~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

For the past 2 days, I've been having some kind of "twinges" across my belly. I can't feel them if I put my hand on the outside and it's not baby moving. I thought at first I might have gas, but its not that either. There's not a certain time of day that I feel them more often. I think I'm just more aware of them when I sit down. Is this what Braxton Hicks feel like or does your stomach actually get hard with those? Another possibility- maybe round ligament pain?? Though that is described more like a sharp, jabbing pain. What I'm feeling isn't as intense.
Myra-BH you'll feel your tummy hardening. I get the twinges also, I think its muscle spasms of sorts, due to the stretching etc.
becca-I put ice cream in the fridge not long ago also!! Lol amd we went out to eat, and spaced that I was carrying my actual food in the house, stopped at the dumpster on the way in and threw my lunch away!! Ugh, its rather funny sometimes.

Im confused about the trimesters, I was always under the impression third starts at 28wks. My expecting app says 27 but pregnology says 28. Why cant there be just a general count!! Lol so either im in my third trimester, or.will be come Monday! So congrats to all the ladies who have started their third trimester or are about to :)

My contractions are starting to get quite uncomfortable/having to remember to breath through them. Also, deployment has officially started, next time I see dh we'll have 4 children! Still so weird for me to wrap my head around.

I also started potty training the 23mo. Hes doing great so far, its been a week and hes only having1-2 accidents a day!
I put ice cream in the fridge not long ago also!! Lol amd we went out to eat, and spaced that I was carrying my actual food in the house, stopped at the dumpster on the way in and threw my lunch away!! Ugh, its rather funny sometimes.

Oh gosh! We're identical! LOL

I wouldn't be able to get my head around it either... my hubs has a conference for a week in June and I told him he could only go if he drove me and the little one to my parents house 4 hours a way first! :) (Thankfully he can fly in and out of the airport in Washington so it's not really a big deal) but there's no way I could be on my own until the baby was born... I'd be committed..
JJsmom, lots of hugs! That sounds so stressful. I hope you are able to work it out and still enjoy a nice honeymoon. :hugs:

Becca, your baby brain has me cracking up! I have not done anything too crazy yet lol but I'm sure it'll happen. I am more forgetful though, that is for sure! And now I want ice cream :haha:

ProudArmyWife, yay third tri! :happydance:

Oneandtwo, wow that is crazy to think about! I'm sorry that your husband is deployed, so much respect for those serving but also the families at home! I wish the trimesters were all the same everywhere too! I think I will just say 27 weeks because I am impatient :haha: I hope your contractions ease!

Myra, I am not sure what that it! I am not even sure I have had Braxton-Hicks yet. I have felt some tightening but it just feels like she is pushing out if that makes sense.

My class today was so interesting! Sarah Hrdy visited our class. She is a celebrated biologist and studied mothering in primates and humans. Being in school for biology myself (specifically microbiology) I was just enthralled with what she had to say.

Also, here is my bump at 26 weeks 1 day!
Thanks for the hugs ladies! Sorry I had to rant but I needed to get it out! I feel much better this afternoon. I was still in a tissy this morning so much I forgot my phone and my kindle at home! My kindle is what I use to listen to music with while at work so I was really upset about that. OH told me tonight that he booked a room at a hotel not on a beach as they wanted full payment up front but a few mins from it which I'll live with as it's half the cost of the room on the beach. LOL! He spent the day during his classes to call around to different places to see what he could find. Every thing will work out for us and most of what I'm feeling is due to hormones anyways. I'll be so happy once we have the wedding and we're able to relax for a week before going back to the stress of work! Then we'll be getting ready for baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! Dad thinks it'd be hilarious to have baby early while on our honeymoon. I said nahh I don't think so!

BTW, we finally settled on a name of Coltyn James!!!! If I told you this the other day, sorry. Can't remember who I told. HAHA!
Thanks for the hugs ladies! Sorry I had to rant but I needed to get it out! I feel much better this afternoon. I was still in a tissy this morning so much I forgot my phone and my kindle at home! My kindle is what I use to listen to music with while at work so I was really upset about that. OH told me tonight that he booked a room at a hotel not on a beach as they wanted full payment up front but a few mins from it which I'll live with as it's half the cost of the room on the beach. LOL! He spent the day during his classes to call around to different places to see what he could find. Every thing will work out for us and most of what I'm feeling is due to hormones anyways. I'll be so happy once we have the wedding and we're able to relax for a week before going back to the stress of work! Then we'll be getting ready for baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! Dad thinks it'd be hilarious to have baby early while on our honeymoon. I said nahh I don't think so!

BTW, we finally settled on a name of Coltyn James!!!! If I told you this the other day, sorry. Can't remember who I told. HAHA!

I'm glad to hear it is all worked out :happydance: A week on the beach sounds amazing! I do love your son's name too!
As far as braxton hicks go... I'm pretty sure I had some the other night. OH and I were making love and I started to feel uncomfortable (nothing new) so we tried a different position and I started getting these odd feelings all over my stomach like a "stitch" in your side when you are out of breath from running. That feeling was combined with my whole uterus feeling very very taut. Usually my belly is squishy as I have some extra fat in my tummy area.

Forgot to ask my midwife when I saw her the next day... but managed to ask her every other question I thought I'd forget. Ooops.
hey girls I hope you all had a nice Easter. We finally handed in our old house keys today...hoping all goes well and we get our bond back with no probs. I am stoked happy that we have made it to 3rd Trimester! DH is scared. I am trying to get my head around all that remains to do. I haven't even had time to really think it through with everything else happening. My DH set up our internet connection tonight so that is one good thing. He and I are both feeling pretty exhausted. I was hoping my mother would watch Libby for an hour or two while I sorted out the carpet and pest cleaner people and she said no she wanted a quiet day...whatever. So now to unpack and sort out what goes where. DD has been asking to go to the playground I feel terrible as I haven't had time to take her. I keep saying "not today" Poor kid!
Still having heartburn a bit at night but I think it is cause I haven't been taking the medication regularly. I keep forgetting until I wake in the night struggling to breath cause the acids burning. Still finding it hard to sleep to as every time I turn over and switch sides my pubic area hurts like heck.
Oh and exciting news...one of my friends who does EC-ing is now 12 weeks preggers...woohoo so happy for her. I feel like the next few months are going to fly by...was thinking today it's only a few weeks until Mother's Day!
Becca-we'll see if I end up committed lol he was only gone 5 Weeks at the end of my last pregnancy, got to come home early cause I landed myself in the hospital. I saw him weekends cause he was only an hour away, I thought it sucked then!! it wouldn't be so bad but having the two olders in school is exhausting, they have different schedules so im back and forth to the school.four times a day...speaking of! My sons teacher came up to me.yesterday and handed me a bag and saif "tell your mom what it is" the dear sweet boy won a reading competition in school and was awarded a nook! Hes sooo excited, he wanted to win it so bad!

Breadsticks-we dont mind him being gone really, we were both looking forward to it til I got pregnant lol he thoroughly loves his job so ots always nice to hear from.him and what hes up to. Its definitely going to be interesting, its really really weird to process having an infant alone. Not exactly sure why, as women do it all the time. Probably juat cause im used to him being here for those particular things.

Unfortunately my contractions are only going to get worse, they'll go away when I deliver. Sucks!
Oneandtwo - a Nook? That's awesome! Congratulations to your boy!

Libbysmum - I can't sleep at all either. I'm not sure what's on the right side of my anatomy but whatever it is this little boy squashes until it hurts! Guess it keeps me laying on my left which you're supposed to do anyway. But as I get so uncomfortable I'm flipping back and forth a lot.

Sleeping has not been aided by my little girl who's been sleeping with us the past two nights. She's gotten the stomach bug that EVERYONE around here seems to have. Might be the norovirus since it's soo contagious. She was doing really well always waking us up and letting us know if she had to puke. I put her in her room last night because she'd felt well all day... around rolls midnight and she pukes all over herself.. in her hair, over the pilllows, everything. Poor thing. (Can't say it was fun for me to clean in the middle of the night either!) Back into our room for the night.

So far she's been fine today, but about 10 minutes started complaining of a headache so we're back on the sofa watching Blue's Clues.

motherearth23 - I know braxon hicks feel a LOT like what happens when you're pregnant and have an orgasm. The who uterus contracts up really taunt. BH are like little versions of that. I had them A LOT during the first trimester but now I'm only getting the BH every now and then.

JJsmom - I' so happy things got smoothed over. These preggo hormones can really make everything seem a million times worse.
Had my glucose test today! Haven't heard back from the doc office but figure they'll let me know in the next day or two. Uterus measured right on schedule and the nurse practitioner seemed impressed with how strong his heartbeat is! 151 bpm! They said we start going every 2 weeks from here on!!! Holy cow!!!! I can't believe it! In the third trimester, every 2 week appts now, I'm getting nervous!!! We don't have much time left!!!!
Had my glucose test today! Haven't heard back from the doc office but figure they'll let me know in the next day or two. Uterus measured right on schedule and the nurse practitioner seemed impressed with how strong his heartbeat is! 151 bpm! They said we start going every 2 weeks from here on!!! Holy cow!!!! I can't believe it! In the third trimester, every 2 week appts now, I'm getting nervous!!! We don't have much time left!!!!

I've got my glucose test in 2 weeks. They sent me home with a bottle of something they're pretending to call 'fruit punch' definitely different from last time! I had to fast and then drink a lucozade and then have blood taken over the course of 4 hours! This time I drink half the bottle 30 minutes before my appointment and as long as they draw blood between an hour and hour and 15 minutes after drinking it then it's good. Which is great because with a 3 year old there's no way I could find 4 hours to sit in the hospital doing nothing!

Is anyone going to ask not to do internal exams during the last month of appointments? They don't do them at all in the UK (or at least my midwives didn't!) But my OB's practice in the states says that from 36 weeks on they do an internal at every visit. I'd rather not because I don't see the point. Anybody else?
I dont think im going to get them this time, as they just stressed me out last time and didn't indicate anything.

I was told, at our ob office they dont do 2 week.appointments. Im sad! I always liked reaching that milestone. It does mean though, that I only have 3 mmore appts before weekly ones start!
Had my glucose test today! Haven't heard back from the doc office but figure they'll let me know in the next day or two. Uterus measured right on schedule and the nurse practitioner seemed impressed with how strong his heartbeat is! 151 bpm! They said we start going every 2 weeks from here on!!! Holy cow!!!! I can't believe it! In the third trimester, every 2 week appts now, I'm getting nervous!!! We don't have much time left!!!!

I've got my glucose test in 2 weeks. They sent me home with a bottle of something they're pretending to call 'fruit punch' definitely different from last time! I had to fast and then drink a lucozade and then have blood taken over the course of 4 hours! This time I drink half the bottle 30 minutes before my appointment and as long as they draw blood between an hour and hour and 15 minutes after drinking it then it's good. Which is great because with a 3 year old there's no way I could find 4 hours to sit in the hospital doing nothing!

Is anyone going to ask not to do internal exams during the last month of appointments? They don't do them at all in the UK (or at least my midwives didn't!) But my OB's practice in the states says that from 36 weeks on they do an internal at every visit. I'd rather not because I don't see the point. Anybody else?

WOW!!! 4 hours!!! I know that if we fail the 1 hour test that we have to go and do a 3 hour test. I had the internal exams with my DS and this office told me they do the first one starting at 32 weeks. Didn't know we could ask them not to do them. I just figured that's how it was.
Had my glucose test today! Haven't heard back from the doc office but figure they'll let me know in the next day or two. Uterus measured right on schedule and the nurse practitioner seemed impressed with how strong his heartbeat is! 151 bpm! They said we start going every 2 weeks from here on!!! Holy cow!!!! I can't believe it! In the third trimester, every 2 week appts now, I'm getting nervous!!! We don't have much time left!!!!

I've got my glucose test in 2 weeks. They sent me home with a bottle of something they're pretending to call 'fruit punch' definitely different from last time! I had to fast and then drink a lucozade and then have blood taken over the course of 4 hours! This time I drink half the bottle 30 minutes before my appointment and as long as they draw blood between an hour and hour and 15 minutes after drinking it then it's good. Which is great because with a 3 year old there's no way I could find 4 hours to sit in the hospital doing nothing!

Is anyone going to ask not to do internal exams during the last month of appointments? They don't do them at all in the UK (or at least my midwives didn't!) But my OB's practice in the states says that from 36 weeks on they do an internal at every visit. I'd rather not because I don't see the point. Anybody else?

WOW!!! 4 hours!!! I know that if we fail the 1 hour test that we have to go and do a 3 hour test. I had the internal exams with my DS and this office told me they do the first one starting at 32 weeks. Didn't know we could ask them not to do them. I just figured that's how it was.

I read a wonderful article about it the other day.. now if I could just find it...
I have my glucose test next week.. Not looking forward to that :(

My midwife does internals starting at 36 weeks also but I will be requesting minimal checks like I did last time. I only had one done at 37 weeks with dd because I didn't want my cervix being irritated since I was trying to keep her in till dh made it home. This time I think I'll be asking for as few as possible since they hurt and make me very uncomfortable and to me it doesn't really make a difference to know how dilated or effaced I am as it doesn't really tell much on when baby will come
Had my glucose test today! Haven't heard back from the doc office but figure they'll let me know in the next day or two. Uterus measured right on schedule and the nurse practitioner seemed impressed with how strong his heartbeat is! 151 bpm! They said we start going every 2 weeks from here on!!! Holy cow!!!! I can't believe it! In the third trimester, every 2 week appts now, I'm getting nervous!!! We don't have much time left!!!!

I've got my glucose test in 2 weeks. They sent me home with a bottle of something they're pretending to call 'fruit punch' definitely different from last time! I had to fast and then drink a lucozade and then have blood taken over the course of 4 hours! This time I drink half the bottle 30 minutes before my appointment and as long as they draw blood between an hour and hour and 15 minutes after drinking it then it's good. Which is great because with a 3 year old there's no way I could find 4 hours to sit in the hospital doing nothing!

Is anyone going to ask not to do internal exams during the last month of appointments? They don't do them at all in the UK (or at least my midwives didn't!) But my OB's practice in the states says that from 36 weeks on they do an internal at every visit. I'd rather not because I don't see the point. Anybody else?

with my daughter i had one at 38 weeks and at 39 weeks. i went into labor the day after my 39 week visit. I think i'm going to ask to wait until 38-39 weeks just because i've heard it can send people into labor and i would feel more comfortable delivering from 38weeks on.

i've been struggling with this nasty cold/cough. my sore throat is finally gone but this lingering cough is killing me. my stomach and chest hurt from coughing so much!!! i feel like i'd have abs if i didn't have this bump with as much as my stomach has been worked out from coughing :haha:

i had my 24 week appt today and baby is measuring right on track and her heartrate was a strong 160!!! i have decided to switch to OBs again. I didn't tell the office today though because i want to make sure my insurance goes through with the referral and everything first. But I will be seeing the OB that I used to before college. They are right next to my current job and deliver at the hospital closest to me and i was very pleased with my care there during my last scare.

i have my glucose test the end of this month and i'm not looking forward to it..i also was given the "fruit punch" drink. with my DD i had the orange one and it was disgusting bbut im pretty sure this one is going to be disgusting as well. i was told i dont have to fast but i have to chug the drink in 5 minutes then have my blood drawn in 1 hour and can't eat anything from the time i start the drink til i get my blood drawn. and if i fail i have to do the 3 hour test. hopefully i pass this one again.

and i've gained 20lbs already!!! my doctor said she'd like me to shoot for 40lbs this time since last time i gained 80lbs! i'd be ok with 40 but i think i'm going to go over again :haha:
I went in yesterday for a routine 28 week growth scan. Baby is looking great and very healthy- right on track at 2lb 4 oz :)

The shock was to find that my cervix has shortened to only 4mm (Ideally it should still be longer than 3cm) and the doctors are concerned this could indicate preterm labor.

They gave me a steroid shot (and another later today) to help with baby's lung development in case he happens to come in the next week or two. They will also put a pessary (ring around the cervix) on today to try and stop it from shortening any more. I'm on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy...As much as I will be bored out of my mind sitting in bed and the couch all day/night, I'm hoping he can stay in there for at least 2 more months. The doctors' goal is to have him stay at least another 4 1/2 weeks until I get to 32 weeks. My sister just gave birth at 38 weeks to a gorgeous, healthy girl & at 29 weeks she was also found to have a shortened cervix. That makes me feel better.

This was not what I expected to be the outcome of our ultrasound (though I am very glad we had one and they caught it)...its just hard to al of a sudden be told I'm not going back to work (and that my baby could potentially come at any time!). I'm going to try and get approval to come off bed rest for a few hours next week to see my students and say bye.

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