~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

yeah it was a good 10 dollars down the drain..milk is not cheap..this afternoon i was cooking something with milk and almost left it out again luckily i saw it after 10 minutes so it wasnt spoiled yet..i think i just need to stay out of the fridge until july!

The fridge/freezer and the oven seem to be what mess me up the most. Finding some really strange things in the fridge these days!
how's everyone doing on their baby purchases?? i just made my first purchase for this baby. I just ordered a swing that plugs in. My daughter had a cradle swing that only worked with batteries and she lived in it some days but we spent so much money on batteries for it i decided i wanted one to plug in for this baby. i found one i liked that is orignally $170 and today it was randomly on sale for $100 so i had to get it!!! Thats cheaper than we spent for the used one we got for DD!!
Hopefully posting will resubscribe me! Hit the wrong button on my phone and unsubscribed... not been getting updates for a couple days!

Local baby store is having a closing down sale... I got yetitoy complete with ears and a saddle for $25. A shiny new Beco Gemini for $70! an Ubbi diaper pail for $40 and few other bits and bobs. Very exciting. LOL. I also bought some of their shelving for $10 to put up in the garage. Much more tidy out there now.

I can really tell when I've forgotten the zantac as almost 24 hours exactly after I've taken it the heartburn starts back! It's nice not having to swig the maalox anymore but I can't say my belly is any better. Iron seems to be happy the opposite to normal effect.

Seeing the hematologist monday afternoon. Still super freaked. I've always been against a c-section but now if they decide to do it, it would have to be under general and I wouldn't get to meet my baby for at least 3 hours. :( Hubby has strict orders not to let the baby out of his sight and I'll be putting it in my birth plan!

I think we've finally made the decision to not circumcise. We're both very happy but I am slightly worried about the reaction from the doctors. As my OB has already told us the AAP recommends it. I just COULD NOT find a good enough reason to do it.

Hope you guys are all progressing well! I'll go and read back a bit later. :)

Fingers crossed for your hematologist appointment. Hopefully you can get away without the section, but I'm sure everything will be fine if it happens. Sound like your hubby will do a great job at keeping an eye on baby until you two get to meet :)

Don't worry about doctor's reaction to circumcision. It's one of those topics that everyone seems to have a strong opinion on (which makes sense since it's a really big deal). We aren't circ'ing either. The supposed health benefits are way too small, and mostly involve my son's future sex life which hopefully we will educate him to make good choices for. There are lots of risks too. My hubby is intact, and I think it's really unnatural to circ. I think it's my son's choice if he wants to be circ'ed, and I couldn't stand to put him through any amount of pain. Just make sure you, hubby, your pediatrician, and any caregivers are aware of proper care (ie never retracting the foreskin until your son does it on his own terms, in which case he will probably be old enough to wash himself).

I don't mean to impose on any other moms at all, since I know this is a touchy subject. And I definitely don't want to start an argument... :flower: but if you're having a son you should really research both sides to the circumcision decision. It's a really unpleasant experience and the benefits are so little compared to the pros of having a foreskin. Hopefully I'm not overstepping my boundaries! :hugs: I've just learned a lot researching my own decision, and feel like I'm become somewhat of an activist over the issue.
The hospital where I go doesn't even do circumcisions but if a parent wants to have their son done they have a list of reputable clinics/doctors who will do it for you. DH and I have discussed it and still haven't come to a firm decision but are leaning towards getting it. At least looking into it further. We may both change our minds yet :p You are right though there are many opinions out there and it is really a hard decision and not one we are planning to make lightly.
About to put on a turkey roast for tonights dinner. DD was a cyclone menace today and finally passed out around 3pm which is really LATE for her to be napping! I think we are going to really feel it later tonight when she is bursting with energy and we are all ready for bed lol
Hi everyone :flower: !

Well I took my mum for her surprise 4D scan yesterday of her beautiful Granddaughter! I'm just in awe at how much I love this little person already! She definitely a baby girl, saw those bits in 4D :haha: here she is, my beautiful Millie:




She was quite sleepy.....so sonographer tried to wake her up by jiggling her and poking her and she was NOT impressed.....look at this grump face!!!


aww sue what gorgeous pictures. She's so cute!

tlh - baby purchases. So far we have about 5 vests, maybe 3 sleepsuits, 1 cardigan, 1 hat, 1 pack of size 2 nappies, 2 packs of size 3 nappies, 3 packs of baby wipes, a changing mat, a travel system, a moses basket and stand, a baby swing, a rocker/bouncer, and a baby bath.
Also we have a couple of tiny (sample size) tubes of nappy rash cream, 1 sample size bottle of baby bath, and 2 tiny stuffed toys (a polar bear, and a cow).

For me I've got about 2 packets of breastpads, and a couple of packets of maternity sanitary towels, and 1 pack of disposable knickers,

And we still have several baby blankets leftover from the other three kids up in the attic, and a travel cot.

Still to buy : some more clothes, moses basket sheets, nappy bags, more breastpads and maternity sanitary towels, and nursing bras.

In terms of circumcision, it's not commonplace in the UK. My husband and my 2 boys are not circed, and if this one is a boy he will not be circed either. I can't see the point of putting a baby through the pain tbh - none of my family have any problems with being uncirced.
we have more than enough clothes thankfully since this surprise pregnancy came really quick and we still have all DD's clothes

those of you in the U.S. have you seen the story about that Dr Kermitt Gosnel or something like that. He was the doctor performing late abortions and killing babies that were born alive during abortions gone wrong? everytime i see stories on this man i cry. i dont know if its because im extra hormonal but it makes me sick that there are people out there doing that to babies and worst of all there are mothers that allow it!!! (sorry i know abortion is a touchy subject)
Deep cleaning day to prepare for my little miss Emma!!! :) hope everyone else is having a good weekend!
Sue, what amazing pics! she's gorgeous :)

we're similar on lack of baby buying things, but I intend to re-use most things from DS. I managed to get a cute gender neutral outfit the other day but otherwise this baby will be in DS's clothes until we find out boy/girl, mainly cos you just can't buy much that isn't pink or blue!

I've got the cleaning bug too, accept can't finish baby's room (so frustrating!!) cos we've got new carpets on order, so instead me and DH finally unpacked our garage from moving and its sooo neat and tidy now :rofl:, never in my life have I had such an organised garage!!
I've bought everything now! Had to start from scratch obviously :D

Cot went up yesterday, with all her bedding in. It's soooo beautiful, I keep having a nosey at it.

Only thing outstanding now is her little baby bath! Then we're set! :D
we have more than enough clothes thankfully since this surprise pregnancy came really quick and we still have all DD's clothes

those of you in the U.S. have you seen the story about that Dr Kermitt Gosnel or something like that. He was the doctor performing late abortions and killing babies that were born alive during abortions gone wrong? everytime i see stories on this man i cry. i dont know if its because im extra hormonal but it makes me sick that there are people out there doing that to babies and worst of all there are mothers that allow it!!! (sorry i know abortion is a touchy subject)

Every time I see the story it enrages me. Someone should do to him what he did to all those innocent babies!

Sue beautiful scan pics :)

To the ladies talking about circumsion I think that was my biggest fear if baby was a boy was having to make that decision! Thankfully I'm blessed with a second little girl and haven't had to make that hard choice. I think I'm more a girls mom anyways I'm not 100%sure I'd know what to so with a boy :haha:

As for me just having a relaxing day with my dd. I finished baby's room and putting all of her things away a couple days ago which makes me feel 100x more relaxed and ready :) still have to pack out bags for the hospital but probably won't actually get around to that for a couple more week. Can't believe I'm basically 32 weeks already! It's def creeping up quickly. I was thinking about it yesterday and the thought hit me that really I could have a baby by the end of next month!
haven't been on in forever!

love the sono pictures-cant remember who posted them but that grumpy 4d image is SO cute!

as far as.circ'ing i wouldn't be too worried about the doctor, i let my husband know my stance but left the decision up to him. all three of our boys are cut and the two doctors that did the procecures, discouraged it, explained why its not necessary etc. i didn't know doctors were even trying to encourage it anymore??

my husband is now wanting baby girl to be born fathers day LOL. hes been gone just over a month, things are going quite smoothly, my youngest turned two yesterday and fully potty trained a bit ago!!

I've got everything for baby, bought the last of her diapers, and just ordered 16 custom bows that i cam attach to headbands...i will,post pictures of them when they arrive :) I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow, so excited
to be done...based off previous pregnancies i only have between 5 and 7 weeks left!! so crazy.
Oneandtwo do you have any potty training tips? I've been trying to start with dd but she is a stubborn little thing :dohh:
Oneandtwo do you have any potty training tips? I've been trying to start with dd but she is a stubborn little thing :dohh:

ive done the same thing with all three, my two year ols took the longest, about a month.

we take them to the atore and let them pick big kid underwear and explain to them that they need to keep them dry and fo potty in the toilet now. then we dont ever use diapers again, the first couple days they pretty much pee on themselves all day. I take them to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes, tell them lets go potty! and have them sit there for a bit and see if they go (keeping them over hydrated really helps cause they pretty much pee consta/tly) wgen theg actually go i label the go (poop/pee) "yay you went pee/poop what a big kid!!" get all excited and clap for them give them five, then they get to flush the toilet! we also give rewards. with my most recent he got gummy bears, my older two got m&ms. one treat for pee two for poop. i taught my youngest the aigns potty, flush, all done, and clean and that helped a lot as he is not very verbal.

after a couple days you will stadt picking up on signs them grabbing themselves or dancing, gotta catch it and go "your body is telling you to go ptry,, lets go!" and take them. when theg do have an accident i never scolded them, jist said oops! we need to go potty in the toilet, lets go to the ptty and then change your clothes. after they sit on the toilet a bit, i have them bring their soiled clothes to the laundry and help them put clean clothes on.

my first son was finished within a week, he was very ready and just stubborn/lazy as soon as he was held accountable for his messes (ie. i made him clean up his pee off the floor, and put his own clothes on) he immediately started telling me! my second son trained in a matter of days.

gotta stay ultra positive and watch them like hawks to watch their cues and help them recognize when they need to go. hope that helps!! and sorry for the typos im sure there are buckets of them!
oh and you'll need LOTS of underwear! 2-3packs minimum at the beginning
oneandtwo, thanks hun! think we're going to wait until after baby is born for my DS, but interesting to hear stories of how it can be done! We just bought a toilet trainer seat and he LOVES it, hasn't actually pee/poo'ed yet but keeps wanting his trousers and nappy off to sit on it! first bit of interest he's actually shown :D
oneandtwo, thanks hun! think we're going to wait until after baby is born for my DS, but interesting to hear stories of how it can be done! We just bought a toilet trainer seat and he LOVES it, hasn't actually pee/poo'ed yet but keeps wanting his trousers and nappy off to sit on it! first bit of interest he's actually shown :D

i was going back and forth between waiting or not, my son was similar he showed.interest in the potty seat, plus he was wanting his diaper changed as soon as it was soiled so i knew it was time. but i wanted him out of our bed too, lol. well getting him out of bed was proving too tiring for me with being pregnant and getting in and out of bed that much so decided to potry train instead, he was doing pretty good with his toddler bed, very well actually but he needed to lay with me in it for a while til he was ready to sleep, so the bending was too much! he'll go in his bed when i have the energy and no belly :)
Thank you! That helps a lot. We went and picked out big girl panties but I only got a pack of 10 guess I should go back and get some more :haha:

What do you put on them for bed time? Pull ups?
My husband is circ'ed but chose not to for this baby. I let him know my opinions gently but told him I'd let him make the final decision. After he made his decision not to I was a lot more vocal and he was surprised, but it's all good. I always thought it was just the done thing but then I lived in Britain for 10 years and learned that it's not! LOL Would definitely have been easier having a second girl! I definitely feel like a girls mom too... but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Not like a really have a choice! *laughs*

Haven't bought the co-sleeper or the diaper bag yet, but I think we're having a baby shower in June so I was trying to leave a few things for other people to get for us if they like.

9 weeks left.. (or more like 11 if he's late like Jessa) can hardly believe it.

Got the stupid nesting bug... :( which is annoying because I'm not a tidy person nor good at cleaning! :D Scrubbed the inside of the fridge top to bottom today. Hubby was confused... specially since the kitchen itself was a mess but I chose to clean the inside of the fridge. lol that's what nesting does to me... the strange desires... like to organize our closet... bizarre.

POTTY TRAINING - we left a potty seat IN the living room and one in her room so she never had to leave the excitement of what was going on (which I hear is a big reason for accidents) We never pressured her at all, used a homemade sticker chart with categories for almost everything. Told us she had to go, going pee, pooping, going to the potty on her own etc etc. I can go look it out if you're interested. We went pants free in the house A LOT! Then slowly added in panties. LOTS and LOTS of praise. Whenever she sat on the potty and didn't go immediately, one of us would sit next to her and read potty books to her... sometimes this would last for ages especially before bed! We also let her choose her own panties at the store and made a big deal about them. It didn't take us very long at all and she's been dry all night ever since as well. If you have any questions feel free to ask, but really we waited till she showed interest (which was just about her second birthday) and followed her lead.
Thank you! That helps a lot. We went and picked out big girl panties but I only got a pack of 10 guess I should go back and get some more :haha:

What do you put on them for bed time? Pull ups?

Some people are against pullups because they say they confuse them, but we used them. Mostly because taking off a diaper after she went to bed 3 times and putting it back on was driving me crazy. Whenever she said she needed to get up to pee we always let her even if we KNEW it was going to be a false alarm. We didn't want to discourage her and obviously it would be just our luck to tell her no the one time she really needed to go. Patience really is key!!

10 might be okay depending on how often you do laundry. :D

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