~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

:hugs: myra! Hopefully baby will stay put! My cervix starts shortening pretty early as we, but its freakishly long to begin with so I have "wigglr room" as long as I dont dilate. Bed rest sucks, but keep your but on that couch! Do hou crochet/knit? If not now would be a good time to pick it up :) it always helps pass the time!

Blanket I finished for Wilhelmina! Border was suppose to be bigger but I ran out of yarn!
:hugs: myra! Hopefully baby will stay put! My cervix starts shortening pretty early as we, but its freakishly long to begin with so I have "wigglr room" as long as I dont dilate. Bed rest sucks, but keep your but on that couch! Do hou crochet/knit? If not now would be a good time to pick it up :) it always helps pass the time!

Thanks! Great idea- I used to crochet when I was a kid. I forgot that I picked up yarn and crochet hooks when I first found out I was pregnant. The plan was to make a baby blanket but I guess that idea got lost in the shuffle. This is the perfect time to do a crochet refresher and pick it back up!

As for my cervix, it is very short right now but at least no dilation. :thumbup:
Eep Myra! I hope baby stays put!
Good luck to all of you with upcoming gtt! Mine is still a month away!
Beautiful blanket!!!
Also offering some hope: I had labor stopped at 34wks with my dd and still went overdue in the end
I went in yesterday for a routine 28 week growth scan. Baby is looking great and very healthy- right on track at 2lb 4 oz :)

The shock was to find that my cervix has shortened to only 4mm (Ideally it should still be longer than 3cm) and the doctors are concerned this could indicate preterm labor.

They gave me a steroid shot (and another later today) to help with baby's lung development in case he happens to come in the next week or two. They will also put a pessary (ring around the cervix) on today to try and stop it from shortening any more. I'm on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy...As much as I will be bored out of my mind sitting in bed and the couch all day/night, I'm hoping he can stay in there for at least 2 more months. The doctors' goal is to have him stay at least another 4 1/2 weeks until I get to 32 weeks. My sister just gave birth at 38 weeks to a gorgeous, healthy girl & at 29 weeks she was also found to have a shortened cervix. That makes me feel better.

This was not what I expected to be the outcome of our ultrasound (though I am very glad we had one and they caught it)...its just hard to al of a sudden be told I'm not going back to work (and that my baby could potentially come at any time!). I'm going to try and get approval to come off bed rest for a few hours next week to see my students and say bye.

I'm glad they caught it in time to be proactive..hopefully he stays put a little longer!
Miss Bellum, I hope you have a lovely week off of work! Breaks are always nice :)

tlh, I don't know how I'd manage not having any of those things either! I've done fairly well with soda, but I've been eating chocolate so much it is ridiculous! I hope your daughter is feeling better!

ProudArmyWife, isn't it just the greatest? I love going in there too, so fun to look around and you never know what they'll have!

Pink Flowers, how have you been?

JJsmom, I can't imagine planning a wedding AND preparing for a baby! I bet you are so super busy! I'm sure you will get it all done and it will be perfect :D

Junemomma, Eve doesn't get to check the thread too often, so I would pm her as she'd be more likely to see that :flower: Also, how is your asthma? I hope the doctors have been able to better control it!

Becca, I hope everything is OK! Have you mentioned it to you doctor? The only time I've felt dizzy water usually helps.

Libbysmum, how's the move going?

I hope you are all having a wonderful Easter! I have a little bit of homework to do and then some cleaning before my husband comes home from work. He texted me to let me know he gets to come home early :happydance:

We haven't done much with Aisling's room in a while, it is actually getting messy again :haha: We need to get the downstairs finished still before I want to move to working on her room again. But it has been so nice out the past couple of days that I haven't wanted to stay inside!

Tomorrow my husband has off work and we have my 26 week appointment...they will be doing another ultrasound because the tech at the doctor's office couldn't confirm that she is a girl, she's pretty sure she is but said she'd take another peek if we wanted :happydance: I'm excited to see her again tomorrow! Though it would be pretty funny if on April Fool's Day we find out she is actually a boy! :rofl: But I highly doubt that, as our private scan seemed pretty clear that she's a she :winkwink:

We did some more shopping yesterday and got a few more things for her. We found a crib set at Sears on clearance for $25, it has jungle animals so it's perfect. We also got her a tiny little baseball glove and soccer ball lol. We got ourselves a few things also, my husband found a Columbia jacket that he's been wanting for a while on clearance 50% off. We also went into a used bookstore and I found a book I've been wanting forever for like $3. It is Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon (highly recommend!). They also had some of her other books so I got a few of those. I'm so excited to read them! We also got a couple of nice patio chairs that swivel and rock, they are an early birthday present for me lol. The ones we had before we just standard chairs and not that comfortable for sitting for long periods of time and we really enjoy reading outside when it is warm out. I am very excited because it will be nice to sit on the patio with Aisling and be able to rock her and be more comfortable!

Asthma is getting much better with Flovent AND my dog is improving :happydance: He has been really hyper lately (for having his illness) and has been more mobile.

All in all it's been a pretty good weekend :) I hope you are all having a great weekend and happy Easter!

Thank you for asking Hun! I have been having a lot of issues lately. Went back to the hospital last night, this time by fire rescue because I couldn't breathe! It was scary...I got more steroids by IV and breathing treatments. I have a home nebulizer and rescue inhaler. Plus they gave me a prescription for steroid treatment. I still have bronchitis, which is causing a lot of the issues :( dr office said if I'm not better by Monday I need to come back in to the office.
Hello everyone!!!

Back from my very relaxing holiday :) had a great time in Tenerife & always lovely to see my big sister who lives there.

Millie getting bigger & active!! Looking forward to third tri :)

I hope everyone is keeping well & babies are doing good xxx
Thought I would share my third trimester bump :)

Sorry it's sideways posting from my phone :haha:


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Heee is mine from today


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I was in August thread as due on the 1st, but now I have been booked for a c section on the 19th July, so I thought I would ask if I could join you guys?
My 2nd baby, 1st was after 2years ttc, so we didn't prevent anything after she was born, I got pregnant after 3 months.... My babies will be 12 months, 2 weeks apart.... Can't wait!
I'm staying team yellow....
Libbysmum, it sounds like you and your husband need some rest! It's so hard moving, I love being in a new home but the process sucks lol. Hope you get everything done soon and get some rest!

onandtwo, that makes sense! It's so great to hear when a person truly loves their work :) Beautiful blanket!!!

Becca, hope your daughter starts feeling better soon!

tlh, I hope you start feeling better!

myra, :hugs: I hope he is able to make it till closer to his due date! I will be praying for you and your little man!

Junemomma, oh no!! :hugs: That must've been so scary! I'll be praying for you! I'm glad they've got you on medications to help but I hope the bronchitis goes away as that seems to be the main problem!

Sue, welcome back! I'm glad you had a wonderful trip :D

ProudArmyWife, love your bump!!

MissFox, I love your bump too!! lol

Pitty, welcome! :flower: I bet your little ones will be so close :) How exciting!

As for me, Aisling has been a crazy girl still lol. People are really noticing my bump too. I have my next appointment 4/25 and I have to have my GTT before then. It is done at the hospital near me, I don't have to make an appointment so that is nice. I can't decide if I'm going to do it this Saturday or next though.

Work has been really busy, same with school, so I'm pretty much exhausted at the end of every day. But that's good because I am sleeping better! Little girl likes to wake me up kicking though :haha: I have been eating like a pig lately, moreso than usual, I'm just waiting to see how much I've gained on Monday :p
Myra, hope your little guy stays put!! Working on a blanket or something else would really help pass the time! That is a long time on bed rest but if it keeps your cervix from shortening anymore, that's a good thing!

Sue, glad you had a great trip!!

Love the bump pics!!!! Too cute!!

Breadsticks, good luck on your test when you take it. I think my LO has been waking me up too as I keep waking up in the middle of the night but don't know why. maybe it's the water, maybe it's the baby. LOL!

Well ladies I tell ya, when it rains it pours with stress! Finally getting some things straightened out and my dad tells me last night that my Aunt has stage 4 colon cancer. I had a very hard time with this news last night and today at work. I'm not talking about my business at work as everyone is so nosey and up in my business that it drives me crazy. So the one who is the worst kept asking me today what was wrong and I told her I've got personal stuff going on. So then she starts prodding. Work or home personal stuff? I want to look at her and say PERSONAL STUFF means personal stuff! Doesn't matter! These hormones are totally going to make me end up hitting someone which is not normally my nature! I've not lost anyone in my family since I was 12 and I don't know how to take this news. I'm very close with my Aunt and I don't know what all is going to come or how quickly everything will happen as she just found out 2 days ago why she was so sick. I'm praying they can do chemo and that she'll survive, but the survival rate is only 8-15% and she's in very poor health already.
JJsmom- sorry about your Aunt. Here's a story to give you some hope. When my grandmother was initially diagnosed with cancer, it was also Stage 4. They didn't expect her to have a great outcome or live that much longer, but stubborn runs in the family and she proved them wrong. she had another 5 years & for most of that time continued to maintain a great quality of life. Chemo treatments knocked her out for a day or two, but then she was back to normal. In between chemo sessions, she would travel in and out of the States visiting family. Even her close friends were shocked to find out she had cancer since she looked so healthy.
Dh is driving me crazy because I want to start organizing things and getting things set up and he still thinks its to early! I'm like hello dear it's not that far away and I'm already getting big and uncomfortable I don't want to be waiting till the last me to do things... Grrr men!
You gals are sooo pregnant looking! :D Hopefully taking a bump shot tonight for Week 27. Haven't taken any since week 22. Odd that the shirt I wore all through my bump shots last time doesn't cover the bump anymore so I have to switch it up. My story is that it shrunk. I'm sticking to it! *lol*

Jessa is STILL sick. She was great for 2 days there and then throws up again last night. Called the doc this morning and they said not to be concerned. As long as she's peeing and keeping food down most of the time then we just need to let it run it's course. I've been sleeping in her bed with her, she's SUCH a bed hog! Really all she wants to do is cuddle, but she cuddles you right out of bed!

Have to go choose a new sofa this weekend. :/ grrr We were SO happy with this one. But the recline on the chaise broke and the sofa is discounited so they don't make the piece to fix it anymore. We thought about just accepting it and moving on but then 2 nights ago I noticed it was peeling on one of the normal recliners... right where my father in law took naps EVERY day while he was here.. It's where your head goes, and he has this crazy medication he puts on his head for something. I saw him with a napkin behind his head a couple times but obviously not all the time. So now we have to send the whole thing back. Thankfully we'll be able to get our money back because it's under warranty but still. THAT's the sofa we wanted!!

Welcome Pitty! I can't imagine having two so close! It'll be amazing as they grow up but I think I'd lose my mind while they were both toddlers at the same time. :D

Breadsticks - I think my boy might be telling me he's out of space and I need to stretch some more. Rather than just kicks I'm getting full baby movement. Like he's trying to roll over and get comfortable. Way weird in the middle of the night!

JJsmom - *HUGS*

tlh97990 - I've gained 15lbs so far... but I just know the last trimester is going to be crazy expanding town....

Myra - so glad they caught it early!! At least you can be prepared and do everything you can to get the little one in!

btw - those of you that asked not to have internals or to have fewer. How did you broach it with your doctors? I feel like saying, "well they didn't do it in the UK and I don't see a reason to do it here." but I'm pretty sure that's not the most diplomatic way to start the conversation. Any suggestions?
ProudArmyWife - LOL I have a friend one week behind me on facebook and she posted that they were putting the crib together last night. My reply? "That's great, I can't even get my kitchen clean." hehehe I am going to be sooo unprepared. Or at least that's what it feels like now.

But really, he can't fight your nesting instinct and if he does it will probably just go badly for him, lol so he should just roll with it and let you get started!
ProudArmyWife - LOL I have a friend one week behind me on facebook and she posted that they were putting the crib together last night. My reply? "That's great, I can't even get my kitchen clean." hehehe I am going to be sooo unprepared. Or at least that's what it feels like now.

But really, he can't fight your nesting instinct and if he does it will probably just go badly for him, lol so he should just roll with it and let you get started!

My thing is that we have to clean all of his junk out of the room the will now become babies room and since I would really like to paint it I don't want to wait till I'm even bigger and can't be on my feet as long if that makes sense. Not to mention I need to have a clean space to put things away when I get to it especially clothes! Omg this kid has so many clothes :haha: dh missed the whole nesting thing last time because he was deployed so its all new to him and he doesn't understand why I have such a strong urge to get thins done. All that's going through his mind is she won't be here for another couple months :dohh:

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