~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

My husband has been snoring a lot lately also! He almost never does but he has had colds come and go recently so I think that is it. We got him some Breath-Right strips and they are helping a little. But honestly, lately I have been so tired when I go to bed that I sleep mostly through his snoring and only wake up because my breathing has been so crappy lately.

Asthma has been acting up even more this week. Anything I do, just walking around the house even, gets me wheezing if I'm not super careful. Ugh. I just got back on my preventer medication a couple of days ago so I'm hoping it starts helping more soon.

Besides that, things are great! I'm very excited for Easter (though we don't live anywhere near family) because I want to make a nice meal. We may do that on Saturday though since my husband has to work Sunday :(

I have gained 13 lbs so far! It is all starting to come on pretty quickly. I am so ready for my asthma to settle down so I can get back to working out again. It makes me feel so much better when I can keep up with it.

We went shopping last weekend at a store called Once Upon A Child. We bought a playpen, dresser, and lots of clothes :happydance: It was a lot of fun looking at the little onesies (I have been avoiding looking at clothes so I don't go crazy buying a ton but they were only like $1ish/each).

Hope everyone is well! Yay Alice for hitting 3rd tri!!! :happydance: I still have a couple of weeks but we are getting so close! :D
Evening all, hope you are all well.

Hurrah for a long weekend, followed by a week off work! Its been a long week so am looking forward to a break.

Tonya I dont know what that means sorry :(
Becca, yes it can have a laxative effect that is why I stopped taking it. Somach acid sux. I asked my doctor for Zantac and he wrote me a script. Maybe ask your doctor too cause it helps soooo much!
And finally DH and I have settled on a name for this little boy...at least I hope DH doesn't change his mind again! I was hesitant about the first name as it ends with an N and so does our last name but I am now warming up to it. We decided on Ethan Matthias as a name...DH has always wanted Ethan but I was not 100% sold...now I guess I am 80% okay with it.

Good name :) We still haven't decided on a name yet.

third trimester!

OMG am I really in third trimester? Is this really what we're all up to / nearly up to?

*screams slightly*

25lbs up so far.

Sorry I've not been posting much in the past few days. This chat line job has kicked off so I've been spending my free time talking dirty to kinky guys down the phone lol.

Its strange how time is flying yet standing still! Your job sounds like it could be fun. Beats being shouted all day (work in insurance so quite a bit of saying no to people).

My husband has been snoring a lot lately also! He almost never does but he has had colds come and go recently so I think that is it. We got him some Breath-Right strips and they are helping a little. But honestly, lately I have been so tired when I go to bed that I sleep mostly through his snoring and only wake up because my breathing has been so crappy lately.

Asthma has been acting up even more this week. Anything I do, just walking around the house even, gets me wheezing if I'm not super careful. Ugh. I just got back on my preventer medication a couple of days ago so I'm hoping it starts helping more soon.

Besides that, things are great! I'm very excited for Easter (though we don't live anywhere near family) because I want to make a nice meal. We may do that on Saturday though since my husband has to work Sunday :(

I have gained 13 lbs so far! It is all starting to come on pretty quickly. I am so ready for my asthma to settle down so I can get back to working out again. It makes me feel so much better when I can keep up with it.

We went shopping last weekend at a store called Once Upon A Child. We bought a playpen, dresser, and lots of clothes :happydance: It was a lot of fun looking at the little onesies (I have been avoiding looking at clothes so I don't go crazy buying a ton but they were only like $1ish/each).

Hope everyone is well! Yay Alice for hitting 3rd tri!!! :happydance: I still have a couple of weeks but we are getting so close! :D

Sounds like you got some good deals. Hope you & your hubby are feeling better soon. Sounds like a good Easter break, hope you have a great time x
my hubby has been breathing loud and snoring a lot lately too i dont know if its because i'm having issues getting comfortable or what but i'm mean and wake him up every time. he gets mad cuz im waking him up and i tell him if he doesnt wake me up i wouldnt have to wake him up!!

my urine culture finally came back and it came back negative!!! i'm so mad i'm still having all the symptoms and they told me don't drink caffeine, eat chocolate or acidic foods, or lift anything. Are they crazy?? i have to have one soda a day or i won't make it through a work day, its easter this weekend so there will be a lot of chocolate in my future, and i have a one and a half year old i can't not lift her. so i figure i'll avoid acidic foods and i at least win 1 out of 4 :haha:

i had to take my daughter to the doctor again last night. her roseola is gone but now she has pink eye in both eyes and an ear infection and a sinus infection. they said her starting day care is making her catch everything she missed out cuz shes never even had a cold until the last couple weeks when she decided to get everything possible!!
My husband has been snoring a lot lately also! He almost never does but he has had colds come and go recently so I think that is it. We got him some Breath-Right strips and they are helping a little. But honestly, lately I have been so tired when I go to bed that I sleep mostly through his snoring and only wake up because my breathing has been so crappy lately.

Asthma has been acting up even more this week. Anything I do, just walking around the house even, gets me wheezing if I'm not super careful. Ugh. I just got back on my preventer medication a couple of days ago so I'm hoping it starts helping more soon.

Besides that, things are great! I'm very excited for Easter (though we don't live anywhere near family) because I want to make a nice meal. We may do that on Saturday though since my husband has to work Sunday :(

I have gained 13 lbs so far! It is all starting to come on pretty quickly. I am so ready for my asthma to settle down so I can get back to working out again. It makes me feel so much better when I can keep up with it.

We went shopping last weekend at a store called Once Upon A Child. We bought a playpen, dresser, and lots of clothes :happydance: It was a lot of fun looking at the little onesies (I have been avoiding looking at clothes so I don't go crazy buying a ton but they were only like $1ish/each).

Hope everyone is well! Yay Alice for hitting 3rd tri!!! :happydance: I still have a couple of weeks but we are getting so close! :D

I LOVE once upon a child! Such an awesome store. I got basically a whole summer wardrobe for dd plus like 6 little outfits for baby and only spent like $60. Such a great thing especially since kids don't tend to stay in one size for too long

Alice yay for making it to third tri! Ill see you there In a couple days :) I'm so excitd to basically be in the final stretch. Now just gotta get baby's room painted and such
hello ladies, sorry I haven't been around.

Hope you are all well

I will try and catch up but Oliver isn't letting me :haha:
i'm no where near ready for this baby. i feel like i was done with everything by this point when i was pregnant with my DD but now i'm just not in much of hurry. i cant believe ill be in 3rd trimester in a couple weeks and still have so much to do!!!
tlh, I feel the same way!!! I just now registered because my boss at work kept pressuring me! LOL! I haven't got my room organized yet, don't have the crib yet as OH hasn't told his mother which one we want. The only thing I have is 3 outfits and 3 oonesies! I feel so stressed with planning our wedding that I'm really going behind on baby things!
I just noticed my bump is still showing yellow on the first page. Can it be changed to show that I'm having a girl please? Thank you!
We haven't done anything either... but I feel like there's plenty of time for that. I'm not even really bothering with a nursery because he'll be in our room for the first 6 months and it'll be nice to still have the guest room as a guest room during that time so my parents can easily stay etc.

If I want a nursery it'll be something we pull together after he's born. Thankfully our room is big enough to handle a crib and a changing table etc.

Lovely sunny day here - just trying to convince hubby to stop playing assassins creed and go mow the yard. I think we're going to bbq as well so I need to make a quick run to the store to grab some food stuff!

Still super dizzy and I can't seem to find a correlation. Does seem to occur a tad more frequently after I've eaten so now I'm worried it's definitely a blood sugar thing.. :(

Hope you are all feeling well!
Miss Bellum, I hope you have a lovely week off of work! Breaks are always nice :)

tlh, I don't know how I'd manage not having any of those things either! I've done fairly well with soda, but I've been eating chocolate so much it is ridiculous! I hope your daughter is feeling better!

ProudArmyWife, isn't it just the greatest? I love going in there too, so fun to look around and you never know what they'll have!

Pink Flowers, how have you been?

JJsmom, I can't imagine planning a wedding AND preparing for a baby! I bet you are so super busy! I'm sure you will get it all done and it will be perfect :D

Junemomma, Eve doesn't get to check the thread too often, so I would pm her as she'd be more likely to see that :flower: Also, how is your asthma? I hope the doctors have been able to better control it!

Becca, I hope everything is OK! Have you mentioned it to you doctor? The only time I've felt dizzy water usually helps.

Libbysmum, how's the move going?

I hope you are all having a wonderful Easter! I have a little bit of homework to do and then some cleaning before my husband comes home from work. He texted me to let me know he gets to come home early :happydance:

We haven't done much with Aisling's room in a while, it is actually getting messy again :haha: We need to get the downstairs finished still before I want to move to working on her room again. But it has been so nice out the past couple of days that I haven't wanted to stay inside!

Tomorrow my husband has off work and we have my 26 week appointment...they will be doing another ultrasound because the tech at the doctor's office couldn't confirm that she is a girl, she's pretty sure she is but said she'd take another peek if we wanted :happydance: I'm excited to see her again tomorrow! Though it would be pretty funny if on April Fool's Day we find out she is actually a boy! :rofl: But I highly doubt that, as our private scan seemed pretty clear that she's a she :winkwink:

We did some more shopping yesterday and got a few more things for her. We found a crib set at Sears on clearance for $25, it has jungle animals so it's perfect. We also got her a tiny little baseball glove and soccer ball lol. We got ourselves a few things also, my husband found a Columbia jacket that he's been wanting for a while on clearance 50% off. We also went into a used bookstore and I found a book I've been wanting forever for like $3. It is Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon (highly recommend!). They also had some of her other books so I got a few of those. I'm so excited to read them! We also got a couple of nice patio chairs that swivel and rock, they are an early birthday present for me lol. The ones we had before we just standard chairs and not that comfortable for sitting for long periods of time and we really enjoy reading outside when it is warm out. I am very excited because it will be nice to sit on the patio with Aisling and be able to rock her and be more comfortable!

Asthma is getting much better with Flovent AND my dog is improving :happydance: He has been really hyper lately (for having his illness) and has been more mobile.

All in all it's been a pretty good weekend :) I hope you are all having a great weekend and happy Easter!
Hello, right I can't catch up so I am starting a fresh :haha:

I am signed off work now because of my pelvis!

Hope you are all well xx
Congrats to you all:thumbup: I am due July 2nd, it seems so close yet so far away...The closer it gets the more nervous I get. This will be DS2( #2 for me and #1 for DH)our first son is 13yrs. old...I am kind of worried(would never admit this to DH) that he will change towards DS1 once DS2 gets here, maybe its just nerves, but that's just how I feel(plz excuse the rant)so I am both excited and nervous:shrug:
Happy easter everyone!!
Congrats to you all who are coming up on 3rd tri!
I've been so busy lately and just got caught up but right now I'm at work. I wanted to say hi!
I've really got to plan my DDs birthday party. It is 2 weeks from today.
Weather was nice for a couple days and now its back to over cast and cold and rainy.
Anyways hope you're all doing well!!!
Ladies I need to rant.

I have been talking to my OH for the past 2+ months to figure out where we are going on our honeymoon as it was the one thing he was to do for our wedding. Well we are getting married next month and now he has yet to contact anyone or find anything for hotels. He was supposed to come up with half of the wedding money and here again, I'm stuck trying to figure out where to come up with the rest of the money because he didn't come through on his end. Now he tells me that he don't know where we'll go as we need all the money for the wedding and he doesn't know how much he'll need for a deposit or anything else for the honeymoon. I'm so upset as all I've ever looked forward to in my life was getting married and going on our honeymoon. His taxes he got back was supposed to go towards the wedding and he ended up buying our rings which we went cheap to save money and only spent $130 for those and he spent $90 for his tux which left him close to $600 left which disappeared! He was going to ask his mom for a loan but that fell through as she's in the process of building a house. So I again am left to find the money to pay for everything. He got a small loan that I had to cosign for and I pay almost all the bills around the house and I just can't afford to keep doing this! Mind you, we aren't having massively expensive wedding. My wedding total is around $6000 which is a lot, but I've already paid over $3000 when I got my taxes back. I'm so upset and stressed over this situation and yet he yells at me or acts like an @$$ and it's my fault. He is stressed but I guess I'm not allowed to be and I'm so lost and don't know what to do! I text him and told him not to worry about a honeymoon as I don't need one anyways and I'll just go back to work after our wedding. Who needs time to relax?? I surely don't!
Hello third trimester :happydance: only 13 more weeks till we meet our new little girl :) give or take :haha:
Welcome, mamichulo5!

JJsmom- Sorry OH is being so difficult and adding more challenges to this time. I don't have any advice but just wanted to send you some hugs:hugs:
Ultrasound went well yesterday...she is still a girl! :haha: The tech tried to get a couple of face shots but she kept covering her face again, just like last time. We did see her face a little, her little mouth was moving like she was talking or something lol it was really cute.

The weather's still pretty nice here so my husband grilled burgers for us. I just want to sit outside and read but I have to get ready for class instead. The next three days I'll be really busy because I am taking on extra hours at work but it will make this weekend even more enjoyable when it arrives! :)
Congrats to you all:thumbup: I am due July 2nd, it seems so close yet so far away...The closer it gets the more nervous I get. This will be DS2( #2 for me and #1 for DH)our first son is 13yrs. old...I am kind of worried(would never admit this to DH) that he will change towards DS1 once DS2 gets here, maybe its just nerves, but that's just how I feel(plz excuse the rant)so I am both excited and nervous:shrug:

Aww it's okay to feel that way. This will be our second but our first boy and I actually asked my hubby if he'd still love our little girl once our boy arrived. He looked at me like I was crazy. Pregnancy hormones! How long has he been "Dad" to your first?

JJsmom - oh no... I don't know what to say at all.. Honestly I'd be scared to get married to someone who was so dodgy with finances.. I hope he pulls it together for you and acts like a real man!!

Breadsticks - Glad your little girl is still a girl :)

As for me... baby brain is getting worse. The other night I made cobbler and thought I'd be nice and put ice cream on hubby's for him even though I hate serving ice cream.. don't like touching it! LOL. Well the next morning I open the fridge and the ice cream tub is in the fridge instead of the freezer. Oops.

A couple days later I wake up and decide we'll have bacon toast for breakfast. I KNOW there's half a loaf of a rather expensive italian bread somewhere in the kitchen. Can't find it anywhere. Actually ask hubby if he ate half a loaf of bread in the middle of the night. After much searching I remember that I threw away some bread wrappers the night before... I open the bin and yup... the loaf of bread is in the stinky bin as well. I was not a happy camper. Hubby thought it was hilarious. We had bacon on hamburger buns instead.

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