Try not to worry Libbysmum

Just try and get some rest and hopefully it will stop.
No cravings for me 3rdbabybump.. If anything, I actually don't feel like eating today! So weird. I have all this halloween chocolate I was supposed to hand to the kids and I don't even feel like eating it.
Welcome ready.waiting! :wave: What are your HPTs coming up as? Have you done digis?
Whilst we're on the subject of spotting, I had some more today, but it went away again. I have no idea what's up, but I feel a little relieved it keeps disappearing rather than being constant. I am wondering if I'm sort of doing it to myself - I've noticed that when I get extremely stressed, I cause myself to spot (I can be anywhere in my cycle - seriously!). Maybe I'm just a bleeder.

Either way, if I make it to 6/7 weeks I'm going to try and push for an early scan and if they won't, I'll pay for one. We called the hospital tonight and the midwife said that basically, it is very common in early pregnancy and unless it gets really heavy/clotty and you have cramps, the best thing you can do is just rest. So clinging to that atm!