~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

T, I know what you mean by less screen time. I find myself trying to figure out something to do and I sit on my computer for a bit and stare then I'm like ok, time to go. Glad you're doing well!!

Miss Bellum, I want to chuckle but at the same time I'm like OH NO!!!

Myra, glad you made it through day 3!!!! One day at a time and hopefully he keeps cooking a bit longer!!
Back with my morning check-in :)

Well, yesterday's initial "couple hours" monitoring turned into an all day affair. Baby was being a bit naughty yesterday...preparing us for eventual toddler life on the outside, I suppose :winkwink:

He kept having occasional decelerations in heart rate (caused by cord compression with the low fluid- when he rolls over, he might be rolling onto his cord and there is no liquid buffer to keep them all floating so it compresses a bit). Nurse said if he kept that up over night, then we would likely be induced in the morning. OH and I started preparing (and freaking out perhaps) that come morning, I'd be in labor. OH went out and got my favorite treats, said I should be able to have whatever I wanted the night before I had to deliver. But then at 6, the doctor said she didn't see enough cause for concern to induce him at 28 weeks. If the decelerations lasted longer or if his heart rate didn't come back up to perfectly normal for the majority of the time, she would feel differently. So up we came off the labor floor and back to our 2nd home in my room on the 8th floor.

Thanks again for thinking about us and sending your thoughts and wishes. Whether your comment on my posts or not, I feel lots of love and support from you all. I don't want to take up all the "emotional" space on our board so I wanted to say that though my situation may be more dramatic, it doesn't diminish the importance of all the day to day challenges and excitements everyone else is facing. This is a momentous time for all of us and I enjoy reading your updates, even if I haven't had the emotional energy to respond much.

While in some moments I still feel angry that this pregnancy isn't going how I'd planned, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to have a preemie and starting to feel blessed that I am given the opportunity to be his mom. As OH reminded me- at 13 weeks we were told I was miscarrying. At that point, I couldn't have imagined ever being lucky enough to be here at 28 weeks.
Myra you're doing so great! He's one wished for little boy & when he arrives whether sooner than you think he'll be a part of you both that relies on you solely.

Save telling the little monkey off for a few months for putting you through some tough times. Tough times build who we are & God only grants the major challenges to those who are strong enough to stand against it and come storming through the problems.

Keep horizontal! Keep rested! Xx
Back with my morning check-in :)

Well, yesterday's initial "couple hours" monitoring turned into an all day affair. Baby was being a bit naughty yesterday...preparing us for eventual toddler life on the outside, I suppose :winkwink:

He kept having occasional decelerations in heart rate (caused by cord compression with the low fluid- when he rolls over, he might be rolling onto his cord and there is no liquid buffer to keep them all floating so it compresses a bit). Nurse said if he kept that up over night, then we would likely be induced in the morning. OH and I started preparing (and freaking out perhaps) that come morning, I'd be in labor. OH went out and got my favorite treats, said I should be able to have whatever I wanted the night before I had to deliver. But then at 6, the doctor said she didn't see enough cause for concern to induce him at 28 weeks. If the decelerations lasted longer or if his heart rate didn't come back up to perfectly normal for the majority of the time, she would feel differently. So up we came off the labor floor and back to our 2nd home in my room on the 8th floor.

Thanks again for thinking about us and sending your thoughts and wishes. Whether your comment on my posts or not, I feel lots of love and support from you all. I don't want to take up all the "emotional" space on our board so I wanted to say that though my situation may be more dramatic, it doesn't diminish the importance of all the day to day challenges and excitements everyone else is facing. This is a momentous time for all of us and I enjoy reading your updates, even if I haven't had the emotional energy to respond much.

While in some moments I still feel angry that this pregnancy isn't going how I'd planned, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to have a preemie and starting to feel blessed that I am given the opportunity to be his mom. As OH reminded me- at 13 weeks we were told I was miscarrying. At that point, I couldn't have imagined ever being lucky enough to be here at 28 weeks.

sounds like you are doing awesome under the cicumstances. I really admire your ability to keep a positive attitude through the whole situation. you have one lucky little boy because you will no doubt make the most amazing mother :flower:

I hope he continues to hold on in your belly i know at this point every day counts but when he does arrive he will be well taken care of im sure :thumbup:
So glad he is still holding on!! I'm thankful you are able to keep us updated. Your body and your little boy are holding on so well! Keep it up momma!

Hope you're able to get your meds quickly!!!

Dd has awful ass! It is so rancid! Her poop is cream colored and so foul smelling. Her burps too! I'm happy she didn't vomit last night as that's usually what happens when she has this issue and is up a ton at night. She probably had almost 3 cups of milk in the middle of the night. And I woke up to a full poo-splosion. Also it is her birthday tomorrow. My baby will be 2!!!
Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to stop in to say I'm so sorry for disappearing. I just found that keeping up with my online life was draining my energy reserves. I love you ladies and the support I've gotten but I found the less screen time I had after work the better for me. So that's where I am with that. Again, my apologies. :blush:

Update on me, I'm still plugging along. 26 weeks today. Everything is going well. We're still not finding out the sex of the baby. Midwife said I'm progressing beautifully.

MIL will be MOVING IN with with us by early autumn at the latest! Which should be interesting... she speaks no English and I speak extremely few words of Ukrainian!:dohh:

Anyway sorry to have fallen off the earth. I ditched B&B completely but you can find me on twitter if you're there @Tsyhanochka

I can't believe how exhausted I've been through this whole thing. Iron is checking out fine so we figure it's just me. So a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Good to hear all is well. Hope you get on OK with your MIL moving in! Best of luck for the future x x

glad to here he's still hanging in there myra!!

i had to go to urgent care today. i woke up this morning with really loud buzzing in my ears. i feel like my head is in a wind tunnel. its only gotten worse throughout the day and my balance is all messed up so i'm tripping more than usual! They said my middle ear is filled with fluid and gave me a script for nasal drops. unfortunately my pharmacy can't get it in until tomorrow evening so i'm stuck being miserable until then. at least im not in pain its just really annoying. and i can't hear anything unless i'm looking directly at where the sound is coming from

Sounds painful, hope it gets better soon:hugs:

Back with my morning check-in :)

Well, yesterday's initial "couple hours" monitoring turned into an all day affair. Baby was being a bit naughty yesterday...preparing us for eventual toddler life on the outside, I suppose :winkwink:

He kept having occasional decelerations in heart rate (caused by cord compression with the low fluid- when he rolls over, he might be rolling onto his cord and there is no liquid buffer to keep them all floating so it compresses a bit). Nurse said if he kept that up over night, then we would likely be induced in the morning. OH and I started preparing (and freaking out perhaps) that come morning, I'd be in labor. OH went out and got my favorite treats, said I should be able to have whatever I wanted the night before I had to deliver. But then at 6, the doctor said she didn't see enough cause for concern to induce him at 28 weeks. If the decelerations lasted longer or if his heart rate didn't come back up to perfectly normal for the majority of the time, she would feel differently. So up we came off the labor floor and back to our 2nd home in my room on the 8th floor.

Thanks again for thinking about us and sending your thoughts and wishes. Whether your comment on my posts or not, I feel lots of love and support from you all. I don't want to take up all the "emotional" space on our board so I wanted to say that though my situation may be more dramatic, it doesn't diminish the importance of all the day to day challenges and excitements everyone else is facing. This is a momentous time for all of us and I enjoy reading your updates, even if I haven't had the emotional energy to respond much.

While in some moments I still feel angry that this pregnancy isn't going how I'd planned, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to have a preemie and starting to feel blessed that I am given the opportunity to be his mom. As OH reminded me- at 13 weeks we were told I was miscarrying. At that point, I couldn't have imagined ever being lucky enough to be here at 28 weeks.

What a great attitude to have, will continue to send positive thoughts your way x x
tlh that sounds nasty, hope you feel better soon

sam, alex has very similar poo!! gross, happy bday to rosie for tomorrow :)

myra, your an amazing lady hun! glad he's still staying put :D

tsy...u gotta do whats best for you, take care :)

afm...4 wks left at work till mat leave now (well annual leave which leads straight onto mat leave)!! which is only actually 9 working days :D
Myra, so glad to hear he's still holding on in there!!! With each day comes another milestone you are getting through! Your little man is definitely a blessing! Thankfully you didn't miscarry him at 13 weeks and for some reason he is deciding he needs to meet his parents early! He must be anxious to see you both!!

I had my 3 hour glucose test today. Should have the results back either tomorrow or Friday. Hoping for good news! I couldn't eat or drink anything while I was there. Stopped by fast food on the way to work as I was in a hurry since the test took so long but when I got to work and clocked in I started eating. After a few bites I started sweating something awful and felt like I was lightheaded and going to pass out. I told my coworkers that my OH is listed in my phone as Hubby in case I happened to pass out. I had my fan on me and my shoes and socks off and I couldn't stop. I kept eating and emailed my mom asking what it would be. She said my sugar levels had plummeted as the sugar drink they gave me wore off at that point and I hadn't eaten anything since the night before. She said keep eating and I'll feel better. Sure enough once I finished my chicken sandwich I was feeling MUCH better! I'm scared that the test will come back positive and that I'll have to go on a special diet and watch everything I eat. I know it won't be bad for me, but my family isn't going to be happy because I won't make 2 separate meals for everyone to eat every night.

Hope everyone is doing well! I think my insomnia is making it's way back to me like I had in the first trimester!
i decided to change my appointment with my new OB to this Friday. My ears aren't getting any better and I don't want to be deaf for 2 more weeks! my hubby is going out of town for a week starting tomorrow morning so its just going to be me and a toddler so hopefully they can help!

i keep checking to see how you are doing myra. i'm glad to hear hes still in your belly!!
Had the one hour glucose test today...yuck! I thought they took a base line blood test? They only free my blood afterwards? I remember before and after with my other kids.
i decided to change my appointment with my new OB to this Friday. My ears aren't getting any better and I don't want to be deaf for 2 more weeks! my hubby is going out of town for a week starting tomorrow morning so its just going to be me and a toddler so hopefully they can help!

i keep checking to see how you are doing myra. i'm glad to hear hes still in your belly!!

If you are into alternative medicine at all, seeing a Chiropractor or Acupuncturist might help a lot. I had a chiro spend 5 minutes on my sinuses when I could barely breathe for weeks on end, and he tapped away with a little device. And the next morning when I took a shower, oh boy... tons of stuff just cleared out. I am so thankful. It was so bad for awhile and painful. But yeah, he told me pregnant women come to him a lot for help with sinus and ear infections and general ailments.
i worked at a chriopractors office before and i had no idea they could help with sinuses and ear infections! i'll have to check that out!!!

regarding the glucose test i think they use the blood they drew early in pregnancy as a baseline. i'm not positive though. with my last pregnancy i didn't get drawn before i took the drink and i think its the same this time because i was given the drink to take at home so i dont have to sit in the office for an hour waiting
Does everyone have the glucose test? I haven't heard anything about having one

I am having bloods at 28 weeks but shouldn't you get invited to the hospital for it?
Panda- I don't know if its standard everywhere but here they do the glucose test sometime after 24 weeks.

Baby had a good night and we're moving on to the start of day 6!
yay myra!

glucose test is done round here at 28wks, but its only the one where you drink a set amount of lucozade then have blood taken an hour later, you just do it whenever convenient as take the drink at home (and have to go buy it yourself!) then rock up to the hospital an hour later and buzz to skip the queue! if you fail that you'll go onto doing the fasting test thingy.

Having our windows replaced today and tomorrow...omg noisy, messy and cold :haha:
Thats prety convenient that they let you do it at home! They watched me finish my drink...and timed me. So odd.

So glad baby is hanging in there myra!!
Yea I didn't get to have the drink at home either. I had to go to the lab to get it and they have me five minutes to drink it and then have to sit there and wait an hour. How much more convenient it would have been to be able to do it at home.
Well I went pram shopping today with my step mum and sister, was very pleased with my self when I managed to assemble the pram. I have even been practising pushing it round the house and drive!! Lol I need to get the base for the car seat. And I need to find a way to fit the pram in the car, it doesn't quite fit in the boot.


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I have my 3-hour glucose test tomorrow morning. How did everyone else's go? I'm nervous about not eating anything for 3 hours and having that much sugar in my system. Hoping my husband will go with me so he can drive me home as I don't think I'll be able to drive home afterward.
I had the two hour test last week. Fasted from 10pm the night before, showed up at 8.30 at the lab, they took blood then watched me drink the drink, then took blood after one hour and then again after another hour. I was starving at the end!! They did have a spot for me to lie down which was nice. I thought I would struggle with that much sugar on an empty stomach but it wasn't too bad.

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