I go...usually you only see a OByN at the actual birth or maybe at your first antenatal appointment other than that you see your local GP or a midwife the entire time. Only other time you might see a OBYN is if something serious is up with you and your baby. At my antenatal appointment all I saw was a registrar.
Hi guys!!!! I'm back!!! The inlaws left yesterday (oh my gosh I can not even express how relieved I am that it's finally over) so I should have some BnB time again!

Baby seems to have gone super charged and is kicking around in there all the time! It's kinda intense. I'm still getting dizzy/woozy a lot in the middle of the day.. they're not sure if it's blood sugar or not enough water... but they don't seem concerned.

Right now I need to go pull together some coupons and make a list... it's grocery store time. I guess I should appreciate that I only have one kid at the moment... lol cause it's going to be crazy taking a 3 year old and a newborn!
glad your back becca!! and i'm sure you are relieved your inlaws visit is over.. i love my inlaws (sometimes more than my own family) but its always a relief when the visit is over :haha:

has anyone's young kids seen the baby kick yet? my daughter isn't even one and a half yet so she doesn't understand whats going on really but she was laying by me and teh baby kicked and moved my belly and my daughter looked terrified! it was kinda hilarious
Evening all, hope everyone is well.

TLH...how scary! I am glad it wasn't anything serious with the baby! We had a similar scare with our DD at 27wks I started bleeding and we raced to the hospital thinking the worst and it turned out I had a small pollyup by my cervix that was causing the bleed. I am glad your DH was home to care for your daughter too. It never rains but it pours eh?
We pick up our keys for the new place on Thursday and pay the bond. Thursday afternoon/night I am babysitting my nieces while my sister and my BIL are up here for a cousins wedding. I said we are moving house so they may just have to fit in and sleep on a mattress on the floor. Thankfully they are pretty good kids or I would have said no.

Congrats on your new place x x

Hi guys!!!! I'm back!!! The inlaws left yesterday (oh my gosh I can not even express how relieved I am that it's finally over) so I should have some BnB time again!

Baby seems to have gone super charged and is kicking around in there all the time! It's kinda intense. I'm still getting dizzy/woozy a lot in the middle of the day.. they're not sure if it's blood sugar or not enough water... but they don't seem concerned.

Right now I need to go pull together some coupons and make a list... it's grocery store time. I guess I should appreciate that I only have one kid at the moment... lol cause it's going to be crazy taking a 3 year old and a newborn!

Must be good to have the house to yourselves again!

My lo is getting more active too, though I dont seem to be getting actual kicks yet so will make the most of it.

Hope your get all your shopping done without too much hassle.x

Been so stupid busy the last couple weeks. hope you're all doing well. Glad you got treated June and hope all the LOs who are sickly feel better

We decided to name this baby Delilah Ruby Jane

Lovely name x

i spent most the day in the hospital today.. i've had a little bit cramping and a whole lot of back pain since yesterday afternoon. the back pain got worse today but i figured it was just a pregnancy pain and no big deal. after i went to the bathroom there was a a bright red streak of blood on the tissue. of course i thought the worst and took myself to the hospital since DD is still sick i wanted hubby home with her. luckily i ended up just having a UTI..my cervix is long and thick and there is no blood in the vaginal area. they said sometimes with severe UTIs there can be blood in your urine which explains the blood on the tissue. so now i'm on an antibiotic but so relieved its something like this instead of what i was thinking!

Glad to hear it was nothing too serious, hope you get better soon x
tlh97990 - they were here over a month.. it was just too much. Didn't help that my LO wasn't that fond of them so we couldn't actually go out on dates or anything without her still being awake and wired on chocolate ("to calm her down") when we got home. ARGH!

Jessa has felt the baby a couple times and she loves it - she keeps asking if the baby is going to kick his way out though.

ps. You can change whenever you like as long as the new doc is okay with it. Just make sure you get reregistered at whatever hospital the new works with in plenty of time.

Miss Bellum - turns out we both went down for a nap instead of shopping! This rocking chair we bought on Saturday is a GODSEND! wish we had done it years ago!
i called my old OB/GYN's office today and they said they couldn't get me in until may but it would be fine as long as i keep my april appointment with my current doctor..if i change back to my old doctor they said i would have either her or her associate deliver my baby its not guaranteed she would but im pretty sure its like that everywhere..im just torn because for the most part i like my current doctor and their office but i dont want to deliver somewhere i dont want to just because thats where she goes. and i'm kind of upset because i spoke with a nurse there at 930am about the blood in my urine still after starting the antibiotic they said they'd call me right back and it is now almost 515 pm so i'm clearly not hearing back from them today!
Good morning and welcome back Becca!
Been up this morning packing up glasses and china from the kitchen cupboards. I will just leave out the essentials for the next few days. DH decided he would move us with a friend from his work...I really think it is a bit silly and will take twice as long than movers but was too tired to argue my points. I looked up a few movers and many of them have $30 extra per hour because of Easter! So yes, we will be saving some $ but I am worried all our stuff may not arrive safely in one piece!
DD has been a bit bossy lately am trying to curb it but she says "please" so beautifully it is hard to resist and I just cave and give her what she wanted. Yesterday she ate about 3 cheese sticks! I told her we have no more cheese left because it was one of the first things she asked for this morning.
Baby is practicing his football skills inside my womb! My bladder is suffering his blows!
It might be a bit late in the day, but for those of you are clothes shopping for baby, Carters has 50% off online (and in store) today only-- and if you use this online coupon code, you'll get an additional 25% off at check out: CMS2512.

I just spent $84 and got 22 shirts (mostly in multipacks vs individual), 5 pairs of pants, 2 pajamas and 6 socks.
Hey ladies hope all is well. Been busy lately planning stuff for dds birthday but will catch up ASAP! I'm laying here wide awake at 3:45 am thinking about how this time exactly 2 years ago I was on my way to the hospital to go have my precious baby girl! I can't believe how quickly the time has passed :cry: I have a feeling I'm going to be emotional all day :haha:
Hey ladies hope all is well. Been busy lately planning stuff for dds birthday but will catch up ASAP! I'm laying here wide awake at 3:45 am thinking about how this time exactly 2 years ago I was on my way to the hospital to go have my precious baby girl! I can't believe how quickly the time has passed :cry: I have a feeling I'm going to be emotional all day :haha:

Awww I am sure. It is amazing how quickly they grow. Was just saying to DH that we need to spend more time with her and the new baby when it comes as in another 10 or 11 years she will not want to hang out with mum and dad but she will be eager to go do stuff with her friends and not with us. Then she will be wanting to wear make up and high heels and he said "oh that'll be your department" LOL With a blink of an eye they grow up it seems!
Enjoy your precious daughter and her special day :):thumbup:

A friend of mine and myself are due to have our babies around the same week and today instead of staying home packing boxes I went to meet her at babies r us and do the registry. It was so much fun I don't even care if nobody buys from it. I just have a blast scanning cute things.:happydance:
All three of our olders.have felt and watched baby. The youngest one, 22mos. Spends a lot of time holding my belly/watching it/feeling the baby. He gets rather excited about it, she tends to kick pretty hard so it always thumps pretty good. He is protective of my belly and gets seemingly offended when dh..feels baby, he tries to pry daddy's hand off and tells him to "go" lol

We had an amazing weekend, spend the night in monterey, saw all the sights and went to the aquarium it.was a really nice time. We really needed that time away.as a family! What made it rven better is now the kids are on spring break which has beenwonderful and relaxing, I love them home!

I dont have much else to update, though at my last appt they said they've done sway with the two week appts which means I only have 2-3 more ob appts before the weekly ones start!! And im in double digits now, im so excited that we're getting close to having her out. Still dont know the INS and outs of how my delivery is going to pan at, but I dont rightly care as long as she gets here safely :)
Evening all, hope everyone is doing well.

Had my 25 week midwife appointment today which went well. Everything seems to be in order and all measurements are fine. Baby continued his trend of no-coperation by kicking the midwife in the ear when she tried to listen to him with an ear trumpet :haha:

i called my old OB/GYN's office today and they said they couldn't get me in until may but it would be fine as long as i keep my april appointment with my current doctor..if i change back to my old doctor they said i would have either her or her associate deliver my baby its not guaranteed she would but im pretty sure its like that everywhere..im just torn because for the most part i like my current doctor and their office but i dont want to deliver somewhere i dont want to just because thats where she goes. and i'm kind of upset because i spoke with a nurse there at 930am about the blood in my urine still after starting the antibiotic they said they'd call me right back and it is now almost 515 pm so i'm clearly not hearing back from them today!

Tough decision, hope you are able to arrange something that suits you. It's a bit difficult to make any suggestions, as the system in the UK is so different. Here you dont really get a choice in who delivers the baby, its very much pot luck, but you can choose where to go. I think I would be inclined to go with the doctor who could deliver where I wanted.

Pretty poor service from your new place I would have expected at least a courtesy call from them. Hope you hear from them soon,

Hey ladies hope all is well. Been busy lately planning stuff for dds birthday but will catch up ASAP! I'm laying here wide awake at 3:45 am thinking about how this time exactly 2 years ago I was on my way to the hospital to go have my precious baby girl! I can't believe how quickly the time has passed :cry: I have a feeling I'm going to be emotional all day :haha:

Aww, its amazing how the time flies. Happy 2nd birthday to your little girl, hope she had an amazing day x x

Awww I am sure. It is amazing how quickly they grow. Was just saying to DH that we need to spend more time with her and the new baby when it comes as in another 10 or 11 years she will not want to hang out with mum and dad but she will be eager to go do stuff with her friends and not with us. Then she will be wanting to wear make up and high heels and he said "oh that'll be your department" LOL With a blink of an eye they grow up it seems!
Enjoy your precious daughter and her special day :):thumbup:

A friend of mine and myself are due to have our babies around the same week and today instead of staying home packing boxes I went to meet her at babies r us and do the registry. It was so much fun I don't even care if nobody buys from it. I just have a blast scanning cute things.:happydance:

I'd rather scan cute baby things than pack too! Sounds like a fun day.

All three of our olders.have felt and watched baby. The youngest one, 22mos. Spends a lot of time holding my belly/watching it/feeling the baby. He gets rather excited about it, she tends to kick pretty hard so it always thumps pretty good. He is protective of my belly and gets seemingly offended when dh..feels baby, he tries to pry daddy's hand off and tells him to "go" lol

We had an amazing weekend, spend the night in monterey, saw all the sights and went to the aquarium it.was a really nice time. We really needed that time away.as a family! What made it rven better is now the kids are on spring break which has beenwonderful and relaxing, I love them home!

I dont have much else to update, though at my last appt they said they've done sway with the two week appts which means I only have 2-3 more ob appts before the weekly ones start!! And im in double digits now, im so excited that we're getting close to having her out. Still dont know the INS and outs of how my delivery is going to pan at, but I dont rightly care as long as she gets here safely :)

Glad you had a lovely holiday, sounds great :)
Anybody else getting lots of swelling in legs/feet? Mine started a week or two ago, and it makes my feet/ankles quite sore to walk around. My chiropractor suggested B6 to reduce water retention but that hasn't seemed to make much difference. He also said I should be elevating my feet above heart level...so just got home from work (after standing, teaching all day), lay on the couch with my feet up...have to laugh though-while feet are elevated, heart burn is quickly kicking in. When I sleep at night, I usually have a couple pillows under my head/shoulders to keep my upper body elevated enough so that acid reflux/heart burn don't kick on. I guess the only way to make this work is to elevate feet and head- but that would be oh so awkward and crunch baby. Can't win this one... :dohh::haha:
Anybody else getting lots of swelling in legs/feet? Mine started a week or two ago, and it makes my feet/ankles quite sore to walk around. My chiropractor suggested B6 to reduce water retention but that hasn't seemed to make much difference. He also said I should be elevating my feet above heart level...so just got home from work (after standing, teaching all day), lay on the couch with my feet up...have to laugh though-while feet are elevated, heart burn is quickly kicking in. When I sleep at night, I usually have a couple pillows under my head/shoulders to keep my upper body elevated enough so that acid reflux/heart burn don't kick on. I guess the only way to make this work is to elevate feet and head- but that would be oh so awkward and crunch baby. Can't win this one... :dohh::haha:

Feet up at all should help a bit though too. I recline on the sofa and put my feet up on the back of my daughter's little chair. Seems to help but doesn't irritate the heartburn too much! Getting the heartburn every night though. Can't lay on my right side at all (I know you're supposed to lay on your left side anyway) But when I lay on the right side it feels like the baby is trying to crush something important!

Oh and... guess what. I've gotten a nap every day for the past 3 days!!!! Can you believe it?! Hubs and I finally bought a glider chair. We had one when J was little in Scotland but it didn't move with us and we never replaced. The past 3 days I've cuddled J up in a blanket and started rocking.... she simply passes out and then I can lay her down on my bed and then we both sleep for almost 2 hours. It is simply AMAZING!! :)
Yes myra, I do-seems I gain about 6+ lbs a day from morning til night in water weight. My feet and ankles get quite swollen. By morning they are gone...I imagine thats why I pee so much at night, is from getting rid of all the fluid retentiom from.the day. Had it pretty bad last time too, one leg always swells more than the other also.

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