~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Thank you! That helps a lot. We went and picked out big girl panties but I only got a pack of 10 guess I should go back and get some more :haha:

What do you put on them for bed time? Pull ups?

underwear :) part of one of a requirement for my kiddos to be potty.trained is staying dry at night, or usually dry. he wakes me if he needs to use the bathroom!

and ya i think we have about 20 pair of underwear, we do not go through that mich now but in the beginning it was a lot!
i think we're kind.of different from.what ive talked.to with other mothers, bcause we always even.from.newborn age make them aware of their functions. when changing diapers talking about the poop and pee, allowing them.in.the bathroom with us, or with their siblings so its not this huge new thing all the sudden, by the time we transition to training they are well aware of what a potty is for and how to use it. we pretty mich encourage/feed the curiosity of the bathroom as the get older
i think we're kind.of different from.what ive talked.to with other mothers, bcause we always even.from.newborn age make them aware of their functions. when changing diapers talking about the poop and pee, allowing them.in.the bathroom with us, or with their siblings so its not this huge new thing all the sudden, by the time we transition to training they are well aware of what a potty is for and how to use it.

Same with us. She had a tiny potty of her own before she could walk properly. LOL We just went with the flow, followed her lead. Let her see us in the bathroom etc. Just do what feels naturally, don't stress and it'll happen!
Oh wow! That's amazing that they are so aware. She follows me in the bathroom and I talk to her about it and tell her she has to tell mommy but she's just not into it. She prefers to play with the toilet paper :dohh: she has a potty chair of her own but wasn't interested so we got her the seat that just sits on the toilet and she will sit on it but she's more interested in me giving her a piece of toilet paper to "wipe" than anything else. :shrug:
thats still showing an interest! she may jist not be quite ready, or just needs a little.push to get her going :) momma knows best.so if you think she's ready it wont hurt to try it out!
we never did a potty chair, only a seat on the toilet. my youngest only used it for a couple weeks and now prefers to sit on the toilet as is
my daughter is 18 months and shes been showing interest but i dont think shes completely ready yet. she'll grab herself and run to the bathroom where her potty chair is but its always immediately after she goes in her diaper. i just tell her to let me know a little bit sooner next time and we can go in the potty. i still let her sit on it for a little bit afterwards so she'll hopefully make the connection but i know shes still young so i dont want to push it too hard yet
Our 21 mth old use to pee/poop on the potty from about 8mths old and I found it much easier but has become lazy and or stubborn about using the potty now. She prefers to watch myself and DH on the big toilet so we got her a insert for the big toilet but she tends to just want to play with the paper and use the flush rather than pee or poop. If I get her to sit on it just after her nap she will usually go I think cause she is too tired still to act up. Every kid is different some are quicker at toileting than others. It is sometimes easier for them to realize they got to go in a cloth nappy or those toweling trainer pants cause they can feel the wetness.
Hi all :wave:

I've been silently following the fun - I can't believe Conner was born, wow, that is incredible! :thumbup: And Sue, your baby Millie is a little dream :baby: I am SO excited and impatient to meet my baby... I wish s/he was all baked and ready to come out now!

We just bought the car seat - crazy - it's so big, but we got a 3-in-1. We use our car so rarely (living on a small island). I got a bunch of diapers and used clothes, pretty much all free. My in-laws bought us a stroller, which was so nice of them! We need to still buy either a bassinet or a hammock, still haven't decided where we want baby to sleep so not sure. And I want to buy an Ergo too.

Re - circumcision, we don't know baby's sex yet, but I really don't want to circumcise if we have a boy - unfortunately, DH isn't convinced. We know of several cases where boys and men had to get circumcised due to infections and health reasons, so he always goes to that, but in reality that is not the norm. We just (unfortunately) know a bunch of cases :wacko: But I'm not getting much support, and it's a touchy subject. All the men on his side and my side are cut so I've got a bit of a battle. I'm just gathering information and will broach the topic again :coffee:

I'm 31w today and feeling like a large-o. It just got SUPER warm and beautiful here in BC and so got some sun on the bump.

On another note - let me know if any of you have/have had this: I normally wake up at 2:40am and pee and baby gets busy and lay there for 1.5hrs then go back to sleep. But the last two mornings I have woken up at 1:30am and been SO worried about my baby. Initially it was because I didn't feel baby moving, but then at 2:40 started moving again and so that's not it. Movements during the day seem normal and I don't feel worried. But this morning I couldn't not get back to sleep and eventually started crying! This is not me, I haven't been a worrier at all this pregnancy. So I got up, had some food and tea and went outside and watched the sunrise (this is at 5:30am) then at 7 I went back to bed for 2hrs.
Soooo, is this normal pregnancy hormones and worries or should I be doing something about it? It's just a feeling that something is wrong with bubs, but not justified in anything. We'll see how tonight goes. If I wake up concerned again I might be making a call to Sully (my doc).
On the Discussion of circumcision, we chose not to circumcise our son (he will be 4 this month). I researched it online as I tend to do for every medical decision Im making Lol, and I didn't find a medical reason to do it. It's an unnecessary procedure. The fact that it may cause infection and problems later in life wasn't enough of a reason to do that. Most of the reasons I found that caused the infections etc were because the individual wasn't keeping it clean. If DS decides to do it on his own later in life then I'm leaving that decision to him.

With potty training, we slowly introduced it to him. I wanted to take a much more relaxed approach with him because I was much more aggressive with DD9 when she was the same age and she was deterred from it. We just introduced a potty chair in the bathroom and let him explore it when he was close to two years old. I let him decide when he was ready. When he started showing interest in wearing underwear, I took h shopping to pick out his own. I tried to involve him as much as possible. Anyway, taking a relaxed approach and involving him as much as I could seemed to work. He'll be four on the 19th and is fully potty trained during the day. He does still wear pull ups at night because he doesn't always wake up dry. Some nights he sleeps so heavy he doesn't wake up to pee. But he's starting to get to wear he has more dry nights than wet. He's so proud of himself when he wakes up dry. We always made a big deal about him doing well and he's always loved it but we never scolded him for an accident as that doesnt encourage him to do well. Making him feel bad for an accident would only deter him from trying because he wouldn't want to disappoint us. So we avoided that approach.
During my first pregnancy I never had "regular movements" where i could determine what time of day she would move. i think they say you are supposed to feel 10 kicks in 2 hours or something like that if you are laying still. if you are stressed about movements it never hurts to call the dr just to ease your mind!
I agree ^^ my LO doesn't seem to have a regular schedule either. She tends to move a lot all day long but is pretty quiet at night however if I wake worried about her all I really gotta do is poke her and she'll give me a good kick/roll :haha:

If you are worried though it never hurts to call that's what doctors and medical personnel are there for :flower:

And thanks to all the ladies for their potty training advice and experience :thumbup: I'm hoping we can get it going with dd soon but I don't think I'm going to push it to hard.
Wow, what a weekend! Sorry, this will be sorta long :wacko:

Friday afternoon I decided to rest up a bit, so I went upstairs to cuddle with the pets and watch some Netflix. I dozed off and woke up to the smell of paint thinner. I was home alone and we live in a townhome so I was pretty confused...but I did know that our neighbors had just moved out and maintenance was ripping out carpets and fixing up the place.

Anyway, I went downstairs because I was convinced they MUST have gone into the wrong townhome lol, I mean it really smelled that strongly upstairs. Downstairs was wayyyy worse. It literally smelled like someone dumped a minimum of ten gallons of paint thinner in our living room. Having asthma, of course I started wheezing and nearly threw up from the smell.

I went upstairs into Aisling's room, her room does not have a shared wall with our neighbors so it didn't smell as bad. I brought the cats up with me and opened a window and called my husband. He was at work and thankfully his boss let him leave right away (he only had about an hour left anyway) because I was feeling very woozy and sick and just couldn't think straight. When he got home he set up fans everywhere, opened all the windows, etc, and called our leasing office.

They ended up sending out maintenance but since there was nothing they could really do they put us up in one of their furnished apartments on site. It was nice but I am not used to having people above us so the noise kept me up all weekend and I got less than four hours of sleep Friday and Saturday night.

Yesterday the fumes were finally completely gone so we were able to come home :) We spent a majority of the day cleaning since that was the plan for Saturday. We are leaving for vacation tomorrow so we are behind on packing from being basically banished from our home most of the weekend. But I'll get the packing done today while he is at work so we can relax tonight.

I am just so exhausted and it was such a hassle right before leaving for vacation to have to pack on the fly to get out of the fumes. My husband was amazing through it all, kept his cool like usual and just made the best of a crappy situation.

I'm so excited vacation starts tomorrow! I know we will have so much fun :happydance: But I will miss my furbabies. My friend will be coming by several times a day to check in on them, feed them, etc. They love her so I know they will be well taken care of.

I can't wait till Friday also, we'll be having our 3D/4D ultrasound! :happydance:
i just got home from the hospital.. i was having nausea and diarrhea and sharp pains in my stomach..apparently i just have some bug thats going around so i got 2 bags of IV fluids..however the pain in my stomach is caused from my ligaments stretching too far on one side. i've been put on modified bedrest. basically i have to stay off my feet as much as possible and take it easy..luckily i'm not on my feet hardly at all at work so i can keep going to work for now. i don't qualify for benefits until July 1st so i'm hoping to make it until then at least without going on strict bedrest or into labor or anything..8 more weeks of work though!!!!
:hugs: tlh, thankful you don't have a strenuous job at least! fx'ed you make it until july 1st!

breadsticks that sounds horrid. Have a lovely holiday!

I'd say anyone worried about LO should call, better a wasted call than miss something that could have been picked up/prevented!

i'm soooo tired tonight. I kinda stupidly had some bd last night and so was up late and then DH just rolled over and ignored alex this morning when he woke up. I was soooo mad! He's normally pretty good but totally failed this morning! then Alex was driving me nuts being all whingy etc while I was trying to shower, so I sent him out the bathroom. Well, when I opened the shower, the door clean fell off its hinges, crashed over and split the solid wood toilet seat in half :shock:...thank god I was in a mood with Alex...he'd have prob been within its fall if I'd let him stay!
Sorry about your illness Th...I hope you feel better soon! Carol omg how frightful! I did that with the oven door the other day and the whole outer edge popped off...I was freaking out but thankful that Libby wasn't anywhere in the kitchen at the time. I told our real estate agent about it and have heard nothing back about repairs. It bothers me as we pay rent on time and it isn't fair that we have stuff falling apart. DH is home today so maybe he can have a word with them as they sure haven't listened to me. Maybe from a man it will come to some resolve?
DD has been pestering me all morning about doing "painting" I really don't have the energy! My buttocks feels so much pressure lately even with my support belt.
Sorry if TMI, but has anyone else started having a lot of bowel movements? Like I'm going a lot and I'm just like, how is there THAT much in there?
Hey everyone, I've not posted much recently but I've been trying to keep up to date.
Can't believe I'm 31 weeks, never thought I'd get this far at all! Had appointment with midwife today and she is pleased with him. He is head down now not side on like last time. My iron is ok but a little on low side, she said to eat iron rich foods. Any suggestions?
Sorry if TMI, but has anyone else started having a lot of bowel movements? Like I'm going a lot and I'm just like, how is there THAT much in there?

me! i am usually not one that goes very often especially towards the end of pregnancy but i have been going quite a bit here in the last week. I actually woke up in the middle of the night last night because I had to go :dohh:
Talk about freaking me out though cause thats how my labor with DD started!

Hey everyone, I've not posted much recently but I've been trying to keep up to date.
Can't believe I'm 31 weeks, never thought I'd get this far at all! Had appointment with midwife today and she is pleased with him. He is head down now not side on like last time. My iron is ok but a little on low side, she said to eat iron rich foods. Any suggestions?

red meats such as hamburger, steak etc are very iron rich and green vegetables (prefeably not canned)
Hi everyone, hope everyone's doing well.

Had my 31 week check up date - everything was fine which is good. Always good to hear the hb. Also gave me a good excuse to get out of work early and have a non-alcoholic drink in a beer garden with Anon.

Breadsticks - What an awful way to start your vacation! Hope all fumes have gone & you have a great vacation x x

tlh97990 - Hope you feel better soon x

caro103 - close call! Glad Alex was OK. Hope you are feeling less tired today.

Libbysmum - Hope you get the oven door sorted soon.

alannadee - Good to hear all was well at your appointment. I think green leafy vegetables are supposed to be good for iron?

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